Reported Speech

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Случаи-исключения, когда при переводе утверждения из прямой в

косвенную речь, не действуют правила согласования времен и изменения
времен не происходит.
1. Если глагол, вводящий непрямую речь (say или tell) стоит во времени Present
Simple, Present Prefect или Future Simple.В таком случае высказывание не
"переносится" в прошлое и изменений не требуется:
"I like animals." – She says that she likes animals.
"I will help you." – He has said that he will help me.
"We have been to the USA many times." – They say that they have been to the USA
many times.
2.Если передается неизменный факт, закон природы:
 He said, "The Earth is round." – He said that the Earth is round.
 The teacher said, "Students, some snakes are really dangerous. – The teacher
told the students that some snakes are really dangerous.
3. Если говорящий использовал времена Past Continuous, Past Perfect, то они не
изменяются в косвенной речи, независимо от того, в каком времени стоит
глагол, который вводит косвенную речь:
"I was working at 6 o'clock." – He said that he was working at 6 o'clock.
"I had never seen such a big fish before my visit to an aquarium." – She said that she
had never seen such a big fish before her visit to an aquarium.

4. Модальные глаголы could, should (ought to), would, might не изменяются в

косвенной речи, даже если вводный глагол стоит в прошедшем времени:
"You should be more attentive." – My teacher said that I should be more attentive.
"My son could swim at that time." – She said that her son could swim at that time.
Еще одна особенность утверждений в непрямой речи, что слово that часто
'выпадает' из предложения, поэтому вы смело можете его опускать, так как без
слова that ваше предложение не потеряет смысла:
He said she was on holiday.
He said she was having a good time.
Indirect или reported speech — это косвенная речь в английском языке,
когда чьи-то слова передаются не дословно. Косвенная речь передается
подчиненным предложением, кавычки не употребляются.
Перевод времен в косвенную речь
1. present simple → past simple
She said, “I’m hungry” → She said that she was hungry.

2. present continuous → past continuous

She told me, “I’m playing chess” → She told me she was playing chess.

3. present perfect → past perfect

She said, "I have worked hard today." →She said that she had worked hard that day.

4. present perfect continuous → past perfect continuous

I said, "My colleague has only been working here for 3 months." → I said that my
colleague had only been working there for 3 months.

5. past simple → past perfect simple

She said, "I had a cold a week ago." →She said that she had a cold a week before

6. past continuous → past perfect continuous

Tom said, "I was watching the football match."→ Tom said that he was watching the
football match.

7. future (will) → future-in-the-past (would)

The doctor said, "You’ll get a blood test tomorrow" → The doctor said that I would
get the result of my blood test the next day.

Модальные глаголы

8. can → could
9. must → had to
10.may → might/could
11.shall → should
am, is, are (Present Simple, Present Continuous) ➡️was, were (Past
Simple, Past Continuous)
V1 (Present Simple) ➡️V2 (Past Simple)
was, were (Past Simple, Past Continuous) ➡️had been (Past
Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous)
V2 (Past Simple) ➡️had V3 (Past Perfect)
have V3 (Present Perfect) ➡️had V3 (Past Perfect)
have been V1+ing (Present Perfect Continuous) ➡️had been
V1+ing (Past Perfect Continuous)
Передайте следующие повествовательные предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Hе said: “I have just received a letter from my uncle.”

2. “I am going to the theatre tonight,” he said to me.

3. Mike said: “I spoke to Mr. Brown this morning.”

4. Oleg said: “My room is on the second floor.”

5. He said: “I am sure, she will ring me up when she is back in Kiew.”

6. Misha said: “I saw them at my parents’ house last year.”

7. He said: “I haven’t seen my cousin today.”

8. “I don’t go to this shop very often,” she said.

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