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- Know how to introduce yourself and greet someone;

- Learn some basic sentence structures;

- Hack your English Speaking coursebook;

Introduce yourself:
Name: Cat
Age: thirty-six (years old)
Live in HK for thirteen (thớt tin) years
Job: a nurse
Move (di chuyển)
More (nhiều hơn)
Write and read in Cantonese

Basic (cơ bản) sentence structure:

Good morning/Good afternoon/Good evening/Good night
How are you? I’m good/I’m fine/I’m great/….
= How’s it going? (người thân/người quen) = dạo này ntn rồi?
And you? How about you?

Excuse me!
How can I help you? = What would you like? = What do you want? = What do you need?

Goodbye. See you again/next time.

Take care. (Giữ sức khoẻ)
Have a good day/nice day.
Where do you come from? I come from Hue City, Vietnam
= Where are you from? I’m from Vietnam (but I’m Chinese).

What is your nationality? I’m Chinese = My nationality is Chinese.

It (đi lên, dấu sắc)
Is (iiii, đi ngang, đằng sau có s)
It is
Brazil – Brazilian
Canada – Canadian
America (the U.S) – American
The U.K
Japan – Japanese
Korea – Korean
Have you ever been to … - I have never/Yes I have. I have been there (ở đó) once (oăn xừ)
(1 lần)
Twice (toai xừ) (2 lần)
three times (3 lần)
Australia - Australian
England - English

New Territory
- Job and Work;
- Learn some basic sentence structures;

What do you do? (Bạn làm nghề gì?)

I’m a nurse.

Teacher – giao vien
Dentomaxillofacial Doctor (đóc tờ)
Policeman/ Policewoman
Chef – dau bep
(Police/Customs/…) Officer / Office worker – nhân viên
(Taxi/ Bus/ Truck/ Personal) Driver – lái xe
Electrician – thợ điện
Plumber (pờ lum mờ) – thợ nước
Builder – thợ xây
Carpenter – thợ mộc
Help – người giúp việc

Housework/chores: việc nhà

Get up/wake up: dậy
raise someone (the kids/ the children/ my husband) up: đánh thức ai đó dậy
Make the bed: sắp xếp giường
Brush my teeth: đánh răng => brush children’s teeth / brush Hien’s teeth
Wash my face: rửa mặt
Cook/Prepare (chuẩn bị) breakfast for
Get dressed: thay quần áo => get dressed for children
Help children to get dressed/put in the shoes => help tên người to hành động
Prepare school bag for => prepare cái gì for người
Go to work/go to school
Take/drive children to school: đưa đến trường
Go to market/supermarket/shopping
Shopping list:….
Cook lunch: nấu bữa trưa
(Son: con trai
Daughter: con gái (đót tờ)
Husband: chồng)
Wash the dishes: rửa bát
Wash the clothes: giặt quần áo
Do the laundry (lonđơ ri): giặt sấy quần áo (máy làm)
Fold the clothes: gấp quần áo
Clean + thứ gì đó:
Clean the bathroom/toilet: dọn phòng tắm/vs
Clean the bathroom: phòng ngủ
Clean the kitchen/the dining room: dọn phòng bếp/phòng ăn
Clean the living room: phòng khách
Clean the garage: ga ra
Clean the floor: dọn sàn
Wipe: lau chùi
Wipe the TV
Wipe the floor
Wipe the window
Mop the floor: lau sàn (nước)
Put the clothes in the wardrobe
Pick the children up from school: pick + ai + up = pick up + ai
Extra class – school
Cook dinner
Prepare clothes for my sons
It’s time to …: đến giờ …. rồi
Change pyjamas
Help the sons do homework – I do homework with him
Brush teeth
Prepare school bags and clothes
Call him to go to sleep
Wash the dishes
Take a bath(bồn)/shower(vòi sen)
It’s time to sleep/rest.
Get ready to go to school/go to work/…: chuẩn bị ….
Get unready ….: vệ sinh cá nhân…

5 – get up and prepare breakfast

7:30 (seven thirty) – take the children to school
9:45 – get ready to work
11 - eat lunch
12 – take a rest
From 11 to 12, I eat lunch and take a rest
At 11, I eat lunch and take a rest for 1 hour.
4:15 – I go to school, pick up the children and take them to extra class
6 – pick up from extra class
From 6 to 7, we eat dinner and take a rest.
At 8, I do homework with my sons and prepare to go to school tomorrow/for tomorrow for 1
10 – get unready and go to sleep
What time is it?
It’s + giờ + phút. = Bâyh là …
At + giờ + phút = vào … giờ
10h27: It’s ten twenty seven.
14 – fourteen
40 – forty

9h – It’s nine (o’clock)

9h5 – It’s five past nine
9h10 – It’s ten past nine
9h15 – It’s fifteen past nine = It’s a quarter past nine. => a quarter = 15’
9h20 – It’s twenty past nine
9h25 – It’s twenty-five past nine. => Past = giờ hơn
9h30 – It’s thirty past nine = It’s half past nine => half = 30’
=> To: giờ kém
9h35 – It’s twenty-five to ten
9h40 – It’s twenty to ten
9h45 – It’s a quarter to ten
9h50 – It’s ten to ten
9h55 – It’s five to ten

=> It’s + phút + giờ (đối với cạc nói giờ hơn giờ kém)

What time (mấy giờ) + do you + hành động?

