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Manual 04/2014


Kinematic Element Analysis (KEA) and Embankment-

Stability Verification due to Krey-Bishop / DIN 4084

Program for the analysis of slope stability, earth pressure,

soil nailings and bearing capacity by means of the KEA
 FIDES-GeoStability

Copyright © Euringer / Fides DV-Partner GmbH

This manual is protected by copyright laws, all rights are reserved. Nobody is allowed to make illegal
copies, translations nor changes of any part of the manual in any kind without having a written permission
of Euringer and FIDES DV-Partner GmbH. Euringer and FIDES DV-Partner GmbH also holds the right to
revise or change the contents of this manual at any time.
Euringer and FIDES DV-Partner GmbH makes the insurance that this manual is created and edited using
the best knowledge and conscience, but does not take over any guarantee that the manual and program is
bug free. Mistakes or inadequacies will be removed right after coming out. The responsibility of the
applications of the users remains on the side of the user. He is advised to make spot checks in order to
ensure the correctness of his analyses.
Abstract ............................................................................................................................ 5
Content of this manual..........................................................................................................5
Key Features of FIDES-GeoStability ....................................................................................5
Operating Instructions .................................................................................................... 7
The necessary steps at a glance... .......................................................................................7
Input Objects ........................................................................................................................9
Editing Objects ................................................................................................................... 11
Calculation ......................................................................................................................... 11
Results ............................................................................................................................... 12
Menu Items ..................................................................................................................... 15
File ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Edit ..................................................................................................................................... 21
View ................................................................................................................................... 22
Settings .............................................................................................................................. 28
Create ................................................................................................................................ 35
Construction Stage ............................................................................................................. 54
Annotation working on kinematic elements ......................................................................... 56
KEA .................................................................................................................................... 61
Calculation ......................................................................................................................... 78
Window .............................................................................................................................. 87
? ......................................................................................................................................... 88
Concept of verification .................................................................................................. 90
DIN 1054:2005 ................................................................................................................... 90
Eurocode 7 ......................................................................................................................... 91
Formulating the Kinematic Element Analysis ............................................................. 97
General remarks to the KE-Analysis ................................................................................... 97
Mechanical model .............................................................................................................. 98
Application examples for KEA .................................................................................... 115
Stability of slopes ............................................................................................................. 115
Stability of a Sheeting Wall ............................................................................................... 117
Bearing Capacity Safety below a Foundation ................................................................... 118
Calculation Example: Active Earth Pressure ..................................................................... 119
Supporting Structure Reinforced with Geotextiles ............................................................. 120
Nailed slope ..................................................................................................................... 134
Slip Circle Analyzing ................................................................................................... 147
Description of the analyzing.............................................................................................. 147
Program implementation .................................................................................................. 148
How do Nails interact with a Slipcircle? ............................................................................ 149
Earth Pressure Calculation ......................................................................................... 151

3 Contents
 FIDES-GeoStability

Description of the analyzing ............................................................................................. 151

Active earth pressure ....................................................................................................... 151
Earth pressure at rest ....................................................................................................... 156
Passive Earth Pressure .................................................................................................... 156
Output of Results ......................................................................................................... 174
Printing from the Application ............................................................................................. 174
Export to ASCII or RTF-files ............................................................................................. 174
Literature ...................................................................................................................... 175
Literature directory ........................................................................................................... 175
Index.............................................................................................................................. 177

Contents 4

Content of this manual

This manual is the description of the program FIDES-GeoStability, an
interactive and object-oriented program for Microsoft Windows.
The complete manual is integrated in the context sensitive online help, you
can execute it at any time with the F1-Key.
The manual can roughly be divided into two parts:
1) Explanation of the user interface (chapter menu items) and
2) Description and theory of the different calculation methods (Chapter
calculation method).
For a quick start read the chapter "Key Features of " and after that the
chapter "The necessary steps at a glance...".

Key Features of FIDES-GeoStability

With FIDES-GeoStability you can model and analyze general failure
mechanisms that geotechnical problems commonly consist of. E.g. slope
stability, the computation of anchor lengths, bearing capacity verification
and other purposes. The Kinematic Element Analysis in the following short
as KEA is a general form of the so called 'block slide method'.
The result of the calculation is depending on the conceptual formulation a
stability safety (e.g. analogous to the definition of Fellenius) or a resulting
active or passive earth pressure force. The KEA should always be applied
if the situation is not to be modeled with the common approximations (as
e.g. earth pressure determination due to DIN 4085, slope stability / bearing
capacity / slip circle due to DIN 4084, bearing capacity due to DIN 4017, …
). Basically it will be required where concentrated loads, geometric
restrains, slip layers or similar problems will not allow the use of simpler
methods for safety calculations. These are giving wrong results under the
described circumstances, for they miss geometric degrees in freedom and
thus obviously tend to be insecure.
The advantage of the implemented general formulations in this program is
that even such simplifications are not necessary any longer. With a
concise, fully graphic-interactive GUI you can input the system. The used
menu items are kept very similar to other standard-windows programs, so
you'll get familiar with the program quickly.
The amount of loads, construction stages, polygonal limited soil layers,
simultaneous open documents, views of documents, construction

5 Abstract
 FIDES-GeoStability

elements, piles, anchors, nails, etc. is not limited. KEA is a newly

developed program with an integrated calculation kernel. The program is
built up completely object-oriented. If you have change requests or certain
questions about the program, please feel free to contact FIDES.
FIDES-GeoStability contains the complete functionality of the programs
FIDES-SlipCircle and FIDES-EarthPressure for free. With the FIDES-
SlipCircle part you can estimate single failure geometries, and/or
accomplish KEA-comparison calculations.
The methods of the earth pressure program admits you the simple
calculation of earth pressures for arbitrary system- / wall- / slope

Abstract 6
Operating Instructions

The necessary steps at a glance...

Start FIDES-GeoStability, a new empty document will be created:

FIDES-GeoStability after the start with a new empty document

In the dialog Settings / Project info you can input your company name and a
firm logo. This setting you must do only once and it will be saved
permanently in the registry database, so that it is available in every new
project immediately. In this dialog you also can input header lines e.g.
project specific information like building name, building element, block nr
etc., afterwards this information will appear in the result print-out.

7 Operating Instructions
 FIDES-GeoStability

Dialog Project information for the printout

With the menu item View / Display / Fonts you can select a font suitable for
your screen resolution.

Dialog Font selection

Scale means, that the font size is getting changed during your zoom
operations. Once having defined these settings they will be kept
permanently in the registry.
With the menu item View / Coordinate origin / define the coordinate cross
will be moved. This can be helpful, if the terrain surface lies on a level not
equal to 0, e.g. at 550m above NN.

Dialog coordinate origin define

Operating Instructions 8
Now move the coordinate cross with the menu item View / Coordinate origin
/ move to a proper position where it is appropriate for you.

Coordinate origin move

With the menu item View / Zoom,Scale / full screen all visible objects will be
painted in the main view, the coordinate cross as well.
For the often used menu items (like „Full screen “) you will find
corresponding icons in the toolbar (like ). If you move your mouse
pointer around the toolbar, you will get short tool tips, that explain the
corresponding function (here: Full screen F9) and also in the status bar at
the lower window border (‘Full screen‘).

Input Objects
Now input a first soil layer: menu item: Create / Soil layers / Create new soil
layer resp. Icon . Please also pay attention to the text in the status-bar:
" Give points with left mouse-clicks in increasing x-order. Finish with right
mouse-click. or: press any key ".
If you want to input the coordinates of the soil layer delimiter in a dialog,
simply press an arbitrary key on your keyboard, otherwise click the points
with the left mouse button. Finish the input with the right mouse button.

9 Operating Instructions
 FIDES-GeoStability

Input soil layers with your mouse

In the following earth layer dialog you input the layer parameters or select
standard values from the delivered extendable data base.
You can switch the layer legend (layer description) on/off with the menu
item View / Display / Layer description / Show.

Status bar and layer legend

Additional layers can be defined the same way. The polygons will be
intersected automatically. By default the program expects the input of
another layer, without having to select the menu item: Construct/Layer
(resp. icon ) again. This behavior can be switched with the menu item
View/Stop input action at end.
You can cancel any input-action (e.g. input of layer) at any time with the
ESC-Key. You can undo every input action at every time with the key
combination Ctrl+Z (resp. Icon ). Action that are undone with undo, you
can redo at every time with the key combination Ctrl+R (resp. Icon ).
You will find more 'construction objects' as: ground water line, wall, etc. in
the menu Create.

Operating Instructions 10
Editing Objects
For editing the objects later on every construction element and all visible
objects like e.g. an earth layer a load or an anchor you can select again
afterwards. For selecting objects and to show the related dialog there are 3
1) Double click with the mouse button on the object
2) Single click with the left mouse button, the object will be painted in
noticeable yellow color. Now press the right mouse button and you will
get a menu. Select the menu item edit.

3) With the System-explorer (menu item View / System-explorer (Icon

or key F7). With it you can select the objects, edit or delete it. With the
right mouse button click on an entry in the tree and select edit.

Dialog System-Explorer

If objects get to lay on each other, overlap hide and disguise one another,
so you can switch them on/off with the mouse. For that see menu item View
/ Toggle viszualisation of drawing objects dialog Show/hide objects.
With simple CAD-functions you can change your view for your needs:

: set scale
: display full screen
: drag zoom window
: snap modus on-/ off
: grid and snap modus settings

After input of all necessary data of all necessary analytic construction
stages the calculation can be started.

11 Operating Instructions
 FIDES-GeoStability

According to the calculation purpose there are different buttons in FIDES-

GeoStability e.g.:.

4) Kinematik + Statik

5) calculate the stability safety due to Fellenius

6) Optimising the stability safety due to Fellenius

Slip circle calculation:

7) slip circle automatic + optimise

8) slip circle proof. + anchor-/ nail enlargement

Embankment nailing:

9) nail wall calculation

In most cases during the calculation you can watch the iteration process
running, e.g. when the slip circle calculation is on (automatic+optimise)


Results within the Graphical User Interface

Depending on the selection in the dialog Diagram the most important
calculation results will be painted directly in the user interface.

Showing the numeric results and internal forces as diagrams

Operating Instructions 12
Switching the Visibility of Diagrams
The presentation of the results in the graphical user interface can be
switched with the menu item "View / Display / Diagram":

Dialog Diagram

13 Operating Instructions
 FIDES-GeoStability

Operating Instructions 14
Menu Items

FIDES-GeoStability is capable of 'multi-documents': so you can keep open
several documents at the same time. The menu item 'File' contains all
actions you can apply on the document.
The standard-extension for FIDES-GeoStability-documents is *.wke.
Hint: All programs of the FIDES-geotechnical series have the same file
format! That means you can e.g. load a FIDES-GeoStability-file in the
program WALLS-FEA and vice versa.
The menu items „New“, „Open“, „Close“, „Save“, „Save As…“ will not be
explained here, because Windows basic knowledge must be assumed and
must be provided by the user.

Open with another FIDES-Program

Here you can open the currently opened project with any other FIDES
program installed on your system and edit it for further processing. The
basic functionality is the xml-im-/export. It is not dependent from a certain
program version or document version.

Dialog “Open with FIDES Program ”

15 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Send as E-Mail
Launches your e-mail program (if installed and setup correctly) and adds
the current file as an attachment to the e-mail.

Open Project directory

The program opens the windows explorer with the dircetory where the file is

Home path
Set home path
Here you can set the home path as working directory newly. The command
for this setting will already be called during the first program start. It is not
necessary to make this setting again. All example files are there. If this
setting is changed or made again, so the program copies all example files
delivered with the program from the old directory to the new directory.

Open home path

The Program opens the directory of the home path in the Windows-

This menu item is only active, after a file was imported. Here you can define
what should happen Hier können Sie angeben was geschehen soll, falls
eine importierte Datei außerhalb des Programmes verändert wurde. Wenn
Sie „Ja ohne Abfrage“ wählen so wird die importierte Datei automatisch
aktualisiert. Eigene Änderungen gehen dabei eventuell verloren.

Dialog Import settings

ASCII-Interface file *.wkea

Import of an ASCII-interface file to operate manually all the FIDES
geotechnical programs automatically. For a specification of the interface,
please contact your software dealer.

Menu Items 16


Import of a XML-file *.xml in an already opened file. This command is

disabled until a file is opened. The Xml-file format contains not the whole
amount of possible data objects that is in the wke-document. (*.wke)

Only Loads
Importing a specific XML-file, that contains only load data.


Import of a WALLS input file. This file has the possible extensions *.wls
or *.qwa .

Import of the geometry of a AutoCAD DXF-file This command is disabled,
until a file is opened.

Earth-press. active
Export of active earth pressure values in an ASCII-exchange file, in Walls

Earth-press. passive
Export of passive earth pressure values in an ASCII-exchange file, in Walls

Export of water pressure values in an ASCII-exchange file, in the format

ASCII-file *.wkea
Export of all object data in an ASCII-exchange file to operate with programs
of the FIDES-geotechnical series.

Export of all objects in an XML-exchange file to operator with programs of
the FIDES-geotechnical series.

Export all geometry data into a DXF-file.

RTF-file with frame

Converts the results text output in rich text format including a frame at the
paper's borders and starts the associated editor, specified at
Settings/program (e.g. MS Word). The look of the frame is customizable
by editing the file wabbrtf.cfg (in the program's installations directory).

17 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Hint: In order to use the exporting functions, it is necessary to set some

paths to your preferred text editors in the menu Settings/program. For RTF-
format this could be Microsoft Word or

MS Word Document (ZTVK-Frame)

Converts the results text output (including images of the phases) with a
word-macro in a MS-Word *.doc-file. The macro is saved in the file
_ergfile.doc (residing in the programs directory). You can customize this file
and include your company specific layout (logo, ...). Project specific settings
are made in the File ergfile.doc (residing in the working directory).

Pics as Enhanced Meta Files (EMF)

Export of graphics in this format.

Text output update

Here the text output file will be updated.

Text output update and view

( ) Here it opens the recreated text output file (*.wker) in the default
results editor (see "Program" on page 30). As a postprocessor for the text
output we recommend using the program FidesPad.exe (will be delivered
with FIDES-GeoStability), since it is able to reload the results file after
calculation automatically. For SOFiSTiK-customers it is possible to use the
editor Teddy.

Delete System
Deletes the whole system in the current active file (even for this action the
undo-function is usable, so it is possible for you to regain a deleted system
by pressing Ctrl+Z ( ) ).

Page Setup
With this button you can configure the printout individually.
The recommended settings are like in the following picture:
1) Work area „Full screen“
2) „Portrait“
3) Print options „Autom. Fullscreen when printing“
4) Option „ZTV-K frame“
5) Option „Image pages always in landscape format“ (maybe program

Menu Items 18
Dialog Setup page

The option "autom. fullscreen when printing" scales the graphical sheets for
every page so all marked points and objects of the view fit into the paper. It
tries so select a reasonable engineering scale.
With the option "only images, no text" you can drop the calculation results.
This behavior might be interesting for preliminary structural calculations.
There is the possibility to individually set the graphical results, that are
printed before the numerical output, per project. The button "Configure print
pages…" leads to the dialog “Configure the graphical print pages”.

Configure graphical print pages

Hier können die einzelnen Seiten der grafischen Druckausgabe konfiguriert
werden. Ist in der Liste keine Konfiguration gespeichert, wird je Bauphase
eine Seite mit allen sichtbaren Objekten ausgedruckt.

19 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Dialog Configure the graphical print pages

Here, you can configure the individual pages when printing. If there's no
configuration in the list, one sheet per construction stage is printed with the
contents of the editing view.
When configuring the individual pages, you can select what pages the
options are applied to:

With the buttons "visibility of objects" the system objects for this
configuration can be toggled.
The button "Visible diagrams" allows you to configure the internal forces
and moments to be spread across several pages.
You can save the settings made with the button "save to file" and use "load
from file" to restore settings from another project.
If the program find a file "default_vis.xml" in the project directory, this file is
used for batch-controlled calculations.

Print Preview
Here you can preview the printable pages, as they will be printed.

Print setup…
With this menu item the dialog for the printer driver will be opened. For
further information you have to read in the manual of your printer.

With the menu item Print the dialog for printing will be opened.

Menu Items 20


With this function the last actions can be undone.

Actions that have been undone before can be redone here.

Undo/Redo Switch on/off

Here you can toggle the availability of the undo/redo functions.

Copy View
Copies the current view into the clipboard.

Copy Ctrl+C
Copies the selected object into the clipboard.

Paste Ctrl+V
Pastes the objects into the document once copied into the clipboard with
Example for how to use the menu items Copy (Ctrl+C) & Paste
 Select the menu item Construct/Text .
 Click on the position, on which the text should be.
 Give the text, and press OK
 Cancel the input texts with the ESC-Key.
 Select the text (e.g. with a single click with the left mouse button): the
text color converts to yellow, this indicates it is selected)
 Press Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V (copy can also be called in the context
menu that shows up by pressing the right mouse button)
 Move the mouse cursor on the position, on which the copy of the text
should be placed, and press the left mouse button at this position.
 This approach is also available for other objects as loads, construction
elements, etc.

21 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability


Here you can set the visibility of the toolbar, status bar or construction bar.
A tick mark activates the desired bar in the application.
 The hard anchored toolbar (right below the menu line) contains buttons
for general windows commands like file open, save, etc.
 In the Status bar, at the bottom edge of the application, hits are being
displayed when working with the program. It is recommended to leave it
 The Construction bar contains general commands like zoom, pan, etc.
 The KEA-Construction bar contains program typical calculation
commands for stability safety, optimum search, etc.
The toolbars can be floated and positioned at any place on your desktop by
dragging them with the mouse.

Coordinate Center

Panning the visible view port. The whole system moves completely and
therefore it remains unchanged.

Sets the origin on another position than (0,0). With this you are able to
relate your system on sea level.

Shift Whole System

Shifts the complete system. With this you are able to relate your system on
sea level.

System Mirror X
The complete system will be mirrored at an axis parallel to the Z-axis. Just
give the distance to origin.

Switches the coordinate center symbol on / off .

Zoom / Scale
Zoom rectangle

"activate lasso" or in CAD also well known as "Zoom window", zooms

into a given range (drag a rectangle with pressed left mouse button).

zoom undo" changes back to the previous view port.

Menu Items 22
Fullscreen F9

... the view will be scaled to completely fit the screen.

Always Fullscreen
all other zoom functions (e.g. zoom window) will be disabled and the picture
will always be scaled to full screen display.

Give Scale

The command "give scale" enables free input of scale. The current
scale is preset. The scale in the View can also be changed by other
commands (e.g. Zoom)

Scale dialog

Load Scale
regards the length of the load arrows.

Scale -- Ctrl+A
Lessens the scale factor of about 10%.

Scale ++ Ctrl+Y
Enlarges the scale factor of about 10%.

Grid & Snap to object


Settings for snap and grid.

