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A Research Paper

Presented to the

Faculty of the Department of Senior High School

La Consolacion College - Lilo-an, Cebu Inc.

Poblacion, Lilo-an, Cebu, Philippines


In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Course

Practical Research 2, Research Project, & Work Immersion



John Vincent P Adolfo

Cairon Joseph R. Alonzo

Temothy Joy S. Eliot

Krista Ivanna S. Jumadla

Princess P. Caballero

Mary Christy B. Paradiang

April 2022
This research paper entitled ―Modified Compost Heap and The Effectiveness of
Composting Biodegradable Waste‖ was prepared and submitted by John Vincent P Adolfo,
Cairon Joseph Alonzo, Temothy Joy Eliot, Krista Ivanna Jumadla, Princess Caballero, and Mary
Christy Paradiang for the subjects of Practical Research 2, Research Project, and Work
Immersion has been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval for ORAL




Member Member



Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of __________.




Member Member




School Principal
May 23, 2022__
Date of Oral Examination


The researchers would like to thank the following people for their guidance and support
in completing this research:

Mrs. Sarah Jean Maghanoy, Ms. Jemna Pitogo, and Mr. Nimrod Cugay, the
research advisers, for guiding and helping the researchers in accomplishing the research.
Giving advice on how and what to improve to make this research better.

Mrs. Leonida Goc-ong, the Barangay Captain of Barangay Estaca Compostela,

for allowing this capstone research to happen in Purok Talisay, Estaca, Compostela,
Cebu, as the research environment during the data collection venture.

The households in the community of Purok Talisay, Estaca, Compostela, Cebu for
providing the research materials that are needed by the researchers in conducting this

The researchers’ family for their support for rendering the finance and the
constructive and valuable suggestions and comments that have helped the researchers on
improving the quality and content of this research.

Thank you


This study aims to identify the relationship between the modified compost heap and its

effectiveness in composting biodegradable waste (e.g., vegetable peelings, dried leaves and

branches and food wastes) in Purok Talisay, Estaca, Compostela, Cebu, Philippines. This study

utilizes observations as a data collection method in identifying the relationship of rate of

reduction, duration of decomposition and the amount of biodegradable waste stored and the

modified compost heap. The data are collected through the means of observation, documentation

and records of the observations in the period of time that the data collection venture lasts in

which also utilizes the Pearson’s r correlation coefficient to identify the strength of its

relationship. The study concludes that the influence of the rate of reduction, duration of

decomposition and the amount of biodegradable waste stored are more positive than negative in

terms of the effectiveness of the modified compost heap. Additionally, through the use of

Pearson’s r correlation coefficient it had been found that the rate of reduction has a weak and

positive correlation, the duration of decomposition has a weak but negative correlation and the

amount of biodegradable waste stored has a strong and positive correlation to the effectiveness of

the modified compost heap. The results of the research were analyzed and interpreted in the

context of the new modification or innovation of a compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet

form and its effectiveness in terms of composting biodegradable wastes.

Keywords: Modified compost heap, biodegradable wastes, rate of reduction, duration of

decomposition, amount of biodegradable waste stored


APPROVAL SHEET……………………………………………………………. ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS……….……………………………………………. iii
ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………….. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………….. v
LIST OF TABLES.…………………….….……………………………………. vi
Background of the Study……………………………………….. 1
Statement of the Problem………………………………………. 4
Scope and Delimitations……………………………………….. 5
Significance of the Study………………………………………. 6
Overview of the Review of Related Literature………………… 8
Conceptual Framework………………………………………… 17
Research Design ……………………………………………….. 18
Research Environment………………………………………….. 19
Research Respondents………………………………………….. 20
Research Instrument……………………………………………. 21
Research Procedure
Gathering of Data………………………………………. 22
Treatment of Data………………………………………. 23
Definition of Terms……………………………………………... 24

BIODEGRADABLE WASTE……………………………………….. 26
INTERPRETATION OF DATA…………………………………….. 30
RECOMMENDATIONS…………………………………………….. 35

REFERENCES………………………………………………………………… 38
A. Transmittal Letter…………………………………………………… 40
B. Documentation ……………………………………………………… 41
CURRICULUM VITAE……………………………………………………...... 43
Table 1. Project Plan…………………………………………………… 28
Table 2. Correlation between the Rate of Reduction and its
Effectiveness in Composting Biodegradable Waste………….. 30
Table 3. Correlation between the Duration of Decomposition and
its Effectiveness in Composting Biodegradable Waste………. 31
Table 4. Correlation between the Amount of Biodegradable waste and
its Effectiveness in Composting Biodegradable waste……….. 33
Figure 1. Conceptual Framework……………………………………… 17
Figure 2. Research Environment………………………………………. 19



Background of the Study

Composting is an old and traditional way of disposing biodegradable wastes that is both

helpful and beneficial to the environment. Through this way of disposal, the biodegradable

wastes are turned into composts that are rich in nutrients compared to soils. Sidder (2016) stated

that with archaeological evidence from the British Isles, the use of composting can be traced

back to 12, 000 years ago when the Scots improved their small-scale farms through plowing and

seeding compost heaps in position which later became popular in the early 1850’s in New

Canaan, Connecticut. This connotes that composts had been used since ancient times in

improving the yields of farms. Not only the agricultural sector of a country can make use of such

a mechanism, but including either large or small communities that are having biodegradable

waste management problems.

