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I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. identify describing words in a given story;
b. practice the proper use of describing words in a given story; and
c. construct sentences with the use of describing words to given nouns.

II. Subject Matter

Describing Words/Adjectives: The Clever Fox and The Black Crow

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Pupils Activity

A. Pre Reading
1. Motivation
Class, I have here two
pictures of an animals
and all you have to do is
to identify what is the
name of it.

Do you understand
class? Yes ma’am!

And now, are you ready

class? Yes ma’am!

What do you think the

name of this animal

Picture of a crow
A Crow ma’am.

How about this one


Picture of a fox A Fox ma’am.

Very good!
2. Vocabulary
Building/Unlocking of
Difficult Words

Alright class, I have some

words to introduce to
you and I will give
definition about it in
order for you to
understand its meaning.
Here are the following
words you need to keep
in mind and remember
what it means.

a. Triumphantly- in a
way that shows great
happiness or joy at a
victory or

b. Flapped- to move
( wings or arms) up
and down as if in
c. Clever- intelligent
and able to
understand things
easily or plan things

B. During Reading – Reading Aloud

Our story for today is all about “The

Clever Fox and The Black”. Are you all
ready to listen and learn something Yes ma’am.
new class?

Okay, I will read the story first and Yes ma’am .

please listen carefully class.
“The Clever Fox and The Black Crow”

Okay class, let’s read again the story with louder voice. So
first page, just boys only then the second page will be all
the girls, so on and so forth.
Yes ma’am.
Do you get it class?

Okay boys, please read the first page. Please louder your One day a black crow stole a piece of cheese
voice. and sat on a branch of a tree to eat in a
At that moment a clever fox was passing by.
Okay girls, your turn. Please louder voice also. Sniff! Sniff! “What is that smell?” he said.

He stopped under the tree and saw the crow.

Boys please read page number 3. “Mmm, I’d like to have a bite of that cheese”,
he thought.

The fox looked up at the crow and said, “You

Okay, girls please read page number 4. are a fine crow! What a lovely shiny feathers
you have! You are the King of the Birds!”

When the crow heard the praise of the fox, he

Now boys, it’s your turn. Please read page number 5. became proud and happy. The crow flapped
his wings triumphantly.

And the fox went on, “You must have the

And now for the last page, please read it girls. most wonderful singing voice. King of the
birds, let me hear a sweet song.”

Alright, thank you for your cooperation and participation


C. Post Reading
1. Comprehension
Okay, I will now ask some
questions to you if all of you
really comprehend or
remember what we have
read earlier about the story
of “The Clever Fox and The
Black Crow”.

Class, who are the characters

of the story we’ve read The Clever Fox and the Black Crow ma’am.

Okay, very good!

So next question is, who do

you think is the clever one in Fox ma’am.
the story?

Alright! Another question is,

who among the characters of
the story stole a piece of Black Crow ma’am.
Yes, that’s right.

How about what the clever “The King of the Bird” ma’am.
fox called to the Black Crow?

Alright, that’s Correct.

Okay last question class.

What did the clever fox said
to the black crow when he “You are a fine crow” ma’am .
looked up to it?

Very good! You did not just

read the story well but also
understand what’s in the
story. Keep it up class!

2. Enrichment Activity
Now class, let’s have an
activity. On your activity
notebook, write the
characters of the story
we have read earlier and
describe those
Yes ma’am.
3. Language Focus:
So now class, let’s discuss the
adjectives. Adjectives are
words we use to describe the
noun. When we say noun,
this would the name of a
person, place, thing or

From the story we have read

today, I have here those
adjectives/describing words
that describes the fox and
the crow in the story. What
do you think is being
described by the following?
1. Black Fox
2. Clever Crow
3. Fine Crow’s Feather
4. Lovely Crow’s Feather
5. Shiny Crow
6. Happy Crow’s Wings
7. Triumphantl Crow’s Singing voice
8. Wonderful

Very good!

So now class, let’s

construct a sentence
using adjectives from the
story to its noun.

So first Example, we will

be going to use the word
black and crow in the

Sentence: A black crow

stole a piece of cheese.

So what do you think is

the word that describe Black ma’am .
the crow in the

Very good!

Second example, will be

going to use the word
clever and fox.

Sentence: A clever fox

was passing by and smell

What is the word that Clever ma’am.

describe fox in the

Yes, you’re correct.

Okay here’s another

example, and we will be
going to identify the
noun and adjective in the
Sentence: The crow’s
feather is lovely and

What is the noun being Feather ma’am.

describe in the

How about the adjectives

being used to describe Lovely ma’am.
the feather in the
sentence? Shiny ma’am.

What else?

Very good!
So class, what do you To describe the animals ma’am.
think adjectives used

Yes, you have a point


An adjectives are words

we use to describe the
noun. When we say
noun, these are name of
the places, things or
animals we are going to
describe in a form of

4. Skills Development (TS)

Now class, still with the use
of your activity notebook,
construct and write a
sentence using describing
word to the following noun:
The pig is fat.
My cat is color white.

1. Teacher
2. Bag
3. Ball
4. Flower
5. School






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