Dialog Setup grid

23 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Snap on/off

In order to select objects exactly, either a grid or the use of a snap-to-

object feature can be used. By using a snap-to object you are able to pick
points that are not grid aligned. The mouse cursor changes to a hand with
sprawled index finger if it hovers over a pickable point.

Font and font size can be set here specifically for all outputs. If you set the
tick mark before 'scale', so the font size during zoom commands will be
adjusted. Otherwise it is an absolute size.
If the company line in print output does not fit into the window, please adjust
font size here.

Dialog Font selection

Avoid overlappings
If this setting is activated, loads will be drawn so that they do not overlap
each other.

The selection 'grayscale' can enhance the output to a monochrome printer.
By selecting "self defined" you can apply a color to every drawn soil layer by
selecting the layer and then click the "…" button. It will show a standard
windows color dialog.

Menu Items 24
Dialog Colours of layers

Ruler settings
The design of the floating ruler at the edges can be changed or disabled
here, as well as the size of the cross hair for the mouse cursor.

Dialog Ruler properties

Layer Description

The layer description (in the window in the lower right) in some cases may
be annoying. Here you can switch it on/off or move it to a position more
appropriate for you.

Layer Description

With this menu item you can move the layer description to a new arbitrary
position. This menu item is only enabled if the following menu item is not

Fixed at right bottom

If you activate this menu item the layer description is anchored in the lower
right position of the window.

25 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Only Show in first stage

The layer description will only be drawn in the first construction stage.

Here you can define if and which diagrams of internal forces or stress
resultants of the wall should be drawn. Depending on the program it
contains possibly different diagrams that do not exist in this application.

dialog diagram settings


Show Objects
Here the imported DXF-graphics will be displayed.

Delete Objects
Here the imported DXF-graphics can be deleted.

Define how the texts of anchors/nails should be drawn, and which texts of
the kinem. elements should be displayed.

Menu Items 26
dialog Caption

Splash screen at Startup

If this menu item is checked FIDES-GeoStability will start with a 'splash

Stop Input action at End

If this menu item has a tick mark, the program stops the input action after
the end of an input (e.g. input of a soil layer). If you want to give a next soil
layer, you have to press on Construct/Layer again. If this menu item is not
checked with a tick mark you stay in input mode unless you press the ESC-
Key or select another function (e.g. Construct/Anchor) .

Toggle visualization of drawing objects

The quick selection of objects usually is made by double-clicking it. It may
happen that several objects overlap or get to lay to close to each other. In
this case you can switch the visibility and accessibility of single object
groups. If 'selection only has effect on picking' is marked, you can see all
objects, even the switched off ones, but you can not pick them. After every
file type you may see objects here that can not be selected.

27 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Redraw F12
This command redraws the system. Generally this is done automatically
after changing the system.

System-Explorer F7

The system-explorer gives another possibility to select objects. The

dialog is able to stay always on screen or may be minimized to the bottom
of the desktop.


In the code-dialog you are able to select different country specific standards
separately for the concrete dimensioning or the geotechnical dimensioning.
If the box „Standard values“ is not checked, you may define your own
values of partial safety factors. Thy will be saved together with all other data
into the document file.
Hint: the program-internal approach of the partial safety factors is described
in the chapter „Concept of verification

Menu Items 28
Dialog Code

Safety Factors EC7

Here you can define the safety factors and limit states set in the EC 7.

Limit states
Here you can define the limit states variational from the standard code, for
that the single proofs must be done.

Dialog Limit states

The verification of slip circle will always be done in the limit state LS 1C.
This menu item is only enabled if you have not selected the old DIN

29 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Here you can specify your company's header and all other information
needed in the head of the results output. The company line will be saved
independently to the input file and remains also in case of a program

Dialog Project informations for printout

In order to use the export-function in the menu File (RTF-Output), please
give the path to your preferred word processor here.
For the RTF-format this could be Microsoft Word for example.

Dialog program settings

As post processor for the text output it is advised to use the program
FidesPad.exe (delivered together with FIDES-GeoStability), because the
results file shown there is always the latest version, and need not be loaded
again after every calculation step Calcuate... . SOFiSTiK-customers may
also select the program SOFiSTiK Teddy here, because it has the same

Menu Items 30
All Anchors
Here you can set the inclination, length, ... for all anchors or nails

Dialog “for all anchors / nails”

Earthquake Load
The earth quake coefficients accord to the coefficients explained in EC 8.
The vertical load ratios (dead weight (under buoyancy), loads) will be
multiplied with the factor (1+ Vert. earthquake param.), horizontal load rates
(loads) with the factor (1+ Horiz. earthquake param.). The soil dead weight
in Z-direction also gets affected by the horizontal earthquake param.
(weight Z * Horiz. earthquake param.)

Dialog Coefficients for earthquake load

Parameters earth pressure

In the following dialog you can adjust various parameters for the
computation of the earth pressure.

31 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Dialog Parameters Earth pressure

 Wall:.
o Calc. Earth pressure: hereby, you can disable the earth pressure
calculation for the design of the wall. Now, only the preset pressure
and wall loads will act.
o Active earth press., perc. at rest: Here you can specify the portion of
pressure at rest for the calculation of the internal wall forces and the
pressure at rest portion for the calculation of the tilting/ sliding/
bearing capacity verifications. For the latter, usually only active earth
pressure is applied.
o Dist. dz of points along wall: with very thin layers, steep slopes and
high, concentrated loads it can be useful to reduce the spacing of
the failure body in order to get a smoother distribution of earth
 Cohesion is taken into account: here you can decide whether the c'
values should be considered as 0.
 Earth pressure redistribution allows reshaping of the earth pressure
figure. This only applies to the design of the wall, not to the geo-
technical verifications.
 Use given eh onto wall: here you can apply a constant permanent load
in addition to the calculated earth pressure.
 Factor for earthpr.: scales the earth pressure about this factor. Please
keep in mind to set the partial safety factors in the dialog “Safety
 Press. Soil compaction: the given earth pressure value will be applied
over the whole wall depth or optionally until a certain depth coordinate.
Because a vibratory plate compactor is only effective at a certain point

Menu Items 32
by default the given compaction pressure is only used for the wall
dimensioning. Optionally you may activate the compaction pressure
also for the demanded verifications.
 Linear interpolation of earth pressure values: during calculation the
program examines different failure wedges which serve for calculating
the earth pressure distribution, as „Eah“. In order to get the earth
pressure distribution „eah“ per m² wall, the values of „Eah“ must be
numerically derived. Just in case there are some higher peeks with this
option you can get a linear differentiation in sections.
 Set neg. earth pressure == zero: with a strong back jump of the „Eah“-
distribution, the „eah“-distribution can get negativ, which is numerically
correct but not physically. Hereby you can cut those negative peeks.
The integral of „eah“ now will be bigger as the Eah-value of the lower
failure wedge.
 Consider negative earth pressure Ea when calculating Culmann: during
intersection of many layers with the failure line, the program calculates
every single portion of friction and cohesion separately and sums it up
after multiplying it with the length of the section edge. If the portion of
one section edged is < 0, because of high cohesion, the negative part is
discarded in general. In heavy changes of strong cohesive soil layers
with layers of very poor friction, however you get earth pressure values
that may be high above the expected values. With this option the
negative portions will remain in layers, and results in the same amount
compared to an analysis with a KE-mechanism.
 Earth resistance
The Option „pasv earth pres. is limited to act. load“ prevents the earth
resistance from getting higher as the sum of all active loads. Because
this would produce a deformation towards the active side.

Invert mouse zoom

Using this option you can control the "direction" of the zoom when you use
the mouse wheel.

Soil parameter input in list view

Using this option you can toggle between the classic soil parameter input

Dialog Layer

33 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

and the "list format":

Dialog Soil parameter

The great advantage of the list format is, that only input values relevant for
this program are shown, which offers a more compact input.

Here you can define fissures and jointings

Dialog Fissure properties

Menu Items 34

Soil layers
create new soil layer

It is required to define at least one soil layer for a proper calculation.

The upper edge of the first soil layer defines the ground surface.
Input of a new soil layer:
Select the menu item "New Layer" and start clicking the layer's boundary
nodes with the left mouse button or by pressing space bar and entering the
coordinates in the dialog. Input points from left to right and soil layers from
the upper layer to the lowest. Each given layer will be intersected with the
layers specified before. Finish the input of one layer by clicking the right
mouse button. Stop creating layers by hitting ESC key. If you made a
mistake press the Undo button (Ctrl+Z) and retry.

input the earth layers as polygon

The layer limitation is a regular polygon with as many points as you like. No
back jumps of the layer limitation in x-direction are allowed. But vertical
jumps are possible.
The arbitrary polygonal layer devolution and the automatic intersection
require inputting different layers from up down. The program throws a
message if you try to input a layer that lays completely above the lowest
Hint: hit the ESC-key in order to abort every input action, also the input of a
layer delimiter.
In order to edit a point of the polygon afterwards, you can:
 Select it directly by a double click with the left mouse button and then
alter the coordinates in the dialog. or
 Select it with a single left mouse click, and then open the context menu
with the right mouse button and select: "edit". or

 Find the layer and it's nodes in the system-explorer or F7-key) and
select "edit" from the context menu. or

35 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

 with the menu Construct/move point on layer delimiter move it

interactively with the mouse: With the left mouse button select it (single
click), and then with pressed left mouse button move the point.
The menu item "Stage/new surface" enables a new input of the first
boundary with automatic intersection of the polygons, without completely
deleting the layer.
At the end of the layer polygon-input (end = right mouse button) you have to
give the soil specifics in the 'soil layer parameter'-dialog.

soil layer parameter dialog

With the button 'Database…' you can use standard layers out of a layer
database (that you can adjust and extend).

soil layer parameter-database

Menu Items 36
Specify a new name in the layer description, then select 'Save' and press
'OK' . The layer is now available in the data base which is a file called
filydb.xml and usually resides in your system directory. You also can edit
the file directly with a regular text editor. If you copy it in your program's
directory you will be able to use the file for this program only. This way you
can create a project-oriented layer data base easily. In the english program
version the layer database is stored in the file FilyDB_e.xml

Move Point of Layer Delimiter

After selecting this menu item you can move layer delimiter points
interactively with the mouse:
- Select a point with the left mouse button (single click).
- Move the point with pressed left mouse button.
- After releasing the left mouse button the point will be set.
This menu item need not to be called explicitely: just select a point directly
with the left mouse button and then you can move it.

Cleanup soil delimiters

Deletes unnecessary (possibly automatically inserted) points of layer
delimiter polygons.

Shift layersystem
Shifts the whole layer system of about dx resp. dy -values

New wall

Here you can define a wall. The wall can be entered as a polygonal line,
aligned steadily from to bottom (horizontal jumps are possible). Finish the
input with the right mouse button and specify the parameters in the wall

37 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Wall dialog

In order to change wall properties, re-enter a new wall or double click the
wall's points for coordinate changes. When double clicking the wall itself,
the dialog above will be opened. Only one wall can be defined.
Important Hint:
The object wall in FIDES-GeoStability:
In the current program version a shearing is not considered in KEA
calculation. Modeling the wall as "constitution element" or "pile/dowel" will
provide shear resistance (see further below).
The object wall in the slip circle analysing:
An intersection of the slip circle with the wall always gives infinite stability.
Thus, when automatically finding a slip circle it will never intersect with the
wall but have a compulsory point at the wall's foot. If this is not what you
need, create the wall using "construction element" or "pile / dowel" (see
further below).

The object wall at earth pressure calculation :

The center line of the wall will be used for the earth pressure calculation.
You can specify the distance of the earth pressure calculation points in the
dialog: Calculation/Earth pressure/Settings

Delete interpolated points

Deletes redundant (possibly automatically inserted) points.

Rotate around foot / around head

Here you can rotate the wall, either around the lower end (footprint) or
upper end (head point). The following dialog shows up and you can enter an
rotation angle in degrees.

Menu Items 38
Water, Groundwater

The input of the ground water level as polygonal line is analogous to

creating a soil layer. Below this line the R-value is used for the bulk density
of the soil layers.
Ground water level points can be altered by double-clicking them or using
the System Explorer (F7). Usually it's better to re-enter it.

Pressure Line
If a pressure line is given, it will be used instead of the ground water line for
water pressure calculation. The groundwater line then only decides whether
to use z or R.

Pressureline of a Layer
Here you can specify one polygon line for each given soil layer that defines
the pressure height on the layer boundary. The input is the same as for
ground water lines: with the left mouse button click points, and finish input
action with the right mouse button.
By pressing any key on your keyboard, you are able to give the coordinates
of the points directly in the dialog
The calculation of the water pressure in a position (x,z) in the layer system
works like the following:
1. If only one groundwater line is given (menu construct /Water/
Groundwater) ( ), then it is responsible for both, the water pressure
and the decision which value is used for calculation, z or R.
2. If there's a ground water line and a pressure line (menu
Construct/Water/pressure line), the pressure line will be used instead of
the groundwater line for water pressure calculation. The ground water
line is responsible for the choice of z or R.
3. If a water pressure line is given for a certain layer (menu
Construct/Water/Pressure line of a layer), then this line will be used for
all coordinates (x,z) inside this layer for calculating the water pressure.
The groundwater line decides whether to use z or R. If ground water
and/or water pressure line are specified above a layer that has an
individual water pressure line, the water pressure will be interpolated.
Tip: Use the menu item Calculation/Other/Water pressure on intersection in
order to visualize the water pressure for a definable plotline.
The 3 possibilities are demonstrated in the following images:

39 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

If groundwater line is given only: water pressure and  / R will be determined from
that line.

Pressure line and ground water line are given: Water pressure is calculated from the
pressure line,  / R is calculated from the ground water line.

Menu Items 40
pressure line for 'layer 2' is given: inside of layer 2 this pressure, outside the
groundwater- / resp. pressure line is used (incl. interpolation to normal water
pressure)  / R will be determined from the groundwater line.

When defining an anchor, click the beginning with the left mouse button
and click an end point or press any key.

Dialog Anchor / Stiffener

41 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

The program assumes that the anchor force Fa declines linearly along the
length of the grout body:

If an anchor intersects with a slip circle twice, the intersection point closer to
the end of the anchor will be used.
Important note:
In KE analysis anchor heads must be inside or exactly on the edge of a KE
element in order to be computed correctly. An unintentional distribution of
the anchor force to the kinematical elements you may get, even if the
anchor head lays exactly on an edge shared by 2 elements.
In the text output you will see the number of the elements that the anchor
head was associated with, in the column "affects on KE" in the anchor list. If
there is a value of zero (0, null), probably the situation you wanted to
simulate was not recognized by the program as expected. In this case,
please move the anchor's head or the element's edges to a different proper
The creation of anchors is simplified when a wall has already been created.
After the anchor input its head will be moved automatically and horizontally
onto the wall. A message box will inform you in case of this procedure. The
wall serves as a helper polygon for element creation and has no effect on
KE calculation (see chapter: wall)

The input equals the anchor creation.

Menu Items 42
Nail dialog

For the automatic generation of nails and excavations perform these steps:
- Define a first construction stage with a short wall.
- Define the first nail on the wall and enter the parameters like in the
dialog above.
- Close the dialog with the OK-button: The program automatically creates
6 new situations (underneath the one you specified) which specify the
stages of excavation and installation.
- After that you can directly take the menu item Calculation / Nailing /
Nailing complete: All necessary proofs (nail length, bearing capacity,
slope stability, ...) will be performed (see settings in dialog
A nail affects with its maximum possible pullout resistance force Fa, which
is calculated from the max. tension force Tgr (Soil parameter) and the
length of the nail outside the slip circle resp. the outer edge of the
kinematical element la according to the following picture:

Fa = Tgr  la [kN per nail]

43 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

For layered soil systems, the nail forces will be correctly calculated for each layer it
is intersecting.

The nail parameter "factor for max. shear pullout" is usually = 1.0, except
when you need an additional safety against pull out forces.
The safety factor that's used fort his generally for old DIN is: "inner safety
due to nail forces" (see dialog "Calculate  Soil nailing…  Parameters for
calculation") or, due to the new safety concept: "LS1C / Nail pullout
Gamme_N" (see dialog Settings  Code").

Layer Of Geotextile
Click a start point (left side of the geotextile) followed by the end point.
The geotextile properties dialog will show up:

Menu Items 44
Hint: For automatic generation of geotextile layers, first you have to define a
wall, where the layers can be generated along. The wall here is only for
auxiliary reasons and may be deleted afterwards.

The calculation basically happens as described in booklet "Empfehlung für

Bewehrungen aus Geokunststoffen – EBGEO, 1997".
The pull-out resistance distribution will be displayed along the geotextile
(see the following image example). The pull-out forces will be correctly
calculated for each intersection of the textile with the soil layers:

extraction resistance along of a geotextile.

The calculation method for the pull-out resistance:

 Insertion of points on the textile at every position x of the ground
surface's points.

45 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

 Insertion of points on the textile at all intersections of points with soil

 Sorting the intersection points via x-position (a geotextile layer must not
be vertically).
 Determination of the earth load P in every point of the textiles.
 Determination of the pull-out resistance FA:
 FA = 2 P fsg  tan(), where (fsg = friction coefficient (i.E. 0.5)). The
factor 2x is due to the geotextile having friction on both sides.
 Limitation of the pull-out resistance so it does not exceed the design
strength FB:
 FA = min(FA,FB)
Intersection of every textile layer with every kinematic element: adding up
the 'active' (inside of the elements) and 'passive' (outside of the elements)
fractions of the pull-out resistance. The sum of the passive pull-out
resistance is applied as a force to the KE, however limited to the sum of the
active fractions.
Consideration of textile layers in the slip circle method:
For every intersection of the slip circle with the textile the minimum of the
sums of the passive vs. active pull-out resistances will be used. The textile
force will be applied the way a nail intersection would be.


Here you can define a line load that acts perpendicular to the screen

Line load-dialog

In the slip circle calculation a traffic load won't be considered, if it acts

favorable. Favorable is here defined anticlockwise and within Rsin().
Hint: here you must define a loadcase name and loadcase type (according
to the systematic in the DIN 1055) In every building stage you are able to

Menu Items 46
activate or deactivate separately one desired or all loadcases. (Dialog Stage
-> Settings)


Here you can define an area load (kN/m²). It may be variable in x- as

well as in z- direction. You can specify the length of the load arrows in the
menu: View / Zoom + scale / load scale

Area load dialog

The definition of a life load resp. permanent load can be performed equally
to the line load input.

Construction component
A construction element is a polygonal shaped object, of which the
shear resistance acts at the intersection with a KE edge or the slip circle.
Define the points with the left mouse button or raise a coordinate dialog by
pressing any key. After finishing the input (right mouse button) please enter
the specific weight and shear resistance.
Any number of construction elements can be defined. Select the
construction elements with a double-click or over the System-Explorer ( ,
F7-key). Also the construction element points can be selected and edited
afterwards (e.g. double-click with left mouse button).
In the text output you get detailed information about the shear force,
resulting from the intersection of the KE or the slip circle and the
construction element, at these intersections.
Attention: If a construction element will be intersected with a KE edge or the
slip circle, it must be ensured that the fraction outside of the element is able
to bear the shear force (for example by means of the passive earth

47 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

pressure): The program will handle this automatically for pile/dowel

elements, only!