According to Román, Martinez, and Pantoja (2015), ―composting reduces pollution,

reuses organic waste, reduces the cost of fertilizers and agricultural production inputs and more

importantly, returns nutrients needed for food production back to the soil.‖ Compost heap is a

pile of biodegradable wastes that are allowed to decay to create compost that are both usable to

gardeners or farmers as a method to naturally reduce the amounts of biodegradable wastes and

enrich the soil through the mixture of compost. Through the protection of the environment,

ecological stewardship is one of the values that are to be obtained. Not only does it create

compost to increase the yield of crops, it also reduces the expenses that farmers allocate for

synthetic and chemical fertilizers which is financially and environmentally beneficial.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) Undersecretary Benny

Antiporda stated that the department had begun coordinating with the Department of the Interior

and Local Government (DILG) regarding the recovery and composting of biodegradable waste

helps in the reduction of the volume of trash for collection and disposal in the Philippines

(Teves, 2021). In the country, the biodegradable wastes are about 52% to 58% of the solid

wastes that are generated. The DENR seeks the cooperation of the communities in reducing the

amount of biodegradable wastes in the respective communities through composting which are

effective in the process of reducing the amount of organic wastes such as leftover food, fruit,

and vegetable peelings, soft shells, seeds, leaves, flowers, twigs, etc.

Furthermore, it is a traditional way of reusing biodegradable wastes and reducing the

amount of wastes present in communities. Thus, this study aims to demonstrate and recommend

a new compost heap innovation that is more efficient, effective, and beneficial in terms of

composting and harvesting the compost through a modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer

cabinet form. The modified compost heap is constructed in a three (3) drawer cabinet form that

emphasizes three (3) different time periods for composting and producing the compost. This

demonstrates how efficiently the compost may be disposed of and harvested in an organized

manner. The researchers seek to identify the relationship of modified compost heap in a three (3)

drawer cabinet form and the rate of reduction and duration of decomposition of biodegradable

wastes and the amount of biodegradable wastes that can be stored. The research strives to serve

the common good and to explore new innovations in accordance with the fundamental principle

of La Consolacion College - Liloan, Cebu Inc., which emphasizes the communitarian spirit and

compassion for oneself, the community, and others. This research will propose a new compost

heap innovation, which is a modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form, that will

aid the community in resolving environmental pollution, both on land and underwater. Due to

this, organic compost is produced, which is healthier for plants and crops within the


Statement of the Problem

The present study aims to identify the relationship between the modified compost heap in

a three (3) drawer cabinet form and the effectiveness of composting biodegradable wastes in

Purok Talisay, Estaca, Compostela, Cebu. Specifically, it aims to answer the following:

1. Does the rate of reduction of biodegradable wastes positively or negatively influence the

effectiveness of the modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form;

1.1 Vegetable peelings,

1.2 Dried leaves and branches; and

1.3 Food wastes?

2. Does the duration of decomposition of the biodegradable wastes positively or negatively

influence the effectiveness of the modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form;

2.1 Vegetable peelings,

2.2 Dried leaves and branches; and

2.3 Food wastes?

3. Does the amount of biodegradable wastes stored positively or negatively influence the

effectiveness of the modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form;

3.1 Vegetable peelings,

3.2 Dried leaves and branches; and

3.3 Food wastes?

4. What community-based project can be proposed based on the findings of the study?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on identifying the relationship between the modified compost heap in

a three (3) drawer cabinet form in vegetable peelings, dried leaves and branches, and food wastes

and the rate of reduction of biodegradable wastes, duration of decomposition, and amount of

stored biodegradable wastes. The selected research environment where the study will be

conducted is in the community of Purok Talisay, Estaca, Compostela, Cebu.

This study mainly focuses on the rate of reduction of biodegradable wastes, duration of

decomposition, and amount of stored biodegradable wastes (e.g.,, vegetable peelings, dried

leaves and branches, and food wastes) between the modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer

cabinet form. The researchers will acquire data through observations and close-ended

questionnaires that will be answered by the respondents which are selected through purposive

sampling in Purok Talisay, Estaca, Compostela, Cebu. This research is limited only to

identifying the extent between the modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form and

the rate of reduction of biodegradable wastes in the span of three (3) weeks, duration of

decomposition, and the amount of stored biodegradable wastes.

This research will require the assistance of the local residents in Purok Talisay, Estaca,

Compostela, Cebu in providing the biodegradable wastes (e.g.,, vegetable scraps, dried leaves,

and food waste) needed by the researchers.

Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to identify the relationship between the modified compost

heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form and the rate of reduction of biodegradable wastes,

duration of decomposition, and the amount of biodegradable wastes stored in Purok Talisay,

Estaca, Compostela, Cebu.

The results or outcomes of this study will be greatly beneficial to the various sectors as


Community. The result of this research will help the community to have a constant cycle of

reducing biodegradable wastes and producing alternative organic fertilizers to be used in soil


School. This study will provide a new form of compost heap and reduce the amount of organic

wastes produced by the school and process organic compost to be used as cost-effective

fertilizers within the premises.

Environmentalists. Disposing biodegradable wastes will be reduced and it will decrease the rate

of transmission of harmful pathogens such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses, which can be a source

of communicable diseases.

Agriculturists. This study will be significant to them in increasing their knowledge of

decomposing biodegradable wastes as one of the various ways they can be converted into

alternative organic fertilizers.