When (khi nào)
When do you go to work? – I go to work at 9:30.
= What time do you go to work?
When do you wake up? – I wake up at 8:15.
When do you have lunch? – I have lunch at 12:00.
When is your birthday? My birthday is on 13th of July.

Số thứ tự:
1st = the first
2nd = the second
3rd = the third
4th = the fourth
5th = the fifth (phípth)
21st = the twenty-first

Tháng = Months
Days in the week – What day is it? It’s Monday, 19th February.

Weekdays – I go to work on weekdays.

Day off (ngày nghỉ) – I have 2 days off

at the weekend/on Monday and Saturday.

1. What is your husband’s/sons’ birthday?
Relatives: họ hàng
Mother-in-law: mẹ ck/vk
Brother-in-law: anh ck/
Sister-in-law: chị ck
- Places in the town
- Ask for direction listening A2

Park Công viên

Coffee shop = café
Police station
Train station = railway station
Bus station = bus stop
Market / supermarket / grocery (store) chợ / siêu thị / tiệm tạp hoá
Post office Bưu điện
Office Văn phòng
Pet shop / vet cửa hàng thú cưng / thú ý
Book shop = book store cửa hàng sách
Mini mart = convenience store cửa hàng tiện lợi
Park Công viên
Drugstore = chemist = pharmacy (medicine, Hiệu thuốc

Ask for direction (phương hướng) / address (địa chỉ)

Where (ở đâu) is the …..?
Ex: Where is the post office?
The post office is on the 3rd Street and next to the restaurant. It’s on the right of the restaurant.

Ex: Where is the park?

The park is on the 3rd Street and opposite the police station.
= The park is opposite the police station on 3rd Street and opposite the coffee shop on 1st Street.
Can you tell me/show me the way to/the direction to …?

On street ở trên phố

Next to Bên cạnh
On the left/on the right of … ở bên trái/phải của cái gì
Between ở giữa
Behind đằng sau
In front of đằng trước
opposite đối diện
Go along Đi Dọc theo
Go ahead Đi thẳng
Turn left on the … street / turn left at the first Rẽ vào
Corner Góc
Block Khu nhà
Take the first left onto the Green street
Walk = go pass Đi qua

Traffic light Đèn giao thông
Go straight on. Then take the first left on to Green Street. Walk past the library and it’s the
building next to the library on the left.
Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights. You will see a shop on the right. Go past that and it’s on
the right next to the shop.
Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights and go straight on until you get to the roundabout. At the
roundabout turn left. Go past the theatre. It’s the building next to the theatre, opposite the
Go straight on. Go past the traffic lights and take the second right on to King’s Road. Go past the
bookshop. It’s the building next to the bookshop opposite the café.
- Things in your house
- Food

Do you live in a House or Apartment (căn hộ)?

How many rooms in your apartment (ơ pát mừn)?

Study room / working room: phòng học/phòng làm việc

Guest room: phòng cho khách
Laundry room: phòng giặt là
Hall: hành lang
Garage: ga-ra
Floor: tầng -> 3 floors
Basement (floor): tầng hầm
Go upstair: đi lên tầng >< go downstair: đi xuống tầng
Stair: cầu thang
Escalator: thang cuốn
Take the Escalator and go downstair to the 2nd floor.
Lifter: thang máy
Balcony: ban công
Rooftop: sân thượng
Door: cửa
Window: cửa sổ
Fence: hàng rào
Gate: cửa
Floor: sàn nhà
Wall: tường
Ceiling: trần nhà

Bookcase = book shelf
Carpet = rug
Light >< lamp: đèn bàn
Mirror: gương
Shelf – sheves: giá
Bunk bed: giường tầng (upper bed – lower bed)
Pillow: gối
Bedsheet: ga /pillowsheet: ga gối
Blanket: chăn
Electric Socket: ổ cắm, socket on the wall: ổ cắm ở tường
Power socket: ổ cắm kéo dài
Wire: dây (điện)
Tools: đồ nghề
Drawer: ngăn kéo
Locker: tủ khoá
Cooker hood: máy hút mùi
- boil: luộc -> boil water: đun nước
- grill: nướng -> grilled chicken: món gà nướng
- fry: rán -> fried chicken: gà rán
- steam: hấp -> steamed bun: bánh hấp / steamed rice: cơm
- stir: xào -> stirred vegetables: rau xào

- fridge: tủ lạnh (= refrigerator)

