PI490 Note

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Week 3

Chicago Boys

Development as a series of problems - some economy slow than we hope, del is hard
Political Instability
● Weak institutions
Threat of communism
Low economic pouput
Inefficient ind
Inflation/ stagflation - high unemployment

Fix the price for consumers -

Developement Economics
If the state can produce 2 goods, it is the good manner to 1.produce only the best product for
the state to get the most efficient , benefit to trade 2. Import the goods

Raul Prebisch - del state automatically ,

Raw mate is cheaper, export lot of rice to afford, it’s not fair to trade like this.
Ex. German is wellknown in car indusralisation, Rise Taxes on aboard (German) car, so Thai car
will be more expensive.

Core - West
High-cost consumers goods -
Cheap labour raw materials -

- Problem - not advance becaz we import

1950s Development Economics

● Focus on export to creeat state revenue

Problem of Neo-Lib
Washington Consensus
- Dollar rise persuade FDI
- Privatization
- Dereugatio \
4 effect
Free Trade - NAFTA, APEC
Economy enhancement
Market oriented lead to privatization
Lower interest rates

31 Jan 2023
Dependency Theory
Holding the periphery country back from the core country ex. Cuba dus tothe communist gov
Basic claim
Cheap Nature - global south , coloniser used the division rule . The process is making worse.
Ex. Myanmar

Non-European world developed

Dependency theory in Latin America

Enclave economies - depend on the core

21 Mar
The policy should be the center from the people.
Should consult the benefit snd drawback
A human rights based approach
Equality vs Non-discrimination.
Economic surplus n
International financial institution = World Bank ADB
The state as a shareholder

4 Apr 2023
Problem of development
The most important principle of being sustainable is to have a cycle reus eof development.
Moreover, SDG Goals are the tactics to follow the goal of sustainable developmen. Education to
the people may help the people to realise tne way to improve the socite in the practical way.

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