Government. The outcome of this study will help in imparting a positive solution to each local

government unit (LGU) in controlling or reducing the production of biodegradable wastes.

Future Researchers. The results found in this research will serve as a basis or reference to

further innovate and develop new studies related to the topic being investigated.



Local and Foreign Related Literature

Composting is a widely accepted practice used in all systems associated with climate-

smart agriculture. It offers enormous potential for all sizes of farms and agro-ecological systems

and combines environmental protection with a sustainable agricultural production (Román et al.,

2015). With this definition, composting is pertinent to be practiced since it is beneficial for

maximizing sustainable crop production and minimizing environmental problems. In addition to

that, it brings advantages to the sector of agriculture, which can be a good source of livelihood

for farmers. Furthermore, the process of composting is a means of identifying harmless ways of

converting organic wastes into organic compost so as to reduce the occurrence of environmental


In their book, ―Farmer’s Compost Handbook,‖ Roman et al. (2015, pp. 11-12 ), identified

the different phases in composting according to temperature.

(1) Mesophilic Phase. The composting process starts at ambient temperature

and in a few days (or even hours), the temperature rises to 45°C. This temperature

increase is due to microbial activity since, in this phase, the microorganisms use

Carbon (C) and Nitrogen (N) sources generating heat.

(2) Thermophilic and Hygienization Phase. When the parent material reaches

temperatures higher than 45°C, the microorganisms that develop at average

temperatures (mesophilic microorganisms) are replaced by those that grow at

higher temperatures, mostly bacteria (thermophilic bacteria) that facilitate

degradation of complex sources of C, such as cellulose and lignin. This phase is

also called hygienization phase since the heat generated destroys bacteria and

contaminants of fecal origin such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp.

(3) Cooling or Mesophilic Phase II. Once carbon and nitrogen sources in

composting material are exhausted, temperature drops again to about 40-45°C.

During this phase, polymers degradation as cellulose continues and some fungi

visible to the naked eye appear. This cooling phase requires several weeks and

may be confused with the maturation phase.

(4) Maturation phase. This phase lasts months at ambient temperature, during

which side reactions such as carbonaceous compounds condensation and

polymerization occur to form humic and fulvic acids.

The fluctuation of the temperature in the process of composting directly affects the

duration of decomposition of biodegradable wastes. In the early stages of composting, microbial

activity increases the temperature, which accelerates decomposition. Additionally, temperature

accumulates as microorganisms facilitate the decomposition of the wastes and destroy bacteria

and contaminants present. Afterwhich, microbial activity decreases, causing the temperature to

decrease while fungi appear to the naked eye. Following that, the composting process is

completed because the fungi are destroyed, and the compost becomes available.

In his article entitled, ―Vermi Composting - Organic Waste Management and Disposal‖,

Kambagowni (2020), stated,

―Solid waste is an unwanted byproduct of modern civilization. Landfills are the

most common means of solid waste disposal. But the increasing amount of solid

waste is rapidly filling existing landfills, and new sites are difficult to establish.

Alternatives to landfills include the use of source reduction, recycling,

composting, and iteration, as well as use of landfills.‖

The production of solid waste has become more evident, especially in urban areas due to

the increasing population. Moreover, putting up landfills to serve as a dump site for garbage or

other solid waste materials is the most common way to dispose of this waste. Aside from

landfills, there are numerous ways of solid waste disposal, including source reduction, recycling,

and composting, which are beneficial in converting organic wastes into organic compost. In

addition, these alternatives used to reduce the rate of solid wastes are helpful to the community

because they minimize and mitigate the occurrence of harmful pathogens that can affect human

health as well as preserve the environment.

According to Couth, R. & Trois, C. (2012), ―a much more efficient and cost effective

way to control GHG emissions from waste is to stabilize the waste via composting and to use the

composted material as a soil improver/organic fertilizer or as a component of growing media.

Compost can be produced by open windrow or in-vessel composting plants.‖ Stabilizing

biodegradable wastes through composting is much more efficient, safer, and effective compared

to the other ways of generating biodegradable wastes. Composting is helpful to the environment.

Aside from giving a good quality of soil and enriching the soil, it can also reduce greenhouse gas

emissions. The composting process starts by putting together all the organic wastes and covering

it with soil and letting the earthworms, microbes, and other microorganisms do the work. The

outcome of composting can be used as one of the materials that can be a mixture of components

to provide water, air, nutrients, and support to the plants. Composting can be processed by open-

windrow or in-vessel composting plants, which means processing garden waste in an open-air

environment where the material can break down in the process of oxygen.

On the other hand, biowaste is the large volume of solid waste generated daily by

households, and it presents environmental and health hazards if not reused. Composting is one of

the best options for such reuse (Palijon et al., 2017). Everyday, people produce biodegradable

wastes and it is visible in our environment. It is also increasing day by day. It causes

environmental and health hazards if the tons of organic waste just stay and are dumped in one

place. Instead of throwing away all the organic wastes, make use of it by recycling organic

wastes and making compost, which can benefit the environment. Composting is the most popular

method for reducing organic waste and lowering the rate of environmental and health hazards.

Composting has a big contribution to the community and the environment as it restores the

fertility of the soil. Hence, composting is really an effective method to reduce the large volume

of biowastes in our community.

