Biomolecules Bio

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BIOMOLECULES Cogent? compounct) * ALL tht carbon Compounols that we con get por Whe #8. (imattr) Con be callecl béos phere» ite thenabeal onatycie 2 Pleut h&sue Reveated that atl havi Kora \ 2? kant #Ssue ie alee tea fr ele 7 > kufbwwb lal pase ee C,H, 0,N.Sete ch Foe eunralysis 81 Non- Uiing mater Like Eart crusk el SO containing send clemenlB LE YNP,N)S ete Bidsphere Sn e clases examtnakon Aoventvect that phere Z5 Aclahie Abunclance of elencents Mike C,H,0,N,S on sing attr Composed 40 Non- Cevieg- table, Cvegetabte ver) organic pats Béomolecules Trorgente peat 1 Ash Analysis «Lacon ee Gaiad Sn Trkichloroackhe acicl i Genseoet) Ah elapse fase [slurry Brements Gite a et ches [cotton Cote 4 Fittvake] acd soluble Retentat Acta e Insoluble fool > Thousanel of Conpoumels- vey les rorof Comp tune @ = comp having! molwe- f “FiaeBei > mol- wt > soe dalton - if ~ Blomberonolecules — Bfomacro molecules: = Monemenie a Poly mente, eo aian elle + Macsdmolen represents -Y faplagm, ne a . a tr e ero neolecetes Blo mde roneolewses bo % Arcklo- Amine acd ——> Proks % Alucleo hole 5 Aluctete ackt Cdnn af Rut) % Gluose —___ rettutose ,dtarth. 1 lycager’ Nolet. - Molecules weet Lift never exceed veyont 900 olatton . so, Apicl Es few molewle > Uptes aw mécromotecules but fn Acid Easoluble pool because CULL membrane 000 Trrsoluble 2 vetained — Prponelle menebrane SOR © ooo ete haa Un fetel Angoluble peel: vesdles > Uplds ore not a polymerte substance (monomaerte kubstan soni) — Qaggen Ls most abundant element bv fibieg of welt o& Non- Levin > Siliion #s “as fble in Living pratter- o 4 > NAb: negli ible in Ge ck paatter NEE de i od > Components qe cell in decreasing oreler Watr Protedn y Nuclefe act > tattohy crake \ Oar UBS so 40-90%] 10-15 4. S-7/- ay By. Xp. x ny [Mest abundant clement in Hing malier— Diygen | | Most abounclant compouncl fn. ig matter & wader) fe 2 fd yo potetule Polysacchartcte » Ut Blomac: feu acts , Folysac! » reeticger p atu Geld Loluble fection) babs eA, Mal i eee ab s 1, Corte a ie te prouia , ruclere aticl accharides” and _Hiptds: 4 2S Metebolits J* Metabolfks sf Metaboltes, ayes 2 ott 8g Be ft fig set nena % fannl tes —> ber Economical Role’ 3 Trvowed fn J? Processes Like aed Beological Role: Photosynthen’s Respérokior , Protein , Lipid metabolism & Conbolygeliale tae Eptet Nees’ acid ete x Anriancrous dug (Anh neoplash'c oe) @ viabahie © aaa © Taxok b Catheranthus Cusrcuuma Coreg Taxus paccate A Fuses CTuemate) Taxus Dae va outs Ania acids cane Puopeins fateas drebling beetleltng block. ~> Antne aekls ase aewneotecales ancl bre tf O ® Proteir ; oe > doin acfoly are organic. compound cont alain — Coon greoup ancl NH Mow on a same eacbor £0 X= Cascbon é, fol ° ~ Aninoact Se, dnc rebels are also caltecl X- Anu > Amino aches ase substhurecl methane ax-caxbon 4 Nu, -? | le H-C-H a H—C— Coo! | K @> vortable e Cis CH, oH NH, Nig, Ny h — b= coon H —2~coon H —¢—cvoy s 20h Glycine Allantne feuine Molecular Cyne. forneute ans CaN ~£olp-O NI Cott O, A Gia 0, N tty Os > Tre 2s about 300 gif Yorn Anakao ceils are Known ,bref only Resi avto ethan sound Te pooch 20 Amfuo ackls 1a faorein 40 Amivo ackelb Qre Seiten 5 10 Amfno cefeld ore not “ia fan bedy- synthesize