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Once upon a time, the parts of the body wondered about the basic unit which makes up the


So they all decided to have a meeting

Each of them agreed to ask the smartest part of the body

The brain

They travelled far enough until they reached the highest peak in the body where the brain was located

Without further ado, the heart asked the brain

“what is the basic unit of the body?”

Then the brain answered, “cell”

“what are the parts of the cell?”, asked the nose

“Lets have a tour inside the cell for you to understand it clearly”, the brain replied

Starting with the cell membrane, a cell membrane is like the guard of the cell. It protects the other parts
of the cell from intruders.

Moving on, next is the cytoplasm, a jelly like structure which holds the each part of the cell called

Then, the vacuoles, which are clear fluid sacs that act as storage areas for food, minerals, and waste.

This is the mitochondria, also known as the powerhouse or the energy source of the cell. Likewise, this is
the center of respiration

The ribosome is the factory in which the protein is being made and synthesized

The Golgi apparatus , is the post office inside the cell. It packages and modifies the protein.

On the other hand, the rough er is the protein assembly line of the cell. It serves as passageways of
proteins moving through the cell.

“Do you want to know what is the control center of the cell?”

Now lets enter deeper.

What you can see is the nucleus. It is the control center of the cell, just like me, all the actions taken
inside the cell is commanded by the nucleus. It also contain the genetic information called “DNA”.

Did you understand the cell parts and the function of each organelles

Oh, before I forget, this is the lysosome the bravest part of the cell. It is known as the suicide bag and
janitor because it maintains the cleanliness inside the cell.

“Thank you Mr. Brain for your wonderful discussion.”

“We will now go back to our places having in mind all the knowledge you have shared”
“see you next time.

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