According to Lunag Jr., Elauria, & Burguillos (2020), ―a concerted effort by all sectors

of society is required to find an immediate, effective, feasible, and practical solution for the

management of waste and garbage. Composting is one of the most practical methods.‖ To relieve

and lessen the production of solid wastes and garbage regardless of their classification (e.g.,,

biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and recyclable), the sectors of society, particularly the local

government unit (LGU), should come up with a practical solution to solve this solid waste

management problem. The composting method is known to be one of the most effective ways of

controlling or managing solid waste materials and garbage. Therefore, it should be implemented

by each local community and municipality in order to see the effectiveness of composting in

reducing solid wastes and garbage as one of the practical methods to be done.

Related Studies

Local and Foreign Studies

Composting is a workable means of transforming various organic wastes into products

that can be safely used and beneficially employed as biofertilizers (Ayilara, Olanrewaju,

Babalola & Odeyemi, 2020). Additionally, it is a method of converting organic wastes into a

product that is beneficial to aiding plant nutrition by mobilizing the availability of nutrients in

the soil. The end product of this process is safe to use and helpful to the plants as biofertilizers.

Moreover, composting is a natural process of recycling organic wastes into compost that enriches

the quality of the soil and plants. This method of reducing biodegradable wastes is useful

because applying compost means restoring the fertility of the soil. Composting is a fundamental

process which helps in recycling and reducing organic wastes.

In their review entitled, ―Waste Management Through Composting: Challenges and

Potentials‖ Ayilara et al. (2020), defined composting as:

Composting helps to ensure environmental sustainability, as it helps to hold the

soil particles together, thereby preventing erosion. It helps to keep wastes in a

controlled environment and recycled to a useful product. They help in the

bioremediation of polluted soil. They also increase biodiversity in the soil by

attracting different insects, bacteria, fungi, etc. that are beneficial to the crop.

They are treated in a controlled environment where they do not stay forever.

Composting provides a sustainable method of improving and helping the environment.

Furthermore, it is a safe and sustainable way that can give many benefits to the environment as it

provides many essential nutrients for plant growth and therefore is often used as fertilizer,

improving soil health that will be beneficial to people, especially for farmers when planting,

reducing greenhouse gas emissions as it contains bad odor if not managed properly, providing

nutrients that are needed for a healthy environment, and mitigating the impact of droughts as

compost reduces soil crusting, which helps with water absorption and penetration into the soil.

Therefore, one of the most common methods of controlling these biodegradable wastes is

through composting and converting them into organic compost.

Ayilara et al. (2020), concluded that the Berkeley Method or hot composting method was

discovered in the past and is still the fastest composting method, the discovery of faster methods

will help to sustain the composting process. Berkeley Method or hot composting is a method that

optimizes microbial activity within the compost pile. This method results in finished compost in

a much shorter time. Although this composting method is discovered as the fastest, there are

disadvantages in using this method, like nutrient loss. Furthermore, the hot composting method

produces greater volume than cold composting and it is much richer in substances that promote

plant growth.

Organic waste composting is an important waste management practice that can reduce the

volume of municipal solid waste and increase crop productivity, thus helping both in managing

the solid waste problem and replacing chemical fertilizer for sustainable agricultural systems

(Aryal, J., & Tamrakar, A.S., 2013). Composting has become a crucial part of waste

management since it minimizes surface pollution while also posing no threat to underground

water and, at the same time, benefits the crops through providing nutrients in a stable organic

form, balancing soil density, and improving soil structure. Moreover, composting is commonly

used in agriculture to save money on processed fertilizers and chemical pesticides by containing

helpful microorganisms that protect plants from diseases and pests. Compost, in particular,

provides macro and micronutrients that are typically lacking in synthetic fertilizers. Additionally,

compost loosens firmly linked soil particles in clay or silt soil, allowing roots to spread, water to

drain, and air to get through. Compost attracts and feeds a variety of soil life, including bacteria,

fungus, and worms that dig into the soil to keep it aerated.

Aryal and Tamrakar (2013) concluded that composting is a cost-effective and

environmentally friendly method to process organic waste materials that are biologically

converted into compost that can be handled, stored, and applied without any hazardous

environmental impacts. In addition, composting is relatively similar to recycling in which the

product is processed without incurring high expense, and all that is necessary for production is

adequate preparation, time, and effort. Besides, composting is considered an environmentally

friendly method of recycling food wastes since it uses no chemical processes or substances in

producing organic fertilizers for plant growth.

According to Sayara, Basheer-Salimia, Hawamde, and Sanchez (2020), composting

technology is being presented as an alternative scheme for solid waste management and

valorization. Considering that composting is an easy and eco-friendly method of recycling and

disposing of biodegradable waste, it is also a convenient and efficient method of converting

biodegradable waste into compost or fertilizers for crop growth that is helpful for the economy,

specifically for agriculture. Additionally, composting technology is a replacement strategy in

restraining the solid waste management. Composting is a method for reducing the rate of

biodegradable wastes that is efficient and suitable to our economy, especially in agriculture.

Composting is helpful, compost is a fertilizer that helps for the growth of the plants and crops in

view of the fact that compost enriches soil and restores the fertility of the soil since it contains

nutrients that can give good quality to the soil. Composting is a good strategy, it can benefit both

the community and the economy, it helps to reduce the amount of organic wastes by recycling

the wastes yet it can be a great help to plants. Generally, composting is the best option and

alternative in decreasing the amount of solid wastes in the community by reusing all solid wastes

and making it a compost, it is beneficial for the environment and to the economy.

