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BSc Examination 2021

Business Administration (New Regulations)

Foundations of quantitative methods for sustainable organisations

Release date: Monday 17 May 2021, 10 am British Summer Time

Time allowed: 24 hours

Submission date: Tuesday 18 May 2021, 10 am British Summer Time

Answer THREE of the following SIX questions

All questions carry equal marks

No credit will be given for attempting any further questions

The total permissible word count for this paper is 2500 words

All work must be submitted and uploaded as a single Word document or PDF file.
Any diagrams or calculations including tables may be drawn electronically and then
either copied/pasted or inserted as a screenshot into the Word document.
Alternatively, diagrams or calculations including tables can be drawn by hand on
paper and then scanned or photographed and included within the Word document.

Work submitted must be your own. Where you have quoted or made use of material
written by others in the online exams you must reference this appropriately using in-
text references (a bibliography/reference list is not required for the online exams).

© University of London 2021

UL21/0393 Page 1 of 2
1. Define and discuss the various types and causes of market failures. Make use
of illustrative examples.

2. Define sustainable development and discuss five strategic imperatives

advocated by the Brundtland Commission.

3. Critically discuss why some resources have not grown increasingly scarce and
why some have degraded. In your discussion consider the role of technology
and resource substitution.

4. Discuss the strategies for promoting sustainable production and consumption.

Give reasons why these should be mandatory or voluntary. Make use of
illustrative examples.

5. What actions might countries take to adapt to climate change? Make use of
examples to support your arguments.

6. Discuss the challenges and opportunities for contemporary organisations

seeking to engage Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to achieve
competitive advantage.


UL21/0393 Page 2 of 2

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