A gravity wall or a foundation is a common example of the construction

element's usage for the stability safety verification with KEM.
If you activate "Use this values instead of Phi and C from soil", so then this
values will be set instead of the soil property values, during determination of
φ and c on KE-edges and slip circles. With this you are able to define any
polygonal area with special soil properties (e.g.: filling soil, lenses of sand in
cohesive soil, of blocks of rock) without changing the existing layer system.

Input of a dowel- resp. pile element: Set the head with left mouse
button and the foot with right mouse button or call the pile dialog by hitting
any key on your keyboard
The calculation of the shear resistance of the intersection point with the slip
circle or a KE-edge towards the rigid soil side, happens due to the
suggestion of Huder ('Stabilisierung von Rutschungen mittels Ankern und
Pfählen', Jachen Huder, in Schweizer Ingenieur und Architekt, 16/83).

Dowel / pile dialog

Menu Items 48
You also can define the shear values along the piles by selecting the radio
button 'predefined' and specify the ordinates z and the resistance sD (kN/m)
with the button 'Values…'.
The columns of the shear resistance table contain these values:
Des. Illustration Dim.
x/z Coordinates of the center line [m]
P Earth load [kN/m²]
Kph Resistance coefficient [-]
ep earth resistance =Kph P [kN/m]
epDw earth resistance  effective width [kN]

S Shear resistance = [kN]

EPZbF (Sum ep from z till Foot)Dw [kN]
SD Max. shear resist. SD=min(S, EPZbF) [kN]
sD Max. shear resist. sD=SD/a [kN/m]

Table of the shear resistance of a pile element.

When selecting 'Automatic' , the shear resistance S of the dowels is:

 ep is the passive earth pressure at the intersection point with the slip
circle (resp. KE-edge to the rigid soil side) =Kph  P . The earth
resistance coefficient Kph will be determined with slope inclination b=0
and wall friction d=0 . Please check whether this defaults (especially
b=0) are unfavorable for your system.

 The effective width Dw is the center distance of the piles a, but maximal
3 diameter of the piles.
 MT is the maximal bearing moment of the piles (M in reaching the
elastic limit).
The so calculated shear resistance S will now be set in relation to the
maximum earth resistance (which differs from Huder)
EPZbF = (Sum ep from z till foot) Dw [kN/pile]
SD = min((S, EPZbF)) [kN/pile].
The shear resistance per vertical meter to the image plane finally is
sD = SD/a [kN/m].

49 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

How do I find the maximum bearing moment MT for a pile?

Example: DIN 1045-1, concrete pile, 0.60m, C35/45, concrete cover 7cm.
Start a dimensioning program of your choice. We recommend the program
WALLS-Dimensioning from FIDES DV-Partner.
In the program, select the requested dimensioning code and enter an
approximation for the internal moment, that's in the range you expect (e.g.
100kNm/m). then continue entering the geometry and perform a
dimensioning calculation:

Now, iteratively, alter the impact moment until you reach the desired
reinforcement quantity:

Finally, enter he found "M" as "MT" in Geostability.

Menu Items 50
How do I find the maximum bearing moment for a steel pipe pile?
DIN 18800, ST37-2 (t<=40), outer=11.5mm, t=5mm

=M/W  M=W*
The moment of inertia for a circular pipe is:
W = /32*(D -d )/D
4 4

W = /32 * (0.0115 -0.0110 )/0.0115 = 1.493E-6 m³

4 4

The yield strength for steel is:

 = 240/1.1 = 218.2MN/m²
Thus, the maximum bending moment computes to:
MT = 218.2 * 1.493E-6 = 0.325 MNm = 325 kNm

Annotation to piles in the slip circle method:

The shear resistance sD will also be reduced with cos(a), where a is the
intersection angle between pile and the line (intersection point-slip circle

Annotation to Piles in the KE-Analysis:

- The shear resistance will only be prepared in intersections of piles with
edges to rigid soil but not at edges between elements. At the objects
'construction elements' (see menu Construct/construction element)
the shear resistance will also be applied to edges between elements.
- The shear resistance sD also will be reduced with cos(a). a is the
intersection angle between pile and the vertical on the KE-edge (see
image below). This way it's made sure that, by increasing 'grinding
intersection' between the moving direction in the shear joint and the pile
axis, the applied shear strength will be reduced. Thus, the actual load
applied on the kin.elem. is sD' = sD  cos(a).

51 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

the shear resistance of a pile element

Fictive foundation edge for buckling/sliding

Give here a line that is the bottom line of a foundation. To this edge the
stability and slip verifications will be done.
Hint: at this fictitious foundation base line it will always be assumed that
active earth pressure effects from right to left. Also have a look at the
menuitem „Settings  Parameters earth pressure“.

Deletes the line


Description of the drawing: With left mouse button place to a position

and then enter text in the box. You can define any number of texts.
Selecting is done by a double-click into the text area.
You can move the defined text simply by selecting it with a single left mouse
click and then move it with pressed left button to the desired position.
The context menu is also working for selected texts (right mouse button) as
you would expect it.

Menu Items 52
Text dialog

for moving texts simply select the text with the left mouse button by clicking
in the text area and move it with pressed button to the desired position

Dim line


Input of a horizontal measure line. Approach:

 With left mouse button place at position of the line.
 Pick all measuring points with left mouse button.
 Close the input with right mouse button.
You can pick the measure line on every measure point or on the line.


Vertical measure line: input similar to horizontal measure line.

auto measure lines

Automatically creates measure lines from the system.

delete auto measure lines

Automatically deletes the created measure lines from the system.

Measure Angle

 Click center point.

 Click point on first leg.
 Click point on second leg.

53 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

For editing: Double-click on the center point. An empty text window opens,
where you can attach additional text or delete the angle measure. For
problems opening the object "angle measure" please use the command
'view/show / hide objects ' or the system-explorer ( or F7-key).


Creates a level marker with a description. Simply click a point where

you need a level to be marked. e.g.

Measure area
Simply click points of any polygonal shape. KEM computes the area of the

New Node in...

Layer Delimiter
Here you can insert a new point into a layer polygon on any position x, in
order to modify it accordingly.

Groundwater line
As 'new Point in layer delimiter' but for the water line.

Pressure line
As 'new Point in layer delimiter' but for the pressure line.

Layer as inters. with line

A new point will be inserted from the intersection with an auxiliary line.

Construction Stage
The program allows the calculation of any number of construction stages
with a single file. The stages in FIDES-GeoStability can differ completely
and can be considered also as separate 'sheets of different proves'. At the
generation of new phases you can copy data from another phase.

Shows the name of the current construction stage. In the list box 'What
supports are active' you can select the anchors from the anchor list of the
system (all anchors, once having defined in all phases) that should be
activated in the current stage. Select/unselect the anchor with the left
mouse button and pressed Ctrl-key.

Menu Items 54
Dialog Stage

New surface
Defines a new polygonal surface for the current stage. The input is similar to
defining a regular layer with the left mouse button. Finish with a right mouse
click. After that you can decide in a dialog box whether the new ground
surface is the minimum of the given and the previous, or it will be used as a
complete new ground surface.

New excavation level

If a wall exists you can give a new excavation base on the left hand
side of the wall (similar to input of a soil layer). It will be intersected
automatically with the wall and the ground surface behind the wall.
In this program, excavations are always on the left hand side of the wall!
Annotation: The definition: left side of the wall = excavation side is due to
the fact that it is possible to have vertical skips in the layers and horizontal
jumps at the wall in this program. Therefore it is impossible to get all
required information by sorting polygons via x coordinate, only.

Copy Data from… to

Copies selected data from one stage to another or several other stages.
Select or unselect the stages with the left mouse button and not pressed
If you want to copy single objects, it is suggested to select the object, and
copy it with Ctrl+C (Edit Copy) , and then paste it with Ctrl+V ( Edit 
Paste) .

55 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Adds a new stage behind the current stage. You can define any number of
stages. In the following dialog you can define if data of an existing phase
should be copied to the new and which supports should be effective.

Inserts a new stage before the current stage. You can define any number of
stages. In the following dialog you can define if data of an existing phase
should be copied to the new and which supports should be effective.

dialog stage

previous / next

The view changes to the next resp. previous stage. Simply use the up /
down keys on your keyboard.

Delete (Ctrl+D)
Deletes the current construction stage. You can restore a construction stage
once accidentally deleted with Ctrl+Z ( ).

Annotation working on kinematic elements

Selecting elements
For selecting elements like points, edges or segmentation areas perform
a double-click with the left mouse button on the desired object or with the
system-explorer ( or F7-key).

Menu Items 56
The Point Dialog:
Here you can define if and how the point can be moved during the

There are 3 possibilities:

a) Optimization free in X- / Z-direction
(e.g. press the button auto dXZ ): A rectangular window will be defined as
shown in this image:

The program shows the optimisation rectangle in its actual size. This area
should be big enough, but not too big so that no illegal geometric situations
may occur during optimization. It is recommended to define at first the
rectangle a bit smaller and after the end of the optimization check, whether
the point resides on any edge of the rectangle. If so, adjust the optimization
rang and optimize again. The program reports whether a point touches the
optimization boundaries, if you activate the check-box in the dialog
KEA/General setting.

57 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

b) Optimization along layer delimiters:

Here you can define that the node should be able to move along the layer
delimiter (the ground surface is the boundary of the 1st. layer). Also here
the X-range will be displayed in the actual size with two arrows as shown in
this image:

c) Point runs along with node...

Defines that a node has to move depending on another node. The
declaration in the following image for example means that the selected node
moves analogous to node 2 in distance dx=-1.5:

Menu Items 58
In the view this correlation at the node will be described as:

The edges-dialog:
Basically there are 2 types of edges: Free edges (without displacement
boundary conditions) and edges that a displacement boundary condition is
defined for. The edges with offset conditions can be edges between
elements, to the rigid environment or edges with predetermined
displacement. For exact explanation please read the according chapters in
the calculation part of the manual.
Keep in mind that every system needs al least one edge with predetermined
virtual displacement in order to be calculable. During calculation, the
program analyses if the created mechanisms allows a kinematic compliant
displacement. Otherwise the program indicates that additional boundary
conditions have to be defined, or that the displaced structure has illegal

59 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

The 'factor for' means the rate of the friction angle , about that the force
in the gap rotates out of the normal direction. If you define for example an
'Edge with pred. displacement' with a displacement z = 0.667 then the
program computes an active resp. passive earth pressure with a wall friction
angle of 2/3 depending on the offset direction of the mechanism.
Assumption for rotating of the force out of the normal direction of course is a
tangential displacement unequal zero at this edge.

With checked 'Use this Phi and C regardless of layers ' KEA computes,
independently of the current intersections of the edges and layers, with
these shear values. Thereby, the calculation time with several layers
possibly speeds up significantly.
In the next image the different edge types are exemplified on a mechanism
to determine the passive earth pressure:

Menu Items 60
The Element-dialog:
Also here you can define (as for friction values on the edge) if the weight
calculation of the elements should be done from intersection with soil layers
or simply from the specification of gz .
For selecting points, edges or areas of the segmentation simply do a
double-click with the left mouse button or use the system-explorer ( or

Also see the explanations in the description to the KEA method.

This menu has functions to create and modify the kinematic elements.

General settings

With different water volume weight than 10 kN/m³ you can simulate special
scenarios of an earthquake load in- or rejection. Or by giving the earthquake
coefficients in the dialog Settings/Earthquake Load
The checkbox "Message in case of opt- boundary touch" means that the
program gives a message if points of the mechanism touch the predefined
optimization rectangles at the end of an optimization, and therefore the
geometry has to be changed if this is not what you want.

61 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

If you select "no animation while optim." the program will run faster during
the optimization. No histogram for the target values and no elements will be
drawn: The program performance increases slightly.
If you select "use shear strengths and dead weights of the elements from
the current geometry for the further optimization", the calculation
performance increases significant, if several layers are given. This setting
is only valid for the next optimization, and will be reset after that
The reason for the performance enhancement is that in every calculation
step the dead weight of the kinematic elements will no longer be taken from
a time intensive intersection with the layer polygons, but simply from the gz
that will be shown in the KE-dialog, if you select "Use this weight:.". This
menu item makes sense if the geometry is quite close to the optimum, and
so the variation of the points does not produce significant changes in the
dead weight. If only one soil layer exists in the system, this setting does not
shorten the calculation time.

You will get the KE-dialog, if you select a kinematic element by double-click
or over the system-explorer (F7).
The earth quake coefficient in/decrease independently of this values of the
dead weight load.

Settings for Auto-elements

Here you can define, what the segmentations should look like that you
generate with the menu items:

KEM/Generate Elements autom/ Slope ( ) resp

KEM/Generate Elements autom./Like Slipcircle from center ( ) resp

KEM/Generate Elements autom./Like Slipcircle from fix point ( )

If, for example, you set vertical in edges between elements, and set 0 as a
factor for the friction angle between the elements (see the following
example), then you generate a segmentation that corresponds to the
suggestion of Janbu.
Example: 6 elements, vertical element boundary, horizontal forces between
the elements ... :

Menu Items 62
…effects the following segmentation with the menu:

Generate Elements autom./slope ( ):

However you get results closer to reality by setting ...

and create (menu Generate Elements autom./slope ( ) the following


63 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

example for the result of the menu items "Generate Elements autom./slope", resp.


In comparison to the segmentation according to Janbu, here the actual

force progression inside of the mechanism ("support line") and the forces
between the elements due to the inclination of the edges are simulated
more appropriate.

Edit Elements
Boundary Polygon

Here you can define the outer border of a KE-system as a polygon. It is

required that al least one soil layer was defined, because the program
always assures that every element resides completely in the soil. Simply
click points one after another that first should span the whole KE-system
approximately. A single polygonal shaped kinematic element, for example
looks like this:

Menu Items 64
Of course this element is not able to be moved with kinematic rules. Now
use the following menu items.

Split Face/ Edge

Face /Edge
In order to generate a topologic, geometric correct kinematic failure
mechanism from this boundary polygon.
The procedure will be explained on the above example:
Divide the edge along the slope:

menu edit elements/split edge ( )

Always watch the text in the status bar: There is a short description of the
action that the program expects at the moment.

Division of one single element in several smaller elements:

menu: elements edit/split face

65 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

 Now you have the following topology:

In order to be able to calculate the mechanism you only have to define the
edges that have connection to the ground. Here this is the edges between
the points 6-5, 5-1 and 1-2. Simply select them each with a double-click with
the left mouse button and set the following in the edges-dialog:

Menu Items 66
Now you have to define an edge that applies a virtual displacement to the
mechanism. Here obviously it is the edge in the upper element between the
points 6 and 7: Specify a displacement of –0.2 in z-direction (the upper
Element will be pressed downwards). The actual value of the displacement
for the calculation of the forces is insignificant (virtual displacement): it is
only necessary to get the force directions.

67 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

If you specify (like here) factor for  = 0 then the direction of the force at this
edge independent to the element movement is always perpendicular to the
Now press the F10-Key (or menu calculation/Kinematic & Static, or Icon
):. You can see the calculated structure with the upset virtual
If you hold down the +/- key pressed you can watch the mechanism move.

Move Corner

Use this menu item to move a point of the segmentation with the mouse.
Select the desired node simply with the left mouse button, move it to the
desired position, and set it with one more click of the left mouse button. This
is a good technique for manual optimization of the geometry:

Press the Ctrl-key during moving the point with the mouse, then KEA
computes the whole system 'online' in every mouse move.

Delete Elements

Deletes all kinematic elements (this can also be undone with Ctrl+Z ( ) ).

Create Elements automatically

Change in surface inclination 1

Creates a standard-two-body mechanism that can serve for a series of

problems as a simple starting mechanism: Here you have to give the
position of the points with the number 1 (see following picture).

Pay attention: KEA always expects that the excavation (so the lower base)
is positioned at the left side of point 1.

Menu Items 68
Standard elements created with the menu KEM/Generate Elements autom./slope

Change in surface inclination 2

Creates a standard-two body mechanism, for a vertical slope that can serve
for a series of problems as a simple starting mechanism: Here you only
have to give the position of the points with the number 1 (see following

Earth resistance

Creates a standard two body mechanism from the excavation base to the
wall foot that can be used for the determination of the passive earth
pressure. This menu item assumes a given wall, in order to be able to
generate the elements.
This Approach is suggested by Prof. Gudehus in "Grundbau-taschenbuch"
[GUDE] (see "Literature directory" on page 175).

69 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Standard 2-body mechanism to the determination of the earth resistance of a wall

Excavation wall

Creates a standard 4-body mechanism that can serve for the stability
analysis of a pit wall:

Standard mechanism for the stability analysis of a general sheeting pit wall.


Menu Items 70
With this method you can drag a suitable mechanism simply with the mouse
similar to a slip circle for slope stability analysis. The segmentation will be
created according to the defaults in KEA/Settings Auto-elements (see
according chapter of this manual).
Select the menu KEA/Generate Elements autom./slope

With two clicks of the left mouse button select starting point and end point of
the segmentation.
Now drag the mechanism with pressed left mouse button: Press the Ctrl-
Key to see the forces in the system online while dragging. KEA is
computing the complete system 'online' in every mouse move: So you will
easily find an optimal starting geometry for a proceeding fine optimization. If
you constrict before in the dialog "KEM/Settings Auto-elements" the
mechanism to vertical element borders, and horizontal forces between the
elements, you will get exactly the same mechanism like it is suggested by
Janbu. Setting these restrictions only makes sense if you want to
recalculate a given system for example, because here the force progression
inside of the slope is per definition false (that is: exclusively horizontal). The
hereby created results can lie therefore clearly on the unsure side. The
advantages of the general formulations implemented in KEM it is even that
such simplifications are not necessary any longer.

71 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Dragging of a mechanism with the menu KEA/Generate Elements autom./slope

Like slipcircle from center

Creates a mechanism that approximates close to a slip circle geometry.

The input is analog to the before described menu KEA/Generate Elements
Go on like this:
With the left mouse button select a circle with the center in M.
Then drag the circle with pressed left mouse button: With every mouse
move, the current safety of the circle (slice method) will be calculated and
displayed. So you will find a segmentation quickly that is close to the
optimum. If you press the Ctrl-Key while dragging the circle, the stability
factor (Fellenius) of the KE-mechanism is calculated additionally and
displayed online .

The amount of elements and the direction of action of the forces act on the
settings that you made in the dialog "KEA/Settings Auto-elements".