Composting has been used as a means of recycling organic matter back into the soil to

improve soil structure and fertility. The composting process has received much attention in

recent years because of pollution concerns and the search for environmentally sound methods for

treating waste (Tweib et al., 2011). It has been proven that composting is effective in converting

organic wastes into organic compost, which enhances soil structure and fertility. Additionally, it

is best utilized in crop production by farmers and is being tested by agriculturists to see how

effective it is in cultivating plants and crops. As a result, the existence of a composting method is

critical, particularly in communities with a high production of solid waste and garbage, because

it aids in the reduction of environmental pollution and is a safe method of disposing of waste


Taiwo (2011), concluded that composting could be seen as an option of waste

management operation that is cheap, environmentally friendly, wealth creating, and sustainable.

The technique has been used extensively for bioremediation of polluted soils and sites. In the

sector of agriculture, composting is given importance as one of the best options that can be

managed and sustained in the long run. Optimizing the composting method is helpful to farmers

and even agriculturalists since it is cheap, environmentally friendly, and sustainable. Thus, this

technique has been used for quite a while because of its great contribution to reducing

environmental wastes and improving soil fertility and quality through bioremediation, which can

boost crop productivity.

Conceptual/Theoretical Framework

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework



Research Design

This study utilizes correlational research design which will be used in identifying the

relationship between the modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form and the rate

of reduction, duration of decomposition, and the amount of biodegradable wastes stored in the

community of Purok Talisay, Estaca, Compostela, Cebu. In utilizing this research design, the

researchers will utilize observations in identifying the relationship of the modified compost heap

in a three (3) drawer cabinet form and the rate of reduction, duration of the decomposition, and

the amount of stored biodegradable wastes as a method of data collection in order to quantify and

identify the nature of its relationship.

Research Environment

The research environment of this study is in the community of Purok Talisay, Estaca,

Compostela, Cebu. Moreover, the community has a strict implementation of observing the

minimum health protocols upon entering the said community that should be complied as

preventive measures during this time of pandemic. In this environment, the households of the

said community will be utilizing the modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form as

a method of disposing biodegradable wastes in each household as well as in the community.

Figure 2. Research Environment

Research Respondents

The researchers utilize a particular type of non-probability sampling, specifically the

purposive sampling. The respondents of this study are the households of Purok Talisay, Estaca,

Compostela, Cebu. The respondents are selected through the use of purposive sampling in a way

that there will be ten (10) household respondents that will be subjectively selected from the


Research Instruments

The research instruments to be used by the researchers are observations which will serve

as a data acquisition process. Prior to this, the researchers have requested permission from the

Purok President of the said community in pursuit of this data collection venture through the use

of transmittal letters which are personally sent by the researchers to the persons in authority.

Research Procedure

Gathering of Data

The researchers submitted a transmittal letter to the Office of the Barangay Captain

requesting permission for the conduct of the research. After permission from the barangay was

acquired, the researchers placed the modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form in

the vicinity of Purok Talisay as a means of disposal of biodegradable wastes in the community.

Afterwards, the researchers selected ten (10) households as respondents from the said

community through purposive sampling. The respondents shall use the modified compost heap in

a three (3) drawer cabinet form for disposing of biodegradable wastes and will be observed by

the researchers for a span of four (4) weeks as one of the methods in the acquisition of data.

Treatment of Data

The data gathered from the observations will be organized, analyzed, and computed using

Pearson’s Correlation. The tables are utilized in organizing and analyzing the gathered data.

Through data analysis, the collected data from the observations made in the community stating

the results or outcomes of the modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form will be

presented in terms of the rate of reduction, duration of decomposition, and amount of stored

biodegradable wastes.

Definition of Terms

Amount of biodegradable wastes stored corresponds to the maximum amount of

biodegradable wastes that can be stored in the modified compost heap.

Biodegradable wastes refers to green waste, recyclable waste, food waste, organic waste, or any

product that can be easily broken down naturally by water, oxygen, the sun's rays, radiation, or


Biodegradable wastes management problems refer to the difficulty of disposing of

biodegradable wastes.

Compost produced through decomposing plant and food waste and recycling organic materials

that produce a variety of compounds that are used to fertilize and improve soil.

Compost heaps refers to the pile of plant materials that are allowed to decay to create organic


Decomposition pertains to the process by which dead organic substances are broken down into

simpler organic or inorganic matter, such as carbon dioxide, water, simple sugars, and mineral


Heap refers to a disorderly collection of objects placed haphazardly on top of each other.

Modified compost heap refers to a "storage box" where organic materials like biodegradable

wastes are kept and stored for decomposition.

Rate of reduction refers to the amount of waste reduced during the composting process.

Reusing waste denotes any operation by which products or components that are not waste are

used again for the same purpose for which they were conceived.

Three drawer cabinet form denotes the specific kind of physical structure or form of the

modified compost heap that has three drawers in it intended for the storage of biodegradable


Waste reduction pertains to the practice of preventing waste by decreasing or eliminating the

initial amount of materials used.




This chapter contains introduction, purposes, limitations, outline and the summary of the

product enhancement plan.

