Seminar Questions

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Q.1. Partnership firm is not a ‘legal entity’ or ‘person’ and has no separate and distinct
existence apart’ from the partners composing it but is merely an association of
individuals and the firm is only a collective name of those individuals who compose the
firm. Comment.

Q.2 Draw the Partnership Deed on operation of law business in Zanzibar. Describe the
procedure the procedures for registration in accordance with the laws of Zanzibar.

Q.3. Critically examine the relation of partners with third parties. Can a firm be liable for
wrongful acts of a partner? Use decided cases to support your arguments.

Q.4. Sharing of the profits is only a prima facie evidence of the existence of partnership.
The conclusive test is that of mutual agency. Discuss the statement with the support of
the decided cases.

Q.5. How the Partnership differ with Limited Liability Partnership.

Q.6 “Partners are bound to carry on business of the firm to the greatest common
advantage, to be first and faithful to each other and to render true accounts and full
information of all things affecting the firm or any partner or his legal: representative.”In
the light of the above discuss rights & duties of partners in a partnership firm with
relevant case law.

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