Menu Items 72
input of a mechanism with the menu KEA/Generate Elements autom./Like Slip circle
from center"

Like Slipcircle from fixpoint

functions analog above menu, only that here the circle will be dragged from
a fixed point.
Go on like this:
 Select a fixed point of the circle (e.g. slope foot or foot of a sheeting pit
wall) with the left mouse button.
Then drag a circle with pressed left mouse button : See above menu item
KEA/Generate Elements autom./Like Slipcircle from center .
The amount of elements and the direction of action of the forces conform to
the settings that you made in the dialog "KEM/settings Auto-Elements".

73 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Input of a mechanism with the menu KEA/Generate Elements autom./Like Slip circle
from fix point

Along curve...
With this method you can define a suitable mechanism that follows along a
curve above all for slope stability analysis, simply by dragging with the
mouse. The segmentation will be created according to the defaults in
KEA/Settings Auto-elements (see according Chapter in this manual).

Split Elements
Here the amount of elements will be doubled by a vertical division of every
element: With it you can find the correct solution geometry by means of
'adaptive optimization'.
Example for using this menu:
 1. Create a standard 2-body mechanism for a slope with: menu
KEA/Generate Elements autom./slope ( )

Menu Items 74
 2. Optimize your geometry with the menu Calculation/Optimize
Gradient method/Stability (Ctrl+F11, or ):

 3. Divide an element in 2:
 a. split two edges, do twice menu KEA/Edit elements/split edge, select
the line, an additional node will be generated each time.
 b. Split the element KEA/Edit elements/split elements select the first
node select the second node.

75 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

 Free point 6 for optimization: Double-click the node, and in the dialog of
optimizations set the switch auto dXZ e.g.
 Now optimize it repeat step 2: The following shape has resulted after
the 1. repetition:

 Doing the whole procedure again twice you get this shape:

Menu Items 76
Obviously, increasing of the amounts elements does not implicitly provide
much more exact results. It is sufficient to calculate the above situation with
4-6 elements.

Bounds Of Optimization
Initialize B+Z
Initializes the optimization rectangles, i.e. all optimizing geometry points get
an optimization freedom of length 1m.

Enlarge B+H
This inflates all optimization rectangles.

Decrease B+G
This deflates all optimization rectangles.

77 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

In this menu you will find all functionality to calculate / optimize the KE-
structure or the slip circles.

Calculates the Kinematic of the system: If you press the +/- key you see the
mechanism moving:

Kinematic & Static F10

Calculates the kinematics and the forces of the system: The edge forces will
be displayed (see image above)

Safety Fellenius + Stress analysis F11

Computes the stability due to Fellenius with a /c-reduction, until the sum of
the residual forces at the displacement edge will be zero.
The safety is the proportion of the tangens of the actual existing shear
values to the reduced soil shear values. For more details read the chapter
of this book that deals with this method
Also see "General remarks to the KE-Analysis" on page 97
Hint: The safety definition due to Fellenius is most suitable for stability

Menu Items 78
Optimize Descendance method
Stability (Phi-C-reduction) Ctrl+F11

The optimization method is extended for the consideration of non linear side
conditions of the mathematic gradient method due to Powell. [NUMREC]
(see "Literature directory" on page 175). For more information refer to the
chapter "Formulating the Kinematic Element Analysis" on page 97.
The geometry of the mechanism will be optimized towards a low stability
due to Fellenius. So this optimization is suitable for the calculation of
 all Stability problems und
 bearing capacity failure problems.
Since in every optimization step beside the kinematics and the forces also
the stability from a /c-reduction has to be calculated, the calculation time
depending upon the setting of tasks and type of computer may take a few
minutes. You can see from the development of the objective function, if the
optimization converges and to what extent the aimed value lessens.
Hint: Cancel the optimization procedure any time with the ESC-Key, and
bring back the original mechanism after the optimization with Ctrl+Z (Undo).

79 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Maximize force at displaced edges

In positive direction.
This optimizes the geometry of the mechanism towards a maximum sum
of the residual forces on edges with applied virtual displacement and
towards the calculation of active earth pressure.

Minimize force at displaced edges

This command optimizes the geometry of the KE-system with the help of
the gradient method. The objective function is minimizing the force at the
displacement edge.

Minimize the absolute value of the force Ctrl+F10

Optimises the geometry of the mechanism towards the minimal sum of the
residual forces at the edges with applied virtual displacement.
This optimization is suitable for the calculation of
 Passive earth pressure,
 Bearing capacity problems,
 Slope stability,
 Stability of excavation pits,. etc. ...
For this optimization the node of the edge with the applied virtual
displacement may not have any optimization freedom since the edge would
become degenerated otherwise (thus, the force would reach 0).

Menu Items 80
Slip circle
Optimization Settings
In the menu item slip circle you will find the functionality for the calculation
and optimization of slip circles: The available program version of KEA
contains the complete functionality of the program FIDES-SlipCircle.

Here you can define whether the program searches the unfavorable slip
circle with the ordinary 9-point rasterizing method, or with a mathematic
gradient method.
"Simplified waterpres." means that the vertical effect of water is considered
only by the usage of ' under buoyancy. Besides the pore water pressure
and R will be applied. It is not advisable to activate "Simplified waterpress.".
If you activate "Use this grid", the program searches not using the above
mentioned methods for the unfavorable center point (9-point rasterizing
method resp. gradient method), but with the grid defined here. The search
of the unfavorable radius to every center happens automatically.


Here you can directly specify the circle in a dialog. This circle will be used for
If you set a segment width
the optimization as a starting circle. A fixed point (see check-box 'use…')
of 0, the program disables the declaration of a radius. If you give b=0 as a segment width, the
determines a reasonable program determines a reasonable fragmentation from the radius and the
fragmentation from the intersections of the circle with the ground surface, automatically. The width b
radius and the intersections should be between R/5 and R/10, however.
of the circle with the ground
surface automatically.

81 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Annotation to fixed points:

The wall foot of a sheeting pit wall usually is set wisely as a fixed point,
because the failure mode 'slope failure' implies that the whole system will
become instable. The determination if a mechanism that intersects with the
wall is more unfavorable, must be investigated by giving the wall as pile-
resp. dowel element: Here the shear force and the resistance of the pile
rates outside the circle will be considered (see chapter to the menu

from Center

Here you can drag a slip circle from its center with pressed left mouse
button. Please pay attention that the program calculates while dragging the
circle and the current safety of the circle geometry will be displayed in the
status bar: So you can find a good starting circle for a following automatic
optimization ( ).
Eta = ?? this means that the safety is either infinite or zero.

from Fixpoint

It is similar to dragging from center point. By a possibly following automatic

optimization ( ) the fixed point will be taken care of.


Slip circle tries to find a valid start circle for a following optimization from the
geometry of the system automatically ( ). Please pay attention that the
automatically created circle definitely is not the most unfavorable, and
therefore has to be optimized and checked for plausibility afterwards!

Menu Items 82
Calculate slip circle

( ) this calculates the currently displayed slip circle, and updates the
results file.

Optimize slip circle

Hint: Optimizing of a slip circle given with the menus , or .

You can select the slip The variation happens automatically without giving a radius range,
circle with a double-click on center point grids or windows. FIDES Slipcircle tries to find the
the center point or the unfavorable circle by a simple, but robust gradient method. For
circle line. systems with a quite regular geometry a sufficient variation of the
center points and radius occurs, so that the method usually converges
against the searched optimum. In this optimization the segment width
will be used that you have given in the circle dialog. If you want to the
program to create the fragmentation automatically, you have to set
segment width = 0.

Necessarily you have to pay attention to the following:

The method always finds a 'local' optimum, but this may not be the absolute
unfavorable slip circle. This problem may appear e.g. in two broad apart
lying slopes: Here the algorithm can find the optimum depending on the
start circle possibly at the one or at the other slope. So you always have to
take a critical attitude to the gained results and see whether start geometry
could result in a less safe slip circle.
By heavy line-, concentrated strip loads and construction elements as
anchor with heavy stress force, construction elements with high shear
resistance or piles /dowels that can cause extended discontinuity for the
objective function, you should always investigate by a manual dragging
( ) of circles, if the automatically optimized circle is actually most
During the optimization, watch the program drawing circles and center
points at the screen and as far as possible the safety displayed below. By
means of the resulting center points you can see, if the search is heading
for a (as in the image below) reasonable optimum, or diverges. The
optimization can be cancelled any time with the ESC-Key.

83 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Verify the convergence of the optimization with the displayed center points

Generate automatic. + optimize

This is a combination of the menus Slipcircle/… automatically and

Slipcircle/Optimize Slipcircle. This menu item determines a start circle
without any requirements, and optimizes it afterwards. The segment width
will be set to zero, and therefore it will be applied by the program with a
sensible value in every optimization step automatically by means of the

Delete Isolines
Deletes the isolines ( = lines of the same safety) displayed around the last
optimized slip circle.

Wall Earth pressure


on wall straight line

Here the crack line will be considered as a straight line for all layers.
The earth pressure will be calculated on the (polygonal defined) wall You
can set the amount of intermediate points along the wall, on which the earth
pressure will be determined, in the dialog: Stage/Calculationparameters
You can set the amount of intermediate points along the wall, on which the
earth pressure will be determined, in the dialog:

on wall poly crack

Here a polygonal break line over the layers will be investigated. The
optimisation takes more time because of the additional degree of freedom
(every layer now has different theta angle) as by "active on wall straight
crack". The earth pressure will be calculated on the (polygonal defined)

Menu Items 84
system line of the wallAnnotation: the calculation " Calculate active on wall
straight crack " usually is sufficient to handle layered soil. Calculations
investigating the differences showed that differences are mostly

at point straight crack

Here you can determine the earth pressure wedge for any point (not only at
the wall) with a straight slip line.

at point poly crack

Here you can calculate the earth pressure wedge on any point (not only on
the wall).


2-Body-Mechanism …create
This menu item is for creating a 2-body-mechanism for the determination of
the resulting earth pressure force.

Standard mechanism for the calculation of the earth resistance due to Gudehus.

For that you have to define a wall. With the +/- keys you can watch the
displacements of the both kinematic elements moving. The geometry will be
optimized directly during generation.

2-Body-Mechanism …calculate F10

This calculates the displayed mechanism.

2-Body-Mechanism …optimize
This geometry optimization by means of mathematic optimization (gradient
method with consideration of non linear side conditions). The result is the
resulting earth resistance:

85 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Attention: The optimization may converge only slowly or not at all for certain
conditions. This is especially the case, if the objective function gets
unsteady because of heavy ground loads or heavy loads inside the layers.
In such cases please vary point no. 3 with the mouse.

2-Body-Mechanism delete
This deletes the displayed mechanism.

2-Body-Mechanism move element manually

For manually moving a point of a mechanism (e.g. Point 3): This way you
can search the optimum yourself by moving the point with the mouse. If you
press the Ctrl-key during moving, the program calculates 'online' and you
see the current earth pressure (=residual force of the right edge) with every
mouse move.

2-Body-Mech. 2 Body Mech. along wall

( ) This automatically creates mechanisms along the Wall, optimizes

them, and calculates the earth resistance values Eph and the earth
resistance distribution ephod from the abbreviation of a quadratic
interpolation. This happens similarly to the determination of eah from Eah .

Results of the calculation of the earth resistance from the menu:

"Calculation/passive/2-Body-mechanisn…/2-Body-mechanism along wall…"

Menu Items 86
Soil Nailing
Toggle Nail Mode
Here you can switch the nail mode on/off

Parameter for calculation

Nailing wall completely

Calculates all required proofs for a nailed wall if nails have been defined.

water pressure on line
Use this menu item to calculate the water pressure along any polygonal
intersection. See menu Construct/Water/Water pressure of a layer

FIDES-GeoStability supports multiple view windows per document. You can
open any number of views for a file. Differing settings for each window are

New Window
Opens a new window with the current active file.

The caption bars of all open windows will arrange one below the other.

87 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

This divides the available screen, so the windows will not overlap each

Tips and Tricks...

Shows the tips and tricks dialog.

Help themes
Shows the help file (this document) in the pdf-format with the program that
is installed on your system for viewing pdf-files (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader)

Live update
Here you can perform an internet update procedure over an internet
connection directly from the FIDES-web server. First you have to check if an
update version is available.

update now
After checking the availability, you can perform a program update, if the
update is available on the download server

FIDES online support
With this menu a small program will be downloaded from the internet. If you
contact the FIDES support by telephone now, and tell them the ID you allow
the support team to directly assist you in solving your problem right on your

Align nodes to grid

Aligns all nodes in the project to a 1 cm grid, all coordinates will be rounded
to a precision of 1 cm

Contains the version number of the program and our contact address for

Opens the dialog of our software protection system. More information about
licensing is given in a separate manual.

Menu Items 88
Change Language
Changes the language of the program

89 Menu Items
 FIDES-GeoStability

Concept of verification

DIN 1054:2005
From program version 2004.202 you may define partial safety factors and
verification specific limitation states under „Settings / Code“ and „Settings /
Limit states“.
The result texts contain at the beginning always a listing of the currently
selected partial safety factors. In the separate verifications there is always a
hint to the underlying limitation states.

Limit states
In the dialog „Settings  limitstates“ you may select for different
verifications a proper limitation state. The slip circle verification will be done
in the GZ 1C.

Load cases
On every load you define a loadcase and a type of load case suitable to the
load case (due to DIN 1055). You may allocate to every building stage one
or all loadcases separately.

Partial Safety Factors


GZ 1A:
γ G,dst: Soil self-weight (incl. water flow), permanent loads, dead weight
of structure parts (also angular retaining walls).
γ H,dst: Pore water pressure (incl. seepage).

GZ 1B:
γ G: Soil self-weight (incl. water flow), permanent loads, dead weight
of structur parts (also angular retaining walls).
γ E0g: pressure at rest –(part) at the calculation of earth pressure.
γ Q: life loads.

Concept of verification 90
GZ 1C:
γ G: Soil self-weight (incl. water flow), permanent loads.
slip circle, angular retaining wall: wall dead weight, weight of
the angualr retaining wall, not on water pressure.
γ Q: life loads.


GZ 1B:
γ Ep,Gr: Earth resistance at slip verification and at the calculation in the
two body mechanism.
γ Gl: Safety at the slip verification.
γ M: Safety on anchor-/nail-steel.
γ A: Safety on anchor force.
γ Gtf: Safety on perm. tension force in usage geotextile F zul .
γ Gt: Safety geotextile on friction / extraction force.

GZ 1C:
γ Phi: Safety on inner friction tan(φ).
γ C: Safety on cohesion.
γ N: Nail extraction.
γ A: Safety on anchor force.
γ Gt: Safety for geotextile on friction / extraction force.
γ cd: Safety on dowel/cutting structure parts.

Eurocode 7
The safety concept due to EC7 contains in comparison to the DIN 1054 the
possibility to a larger variety of safety combinations.

Limit states
Just as the DIN 1054:2005 already did, the Eurocode distinguishes,
between different limit states at which the requirements of the building must
be verified.

Serviceability Limit State; the state where the conditions designed for the
use of the building are no longer given when exceeded.

Ultimate Limit State; the state leads to a numerical collapse or other forms
of failure when exceeded.

91 Concept of verification
 FIDES-GeoStability

Modes of Failure in the ULS

Compared to the DIN1054 the Eurocode distinguishes between many more
different modes of failure in the ultimate limit state. The following table
shows the difference between DIN1054:2005 and EC7.

DIN1054:2005 EC7 Description

Loss of equilibrium forces of the building as
EQU a rigid body, where neither strength of soil nor
the building is crucial.
Loss of equilibrium forces of the building
because of uplift forces.
Hydraulic heave failure and material
HYD transportation within the soil due to hydraulic
Crack of the building or constructive elements,
GZ1B where the strength of the material is crucial.
GEO-2 Very large displacements or crack of the soil,
where the strength of the soil is crucial.
Comparison of modes of failure

Verification in the ULS

In the ultimate limit state the verification is done by the condition:
Ed <= Rd
Ed: dimensioning value of effects (actions)
Rd: dimensioning value of resistances
Eurocode 7 defines 3 design approaches to choose from, that decide on the
combinations of the partial safety factors. Each check can have safety
factors for actions (A), geotechnical values (M: material) and resistances

Design A1 + M1 + R1 Currently not directly supported.

approach 1 A2 + M2 + R1 Please save the file 2 times and
calculate A1+M1+R1 and
Design A1 + M1 + R2 Safety factors are applied to
approach 2 actions and resistances. This is
similar to LS-1B.
Design A1 or A2 + M2 + R3 Safety factors on actions and
approach 3 A1: actions from the materials. This can be compared
super structure to the LS-1C.
A2: geotechnical actions.

The national annex to the EC7 defines the design approach that has to be
used. In Germany the design approach 3 is used for the slip circle failures.
The other checks are performed in DA-2. DA-1 must not be applied in

Concept of verification 92
Program implementation
Because of changes due to the Eurocode, from version 2012.100 on it was
required to change the design code dialog and offer the safety factors in a
separate dialog form.
So far, there was only the possibility to enter safety factors for each check
performed. The program WALLS-Retain, that performs calculations due to
RE this has not changed. The limit states are hard coded into the program
(e.g. slip circle always with GEO-3, wall dimensioning always with GEO-2).
The design-code dialog has been adapted to reflect the limit state used in
EC-7 properly:

Dialog Code

For all other programs a new concept has been implemented, that allows
the input of safety factors in groups of A, M and R. For this the option “EC 7”
must be selected in the old design-code dialog.

93 Concept of verification
 FIDES-GeoStability

Dialog safety factors EC7

In order to add a new country configuration, the button “Use standard

values for this configuration” has to be unchecked. Now you can edit the
factors and limit states. The button “save” allows you to store the changes
to an external file and use it for other projects as well by using the button
The settings of the safety factors dialog are stored in the project file, so
changing the standard program settings won’t affect your old projects. Thus,
it is recommended to read the log-file of each update carefully to be sure
that you calculate with the latest revision of the safety factors.
Using the button “design approach”, you can now change the limit states for
the user defined country code settings in another dialog.

Concept of verification 94
Dialog design approach, combinations

95 Concept of verification
Formulating the Kinematic
Element Analysis

General remarks to the KE-Analysis

The kinematic element analysis (KEA) is a general numerical multiple body
failure mechanism method to investigate solid body continua in fracture
condition invented by Gußmann [GUSS]. It belongs to the family of limit
equilibrium methods. KEA is based on the force equilibrium of the
’kinematic’ elements of a solid body discretization where the mechanical
behavior is formulated at the joints according to the limit condition of
Coulomb. With the aid of adaptive optimization, it is possible to derive a
solution for the forces and the stresses, which corresponds to the
kinematic limit condition of the theory of plasticity. KEA can be applied in
the geomechanics, in earth pressure problems such as ground failure or
soil stability. The soil will be discretised through a number of solid
elements (areas). A target function corresponding to the problem that will
be solved can be de-fined. This yields to a condition according to which the
geometry of a failure mechanism must be optimized. In general equation
(1) that is formulated according to the principle of virtual work leads to the
variables that must be minimized:

A proper target function for earth pressure problems would be for example
the minimization or maximization of the forces on a displaced edge
equation (5), or for a stability calculation the minimization of the safety
according to the definition of Fellenius.