Composting is a traditional way of disposing of biodegradable wastes that is helpful and

beneficial to the environment. According to the Department of Environment and Natural

Resources, the biodegradable wastes in our country is estimated to be 52% to 58% and large

amounts of biodegradable wastes have negative effects on the environment. The negative effects

of not disposing the biodegradable wastes properly can cause disturbance to the environment

because it causes bad odor and diseases to the plants, animals and humans. Due to not properly

disposing of biodegradable wastes, the large amount of biodegradable wastes in the environment

is one of the major concerns. The researchers think of a way to help in disposing of the

biodegradable wastes, since it is very concerning, as everyday the amount of biodegradable

waste is increasing. Purok Talisay, Estaca, Compostela, Cebu, where the researchers wanted to

conduct their study to propose a course of action to the problem of disposing of their

biodegradable wastes. As a result, the researchers propose modified compost heaps as a solution

to the problem because it will help minimize the volume of biodegradable wastes and also the

compost is beneficial to the environment because it will be an organic fertilizer that gives

nutrients to the soil. Composting provides a sustainable method of improving and helping the

environment. Through this way of disposal, the biodegradable wastes are turned into composts

that are rich in nutrients compared to soils. Compost heap is a pile of biodegradable wastes that

are allowed to decay to create compost that are both usable to gardeners or farmers as a method
to naturally reduce the amounts of biodegradable wastes and enrich the soil through the mixture

of compost.

The primary purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between the modified

compost heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form and the effectiveness of composting

biodegradable waste (e.g., vegetable peelings, dried leaves and branches, and food wastes). The

research being conducted also investigates whether the said modified compost heap positively or

negatively influences the effectiveness of composting biodegradable wastes with its dependent

variables (i.e., rate of reduction, duration of decomposition, and amount of stored biodegradable

wastes). Furthermore, the study will greatly contribute to the various sectors, particularly the

community, by providing a constant cycle that reduces the production of biodegradable wastes

and produces alternative organic fertilizers through their conversion. This study will also serve as

a significant and essential contribution towards addressing environmental concerns and problems

with the aid of the modified compost heap, which is an inexpensive and cost-effective method of

decomposing organic wastes. Lastly, the research aims to come up with a solution by the means

of a modified compost heap in order to protect the natural environment and prevent the

occurence of environmental problems, which emphasizes the researchers’ intent towards an

orderly, clean, and green environment.

The study has certain limitations that hinder the researchers from gathering more

information that can support the study. The first limitation is the lack of knowledge, resources,

and materials to help the researchers reduce the composting duration of waste, which is why they

have used the cold composting method that takes up to 6 to 8 months for the organic waste to

decompose. The process of cold composting methods led to the second limitation concern, which

is time constraints. Due to time constraints, the researchers weren’t able to get enough and

sufficient information to narrow down the proof that the conducted study is effective and how it

will greatly contribute to the community.

No. Tasks Planned Start Days of Making Planned End

1. Statement of the Problem March 2, 2022 6 March 12, 2022


2. Gathering of Related March 14, 2022 Haft a Month April 7, 2022

Studies and Literature

3. Write Chapter 1 March 14, 2022 Haft a Month April 7, 2022

4. Compiling of RRL’s March 29, 2022 5 April 7, 2022

5. Finalizing RRL’s April 1, 2022 5 April 7, 2022

6. Finalizing Chapter 1 & 2 April 3, 2022 3 April 7, 2022

7. Making of Product ( 3 April 10, 2022 3 April 17, 2022

drawer Style compost Heap)

8. Signing of Permits April 18,2022 1 April 18, 2022

9. Start of Gathering Data April 22, 2022 24 May 9, 2022

10. Analyzing Data May 1, 2022 5 May 17, 2022

11. Write Chapter 4 April 26, 2022 3 May 17, 2022

12. Write Chapter 5 May 11, 2022 3 May 17, 2022

13. Write Chapter 6 May 17, 2022 2 May 19, 2022

14. Finalizing Research Paper May 18, 2022 1 May 19, 2022

15. Hard Copy of The Final May 20, 2022 1 May 20, 2022
Research Project

Table 1. Project Plan (Tabular Form)

This chapter contains introduction, purposes, limitations, and the outline of the product

enhancement plan. The researchers are devising a method to assist in the disposal of

biodegradable waste, as the amount of biodegradable waste is increasing every day. We used

tabular form in making our project plan that stated the tasks, when the plan started, our days of

making, and lastly, when the plan ended.



This chapter presents, analyzes, and interprets the data gathered identifying the

relationship between the modified compost heap and the effectiveness of composting

biodegradable waste. The data collected from the observation showed numerical results which

lead to the identification of the relationship between the modified compost heap and the

effectiveness of composting biodegradable wastes.

Table 2. Correlation between the Rate of Reduction

and Effectiveness in Composting Biodegradable Waste

Effectiveness in Composting Pearson’s Remarks

Biodegradable Waste Coefficient

Rate of Reduction 0.29 Low Correlation

Table 2 which displays the relationship between rate of reduction and effectiveness in

composting biodegradable waste by using Pearson’s r correlation shows that the rate of reduction

got the Pearson’s coefficient value of (0.29). This means that the relationship between the rate of

reduction and the effectiveness of the modified compost heap has a low correlation, thus, is weak

and positive.

This result is related to the study of Breitenbeck & Schellinger (2013) which stated that

the reductions in mass and volume during composting of six windrows consisted of various

feedstocks when calculated using initial and final measurements of NVS and bulk density.

