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March 11, 2024


DIRECTIONS: Read comprehensively the course packet (available in MS Team file

section) from pages 38-47. Write a minimum of 250 - word Position Paper the following

1. Why is the Family considered as the basic social institution?

2. How was the Filipino family have been affected by social change?
3. What is the family’s response to the emerging concepts of a Filipino family today?

The Indispensable Role of the Family as the Fundamental Social Institution:

A Focus on the Filipino Context

The family is seen as the cornerstone of society, acting as the fundamental institution that
shapes people, instills values, and cultivates the bonds that are essential to societal
cohesiveness. Its importance cuts beyond temporal and cultural boundaries and is
essential to the formation of society. The family is highly valued in the Filipino culture,
with a focus on close relationships, deference to elders, and the welfare of the whole.

The educational landscape has changed significantly, especially with regard to school
reforms and improvements, and this has had a huge impact on Filipino families. Family
dynamics and priorities have changed as a result of the emphasis on technological
integration, professional preparedness, and academic performance. Growing parental
involvement in their kids' education has resulted in higher standards, more parental
support, and cooperative efforts with schools. This change has affected family values by
prioritizing future prospects and academic success.

In response the families in the Philippines have proven resilient, flexible, and inclusive in
response to changing ideas about what it means to be a family. The configurations of
modern Filipino families are varied, and they uphold the ancient ideals of solidarity and
filial piety while embracing diversity, gender equality, and self-expression. They have
overcome obstacles brought about by two-income homes and technology improvements
by putting communication, kinship, and general wellbeing first. The family's reaction is a
well-balanced mix of tradition and modernity, reinforcing its position as a source of
cohesion, strength, and fortitude in the face of societal changes.

In conclusion, the family's essential function as the fundamental social institution is

highlighted by its capacity to raise children, impart morals, and adjust to the shifting
needs of the society. The Filipino family is a living example of tenacity, harmony, and
cultural legacy; in a world that is changing quickly, it captures the timeless quality of
family ties.

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