In this model, inner work is consumed by shear forces in assumed

failure joints on the virtual relative displacements. Under the assumption
that the failure limit condition of Coulomb is valid, between the elements
the following relation applies.

The analysis will be performed in fracture state with rigid elements, thus
the parameters of the static calculation are limited only to the geometry,
the loads and the soil property parameters internal friction and cohesion

The external work is applied on the loads that move along virtual
displacements of the mechanism. Loads of the system is dead weight,

Formulating the Kinematic Element

 FIDES-GeoStability

pore pressure, water pressure, cohesion forces, external loads, shearing

off parts, pre-stressed anchors, extraction forces of nails
Summarizing, we can therefore say:
The input values for the calculation are the soil properties

 and
 .
The results of the calculation are
 Forces at the edges of the elements, the,
 Geometry of the failure mechanism and the
 Displacement ratios.
The displacements of the elements are virtual and serve the calculation of
the ratio of the inner to the outer works. Therefore, real displacements
cannot be calculated.

Mechanical model

Modeling kinematic failure mechanisms

Geometry and topology
The edge directions of the polygonal outlined ‘kinematic elements’ are
described with the aid of their normal vectors in the 2D plane. The
necessary condition for the geometric admissibility of an element is that it
should have the form of a regular polygon. That means that two element
edges have only one common point and that the element has a definite
area > 0.

The normalized normal vector to describe the location of an edge ie in

element if emerges under consideration of a positive rotation (here always
in counter clock wise) from the direction cosine according to equation (2) :


Formulating the Kinematic Element

The unknown displacements vsys in global coordinates can be calculated
through the compatibility requirement that at the edges remain in contact
(kinematic co-existence). The equation system



can be formulated.

are the absolute displacements of the elements if, jf, ..., be

is the ’kinematic matrix’ and contains the directions of the normals n

of the edges of the system. The method that assembles the matrix Ksys is
explained in a simple example at picture 2. The vector rsys contains the
imposed displacements on the edges of the system.
In general we distinguish 4 different edge types:
 Interelement edge (edge between two elements) (I-edge)
 Edge with prescribed virtual displacement (DF-edge)
 Edge at rigid boundary (DR-edge)
(like DF- Edge with prescribed displacement = 0))
 Edge without any boundary or compatibility condition (O-edges)
(free edges)
For every edge with kinematic compatibility condition (edge types I, DF
and DR) an equation can be setup for the system relation equation (4)::
 At interelement edges between elements if, jf applies:

If an interelement edge has a prescribed displacement perpendicular to it,
then for this edge a new equation according to (5) must be formulated in
relation to one neighboring element.
 Edges with prescribed displacement:

Formulating the Kinematic Element

 FIDES-GeoStability


vif describes the global displacement vector of the element if and rie the
prescribed displacement normal to the edge ie. At edges with non-
deforming surroundings applies rie = 0.
 Edges with free surroundings do not possess any compatibility
Picture 2 shows an example for the calculation of the system kinematics
equations (3)-(5) for a simple failure mechanism of two elements.

Edge without any condition: 0-edge: 5

Edge to rigid outer area DR-edge: 2,4
Edge with virt. Displacement DF-edge: 1
Edge between elements I-edge: 3

Picture 2: Example to build the system kinematics to a mechanism of 2 elements

Discretization of the system

The number of degrees of freedom (=unknown displacements vx, vy of the
elements) of the systems in two dimensions is then 2  number of areas.
The system has as many equations as edges with kinematic compatibility
conditions (I-, DF-, and DR-edges). The picture 3 shows some examples.
The formulation of the system requires that the matrix Ksys is non
symmetric and possibly non quadratic. In case the number of compatibility
conditions equal the number of degrees of the system (Ksys is quadratic),
a non trivial solution of the system is provided if no linear dependencies
Formulating the Kinematic Element
are present. Even for equation systems with non quadratic or singular
coefficient matrices can provide valid system configurations. Picture 3
shows an example. It is of interest to be able to make conclusions about
the degree of the ‘kinematic uncertainty’ of the generated mesh from the
degree of singularity of the system kinematics. By applying the solution
method which we describe in the next chapter, the discretization of the
fracture mechanisms can be made less restrictive and more mesh types
can be analyzed.

Picture 3: Different discretization of kinematically equal systems

Solving the system kinematics

Because of the way the system kinematics matrix is assembled

(see 2.1.3), for some circumstances the equation system cannot be solved
by a usual direct method (like the Gaussian decomposition). A good choice
to use for general solution of the equation systems of the form

This is the so called ’Singular Value Decomposition SVD’ method (see
"Literature directory" on page 175) .
The decomposition of the coefficient matrix is based on the following
algebraic theorem: Every m x n matrix A, whose number of rows m is
larger or equal to the number of columns n can be written as a product of
an m x n column orthogonal matrix U, of a n x n diagonal matrix W and the
transposed of a n x n orthogonal matrix V :


Formulating the Kinematic Element

 FIDES-GeoStability

Because of the orthogonal matrices U and V:



( because V is quadratic) (10)

E is the quadratic unity matrix.

Case 1: m>=n: More compatibility conditions as

With equations .(13) - (16) the inverse matrix of A can be calculated


with W =

i terms w = 0 in the diagonal matrix W describe i regular values of the
linear equation system A*x=b. r=n-i is the rank of matrix A or the
number of the linear independent row vectors of A. In the KEA the right
side b has always at least one entry unequal zero (at least one edge of the
system has a virtual displacement different than zero). Thus the equation
system (3) has several solutions.
The solution vector that will be used here is the one with the smallest
length from the solution family (see [NUMREC], page 65) (see "Literature
directory" on page 175)
In the case that no linear dependency exists, the equation system is
regular and a residual is formulated, then in the rigid body mechanism
appear penetrations or gaps because of redundant compatibility
conditions. This situation can be transferred under circumstances to a
statically correct system by modifying the boundary conditions or element
Picture 4 shows such a situation with two systems. The systems differ only
at the imposed boundary conditions on edge 2 : In system I the edge is on
the free surface (O-edge) and in System II the edge is on a rigid boundary
(DR-edge). System II can not be displaced in a kinematic compatible way
(Element 2 should be moved in the +x-direction). Thus, there is no
residuum free solution of the relation (3) (see Picture 4 ). The solution of
the system forces for the situations in picture 4 is explained in details in
[EURI].(see "Literature directory" on page 175).

Formulating the Kinematic Element

Picture 4 systemkinematic with residuum

Case 2: m < n : Less compatibility conditions than

In this case we do not expect an unambiguous solution. Under the
prerequisite that A is non singular, exactly n-m values wi = 0 can be
calculated. The family of solutions again consists of all possible
combinations of the columns in V with corresponding wi= 0 and the
resulting vector x the system of equations (3), which describes the
kinematic, can be considered as solved for any vector x because the
amount of the calculated relative displacements has no influence to the
equation for the work (3).
It must be pointed out that in this case the resulting equation system (15)
for the computation of the edge forces is over determined and possibly not
residuum free solvable or even singular. This problem is explained in detail
in [EURI].
Final conclusion to the solution of the system kinematics:
 The number of operations required for the described method is very
high if in comparison to direct solvers. In this method for non quadratic
coefficient matrices A the correctness of the resulting vector must be
always verified with a residuum calculation. Although the number of
unknowns in a KEA calculation generally is low (usually 4-40
unknowns), the computation time can be very high. Therefore, it is
basically recommended to use discretization that produce solvable
quadratic system matrices (in equation (3)), since in this case the
system kinematics can be solved very fast with a usual direct method.
 The solution of the system kinematics with the above described SVD-
method has only one advantage: That at first all modeled mechanisms
can be solved and, any time during the assembling of a possible
fracture mechanism, the user gets information about: How many
edges for example must be fixed with a boundary condition in order to
Formulating the Kinematic Element
 FIDES-GeoStability

get an unique solution of the system kinematic - and thus static –


Kinematic consistency
The relative displacements at the edge ie between the elements if and jf
can be calculated from the displacements vsys after they have been
transformed in both local edge coordinate directions n and t (see Picture

with (13)
The resulting relative displacement of the edge can be calculated from the
sum of two neighboring elements.


Kinematic consistency is ensured if the compatibility conditions

at the inter element edges and

at the displacement edges are fulfilled.

If the kinematic consistency is not fulfilled that means if gaps appear or
elements overlap, then the element network must be topologically or
geometrically modified possibly under inclusion of the information from
paragraph 2.2.
The system II in Picture 4 contains for example a kinematic inconsistency.

Structure analyzing

picture 5 edge forces

The terms of the ’friction matrix’ Rsys in equation (15) describe the
direction vectors of the friction forces Qsys at the element edges from the

Formulating the Kinematic Element

force equilibrium at the total system. Psys designates the load vector from
dead weight, loads, cohesion forces and pore water pressures.


At an element if with the edges ie, je, ..., ne the forces equilibrium in global
coordinates is equal to:



with the contribution of forces the geometry is

modified during the optimization, so the material values ,c must be
calculated in every step from the intersection of edges/surfaces with the
soil layers and the water and any structure polygon areas. The
implemention has no restriction in the number of polygonal soil layers (with
vertical jumps also) so the calculation of the intersections is very costly.
Thus if there are many soil layers, the computation time can take very

Picture 6: balance of forces at the element

Two equilibrium conditions (Px and Pz) can now be formulated for an
element through equation (16). The number of unknowns depends on the

Formulating the Kinematic Element

 FIDES-GeoStability

number of edges with kinematic compatibility conditions. The sum of

moments applied at an element is not included in the equilibrium. At inter
element edges with prescribed displacement the equilibrium of the two
unknown forces in the gap must be formulated separately for each
element. This appears for example at an edge on which active earth
pressure from one side and passive earth pressure from the other side is

The parts of the friction matrix Rsys can be calculated according to the
following scheme:

 A) Transformation of the local relative displacement components

bback to the global XZ-system:


 B) The direction of the edge force depends to the relative

displacements of the both neighboring elements. The sign of the

following cross product (direction of the rotation axis in positive or

negative y-direction)


decides if the angle between n and q is equal to + or -.

Since an inclinnation of the force only has effect after a relative

displacement |st ieif | > 0, if the tangential displacements have small
numerical values, the components in sieif (Gl. (18)) should be

multiplied by the factor :

Formulating the Kinematic Element

This way, for the case of numerically small relative displacements, at the
edge ie a continuous transition of the angle about which q rotates is
ensured. fak is the scaling factor that is calculated dependent on the
computer accuracy and the length of the relative displacement vector.

 C) with the direction sign , if ishows in the direction of the

positive y axis otherwise , the directions of the coupling forces
are calculated as follows :

The parts of the edge loading because of cohesion, pore water
pressure and distributed loading are calculated directly from their
direction cosinus ( and  see Picture 1) :

The solution of the static model again will be gained with the method which
is described in chapter "solution of the system kinematic" .
Situations, where the equation (3) (solution of the system kinematic) has
less unknown variables than equations, the solution of the structure
analysis can be considered this way:

Remarks to the element discretization

On the contrary to a calculation with the help of the FEA, a practically
accurate solution can already be found with KEA by a very coarse
discretised mesh. As a result of the super proportionally increasing
calculation effort with increasing amount of elements, for the optimizing
task it's better to analyze your calculating system always with preferable
rough sub-divisions in a first step. Image 7 indicates, using a simple
comparing calculation of the passive earth pressure that the results of a
rough discretised KE-calculation are quite in accordance with the analytic
calculation with straight resp. bended failure lines. The results from bended
failure surface were extracted from the optimizing of a logarithmic helix.

Formulating the Kinematic Element

 FIDES-GeoStability

Picture 7: Comparing calculation of passive earth pressure

The focus of the KE computation is to find
 the most unfavorable failure mechanism and the corresponding
 most unfavorable failure geometry

The definition of the objective function depends on the problem.

Formulating the Kinematic Element

 For earth pressure computations, the remaining force at an edge is
minimized with the imposed displacement (passive earth pressure) or
maximized (active earth pressure).
 For computations of the stability safety of embankments or
supporting structures, the target function is the safety due to
Fellenius. It is defined as the relation of the tangent of the possible vs.
the required shearing strength. This value is calculated at every
optimization step during the KE computation by a , c-reduction (root
finding for the force at the displaced edge). The saftey definition, at
which the appliable anchor forces will be opposed to the required
anchor forces (resp. nail) (e.g. Kranz) is not suitable for all conceptual
 Example:
What is the stability safty of a mechnism for instance of a soil nailing,
at which theoretically no positive nailforces has to be mobilised, in
order to close the forces? Safety=(appliable nailforces) / 0 = infinite, or
Safety=(appliable nailforces)/(negative forces)= negative value?
 The safety for bearing capcacity failure calculations can be
defined as finding the minimum of the remaining force on the
displaced edge or also the safety according to Fellenius (see above).
Generally, when the remaining force on a displaced edge is
optimized, the corner points of this edge must be fixed because
otherwise the edge gets degenerated (the length and thus the force is
becoming zero).

Failure mechanism
A "start mechanism" must be defined first, before optimizing the geometry.
Usually it is easy to find an unfavorable start mechanism because the
results are accurate enough even for simple element meshes. Thus, the
generation of a failure mechanism should be performed interactively, using
one of the provided mechanisms of the program.
Picture 8 shows a mechanism generated automatically and used for the
problem “Stability of a soil excavation” and “Calculation of anchor lengths”.
Pictures 9 and 10 show further examples of standard mechanisms for
polygonal surfaces with step-type geometry (by dividing the elements) or
for the calculation of the earth resistance.
Starting mechanism

Formulating the Kinematic Element

 FIDES-GeoStability

Geometric optimization

Picture 8: Example, starting mechanism and optimized geometry for the safety
calculation of an excavation supporting structure

Formulating the Kinematic Element

Picture 9: Automatic generation of elements at surfaces with discontinuities with
element subdivision

Picture 10: Automatic element generation for the proof of the wall foot support

Formulating the Kinematic Element

 FIDES-GeoStability

Geometry of the failure mechanism

On the contrary to the selection of a correct mechanism, its geometry
optimization might be very complicated because in the general case the
optimum of a non steady target function with respect of nonlinear side
conditions has to be found. Comparison: The optimization of a slip circle
has three degrees of freedom (xM, zM, R), the optimization of the example
of the elements at the embankment in picture 11 has already 11 degrees
of freedom, and that means more complicated optimization by a power of
The following possibilities for geometry optimization are available:
 Optimization with Gradient method (for example modified Powell,
Advantage: Fast convergence if the problem is set up properly
Disadvantage: The solution might be not a global optimum
 Optimization with total enumeration:
Advantage: Reselected solution space will be completely searched.
The optimum found within this solution space is global
Disadvantage: The solution space must be given in advance. Long
computation times.
 Optimization through evolutionary or genetic algorithms:
Advantage: It is most probable that the global optimum found.
Disadvantage: The control parameters for the optimization algorithm
must be given by the user. Very long computation times.
 Optimization through interactive adopting of the element
Advantage: The vicinity of a global optimum can be located. The
search is 'intelligent'. Disadvantage: No automatic Search.
The following approach is sensible in most cases:
1. Select a proper failure mechanism.
2. Get the geometry interactively to an 'almost' optimum shape (for
example following the line of an optimized slip circle)
3. Use this geometry as a start for a fine optimization with the step down

Calculation Details

How do anchors act on KE?

Generally, anchors act as pre-stressed anchors with theirs user defined
Note: A non pre-stressed anchor is implemented as the object “soil nail”.
Anchors are applied with (part of their) grout body lines outside of the KE
The anchor acts on the element that has contact to the anchor head node.
A possibly physical interaction of elements, intersected by the anchor line,
is not considered.

Formulating the Kinematic Element

Formulating the Kinematic Element
Application examples for KEA

Stability of slopes
The following picture 11 illustrates the calculation of stability of a slope with
the help of KEA. The target function is the safety due to Fellenius.
Starting mechanism

Geometry optimization

Picture 11: stability calculation of an embankment with the KEA.

115 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

Other methods, as the slip circle verification, or the method due to Janbu
give no information about the actual directions of the forces inside of the
discretised areas.
On the contrary, with KE method the force distribution along the KE edges
are the results of a calculation and not part of the input parameters. This is
due to the free optimization of the KE nodes. Images 12 and 13 show the
same system calculated with the slip circle- and with the Janbu-method
(with KE you are able to emulate the Janbu-method in a simple way, by
setting the inclination angles of the forces between the elements to zero,
and allowing the edge points (here the points 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10) only to
move in vertical direction during the optimization).
As expected, the results slip circle vs Janbu almost match, because both
assume (independently of the actual shearing gap formation) vertically
seperated segments. Thus, the result might not be the most unvavourable.
Even the KEA method presents almost the same resutls for this very
simple system. If there are for example concentrated loads, shearing
construction elements, anchors or other objects causing discontinuities,
the variation of geometry of the KE- method is flexible enough to handle
the constrained
Concentrated loads, steep embankments, ... may cause slip lines other
that those calculated with a due to DIN 4085: The variation of geometry in
KEA/Culmann offers the possiblitiy to take the constraints as mentioned
above into account.

Picture 12: KE-Calculation in comparison to the dominant slip circle

In the determination of slope stability it is reasonable to define a KE-initial

mechanism in accdordance to the line of the dominant slip circle. In the
second step you can have this geometry optimised automatically.
First, use the reliability of the slip circle-method to narrow the problem
down to a globale optimum, and then determine the stability and the gap
forces exactly with the KE analysis.

Application examples for KEA 116

Picture 13: KE-calculation due to Janbu in comparison to the dominant slip circle

Stability of a Sheeting Wall

Picture 14 shows the possibility to calculate the safety of the stability of
excavation supporting structures with the KEA.

Picture 14: Stability of an excavation pit wall with the KEM

 The KE calculation enables a consistent examination of the stability. It
must not be distinguised between the ‘inner safety’ (proof of the deep
seated failure plane) and the ‘outer safety’ (ground failure)..
 With the KEA, the necessary depth of the wall and the length of the
anchors can be calculated.
 The water pressure caused of the inclined free water surface will be
correctly included in the equilibrium of forces for each element.

117 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

 There won't be any subdivision of the problem – the full failure

mechanism will be considered completely. This way for example the
earth resistanse (also for inclined sole) will be taken into account
automatically and correctly and must not be calculated separately as a
load on the system.
 The examination of the realtionship of possible vs required anchor (or
nail) forces is a safety definition which is reasonable partly for a
problem, only. The consistent definition according to Fellenius, which
is calculated by the KEA and also by the FEA after a  c-reduction,
however gives more accurate results.

Bearing Capacity Safety below a Foundation

Picture 15 shows a typical element discretization for the problem 'bearing
capacity verification'.