Additionally, the results found shows that the rate of reduction of biodegradable waste has a

weak correlation with the effectiveness of composting biodegradable waste in the modified
compost heap. The rate of reduction has a weak, positive influence on the effectiveness of the

compost heap in such a way that the rate of reduction of volume of the biodegradable waste that

are composted in the modified compost heap. The volume of biodegradable waste has been

reduced, however the rate of composting that is taken through calculation of the initial and final

measurement of the compost and Pearson’s r correlation shows the strength of the correlation of

the rate of reduction and the effectiveness of modified compost heap which is identified as weak.

The new form of compost heap has shown that the rate of reduction positively influences

the effectiveness in composting biodegradable waste in the modified compost heap. The initial

measured volume of the biodegradable waste that is stored in the modified compost had been

reduced in the span of 15 days in the first drawer, 10 days in the second drawer, and 7 days for

the third drawer, compared to the final measured volume which was reduced with 9 cubic

centimeters. This shows that the rate of reduction has a weak correlation to the effectiveness of

the modified compost heap and composting biodegradable waste in it. Furthermore, this

correlation has a positive influence on the effectiveness of the modified compost heap and the

rate of reduction.

Table 3. Correlation between the Duration of Decomposition

and Effectiveness in Composting Biodegradable Waste

Effectiveness in Composting Pearson’s Remarks

Biodegradable Waste Coefficient

Duration of Decomposition -0.1 Very Low Correlation

Table 3 which displays the relationship between the duration of decomposition and

effectiveness in composting biodegradable waste by using Pearson’s r correlation shows that the

duration of decomposition got the pearson’s coefficient value of (-0.1). This means that the

relationship between the duration of decomposition and effectiveness in composting

biodegradable waste is weak and negative.

The outcome is the result of the limited time available to complete the research study, as

well as the fact that the researchers have employed a specific type of composting that the

compost heap utilized based on its structure and environment. This is related to the Literature

entitled, ―Farmer’s Compost Handbook,‖ by Roman et al. (2015, pp. 11-12 ), which identified

the different phases in composting according to temperature that focuses on the cold composting

method. Specifically the Maturation phase which lasts 2 months at ambient temperature, during

which side reactions such as carbonaceous compounds condensation and polymerization occur to

form humic and fulvic acids.

The duration of the decomposition has a negative influence on the effectiveness of the

modified compost heap as the cold composting method is used in the new form of compost heap

in a three (3) drawer cabinet form. Using the cold composting method, the natural decomposition

of the biodegradable wastes could take 3-6 months which takes a large amount of time for the

composting process to finish. Additionally, the results yield from the observation shows that the

duration of decomposition got the Pearson’s correlation coefficient of (-0.1) in which identified

the relationship to be negative but weak in the span of three (3) weeks in the observation and

data collection time-frame. The insufficient amount of time for the composting process to finish,

had contributed to the negative influence to the duration of decomposition of the biodegradable

waste and the modified compost heap and the weak correlation to them.

Table 4. Correlation between the Amount of Biodegradable Waste
and Effectiveness in Composting Biodegradable Waste

Effectiveness in Composting Pearson’s Remarks

Biodegradable Waste Coefficient

Amount of Biodegradable Waste 0.99 Very High Correlation


Table 4 which displays the relationship between the amount of biodegradable waste

stored and effectiveness in composting biodegradable waste by using Pearson’s r correlation

shows that the amount of biodegradable waste stored got the pearson’s coefficient value of

(0.99). This means that the relationship between the amount of biodegradable waste stored and

effectiveness in composting biodegradable waste is strong and positive.

This result is based on the Compost Heap structure, which is the 3 drawer form of

compost heap. The modified compost heap has been measured and has the height of 1.2 meters,

width of 0.6 meters and the length of 0.8 meters, which yielded the volume of 0.58 cubic meter.

The total volume of the modified compost heap had been divided into three as there are three

drawers present in the modified compost heap which yielded the volume of 0.19 cubic meter

each drawer. In order to calculate the volume of the rectangular shape modified compost heap,

the following formula is used:


The results found are related to the article of Seaman, G. (2012) entitled ―Compost

Tumblers vs. Compost Bins: Pros & Cons‖ which stated that compost bins commonly hold

between 7 - 20 cubic feet capacity, depending on the model. The modified compost heap has the

volume of 0.57 cubic meters (or 20 cubic feet) which held the capacity of 0.19 cubic meters (or

6.7 cubic feet). This maximum capacity of compost shows that the relationship between the

amount of biodegradable waste stored and the effectiveness of the modified compost heap is

strong and positive as it has the Pearson’s r coefficient of (0.99) which expresses the strong

correlation between them.

The modified compost heap in a three (3) drawer form can be a community-based project

that can be proposed to the community based from the findings in addressing the biodegradable

waste problems. In addition to that, it had been identified that there is a significant relationship

between the modified compost heap and its effectiveness in composting biodegradable waste

using the Pearson’s r correlation coefficient.

Chapter 6


This chapter presents the summary of findings, the conclusions made, and

recommendations offered relying on the data gathered on the study of identifying the relationship

of modified compost heap and its effectiveness in composting biodegradable wastes.

Summary of Findings

Based on the data gathered and interpretation and analysis made out from it, the

researchers are able to come up in these following findings:

1. There is a weak correlation between the rate of reduction of biodegradable waste and the

effectiveness of the modified compost heap in the composting process but has a positive

influence on its effectiveness.

2. The duration of decomposition of the biodegradable waste has a weak correlation and

negative influence to the effectiveness of the modified compost heap in its composting


3. A strong correlation and positive influence is identified in the relationship between the

amount of biodegradable waste stored and the effectiveness of the modified compost

heap in terms of its form.