- stove: bếp
- juicer: máy ép
- griller: bếp nướng
- oven: lò nướng
- bread dough: bột bánh mì
- fried: chiên rán -> fried eggs
- use: dùng

động từ + danh từ
tính từ + danh từ

- sticky rice: xôi

- porridge: cháo
- spring roll: cuốn
- rice noodles

1. Các món bánh

- Bánh cuốn: stuffed pancake
- Bánh dầy: round sticky rice cake
- Bánh tráng: girdle-cake
- Bánh tôm: shrimp in batter
- Bánh cốm: young rice cake
- Bánh trôi: stuffed sticky rice balls
- Bánh đậu: soya cake
- Bánh bao: steamed wheat flour cake
- Bánh xèo: pancake
- Bánh bao: dim-sum
2. Các loại bún
- Bún ốc: Snail rice noodles
- Bún bò: beef rice noodles
- Bún chả: Kebab rice noodles
- Bún cua: Crab rice noodles

3. Các loại phở

- Phở bò: Rice noodle soup with beef
- Phở đặc biệt: House special beef noodle soup
- Phở nạm tái bò viên: Medium-rare beef, well-done flanks and meatballs
- Phở chín: Sliced well-done flanks noodle soup
- Phở tái: Sliced medium-rare beef
- Phở tái nạm: Medium-rare beef and well-done flanks
- Phở đồ biển: Seafood noodle soup
- Phở gà: Sliced-chicken noodle soup
4. Các món gỏi
- Gỏi cuốn: spring rolls
- Gỏi đồ biển: Seafood delight salad
- Gỏi ngó sen tôm thịt: Lotus delight salad
- Gỏi lươn: Swamp-eel in salad
5. Các món ăn hàng ngày
- Cá kho tộ: Fish cooked with fishsauce bowl
- Gà xào chiên sả ớt: Chicken fried with citronella
- Tôm kho tàu: Shrimp cooked with caramel
- Bò xào khổ qua: Tender beef fried with bitter melon
- Sườn xào chua ngọt: Sweet and sour pork ribs
- Rùa rang muối: Tortoise grilled on salt
- Rùa hầm sả: Tortoise steam with citronella
- Tiết canh: Blood pudding
- Cua luộc bia: Crab boiled in beer
- Cua rang me: Crab fried with tamarind
- Bò nhúng giấm: Beef soaked in boilinig vinegar
- Bò nướng sa tế: Beef seasoned with chili oil and broiled
- Bò lúc lắc khoai: Beef fried chopped steaks and chips
- Tôm lăn bột: Shrimp floured and fried
- Chao: Soya cheese
- Lẩu: Hot pot
- Nước mắm: fish sauce
6. Các món dưa
- Dưa (muối): salted vegetables
- Dưa cải: Cabbage pickles
- Dưa hành: onion pickles
- Dưa góp: vegetables pickles
- Cà muối: pickled egg plants
- Cà pháo muối: Salted egg-plant
7. Các loại quả
- Vú sữa : star apple
- Trái điều: Malay apple
- Sầu riêng : durian
- Nhãn : longan
- Chôm chôm: rambutan
- Mận : water apple, wax jampu (tuy theo trai lon hoac nho)
- Bưỏi: grapefruit, pomelo
- Mơ: appricot
- Sa po chê: sapodilla
- Dưa gang: Indian cream cobra melon
- Mít: jackfruit
- Lựu: pomegranate
- Mít tố nữ: marang
- Măng cụt: mangosteen

8. Tên các loại rau quả

- Rau diếp: lettuce
- Bắp cả: cabbage
- Khoai tây: potato
- Cà chua: tomato
- Cà rốt: carrot
- Đậu đũa: bean
- Hành: onion
- Tỏi: garlic
9. Cách chế biến món ăn
- Kho: Cook with sauce
- Nướng: grill
- Hấp: Steam
- Quay: roast
- Rán, chiên: fry
- Xào, áp chảo: Saute
- Hầm, ninh: stew
I my me
You Your You
We Our Us
They Their Them
He His Him
She Her Her
It Its It

I like + danh từ. => nói về sở thích, khó thay đổi

Ex: I like bananas.
I would like + danh từ. => nói về mong muốn nhất thời
Ex: I would like orange juice.

I like to V = I like Ving. => tôi thích làm gì

Ex: I like to eat apples. = I like eating apples.
I would like to V. => tôi muốn làm gì ở thời điểm nói
Ex: I would like to brush my teeth.

What do you like?

Do you like green onion? (Bạn có thích hành ko?)

What would you like?

Would you like something to drink? ( Bạn có muốn uống gì không?)

What do you like to do? (Bạn muốn làm gì?)

Do you like to V? = Do you like Ving?
Ex: Do you like to ride bikes? Do you like to buy some food?
Would you like to have some pancakes? (Bạn có muốn ăn một vài cái bánh pancake không?)

Ex: What would you like to cook today?

Would you like to bake bread?

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