Picture 15: typical starting geometry for bearing capacity verification

In picture 16, the optimized geometry of this example is shown. Similar to

the samples already shown, it's obvious that the KEA is applicable for
arbitrary layer formations as well as any ground water situations, where the
DIN 4017/-100 cannot be applied anymore. This is because the dead load
will be evaluated correctly by intersecting the soil layers, ground water
polygons, trapeze-shaped loads, etc… with the KE elements.
The minimization of the displaced edge's force can be defined here as
optimization target because the corner points are defined by the foundation
and thus can't be optimized.

Application examples for KEA 118

Picture 16: Target geometry for bearing capacity check

Calculation Example: Active Earth Pressure

The following example shows the differences of the results, of the earth
pressure due to DIN4085/EAB/EAU to the earth pressure according to
Culmann, if slopes and loads produce the formation of restraint failure

Determination of earth pressure due to Culmann

The distribution from 2.0m to 9.0m below the head of the Wall shows that
the 30 kN/m² load is big enough, for producing restraint failure lines that
can not be considered correctly with the calculation method due to

119 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

At this point it must be indicated again that this program determines the
distribution of earth pressures onto the wall, resulting from loads and
slopes, automatically, and in the sense of the earth pressure theory by
Coulomb correctly. For the classical approach (DIN4085/EAB/EAU) you
have to give the kind of distribution previously (e.g. trapezoidal or
rectangular), and the extension of the distribution from break angles  will
be determined, where neither loads nor broken ground surfaces are

Supporting Structure Reinforced with Geotextiles

Example of a reinforced slope taken from the book: Empfehlungen für
Bewehrungen aus Geokunststoffen – EBGEO S.117 ff.
The following example should suggest a calculation of the extern and
intern slope stability.

External Stability (GZ 1C):

Raw data:
 Geometry:

Height of the reinforced earth body: H= 6,00m

Height of the base of the reinforced H1= 4,00m
earth body:
Height of the banquet: H2= 0,30m
Length of the banquet: bB= 1,50m
Over all height of the slope (H+H1+ HG= 10,30m
Inclination of the reinforced earth 2:1
Draft of the banquet: 1:5
Draft of the upcoming slope: 1:2
Dimension of the berm: b= 1,00m
T= 1,20m (0,2*H)
(B  0,7*H)

 Characteristic soil mechanical initial value

Outer soil: Friction angle: ’k= 29 °

Dead weight: k= 17 kN/m³
Cohesion: c’k= 10 kN/m²
Filling soil: Friction angle: ’k= 33 °
Dead weight: k= 18 kN/m³
Cohesion: c’k= 0 kN/m²

 Loads:
Life norm loads due to DIN 1072 for a SLW 60:

Application examples for KEA 120

 Variable load as a dummy area load: qv= 33,3 kN/m²
 Consistent distributed area load of the main track: qvg = 3,0 kN/m²
 width of the SLW: bSLW = 3,0m

Geometry of the slope

First you have to enter the two soil layers.

Next, select the command Construct/Layer. With it you can enter the
points graphically with the left mouse button or (by pressing a key) as
absolute or relative coordinates.
During the input of the soil layers you have to take care that you have to
create the soil layers from top down and a maximum saltus of +/- 90° is
For this example you have construct the filling soil with the edge geometry
before the soil in greater depths has to be intersected.

121 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

Edge geometry of the slope

Values for the reinforcement of soil layers due to DIN V

It is required to apply these partial safety coefficients for GZ 1C (extern
stability) load case 1 (standard-combination (=permanent as well as life
loads regularly existing during public use) in conjunction with condition of
the safety class 1 (=life loads). Only this load case will be considered in the
Annotation: There have been 3 load cases:
 Load case 1: (standard-combination (=permanent as well as life loads
regularly existing during public use) in conjunction with condition of the
safety class 1 (=life loads).
 Load case 2: rare combination (=apart from the effects of the standard-
combination rare or single known forces) in conjunction with condition
of the safety class 1 (see load case 1) or rule-combination in
conjunction with condition of the safety class 2 (=production building
state or maintenance work at the building and construction works next
to the building).
 Load case 3: extraordinary combination (=apart from the effects of the
standard-combination a simultaneously possible extraordinary force, in
particular at catastrophes or accidents) in conjunction with condition of
the safety class 2 (see load case 2) or rare combination (see load
case 2) in conjunction with condition of the safety class 3 (=rarely
existing loads while in public use or unlikely ever happening forces).
Ever after GZ and load case different partial safety values for effects will
be selected (DIN V 1054-100 table 2) and soil resistances (DIN V 1054-
100 table 3).
Forces according to table 2:
G = 1,0
Soil resistances due to table 3:  = 1,25 ; c = 1,60
This leads to the following design values that can be given directly:

Application examples for KEA 122

 Filling soil:
Friction angle: 'd = arctan (tan 'd )
with tan 'd = tan 'k /   arctan (tan ) = 27,45°
Dead weight: d = k * G = 18*1= 18 kN/m³
Cohesion: c'd = c'k / c = 0/1,6= 0 kN/m²

Slope with the two soil layers

 Outer soil:
Friction angle: 'd = arctan (tan 'd )
with tan 'd = tan 'k /  arctan (tan ) = 23,9°
Dead weight: d = k * G = 17*1= 17 kN/m³
Cohesion: c'd = c'k / c = 10/1,6= 6,25 kN/m²

123 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

Input of the Geotextiles:

First you have to construct a wall from top down that serves for a limitation
of the geotextile layers. It's an auxiliary construction only, and may be
deleted after the input of the textile layers, or you can set the dead weight
of the wall to zero.

Wall at slope

With Construct/Geotextile layer first you can give the beginning - and
endpoint (e.g. points of the wall) that describe the position of the geotextile.
In a separate input window you can define the different properties
(inclination angle  = 0° ; length L = 4,2 m; friction proportion  = 0,5;
design strength FB = 15 kN/m as well as the automatic generation of
additional layers).

Application examples for KEA 124

Input of the geotextile layers

Slope with geotextiles

First you have to convert the characteristic initial value with partial safety
coefficients in designing values:
Forces due to table 2 : Qsup = 1,30
Surcharge from SLW 60: qv,d = qv * Qsup = 33,3 * 1,3 = 43,3 kN/m²
Consistent distributed area load: qvg,d = qvg * Qsup= 3,0 * 1,3 = 3,9 kN/m²

125 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

With Construct/load/Line load you have to define a beginning and end

point of the load. This can be done graphically interactive or in an input
Now you have to give the load. You have to take care that the load has to
be positioned on the ground surface or below, otherwise the load is not
considered in the calculation.
Consistent distributed area load:

Surcharge from SLW 60:

The input of the system is complete and the verification of the external
safety can follow.

Calculation of the external safety

This is done next with the command Calculation/Slip circle .../...from fix
So you can drag the circle suggested in EBGEO (S. 120) with pressed left
mouse button from fixed point, whereas the current safety and the circle
geometry will always be sketched with.
The result is a safety factor of 1,07.

Application examples for KEA 126

Slip circle selected due to the book EBGEO

In this example with an automatic searching a different slip circle might be

generated, but with the same safety.

Internal Safety (GZ 1B)

The reinforced earth body in the slope also can collapse along a slip
surface that runs through the body itself. The verification against slope
failure has to be performed due to DIN V 4084-100 for GZ 1B and the
resistance of the reinforcement can be considered as to a retaining force.

Raw data:
 Geometry:
see example of the external safety
 Dimensioning:
The calculations of the internal stability will be performed due to DIN
1054-100, GZ 1B load case 1. The following partial safety coefficients
will be applied:
 Forces:
permanent, unfavorable Gsup = 1,35
variable, unfavorable Qsup = 1,50
resistances of the reinforcement: B = 1,40
base friction resistances reinforcement/soil St = 1,50

The calculation uses characteristic values for the shear parameter of the
soils and partial safety coefficients for permanent forces (favorable /
unfavorable). Both cases have to be considered, because the effect can
not be predicted.

Filling soil:
Friction angle: 'k = 33,00 °
Dead weight: d = k * Gsup = 18*1,35 = 24,30 kN/m³
Cohesion: c'k = 0,00 kN/m²

127 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

Outer soil:
Friction angle: 'k = 29,00 °
Dead weight: d = k * Gsup = 18*1,35 22,95 kN/m³
Cohesion: c'k = 10,00 kN/m²

Input of the geotextiles:

6 geotextile layers will be generated, whereas the top layer is localized
0,75m below the banquet and each following in the distance of 0,75m. The
three geotextile layers have a characteristic long time tension strength of
FB,k =10,6 kN/m resp. the lower layer: FB,k =15,9 kN/m (calculation due to
EBGEO S. 15). The KEA calculation, the design values are required (B =
1,4), which give:
FB,d = 10,6/1,4= 7,6kN/m resp. FB,d = 15,9/1,4= 11,4kN/m
Additionally, the partial safety coefficient St = 1,5 for the base friction
resistance of reinforcement / soil must be considered. This happens by
dividing the  value of 0,5 by the partial safety coefficient, ’ = 0,5/1,5 =
The input window now looks like this:

Application examples for KEA 128

Now the lower three layers have to be changed manually to represent the
new values, or you enter the geotextiles in two steps.

First, the characteristic initial values with the help of partial safety values
have to become design values:
Forces due to table 2 : Qsup = 1,50
Additional for SLW 60: qv,d = qv * Qsup = 33,3 * 1,5= 50,0 kN/m²
Uniformed, distributed area load: qvg,d = qvg * Qsup= 3,0 * 1,5 = 4,5 kN/m²
However, the unfavorable effect of the variable load must be considered.
This can be done either by leaving the life load q v,d = qvg,d = 0 , by having
the life load and Qinf = 1,0 (not contained in table 2 of the DIN 1054-100 !)
 qv,d = 33,3 * 1,0 = 33,3 kN/m² qvg,d = 3,0 * 1,0 = 3,0 kN/m², or with life
load and Qsup = 1,50 (see above).
After the calculation of the three cases it shows that the life load with Qsup
= 1,50 will be the most unfavorable.
Uniformed, distributed area load:

129 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

For the additional load of the SLW 60:

Annotation: The width of this load is wider than the limitation due to
EBGEO S.126. That means the load extends the filling soil and does no
longer apply to the elements.
With the command KEA/Edit Elements/Boundary Polygon you can
define the considering object either in graphical way with the point snap or
by pressing a key of the absolute or relative coordinate input.
This object can now to be divided. The edge 1-3 can be divided with
KEA/Edit Elements/Divide Edge in the center (simply click on edge) and
the new point 2 is created. The polygon will always be numbered serially.
This new point 2 can now be moved with the command KEM/Edit
elements/Move vertex (click point) to the absolute coordinate x = 18,3 / z
= -2,70.
Point 2 and point 4 can be defined as boundary points for a new edge.
With the Icon KEA: divide Elements through two points the two points will
now be caught and two more elements arise. Now the edges have to be
defined according to their geometric instability. The edges 1-2 and 2-5 are
edges to rigid outer area.

Application examples for KEA 130

The edges 1-4, 4-3 are edges without any kinematic boundary
conditions (free edge), also this line must be marked.
The Edge 2-3 will be set automatic by the program as edge between
Now only one displacement edge has to be defined. This happens by
clicking the desired edge 3-5, then right mouse button press Edit (using
the command View/Show / hide objects, disturbing elements can be
toggled invisible) and this dialog appears, which will be initialized with:
Edge with predefined displacement checked, and a displacement z = -

The value z = -0,2 is a starting value only that is necessary to move the 2-
element-body out of position and to make a calculation by the kinematic
elements analysis possible.
Now the calculation for the safety due to Fellenius can be started with
calculation/Safety Fellenius of the F11-key. A safety of about Fs=1,09
will show up.

131 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

Please read the text output carefully: The defined values will be displayed
G e o t e x t i l (Excavation Situation):
*** Remark: [kN/m] means kN per m perpendicular to view.
Lamda .....: Friction parameter [-]
Fzul ......: Max. tensile strength [kN/m]
FVPass ....: Additional pullout force passive [kN/m]
FVAct .....: Additional pullout force active [kN/m]
No. Name x-Head z-Head Incl Length Lamda Fzul FVPass FVAct
[m] [m] [°] [m] [-] [kN/m] [kN/m] [kN/m]
1 16.43 -1.05 0.0 4.20 0.500 7.60 0.0 0.0
2 16.05 -1.80 0.0 4.20 0.500 7.60 0.0 0.0
Next, for every layer the pull out resistance for the textiles are printed:
Geotextil: Distribution of pullout resist. of layer 1: GG1
P .........: Load from soil [kN/m²]
Phi .......: Soil friction angle [°]
FAdL ......: Distrib. of pullout resistance = 2*P*Lamda*tan(Phi) [kN/m²]
x z P Phi FAdL
[m] [m] [kN/m²] [°] [kN/m²]
16.43 -1.05 0.18 27.45 0.10
16.80 -1.05 13.50 27.45 7.01
18.00 -1.05 17.82 27.45 9.26
Further down the determined active and passive pull out resistance forces
per textile will be given:
Geotextil: Maximun of Pullout active/passive:
LPass .....: Length inside passive area [m]
LAct ......: Length inside active area [m]
FPass .....: Sum pullout force passive [kN/m]
FAct ......: Sum pullout force active [kN/m]
MIN(FPass,FAct) is determinant force
No. Name x-Head z-Head LPass LAct FPass FAct
[m] [m] [m] [m] [kN/m] [kN/m]
1 16.43 -1.05 0.56 3.64 5.5 7.6*
2 16.05 -1.80 0.98 3.22 7.6* 7.6*
The listing of the kinematic elements will show intersected stripes of the
geotextiles separately...
Elementloads [kN per m depth]
x-dir z-dir Result.

Application examples for KEA 132

Bodyweight ....: 0.000 -153.090 153.090
Geotex ........: 38.138 0.000 38.138
Total load ....: 0.000 -153.090 153.090
...and finally, in the computation of the forces on the complete system, the
sum of the applied textile forces will be printed separately:
R e s u l t s :
x-Ri z-Ri Resultierende Neigung
[kN je m senkr. to the pictureebene]
Summe Geotex. : 44.535 0.000 44.535 (0.00 °)

Calculation of the safety due to Fellenius

According to EBGEO the safety should be 1.01

The difference results from:
KEA considers that the smaller value of both intersected sides of the
geotextile is to be used (in the book S.126 picture A5-4 the thick black
lines are drawn in the direction that the tension force acts).
The load is not according to the picture A 5-4 (book), the dimensions of
the load would have to exceed the filling soil.
The load will not be considered in the calculation of the extension
resistance. This behavior is slightly unfavorable. I.e. the transferable
friction force will only be influenced by the dead weight of the soil above.
The geometry of the elements could only be estimated on the basis of
image in the book.

133 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

Nailed slope

Starting with version 2008.308, the calculation of nailed slopes is
performed automatically with the menu item: „CalculateSoil
NailingAutomatically“ ( ).
All relevant safety proofs you can request in the dialog „CalculateSoil
NailingParameters“ ( ) will be made.
In order to calculate, you have to enable the "nailing mode". ( )

The Nailing Mode

When in nailing mode, all elements excluded in the calculation, e.g. geo
textiles, anchors, dowels and user defined KE elements, will be removed.
The functionality of creating user defined KE mechanisms and slip circles
are disabled in this mode.
Remark: You can undo this step with Ctrl+Z (Undo) any time.
The program automatically generates useful mechanisms, to compute the
proofs of inner stability, bearing capacity, sliding and tilting when the
calculation is started. ( )
If you want to compute a user defined KE mechanism or slip circle, you
must disable the nailing mode again.

Application examples for KEA 134

Dialog Parameters for Calculation:

These settings are valid through all construction stages.

If "automatically calculate required nail lengths" is active, all nails will be
extended successively, until all proofs provide the required safety.
Remark: In this case make sure, that the maximum length of each nail
Lmax is sufficient to archive convergent iterations. If Lmax is
insufficiently chosen, a remark message will notify.
The inclination Rho represents the angle between the slide surface and the
vertical orientation (See next image). For very complex geometries (e.g. the
positions of the nail endings differ strongly) it might make sense to set Rho
to 0°, since the internal optimization might not be able to establish a
reasonably result otherwise. The reason for this is, that the program tries to
align the slip surface during the optimization with the least squared
approximated straight line through all nail ends. This only works if the
approximated line does not get too plain.

135 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

Rho (negative)

Besides the options mentioned above, the parameters in

"SettingsParameters for earth pressure" have to be checked.

Method of calculation
You have to generate a system that has the excavation on the left side of
the system (as in the image above). If your geometry is mirrored, you can
change that with the menu item View->Coordinate originMirror whole
system at X=…

Inner Safety
The inner safety gets calculated with two body and one body mechanisms.
In the result text, there's a table:

Application examples for KEA 136

I n t e r n a l S t a b i l i t y (LS 1C)
Automatic determination of nail ends:
All nails will be (if req.) elongated
Inclination of substitute wall by nail ends will be calculated automatically
Intersection excavation level and wall x= 5.00 z= 0.00

Theta1 Theta2 Theta12 LNag W Q1 Q12 Zreq Zprov Ed/Rd

[°] [°] [°] [m] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [-]
53.36 56.60 90.00 5.8 961.5 1226.6 33.1 577.4 801.2 0.72
49.75 56.55 84.99 6.1 1055.2 1324.0 78.0 584.2 725.9 0.80
0.56 57.05 85.04 8.5 1911.0 2578.3 887.3 -388.8 109.1 0.00
-0.00 57.06 85.02 8.8 1945.6 2629.1 899.5 -424.5 105.7 0.00
Results of a simple wedge:
Theta GC Q ZHrqrd=Eah ZHmob Ed/Rd
[°] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] [-]
53.5 1044.62 1135.90 548.93 791.48 0.69

Slip-mechanism with lowest safety-factor in current stage:

flat slip-line from x= 5.00 z= 0.00 to x= 13.18 z= 5.85
Theta1= 35.56 Theta2= 55.27 Theta12= 85.04 ZRqrd=497.69 [kN] Ed/Rd=0.99

Explanation of the Table Colums:

W Full load of the main slip body (dead load, loads, water pressure).
Q1 Force in the plain slip surface.
Q12 Active earth pressure on the vertical sliding surface. The friction
angle on this surface is taken from the soil parameter "Friction on
subst. wall". All other breaking gaps use the friction angle φ.
Zreq required resulting nail force on the main body (pull out = positive)
to fulfil the equilibrium of forces.
Remark: This force must be absorbed by the nails.
Zprov provided max. nailforce that can be activated due to soil
parameter Tgr (=sum of all possible pull out forces Fstd of nail
fractions residing on the right side behind the main slip surfaces).
Remark: This force is NOT relevant for dimensioning the nails.
(See chapter Nail Forces, page 142 ).
Ed/Rd Utilization factor of nail forces Zreq / Zprov resp.utilization
factor due to Fellenius (tan (φreq) / tan(φprov) resp. creq/cprov)

Assumptions for utilization factor due to nail forces Ed/Rd = Zreq /

 If the force Zreq <= 0, there's no nail force required
theoretically to ensure proof of stablilty. The utilization
factor is 0 then.
 If Zprov =0 (nail ends are inside the failure body
mechanism) and Zreq >0, the utilization factor due to nail
forces was incorrectly infinite. In this case safety must be
calculated with Fellenius.
 If the force Zprov =0 and…
Zreq =0, the utilization factor is undefined.
Zreq is slightly positive, Ed/Rd due to nail forces would be infiniite. Ed/Rd is approximately 1.0 really,
 If the forceZprov is slightly positive and Zreq = 0, Ed/Rd
due to nail forces would be null. Ed/Rd in this case is
approximately 1.0 really, too.