Gn Huron (Arémal) To > Essesital dntno aeicls > Non- essential Amino aedts a. Phengplalanine Valine Tryplepher Threonine Isolewine Methionine Hi&Heline Arginine] Leucine Lyppine: Semi-essential Amino acts Not if 7 v be o eke, na uper dus? Phugsleal andl chemical precperhes ¥ frakeo aclas ape is @ -NH, & Coon geoup @ ANH, & R Group © —woon 2 R Group @ -coon » NH, g2 R Group — > Guy eine £5 pinaplest. amino actel whtle By ptophan ds neost Complex amind acted = Amb ovis oe eprieckty ait molecules EX 7 Mest of te aminn welts are Lacve miakoyy- £5 none welahny 2 Sn Aqueous kglukon priien acids exist at clépolas Tow hed Quite fon Herpraphacelite Chytrit) > Akl Ambar axils — peparrt ail (Aspartak) 2 Gltanatt aril fee i (AAG) CUltarak) Baste lupine 5 Aigine: (as) Neutral — Valine » Alanine (VANS Alcoholic — Seine, Thaecnine- (Sé7) $- tondesining - Cysteine , Mebdoriine , Cystine Come) Sulphur : Aneeehe = Teyptaphan ‘i Tyrosine 5 Prenglalanine: CtTP) Pruswing I - oo Prctetee ore blomac romedetvlee permed by bs pllymertakin a} arth aude Cheb Afls one buflelig wo protein) 9 In a puoltin omic ath are Linked -b ele bonds c tormecl £2 ble —tocH F -N geeup of oO Adjacent amino avis” oe Hh facets & f ohgeaahins an the Bere ut enzyme Pep piety nef ENOBE a C-NH E = Enzyme PE = Pephtle bond { i 4 © ¥ : NA, aa cop A+ NHR) — €—te0n TT Nia BB — 00K HO R R f, RK - ~ te, Af He wendains obtenst => Poly pepe syoud taba proluns A, 0” Anilno aetels: Ba datue aciels un, ~ © — B® BD —@)— wor N-Termbnal C- Terminal let eiphe bus Find out mole culo formate 4 poly pepNee 4 “i ft is proud », @® bs cea af 12 Crug cine Andfan acid ( " Cates Aning aul’ 40s © (eoteo.n)ar 3 J —H(H0) G 24 Ago Og Nip ——*_ Cay the Qa Nia © (oy, ON dis L -14(H,0) Chs Mah Yn By Cas N92 Os) Nig Cas Hige Sg Nis > No. of peprele bond in mee = No Angno aciol fy roy penile > Proteins are Hetero polymer 2 In Porofesrs " 2 RE Nf co a Handect oes ae @nt > Most obunilent Ooky £ whole Bio Spore (on Garth) fin Plants RuB18c0 ie) Callagen, Animal vDorel + i Pounce} Protin ) Stow due of Protein 4 ° = = 2 4 linens Rod > KHelix Bsheet | > Moltow? wpollen > BdDes«, cube Uke batt > simplest > Sémplest > cémpleet omost cjoplx airaove Abucye Struchi ye Least 3 5 bed sable more dirsiable ther | more stable then ee eae i° peo > Piphiele onc — | => Rephtele Bouel-t <5 Pon Bonel + Hyclro bhodde bonelet Hy Boncl: telechrostahe. bond Vande recall bond, fo stfonal aisulphtcle benols Uinkege: Lestitck: fafornatior| of - Hebi — ahect L pees ¢ Af Rosin ectel v U fny me & ro en Fibroin ee Haeneglobn: Hatt, fs mnyjoplobin. SILK, Ws Natt oe d¢ ! I phucere Gly co shouts and Ester bon are nat snvolvec iv protctan slabi hy yoy table 3S Gtyeogencsés [u UGucgse Glycogen nolysts Katyeonepenete “I ACen) fat, tkokin, KB, PA cD» GLUT 4 Tasuldr, elepenctent Glucose Trantporkr Pruotedr» CD cee Blood. vesel ais (fats cad £'s desivak’on) © vbud tn eckel Frsoluble pool: © @ ite , water Lasoluble ® Z goo dali , monomer fe © Combbrakone = tptets may be @ Fatty atl @& Glycerol Fatty ack. + Glycerol —> liples meas be etasuifed fate @ simple @ Conjugate @claived le pels wart True /swrtral (Esker ha +Gtycerct) bela @ Fe 4 etal + Gluccrot + Baka oePet Hater ‘ed coloL (ecccon) Ros-9€ & Bee wax f° PotmatH'e acid Mentceelalecha| soifinieg) unahraked (=ent) (=@t) _ Contym-ax0,) Paolmite eft . te le Belem] leet 18 —flpa Hyg clouble Teoue oleic acket pure Ponce Lo Galt», ©; Ipe O2 to Coote] Linolefe acd 186 2 C 18 Hy, Oy Linclente cetd 18 C3 Cate d, Archactonic cet ciel 200 4 Ge Ha 05. : cyte, may be ws only Glycol i) only je4 actol (A fatty ackel + Gyoul (9 Ae “hy Ha toove —— tal * % Tove] Neutral. Lipids ore elon Y Pahy adh with Yy So, also Called Guy certdes- iv J “In Esicaticahion H -Tstaken Yom altokol nck On fs daken from Fatty oetel 9 6 i CHy du + Ho]— o~ &, —y> Gn cea Crow ho enoe ea fk, —p CH, on Hy 6 Monoglycertde 0 a ot a cH, ~0-€-Ry a ! e ee ae R, Cho - C— Ry sr bo - 8 Pi | fi m0 ! ° z 7 I chy Hol E~-®, cH -2— Ry Dilgly col ° ° yy Tally Highs mettig pelt oe. nett pel on Tenp > settee heon Teng” ~ ae Fat onl &~ Butter, Ghee ; fy Peuslard oC, Sunflower elt, Unnaspah? Ghee (alda) a tga 4 oft Nitrogen Cental al, “4 bathe conpound — choline ~ legate Liptl has © one Gly corel © Tee fatty acid ® ene Phosphasece ail @ Ore nitrogen tontalning baste Compo urcl — Choldne - Studvre +— Pha sprelipid (Lecdthtn) Found Jn ceth membiant- wo © pests pl — Cholasret “> enty Prgtak ond enn’ PAP pia gut moleculan dhruchire £s dipper eres o2t Lenllate to Stouts - Cholestvol Ho —> Cholstrol has © O26 Be Three exe clic Atruchsre @ pne pentacyetic Atrechore Candatarate & Huyolrale el Poturrexy d p + @-onl rydansyl) Os {caxbonyl) : \ J os Ms simplest Yin Caxboluydsakt can nck be Haylnotasect- Carbon 357 Désaccharieles © Trsse- Glyceraldehyde Bae O@sSuewmge- et rose - Glucose + Fructose O Tet ree ho, Bia atyenetat © Pentose —Rebece, @Malirse- | “ten Decry ribose, Glucose +Gluwse 2 oY GL Rbulise , Xylulose, OlLectoce Beat od. Ero Y : a Guucose + Galachee @ Hexose- “Tarcnceantiles Yluvse, Pruchse, eas Galackse ;Mannese, ©) Raffinose, — Rheummose Gluwse +Fruchse + Galathse- Orteprose: > Mele up ef 2409 Ms lan be Kyelrolésedt* e J atahectyele ox bon may he Poly ctor ova oy Clessfeati efca bokryclsa ke 7 u Ps *Y1OMS * Con be Hydboliaect Honopolysacchartdler Wbrspaly - - us @ Getutese © peptctegty can — BGuucase nam dhag Bug ae O rydwronida det, : po dae © bycogen tH © Hepartn oy Peek ea CE ® Pectin @ chihr -NAG © Tratin ~ Fructose Noe e Carcboly ates med be~ @ Mizyo molecules — Monosaccharites + Olfgosacchonide Q) Mocromolecutes - Poly Saushoate chasefes ancl Désacchariles are wed aduble enck % Mono Soe foet in taste - So callect / , att Set tut Cupre Cupnous - Rectunieg Signe (att Ms +DS)—» Ektepl Aucrose Tnen- reducing soe more Baancheol Ly Test of Casubolyyarale t stant . Glywoge Branchec Cellulose UndAanched Oranchect PHeliol Ont Yor TOUST E> port arudvre Able to wa oll eaae uy oH @rut Baie, ctor Blue colour Orvest Out KE Mott * aburclart ongantic math on Barts /in Biosphere — Cellulose wow un ae 2M most abuncant \ — RChi Hn. ot y Liluatone, relive, Sueroce lactose. Plord supa > frat deyar >t Augar f | t y une: “ NEEL “qe ativepe diya freceelst 2 a] >tommerteal : q ( Suge, ~tern ey J ~ Table Augen 2 Olea _ ° Rotate PPL ‘in tia Ankitockew ts lth’ > Alco cattect laevolase Cloekwofice cltyn® > Dextrose \ Erume (Peotetnaceous Atecectalyst) % Term comed aa Kuhn % IM clécovercel enryme was Fymase, peliscoverecl fn Yeast, and ( ddbeoverect by Buchner: * Blo cadotyst 2 mace “wp of Pseottin: HK ALL moet all enrymes are prokia Except ED yee %e ALL ange an puoteln but yherruaa Se oll proteins ow ro. ee Oct ‘ ; 4 x” yn Te 3° Globula protein- ( % Exyme may be 2g 3° struchie 4 Pokia, $ecarse LE 4 contains pocket Like ghuchiye et @ Act as achive shle Gf Oryme- at Ip ¢ oni fy ig x Enrymne pho we moar de cated Optimum . & Ye Tuten Over raurabere No & epee fer ft's substrate wnclh y ot Pathetar tempt and pH Bubstiate molecule tonvrteel C78") fare poeta fa @nt Cs 1 Eraipme : 1&? enoymt joo § ———— Ly Prcetuct Ton 19? ce Enzymes Lv ri v Simple, erry mnt Confiegate enay me Ribory me % Cobalad bnty > 2B's' ANA in’ Protein Non- protein Pucker Prarasy oes tepies Typ ony fart © _5 a's"yRNA in ¢ Cto-focter) A eng) éul os =. Spuiceosere- ak. Prewnent 2 Co-enry me ee —> ephiely b a : é oe ne b Mrpclajencse Oxgauc cs Tuorgat = 2 Organic por nano oper — ap TE enzyme —> (00! loosely > Pep manitty| ne d mt d Tegtely /° Ni SG 2+ Sr nb si NADP A ‘9 er ¢ ape Zn* Haen fsa —MN nitt prosthebe sect ete 4 Pouoxidase ancl Catalase* Xe B= Heloen ryme ~ PINOY (or Cee a ae eee TPO On 24y nak Apoenry Co-Jacky & Ade eae ee ane co- feck but atl ce-fackrs ashe nob ce emits: packy = Apentgne t Co Ape ang = Hele entyme &— te- Jock g o a Holeenzyne - Apoenrymt a mutal actinkr ——— me ~cAdinate bond j L fess tovenelinoke Ss bone Substrate ee 2 xm" achfuth He Entyme are very audsrale epedipe Bhows mov . cb ae porhiutase temp arn pH Lelted as Oprinsanse temp ¥ Ergme aki norvrow serge (sets) B but some enrymer Atmairs achive at very tlok Hemp Po-307 (seme ace > leo) Oblaineel [ylony Theane phitic ogee cence aula) Tarn ut aguacus Oy Potymarete —> PR. Wr + HO Carbonic actel Enrg me- carbonic & an ease, ma sioulty 20ereolecute Hy lO, 600000 Frolecute Aap ye fa RBC an He N ih ty L Very Bemuth amount cease fouset Ta plasma’ One & enrgme Res Rake o f eae “5 (yo milton Ha) ¢€ i) Ackvahion oman wttrout enzyme Actiabion Oren it eit eng me Puoduet CP) Prucg rete $ Aeachion Se yas — Potential ony ; X-audts — Prog ress 4 Roackon: we A > Adtiakton energy cabhout erate % B > Actiahbn enemy eth enzyme: * Es > ergy Aucbatrate & = enety 4 preocluck Es> Ep Exothernte G>& 9 Endo theanrte — IT E= Enryme S = substyrale P — Prockuck ES > Enrpinat substrate comple L Bs Temporary 9 Pransiewt —> short Mued , Lebéle 3 Uniteble , highey Sache E= tnryme S = substrale 2 P - Procluck ES Snaggnat substrate conaplre = Temporery , Transient — Shost Med , Lebéle 3 Unstable , Nbglty Anche Enrgme Tn hth) Kory ; LonagetHve Nlon= Compeht But . Sy pate: as a : ux 3 c Ja,7 Reaction Jb (ex iG et comp ay L ET compux f If substrate AY 3 No eee 1 %, again Substrate PP 5 es complx —> ROR ¢ 7 Trblyiter - dimtler fo substrate Not sintlae ty substrate é (substrate Avalos (Not Substrate onalonl § Lonpth How fn bud — ‘Tr'9's' te % a pire et ackve Alte : . 17 Gr bom ot - Active site Site ees than achve : ible ¢ x Reversible ~~ Trrevessi ! hanged @ * Kn 2 anertas[es 2% Km > anche 2% Vieax —> Decreases Vax > on changed “ eS CN a & Sul acl Sia ast Be! (cckbon monoxide) ae vey e metalece é eo polsonte q Malonale E-L complix— RORV uv Tabibior % Sulpha ang wo, 4 Bacteria, & inhttoy n2ymes Help én eel walt dynctress in bacteala a — Compebrie b- non-conpen*tie

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