Based on the findings, the researchers have concluded that there is a correlation between

the modified compost heap and the effectiveness of composting biodegradable waste. Moreover,

the rate of reduction, duration of decomposition and the amount of biodegradable waste stored in

the compost heap show significant relationship to the modified compost heap. Furthermore,

using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient it has been identified that the rate of reduction has a

weak positive correlation, the duration of decomposition has a weak negative correlation, and the

amount of biodegradable waste stored has a strong and positive correlation to the modified

compost heap, respectively. Additionally, the findings indicate that the relationship of the

modified compost heap and its effectiveness in composting biodegradable waste is more positive

than negative. With this, the modified compost heap is proven effective as a new form of

compost heap in terms of its effectiveness in composting biodegradable waste.


The researchers have drawn conclusions based on the findings gathered. Based on the

conclusions made, the following are hereby recommended:

1. For future research about the modified compost heap, try to identify the relationship of

the compost heap to a new variable in terms of its effectiveness in composting

biodegradable waste.

2. To the communities, try using Berkeley method or hot composting method in composting

biodegradable waste in the modified compost heap for more effective speed of

decomposition in the composting process.

3. To the future researchers, try creating a new compost heap modification or innovation

that can be effective in composting biodegradable waste and also efficient to use for the



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A. Transmittal Letter

April 18, 2022

Hon. Leonida G. Goc-ong
Barangay Captain
Purok Talisay, Estaca, Compostela, Cebu

Dear Hon. Goc-ong:

We are senior high school students from the Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics (STEM) at La Consolacion College — Liloan, Cebu, Inc. We are currently working
on our capstone project/research entitled, "A Correlational Research of Modified Compost Heap
in a Three (3) Drawer Cabinet Form and the Effectiveness of Composting Biodegradable
Wastes." For its research environment, we have chosen your barangay since it is important and
essential for a community to have a modified compost heap. It is particularly found in Purok
Talisay, Estaca, Compostela, Cebu. To observe the relationship between the modified compost
heap in a three (3) drawer cabinet form and the rate of reduction of biodegradable wastes,
duration of decomposition, and amount of stored biodegradable wastes, it will be put up in the
vicinity of the "Bahay-Kubo" at Purok Talisay, Estaca.

In this regard, we would like to ask for your permission to allow us to implement and conduct
our capstone project/research. If you have any inquiries, you may contact us at (0999-970-8612).

We look forward to receiving a good response to our request from you.

Very truly yours,

John Vincent P. Adolfo

Research Group Representative


Mrs. Sarah Jean B. Maghanoy (SGD) Ms. Jemna U. Pitogo

Practical Research 2 Adviser Research Project Teacher

B. Documentation

First Drawer (Initial Documentation)

Second Drawer (Initial Documentation)

Third Drawer (Initial Documentation)

First Drawer (Final Documentation)

Second Drawer (Final Documentation)

Third Documentation (Final Documentation)


John Vincent P. Adolfo

Purok Bangkok 1, Looc, Tayud, Consolacion, Cebu
Contact No. 09083053921
Email Address:

Date of Birth: March 21, 2004
Place of Birth: Line-In, Consolacion, Cebu City
Civil status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Primary: Calero Integrated School
Calero, Liloan, Cebu
Secondary: Junior High School
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Senior High school
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


Cairon Joseph R. Alonzo

Briza Nangka, Consolacion, Cebu
Contact No. 09452006981
Email Address:

Date of Birth: May 12, 2003
Place of Birth: Caloocan City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Primary: Mount Olives Christian Academy,
Poblacion, Casili, Consolacion, Cebu
Secondary: Junior High School
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Senior High School
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


Princess P. Caballero
Looc, Liloan, Cebu
Contact No. 09385255448
Email Address:

Date of Birth: May 19, 2004
Place of Birth: Cebu Doctor University Hospital, Cebu City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Primary: Compostela Central Elementary School
Poblacion, Compostela, Cebu
Saint Louise Academy
Compostela, Cebu
Secondary: Junior High School
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Senior High School
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


Krista Ivanna S. Jumadla

Lataban, Liloan, Cebu
Contact No. 09566172078
Email Address:

Date of Birth: October 08, 2004
Place of Birth: Cebu Velez General Hospital
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Primary: Lataban Elementary School
Lataban, Liloan, Cebu
Secondary: Junior High School
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Senior High School
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


Mary Christy B. Paradiang

Estaca, Compostela, Cebu
Contact No. 09608525093
Email Address:

Date of Birth: April 03, 2003
Place of Birth: Cebu Puericulture Center and Maternity House, Cebu City
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Primary: Compostela Central School
Cogon, Compostela, Cebu
Secondary: Junior High School
Compostela National High School (day class)
Poblacion, Compostela, Cebu
Senior High School
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


Temothy Joy S. Eliot

Guiwanon, Poblacion, Compostela, Cebu
Contact No. 09982384741
Email Address:

Date of Birth: June 20, 2003
Place of Birth: Gibitngil, Medellin, Cebu
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

Primary: Compostela Central School
Cogon, Compostela, Cebu
Secondary: Junior High School
Compostela National High School (day class)
Poblacion, Compostela Cebu
Senior High School
La Consolacion College, Liloan, Cebu, Inc.
Poblacion, Liloan
Strand: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)


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