137 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

These contradictions show the deficiency of the utilization factor's

definition as a ratio of required / max. possible nail forces.
Since literature generally points out this definition, it must be
accentuated that this definition only makes sense if the nail forces
present the decisive parameter of the constructions stablility.
Otherwise this definition offers no meaningful result.
Remedy: The utilization factor due to Fellenius (φ-c-Reduction)
offers a representative result in any case. The utilization factor
gained from the Fellenius safety definition are markend with a (*) in
the result file, and a corresponding message text will be output.

This image demonstrates the geometry:

Main slip body

Theta12 Theta2


Definition of utilization factor:

Application examples for KEA 138




Zprov3 Zprov


Utilization factor Ed/Rd = Zreq/Zprov

Examplary comparison of utilization factors due to nail

forces resp. Fellenius
The following calculation examples show the problems that rise when trying
to use the safety definition due to required / possible nail forces commonly.
These examples just differ by the soil friction coefficient φ.

139 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 4

3 3
AUSNUTZUNGSGRAD-KEM nach Fellenius (Phi-, C-Reduktion) Ed/Rd = 1.00
AUSNUTZUNGSGRAD-KEM (Ed/Rd) bzgl. vorhandene/notwendige horizontale Kräfte:
2 Ed/Rd bzgl. notw. Nagelkraft (FGG= 49.15) Ed/Rd = 49.15/50.00 = 0.98 2

1 1
Z Gute Übereinstimmung zw. den beiden Sicherheitsdefinitionen.

0 X 0
4 3 2 Schicht 1

-1 -1

-2 L= 9.0m FNec= 49.2 FDim= 0.0 kN 2 -2

Fr=-0.85 kN Ed/Rd = 1.00

-3 -3

-4 -4
275.0820 Schichten
Nr. Farbe Name ' c k [m/s]
1 Schicht 1 20.0 10.0 25.0 3.6 0
1. Phase:25/3,6 LF: alle Lasten Typ: LF1 M=1:60
-5 -5
-4 -3 -2 -1 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 3
AUSNUTZUNGSGRAD-KEM nach Fellenius (Phi-, C-Reduktion) Ed/Rd = 0.85
AUSNUTZUNGSGRAD-KEM (Ed/Rd) bzgl. vorhandene/notwendige horizontale Kräfte:
2 Ed/Rd bzgl. notw. Nagelkraft (FGG= 23.05) Ed/Rd = 23.05/50.00 = 0.46 2

Anmerkung: 0.46 << 0.85: Schlechte Übereinstimmung!

Ed/Rd bzgl.Nagelkraft hier nur bedingt anwendbar,
1 da Phi und c erheblichen Anteil an Arbeit leisten. 1
-> Anteil der Nägel an der Sicherheit ÜBERBEWERTET.
-> Ed/Rd bzgl. Nagelkraft liegt WEIT AUF DER UNSICHEREN SEITE!

0 X 0
4 3 2 Schicht 1

-1 -1

-2 L= 9.0m FNec= 23.1 FDim= 0.0 kN 2 -2

Fr=-26.95kN Ed/Rd = 0.85

-3 -3

-4 -4
271.1467 Schichten
Nr. Farbe Name ' c k [m/s]
1 Schicht 1 20.0 10.0 30.0 3.6 0
-5 2. Phase:30/3,6 LF: alle Lasten Typ: LF1 M=1:60 -5
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Application examples for KEA 140

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 4

3 3
AUSNUTZUNGSGRAD-KEM nach Fellenius (Phi-, C-Reduktion) Ed/Rd = 0.75
AUSNUTZUNGSGRAD-KEM (Ed/Rd) bzgl. vorhandene/notwendige horizontale Kräfte:
2 Ed/Rd bzgl. notw. Nagelkraft (FGG= -2.36) Ed/Rd = -2.36/50.00 = 0.00 2

Anmerkung: 0.00 <-> 0.85: Keinerlei Übereinstimmung!

1 Ed/Rd bzgl.Nagelkraft hier NICHTanwendbar, 1
da rechn. keine Nagelkraft notw. ist.

0 X 0
4 3 2 Schicht 1

-1 -1

-2 L= 9.0m FNec= 0.0 FDim= 0.0 kN 2 -2

Fr=-52.36kN Ed/Rd = 0.75

-3 -3

-4 -4
269.3434 Schichten
Nr. Farbe Name ' c k [m/s]
1 Schicht 1 20.0 10.0 35.0 3.6 0
3. Phase:35/3,6 LF: alle Lasten Typ: LF1 M=1:60
-5 -5
-4 -3 -2 -1 50 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

3 3
AUSNUTZUNGSGRAD-KEM nach Fellenius (Phi-, C-Reduktion) Ed/Rd = 1.20
AUSNUTZUNGSGRAD-KEM (Ed/Rd) bzgl. vorhandene/notwendige horizontale Kräfte:
2 Ed/Rd bzgl. notw. Nagelkraft (FGG= 76.41) Ed/Rd = 76.41/50.00 = 1.53 2

Anmerkung: 1.53 > 1.20: Schlechte Übereinstimmung!

1 Ed/Rd bzgl.Nagelkraft hier nur bedingt anwendbar, 1
da Phi und c erheblichen Anteil an Arbeit leisten.
-> Anteil der Nägel an der Sicherheit ÜBERBEWERTET.

0 X 0
4 3 2 Schicht 1

-1 -1


-2 L= 9.0m FNec= 76.4 FDim= 0.0 kN 2 -2


Fr=26.41 kN Ed/Rd = 1.20

-3 -3

-4 -4
281.3057 Schichten
Nr. Farbe Name ' c k [m/s]
1 Schicht 1 20.0 10.0 20.0 3.6 0
-5 4. Phase:20/3,6 LF: alle Lasten Typ: LF1 M=1:60 -5
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Outer Safety
The outer safety is gained from bearing capacity, tilting, sliding and slip
circle proofs.
The virtual ground slab is assumes horizontally from the intersection of nail
wall – excavation level to the imagined middle of the nails ends.

141 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

That block is loaded with active earth pressure from the right side (friction
angle from the soil parameter "Friction on subst. wall").


The print output yields a table with the forces involved:

Loads [kN/m] from... horizontal vertical My
Body load 0.0 -1765.7 1021.8
Water pressure 0.0 0.0 -0.0
Line loads 0.0 0.0 -0.0
Area loads 0.0 -117.2 127.1
Earth pres. actv. -532.7 -307.5 -1136.9 (LS 1A)
Total -532.7 -2190.4 12.1
*** Remark: The vertical fraction of the earth pressure is
calculated from soil parameter
PhiEW (=friction angle on substituted wall).
Sum of forces Fx= -532.7 Fz= -2190.4 My= 12.1

Nail Forces
If you want to see the nail forces by using the menu item:
ViewDisplayCaption, the nail forces will be shown in the graphical
window, too:

Application examples for KEA 142

FNec Required nail force to absorb Zreq of the decisive mechanism in
this stage:
Sum(FNec)=Freq. The distribution of Zreq across the nails is
done proportional to the bond length behind the right breaking
FDim Maximum force per nail from the calculation of the wall's internal
forces and moments. (The nails form the supports for a
continuous beam.)
FSlip Required nail force from the slip circle calculation.

Remark: This force is only shown, if you enable the option

"Consider Nail forces from slip circle" in the "calculation
parameters" dialog.
The calculation of FSlip is explained in the table "nail fractions" in
the output of the slip circle check:
FSlip = max. possible pullout force * degree of utilization.

For further information about FSlip, see the chapter "How do nails
interact with a slip circle?"
The decisive force for dimensioning the nails MAX(FDim,FNec, <FSlip>).
The force FStd (e.g. in the output table "N a I l d a t a") can be interpreted
as the maximum possible pull out force per nail.

FStd = (length of nail behind right break surface) *

(soil parameter Tgr) / (nail distance perpendicular to screen).
FStd is neccessary for calculating the safety of stability. It's not relevant for
the dimensioning of the nails.
At the end of the results output there's a list of significant maximum nail
forces of all stages.

Common Remarks:
 In the graphical view the most significant mechanism of
each stage and, if desired (see dialog
ViewDisplayCaption) the bearing capacity failure

143 Application examples for KEA

 FIDES-GeoStability

shape and the soil tension distribution (tiling proof) is

 The graphical view briefly displays a text box with the most
significant results; see next image.

You can move this

window with the
pressed left mouse
button to any place
you like.

 At the bottom of the results text, a table with all safety

proofs for any stage will be written:
O v e r v i e w results of all stages
Nr| Stage | KEA | Bear- | Base press. |Sliding| Slip-
| | | ing | g+q | g | | circle
1|"Sicherheit nach"| 0.81| 0.55| e<b/6| | 0.55| -
2|"Sicherheit bzgl"| 0.99| 0.55| e<b/6| | 0.55| -
3|"Erddruck auf di"| 0.99| 0.55| e<b/6| | 0.55| -
4|"Phase 3" | 0.99| 0.55| e<b/6| | 0.55| 0.94

 In case there's more than one load case defines, they will
be calculated one by one (all stages together). The
graphics view shows the last calculated load case.
 Additional construction stages for slip circles and wall
dimensioning are no longer required in the nailing mode.

Application examples for KEA 144

145 Application examples for KEA
Slip Circle Analyzing

Description of the analyzing

The slope stability verification with the classical segment method is based
on Krey, and was advanced by Fellenius and Bishop. In Slip Circle the well
known method of Bishop is implemented with an iterative solution based
strategy. The method is described in the literature very commonly, so here a
detailed derivation will de disclaimed.
The method assumes that the system failes completely as a rigid body
along a circular line. As a safety definition the proportion of retarding
moments to moments of all acting forces will be used.
To check the moment components, the slip body will be divided vertically
into an adequate amount of segments i with the width bi. The position of
every segment is defined by a direction angle qi that will be spanned of the
vertical line through the circle center and the intersection point with the
segment center and with the slip circle. In the slip circle gap the failure
criteria of coulomb is acting

With the soil friction angle  and the cohesion c.

The maximum reaction force Ti in the failure situation therefore is

(See picture below)

147 Slip Circle Analyzing

 FIDES-GeoStability

From the balance of vertical forces of a segment this correlation is aroused:

Solving the effective normal force, for the shear force Ti you get:

The safety factor f is defined as a momentum condition on the complete

system (DIN 4084-100):

The iterative root finding for the safety factor f results separately for every
slip circle iteration with a breakdown exactness of 0.5%.

Program implementation
In the program, the method mentioned above in "Description of the " is
Please pay attention to the following features:
 The segment weight from soil dead weight will be determined exactly by
polygon intersections with the earth layers and the ground water line for
every segment.
 The circle will be idealized as polygon (assembled from the segment
secants). Therefore, you have to take care of a sufficiently narrow
segment width.
 For every segment the parameters of that layers will be used that exist
at the center point of the segment edges (= intersection point of the
center line of a segment with the circle).
 If a saturation line is given, this will be used instead of the ground water
line, in order to calculate the water pressure of a segment. Then the
ground water distribution decides only about the usage of z resp. z'
 If a pressure level line is given for the layer, this will be used, instead of
the saturation - resp. the ground water line, to calculate the water
pressure inside of this layer on the segments (see explanation to menu
 If the slip angle at single segments at the slopes foot is steeper than
qp=45°-f/2, qi will be limited to qp. These segments are printed out
separately in the text output.
 Shearing construction elements will be considered as additional
'cohesion forces' with the length of the intersection line: Object with the
secant section of every segment. Make sure that the passive earth
pressure required for this shearing force is provided by your
construction element. If you need to consider passive earth pressure in
a correct way, you have to use dowel rather than construction

Slip Circle Analyzing 148

 Pile- resp. dowel elements will be applied s described in the chapter for
the menu Construct/pile/Dowel. Here (opposite to 'construction
elements') the max. effective earth resistance will have shearing effects
 If a slip circle intersects with a defined wall, it will be result in an infinite
safety. If you do not want this, you have to define the wall as a
construction element with according shear strength, or as pile- resp.
dowel element.
 An anchor only acts retaining. It acts from the head to the beginning of
the grout body as a constant force. In the grout body the force
decreases linearly.
 Life loads will only be considered, if they act unfavorable that is
clockwise and outside of Rsin().

How do Nails interact with a Slipcircle?



149 Slip Circle Analyzing

 FIDES-GeoStability

Detailed Calculation of 2nd Nail's Contribution:

Nailforce from Pull-Out Resistance:
Zprov = TGr * dl / Nail_distance
= 35 kN/(m Nail) * 1,35 m / 1,50 m
= 31,5 kN/(m Wall, perpendicular to screen)
TGr = Maximum pull-out force
dl = Length of nail outside of slip circle geometry
ZVprov = 31,5 *sin(10°) = 5,50 kN/m Wall
ZHprov = 31,5 *cos(10°) = 31,02 kN/m Wall

Moments relative to Circle's Center:

Turning Moment = dx * ZVprov + dz * ZHprov
= 3,26*5,50+(-6,76)*31,02
= -191,77 kNm/m Wall

Angle between nail and center of circle  intersection: Nail/circle = 54.3°

Returning Moment = R*Zvorh*cos(alpha)*tan(phi)
= 7,51*31,5*cos(54,3)*tan(37,5)
=105,95 kNm/m Wall

Printout: REMARK: This table only shows up, if you

select "Output:much" in
Contrib. of nails : "SettingsProjectinfos".
Table Nailforces:
Nail Inters X Inters Z max.pulloutforce
2 3.03 0.74 31.4
Sum Moment turning : -191.6 kN*m/m
Sum Moments retaining : 105.7/Fs = 47.5 kN*m/m

Starting from version 2009.174 the tables have been extended by the
„Nail self tensioning?“
„FSlipM*degree of utilization“.

Remark: The force FSlipM*utilization_degree is only considered in the

dimensioning of the nails if you enable the option "Consider nail forces from
slip circle calculation for dimensioning" in the dialog "CalculationSoil
nailingcalculation parameters".
See also the chapter "Nail forces"

Slip Circle Analyzing 150

Earth Pressure Calculation

Description of the analyzing

General remarks to determination of earth

For the calculation of earth pressure earth pressure coefficients Ka and Kp
are available in the DIN 4085, derived from the earth pressure theory of
Coulomb. The applicability of these formulas is limited to constant slope
inclination  on a constant inclination  of the wall edge and in existence of
a slope on homogeneous soil. On layered soil the formulas are applicable, if
the soil values of the considered layer is deployed and the effect of the
layers above will be applied as constant load. However, this approach only
is correct as long as  = 0 and  = 0 together with the values Ka and Kp
derived from the earth pressure theory of Coulomb. For analysing the earth
pressures for any slope geometry and load distribution the graphic
Culmann-method is available that regards compulsion slip lines. On the
passive earth pressure side the calculation with straight slip surfaces results
get too favorable for a friction angle >=30°. According to the suggestion of
DIN 4085, you can assume the distribution of the slip line in this case as a
logarithmic helix.
Content of this chapters is a general formulation of the method due to
Culmann for the active earth pressure, and a general formulation of the
suggestion of Gudehus (See Grundbautaschenbuch, essay "earth pressure
determination") that can be applied for layered soil as well as for polygonal
geometry of the ground surface and beyond a supporting wall. Additional
the consideration of none restricted load distribution it taken into effect.
With the help of a multi-parametric optimization algorithm the unfavorable
slip line distributions and the total earth pressure for different soil depths will
be determined.

Active earth pressure

Earth pressure by straight slip lines

The accretion given in the DIN 4085 for active earth pressure is based on
the essays about the earth pressure theory of Coulomb.
Starting with the following approaches:

151 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

The failure figure will be described with a slipping off wedge; i.e. the wall will
be assumed as rigid and the slip gap as flat.
In the slip gap the failure condition of Mohr-Coulomb acts:

The main earth pressure force results from the optimized failure shape
concerning the maximum earth pressure force E. The optimization variable
is the slip angle , the parameters of the function are
,  ,c.

An enhanced numerical model for earth pressure

of layered soil
Since you basically cannot calculate any earth pressure distribution with the
method described above (as it's generally impossible with failure methods)
you are bound to extrapolate the total earth pressure Ezi for each discrete
position zi. So you can interpret the increment of the whole earth pressures
E/z as a fictive earth pressure distribution that shadows the actual
distribution not quite correctly, but its integration always returns the total
earth pressure up to the depth z.
Since the actual earth pressure distribution depends strongly on the
displacement behavior of the retaining wall (here it is considered as rigid),
the EAB arranges approximation forms that the calculated complete earth
pressure can be distributed. For the special case  and horizontal ground
surface, the calculation, as described above, returns the earth pressure
distribution identical with Kah- and Kph- coefficients for horizontal layered
The Kh – equations of the DIN 4085 are not applicable for the cases  or
 and simultaneously different volume weights for the layers gi (see
Hösch Spundwandhandbuch picture 4.8 'Erddruck aus Böschungen über
dem Grundwasserspiegel'), or at loads that cause in the formation of
compulsion slip surfaces.
The Culmann-method produced for the numeric evaluation accepts
polygonal shaped ground surfaces and inclined soil layers for the supporting
body. Furthermore, it considers finite loads. But it remains at the condition
of flat slip surfaces with a constant angle of the inner friction along the slip
surface. This allows the consideration of different -values, but not the layer
depending soil coefficients for an inclined wall.

Numerical determination of the earth pressure

In discrete depths zk you get the size Ek = E(zk) of the total earth pressure
below a horizontal wall displacement with the above mentioned methods.
The change of the total earth pressure E/z is a measurement for a fictive
earth pressure acting on the wall.

