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Cara membuat branding

-Apa itu produknya

A.History of Branding

In the 16th century, branding is the main method of and proof of ownership for livestock.

B.Definition of Branding

-Branding is not a logo. Logo shows the difference between one product and another product.

-Branding is not packaging. Branding is the strategic process of shaping and communicating a brand’s
identity, while packaging is how the product looks and is presented to customers.

-Branding is not a product. Rather it is the intangible process of defining and communicating a product’s
identity, values, and unique qualities to consumers.

-Branding is not advertising. Branding is a broader, long-term strategic process of defining a product’s
identity and values. Advertising is a specific promotional activity.

C.What Branding Really Is

Your brand isn’t what you say it is, it’s what they say it is.

-Marty Neumeier

(Or what you think when seeing a product’s logo)

A brand is a result. It’s a customer’s gut feeling about a product service, or a company. It’s not what you
say it is, it’s what they say it is. A brand is your reputation.

Branding combines identity, logo, design, strategy, and marketing to create a distinctive and memorable
presence for a product or company.


Nike (logo) hotline: Just do it.

Identity: shoes

Logo: The best shoe choice

Design: simple
Strategy: commercial, Brand Ambassador

Marketing: Sell anywhere

D.Types of Brands

Individual brands: brands that represent specific products or services offered by a company. Each
product has its own unique identity.

Contoh: Le minerale

Family brands: brands where multiple products or services are marketed under a common brand name.
These products are often related or cater to the same target audience.

Contoh: Yamaha

Co-brands: brands created through a partnership between two or more companies. Co-brands combine
the strengths and identities of each company to create a unique offering.

Contoh: Chitato-Indomie

Private label brands: brands created and owned by retailers or distributors, often sold as alternatives to
well-known national brands.

Contoh: Indomaret

Generic brands: brands that use simple, generic names without any specific branding elements. These
brands focus on offering affordable products without extensive marketing, usually local products.

Service brands: brands that primarily offer intangible services rather than tangible products.

Contoh: Siloam

Retail brands: brands owned by retail companies, often used to market products sold exclusively in their

Contoh: HnM

Luxury brands: brands that focus on offering high-end exclusive, and premium products, often associated
with luxury and prestige (pokoknya punya kesan mahal).

Contoh: Dior

Economy brands: brands that position themselves as affordable positions, appealing to budget-conscious

Contoh: Starbucks

Corporate brands: brands that represent an entire company or organization, showcasing its overall
identity and values.

Homework is gud : bedanya corporate brands dan family brands

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