Earth Pressure Calculation 152

Calculation of the earth pressure distribution e ah by differencing of the quadratic
interpolated earth pressure values Eah over z

From three surrounding supporting positions zk-1, zk, zk+1, (10 ) you get
from the quadratic interpolation:


But the so gained earth pressure distribution e shows jumps at discrete

positions, as e.g. in the influence range of a single load that should not
occur in mechanically correct considerations. A changing friction angle f
effects e.g. a break in the distribution of the earth pressure resulting force E,
and thus a saltus in the derived earth pressure distribution e. A single load
or a steep slope results in a saltus of the earth pressure resulting force.
In the derived fictive earth pressure distribution e this saltus means a single
pressure force DE, resp. an earth pressure bulb distributed along the
distance zk+1 - zk (see above picture). These dissimilarities origin in the
model used. They also cannot be fixed by an improved interpolation.
For systems that fulfill the required restrictions of the K-equations of the DIN
4085, the method described here returns exactly the same results as DIN
The next image provides an exemplary situation that clarifies the application
range of the numeric model described in the following:
 Polygonal shaped ground surface, also with steep and vertical slopes or
 Finite loads,
 Changing inclination of the back plane and
 Several, polygonal shaped soil layers

153 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

The model restricts to flat, i.e. vertical to the image plane, constant rates.
The calculation of the earth pressure forces E(z) is based on the
optimization of a failure body that is straight edged segmented, for all
discrete positions z. The weight of the slip circle is calculated by the area
portions and specific weights of the single layers intersecting with it. With
this method you can create the results given in the Hösch-
Spundwandhandbuch (table 4.3) also for any number of layers or irregularly
shaped slopes.

force shape and failure body at the position z

Earth Pressure Calculation 154

For the situation shown above no displacement shape that can be handled
kinematically can be created, where the failure body collapses as whole,
without having gaps in the slip lines.
At the intersections of the failure polygon with the layer delimiters, fictive
failure gaps will be created, which ensure the kinematical consistency for a
straight wall. Implicitly hereby it is a matter already of a many failure body
method. At the replacement walls approximately the layer specific angle 
will be applied as friction angle. This approach is only an approximation in
particular at layered soil. Correctly, the directions of the forces at the
partition walls would have to be considered as a variable into the
calculation. But comparing calculations with the Kinematic-Element-Analysis
[EURI], (see "Literature directory" on page 175) where the geometry can be
varied without any restrictions, proofed that the difference can be neglected.
For the formation of the single portions E1,E2, ... the earth pressure on
replacement walls will be calculated separately for each layer I, whereby the
weight Gi always adds up from the area portions per layer between the
replacement walls.

For excavation pits
 without slopes, with constant, infinite long area load and with horizontal
running layer limitations or
 with constant plain rising or descending slope (-) or
 without area load and only one layer (constant specific soil weight ),
also valid where the Ka- and Kp-equations can be applied, the described
method returns the same results as a calculation with the according values
Ka and Kp due to DIN 4085.

Earth pressure from line load due to DIN 4085 and due to Culmann

Area loads that tend to result in of constraint slip lines, can not be
superposed by a given slip lines progression from the earth pressure
calculation without load influence (see following picture), because there is a
non linear correlation between the calculated earth pressure lines. In other
words: The geometry and the load must be handled together in a
calculation, because only earth pressure distributions can be superposed
that show the same corresponding -distribution.
An infinitely long slope course with >  cannot be handled correctly in the
Culmann-method, because the corresponding slip wedge does not form a
closed shape anymore. The limit of application  =  describes the failure
shape in the following picture: The sliding wedge with most unfavorable 
forms towards a parallelogram. The grinding intersection of the  and -line
will thereby be idealized, by extending the slope line (numerically) far off the
wall downwards. Therefore, steep and vertical ascending slopes are
calculated in a satisfying exactness.

155 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

Limit of application:  = 

Steep or vertical slope lines with  ”push away” the forming failure lines,
because a -Line can only intersect slope lines with  . The sliding
wedge (see following picture) acts as a single force that can be seen as a
local increasing of the earth pressure distribution in the range zk, zk+1.

Slopes with > 

Earth pressure at rest

The formulae for the earth pressure at rest refers to a suggestion by
Siedeck as stated in [WEISS2], which introduces a fictive earth pressure
friction angle 0 to the calculation method. It is gained as a result of the
K0 = 1-sin()=tan^2(45°-0/2) = (1-sin(0)) / (1+sin(0))
Resulting in:
sin(0) = sin() / (2-sin())

Thus follows:
0= asin( sin() / (2-sin()) )

Passive Earth Pressure

Basically, for dedicated soil - and wall conditions you can also use straight
slip lines for passive earth pressure. For a general consideration, however,

Earth Pressure Calculation 156

you have to analyze a curved (e.g. helix shaped) slip line as well that can
result in lower resistance values.

In the essay "earth pressure determination" (Grundbautaschenbuch,
[GUDE] (see "Literature directory" on page 175)) Prof. Gudehus shows the
procedure at which the failure shape will be approached through 2 bodies.
Thus, in this program 2 'kinematical elements' will be created that are
linked together with the kinematical compatibility conditions:
 Pregiven virtual displacement at the earth resistances edge,
 No gaps between elements and
 no gap at the 'rigid edge'
Together with considerations of Mohr-Coulomb the failure condition
t = (s-u) tan  + c
Follows an equilibrium condition that returns the forces at the element
edges as a result.
2-body mechanism according to Gudehus [GUDE] (see "Literature
directory" on page 175)

This procedure returns exactly the same results for the scenarios described
in [GUDE] (see "Literature directory" on page 175) . More, it is possible to
implement the calculation correctly for any number of soil layers, slope
characteristics, ground water level, load cases, etc.
The geometry of the mechanism has to be optimized, in order to find the
lowest possible earth resistance force. Therefore, the points P1 (in x- and z-
direction), and P2 (along the ground surface) concerning the minimization of
the earth resistance will be positioned optimally. This will be made with the
help of a mathematic 'relegation method' (see chapter "Fehler!
Verweisquelle konnte nicht gefunden werden." on page Fehler!
Textmarke nicht definiert.).
In the text output you will find a complete combination of loads acting on the
The geometry can also be optimized manually with the menu item
"calculation/passive/2-body mechanism/move Element point manually" (in
the toolbar ): during movement of P1 press the 'Ctrl'-key, and you will see
the current residual force(=earth resistance) at the displacement edge
calculated online.

157 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

Comparing calculations indicate that the simplifications to idealize the

mechanism with 2 bodies, is sufficient even at steep inclined failure line, to
determine the earth resistance sufficiently accurate. For demonstration a
simple comparing calculation of the passive earth pressure has been made
and showed a good accordance of the results from the calculation due to
Gudehus and the analytic calculations with straight resp. bended slip line.
The result from bended slip line was received from an optimization of a
logarithmic helix.

Earth Pressure Calculation 158

So a sensible solution is gained by idealizing the failure mechanism body
with 2 bodies.
 The results are correct to a sufficient extent.
 The optimization task usually can be solved automatically.
 As a result you get if the slip line is refracted or straight from the
During the calculation of the resistance menu calculation/passive/2-body –
mechanisms along wall... will be in sections dz (see dialog
stage/calculations parameter) of mechanisms generated and optimized
automatically. As result you get for example the following picture:

In the results output the -values are given (analog [GUDE] (see "Literature
directory" on page 175)):
P a s s i v e E a r t h - p r e s s u r e per m wall:
Wallcoo. Thickness Sliplines Earthpress.
x z d theta10 theta20 theta12 Eph eph
[m] [m] [cm] [°] [°] [°] [kN] [kN/m]
0.00 0.00 25.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 35.00
0.00 -1.00 25.0 8.33 42.00 27.00 42.4 49.73
0.00 -2.00 25.0 11.00 40.55 29.18 99.5 63.62

Numerical Optimization
The calculating effort of the described calculation models consists mainly of
maximizing resp. minimizing a force by variation of the geometry
parameters of the failure bodies. In the case of a fractioned, straight failure
mechanism, the angles of the failure line are the variables of the
optimizing task when calculating the active earth pressure. For the passive
earth pressure the angles 10,12 and 20 resp. the coordinates of the points
P1 (in x- and z-direction) and P2 (along the ground surface) vary (see above
The mathematic optimization happens based on a multi dimensional
optimization method due to Powell described in [NUMREC] (see "Literature
directory" on page 175) together with a grid optimization, ensuring not to get
stuck on local optimums. Although the optimization also generally works for
complicated system geometries, the results of the passive earth pressure
calculation have to be verified manually in particular. For this purpose the
failure shape calculated by the program will be displayed after automatic
earth resistances calculation on every position z, where a force Ep was

159 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

Important Notes for Passive Earth Pressure with

When modelling earth resistance with user defined KE mechanisms, please
putt he system in LS2 (thus, characteristic calculations, see menu
"SettingsLimit states"), and divide the result (Fr,d) by gamma_Ep
Reason for this: The program can not determine if the KE mechanisms are
constructed for a resistance problem or an investigation of stability. Thus
the setting LS1B only works for active earth pressure and stability
calculations – so, always if the actions (dead weight, …) are upscaled with
safetly factors.
The menu items "CalculateWallEarth
pressureCalculatepassive…" (Icons ) already
consider this approach automatically.

Earth Pressure Calculation 160

Comparison of calculation methods for active earth

 Coulomb-method with per layer coefficients kagh

 Culmann-method

Exampe a: Single layer, δ=0°

Single layer, ΔH = 10 m, γ = 20 kN/m³, φ=30°, δa = 0°, characteristic

kagh = 0.333
ea= 10*20*0.333=66.7 kN/m²
Ea = 66.7*10/2=333.3 kN/m

The results from the manual calculation using k agh coefficients, Culmann
and the KEA match as expected.
The most unfavourable crack angle ϑ for all methods is 60°.

161 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

Example b: Influence of wall friction angle (one

layer, δ=2/3 φ)
Same as example a, except wall friction is set to δa = 2/3 φ

kagh = 0.279
ea = 10*20*0.279=55.8 kN/m²
Ea = 55.8*10/2=279.0 kN/m

The results from the manual calculation using kagh coefficients, Culmann
and the KEA match as expected.
The most unfavourable crack angle ϑ for all methods is 56°.

Earth Pressure Calculation 162

Example c: Influence of layered soil, wall friction
angle δ = 0

Layer 1: ΔH = 5 m, γ = 20 kN/m³, φ=30°, δa = 0°, kagh = 0,490

Layer 2: ΔH = 5 m, γ = 20 kN/m³, φ=40°, δa = 0°, kagh = 0,217

1.) Culmann-Method

Culmann-method using straight crack lines:

163 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

Culmann-method using discrete crack lines:

2.) Using manual kagh-coefficients:

z= 0.00 m: eah = 0.0 kN/m²

z=-5.00 m: eah = 20*5*0.490 = 49.0 kN/m²
z=-5.00 m: eah = 20*5*0.217 = 21.7 kN/m²
z=-10.00 m: eah = 20*10*0.217 = 43.4 kN/m²
Eah = Σ (eah) = 49.0*5/2 + (21.7+43.4)*5/2 = 285.3 kN/m



 The difference in the Culmann methods using straight or discrete crack
lines is of no significant importance. The accuracy of straight crack lines
suffices civil engineering purposes.
 The calculation of earth pressure using k agh coefficients presents a skip
at the level of -5.00 m. This skip is mechanically incorrect. The
Culmann method correctly presents a continuous transition from layer 1
to layer 2.
 The manual calculation and the Culmann method match nicely.

Earth Pressure Calculation 164

3.) KEA

Verifying the earth pressure with a three node kinematic element (Ea =
318.4 kN/m) offers not the same result as the Culmann calculation with
ONE straight crack line (Ea = 281.0 kN/m).
The reason for this is the different approach to the friction calculation. KEA
uses an average force with the given forces:

The edge 1-2 uses the average friction angle φ=30°.

In order to compare the Culmann method with KEA, a vertical slice has to
be generated for all intersections of the failure plane with any soil layer. The
given example will thus end in a system like:

165 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

Now the Culmann method and the KEA method match perfectly, because
the mechanical system of the implemented Culmann method corresponds
to the system generated with the two KE bodies.

Earth Pressure Calculation 166

Example d: Influence of soil layers, wall friction is
not null
The above example is altered to have a wall friction angle of δ=2/3 φ

The calculation using Coulomb’s kagh coefficients provide the same results.

z= 0.00 m: eah = 0.0 kN/m²

z=-5.00 m: eah = 20*5*0.426 = 42.6 kN/m²
z=-5.00 m: eah = 20*5*0.179 = 17.9 kN/m²
z=-10.00 m: eah = 20*10*0.179 = 35.8 kN/m²
Eah = Σ (eah) = 42.6*5/2 + (17.9+35.8)*5/2 = 240.8 kN/m

Verifying these with KEA, one must take note, that for edge 1-3 δ of layer 1
applies (=13.33°), where δ of edge 5-6 is applied from layer 2 (26.67°).

167 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

Result: KEA: Eah = 253.20*cos(26.67°) = 226.3 (≅ Result from Culmann

method =234.4).
The slight difference results from the fact, that the Culmann method uses a
wall line that is offset a few mm to the right of the centre of the wall, which
provides a variation in the weights.
The KEA forces result in:

Earth Pressure Calculation 168

If edge 4-5 and 5-6 are formed as a single edge, the results of the KEA
calculation change, because the wall friction angle will be averaged along
the edge then. (δ would be (13.33+2.67)/2 = 20°).

169 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

Comparison of Culmann KEA with provided

ground water
Demonstration of a situation where the failure plane is
(partially) underneath the ground water level

No ground water
In this case the calculations of k agh method, Culmann method and KEA
provide the same results (δa = +2/3 φ) (see following image):

With ground water

In case of an vertical skip of the ground water directly at the wall’s centre
line, the Culmann earth pressure is decreasing, because the soil’s vertical
weight under buoyancy is reduces (internally γ’ = γR-10 is applied).

The sum of horizontal action onto the wall using kagh coefficients yields in:
Sum Eh=10*10*0.279*10/2 +500= 639.5

Earth Pressure Calculation 170

The Culmann method offers the same result:
Sum Eh = 139.7 + 500 = 639.7.

KEA, however, results in:

Sum Eh = 615.33*cos(20) = 578.2.
This difference origins in the fact, that the KEA method uses a wall friction
angle of δ=20° for the total force Fr,d. The kagh or Culmann method on the
other hand only uses this angle for the soil’s dead weight. Also note that the
most unfavourable crack angles of KEA differ from the Culmann method.
In case δa = 0°, the difference is not given and all three methods match:

Take notice:
The failure planes of the Culmann method by default only consider the
vertical load removal from pore water pressure. The horizontal water
pressure on the wall is only applied, if there is a difference in the water
levels on the left and right side of the wall (as in the above image).
If, however, the water level is polygonal with some offset to the wall as in
the image below:

, the Culmann method by default does not provide the same results as the
KEA method.

171 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

The horizontal water pressure is not applied to the failure plane and the
ground water polygon is specified in a way so no horizontal water pressure
on the wall is generated. (The water pressure is calculated by the
intersection of the wall’s centre line and the ground water polygon – a small,
numerical discrepancy is tolerated).
Only if the option “Directly consider the horizontal water pressure in the
Culmann calculation” in the dialog “Settings / Calculation parameters for
earth pressure” is selected, the calculation of the water pressure internally is
disabled and the vertical as well as the horizontal action of the pore water
pressure on the failure plane is directly applied to the Culmann earth
pressure. This way you get the same results (Eh and most unfavourable
crack angle) that you get with the KEA method:

Please remember, that the additional program module FIDES-Flow offers a

FE supported ground water flow calculation: Using these results the final
ground water level can be estimated and pore water pressures and changes
of the soil weight are directly considered in the KEA and Culmann methods.
In the above shown example, the results gained from FIDES-Flow are:

Earth Pressure Calculation 172

The printout shows the pore water forces and seepage forces:

As a comparison, here are the results using only static water pressure:

The soil dead weight increases in the flow direction when seepage is
considered, the pore water pressure, mostly noticeable at the foot of the
wall, decreases.

173 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-GeoStability

Output of Results

Printing from the Application

In the menu item "File/page view" a preview of the text will be displayed.
Graphic and text is mixed in the standard print output: The first pages
correspond essentially to the phases on the screen. You can staff the text
also with graphics and suchlike. On the pages behind the results the text
output appears.
The header lines with firm header and project information are to be
configured in the menu "Settings/Projektinfos ". All changes of the screen
display as e.g. visibility of the rulers or layer description table also change
settings for printing. If you uncheck the "Fullscreen" button, you get a
WYSIWYG preview in your current view.

Export to ASCII or RTF-files

Please specify the path to your preferred word processor in
The command "File/results text output" and "File/Export/... " automatically
starts the program given here. Please also read the chapter "File".
For the text output we recommend to use the editor FidesPad that will be
installed with the program automatically. In FidesPad you only have to
enable the feature: 'update the document' once and have the editor window
stay on the screen. When you perform a new calculation, the document will
be updated in FidesPad and the displayed results file (see there the menu
"Edit/update automatically").
As a postprocessor for the RTF-output you need a program capable of
graphics, like e.g. Microsoft Word or You are able to
change the frame in the RTF-file by editing the file wabbrtf.cfg (in the
installations directory of KEA program) according to configure the RTF-file
printer to your wishes.

Output of Results 174


Literature directory

Euringer T.:
Objektorientierte Formulierung und Programmierung numerischer Starr-
körperverfahren in der Geotechnik.
Dissertation Juli 1997, Lehrstuhl für Bauinformatik, Technische Universität

Gudehus, G.:
Erddruckermittlung, Grundbau-Taschenbuch, Teil 1, 4. Aufl.,
Ernst&Sohn, Berlin, 1990

Gussmann P.:
Die Methode der Kinematischen Elemente und adaptive Optimierung,
Bauingenieur 67, 1992, S. 409-417

Numerical Recipes in C
Press, W.H. Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, B.P. ,
2 Edition, Cambridge University Press, Victoria, 1992

Statik im Erdbau,
Henner, Türke,

175 Literature
 FIDES-GeoStability


Baugruben II. Berechnungsgrundlagen
Ernst W. + Sohn Verlag; Auflage: Berichtigter Nachdruck d. 1. A. (1985)
ISBN-10: 3433007047
ISBN-13: 978-3433007044

Literature 176
Info 78

Index layer description 20

layout diagram 20
layout text 20
legend 20
Line load 35

Measure line 42
Menu items 11
method earth pressure 130
A method slip circle 125

angle measurement 43
arrange icons 77
ASCII-format 140 necessary steps at a glance 7
New window 77
C Norm 22

circle dialog 70
Construct 24
construction element 37 Operating instructions 7
Coordinate center move 16 Output 140
copy data from 1st to all other 45 Overlapping/Cascade 77
copy view 15 Overview 5

delete system 14 pressure line 27
Print 15
E Printing 140
Project infos 22
Edit 15
excavation phase 44

F Redo 15
redraw whole system 21
file 12 results 140
Fullscreen 17 RTF-format 140
ruler settings 19
Grenzzustände 22
grid 18 scale 17
Ground surface 25 Send as email 14
ground surface new 44 set origin 16
Ground water distribution 27 settings 44
Settings 22
H shift whole system 16
show dxf imported objects 20
Help 77 show objects 21
Help themes 77 snap 18
hide objects 21 snap & grid 18
soil layer 24
soil layers 19

177 Index
 FIDES-GeoStability

splashscreen 21
statusbar 16
system-Explorer 21

text 42
tile 77
Toolbar 11

Undo 15

view 16

Wall 29
Wall delete points 30
Water 27
window 77

Zoom 11, 17
Zoom back 17

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