Market Research On KFC

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Market Research on KFC

By Sarah Erinah 9D

This market research has been conducted by Sarah Erinah of Class 9D of St.Mary’s Catholic
High School,Dubai. This market research was conducted for educational research purposes to
help identify the target audience for the fastfood chain, KFC. Identifying the target audience
allows a business to make the right decisions concerning how the business approaches
customers. This survey was conducted on 20 individuals to see their preferences. They were
asked certains questions regarding their personal experience with KFC.


- According to this pie chart, 70% of 20 participants are within the age range of 10 – 20.
(This could be regarded as bias but the majority of individuals willing to complete this
survey are within this age range) 10% of individuals are 0 – 9 and 15% are in the 31 – 45
age range. Since majority of the individuals are within the 10 – 20 age range, we can say
that majority of age of KFC customers/target audience could be around this age. It would
be appropriate to market their products towards this age range.

According to this pie chart, 80% of 20 participants are females. (This could be regarded as
bias but the majority of individuals willing to complete this survey are females) The
remaining 20% of individuals are males. Since majority of the individuals are females
according to this survey, we can say that the opinions of this survey talk about what the
female customers of KFC prefer. Different genders could have different taste or flavor
preferences. We cannot accurately say that majority of age of KFC customers/target
audience are females as equal amounts of male opinions were not taken. But it would be
appropriate take into consideration the different opinions of females if they are looking to
specifically market towards women for special occasions.
Ex: Women’s Day.


- According to this pie chart, 85% of 20 participants are unemployed. (This could be regarded
as bias but the majority of individuals willing to complete this survey are unemployed)
15% of individuals have an income of above 10000. Since majority of the individuals
who have done this survey are unemployed, we cannot say that majority of KFC
customers/target audience are unemployed. Since majority of people in this survey are
between the age range of 10 – 20, it would be safe to assume that other individuals pay
for their purchases at KFC. But it would be appropriate for KFC to price their products
wisely, considering that a small number of consumers of KFC’s wide target population
are unemployed.


- According to this table, 60% of 20 participants are Indians. (This could be regarded as
bias but the majority of individuals willing to complete this survey are as such) 15% of
individuals are Srilankan, 10% are Filipinos, 5% Pakistanis, 5% Thai and 5% British.
Which cultural background people come from plays a huge role in what they choose to
eat. They have different preferences and are accustomed to prefer certain flavours/tastes
over others depending upon what they enjoy. Since majority KFC’s customers/target
audience are Indians according to this survey, they might have have different preferences
as to what they would like to eat, compared to a minority number like British. It would be
appropriate to market some of their products towards this specific nationality.

- According to this table, 83.5% of 20 participants are students. (This could be regarded as
bias but the majority of individuals willing to complete this survey are students) The rest
of the three individuals are a lawyer, a slaes manager and a school counselor. Since
majority of the individuals who have done this survey are students, we cannot say that
majority of KFC customers/target audience are students. Since majority of people in this
survey are between the age range of 10 – 20 and are students, it would be safe to assume
that other individuals pay for their purchases at KFC. But it would be appropriate for
KFC to price their products wisely, considering that a small number of consumers of the
wide target population are unemployed.

How many meals do you eat in a day?

According to
this pie
chart, 85%
of 20 participants eat 3 meals in day, 10% eat 4 and the others have 1. Since majority of
the individuals have 3 meals a day, we can say that majority of KFC customers/target
audience have 3 meals a day regularly. It would be appropriate for KFC to make products
relevant for all meals of the day, Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Snacks would be a safe
option for those who have 4 meals a day. Combo meals or Dietary options would be best
for those who want to opt for 1 meal a day.

How often do you eat outside?

- According to this pie chart, 75% of 20 participants eat outside once a week, 20% eat
outside more than once a week and the others eat out daily. Since majority of the
individuals eat out once a week, we can say that majority of KFC customers/target
audience also eat out once a week. It would be appropriate for KFC to conduct market
research and figure out how many orders they get per day and which it is the most
compared to the other days. which hour of the day too. For example, many people eat out
during the weekends and mostly during the night . This will help them to plan how many
orders they are going to give out per certain day etc.
How often do you consume fast food?

- According to this pie chart, 45% of 20 participants eat fast food often , 35% sometimes
and 15% say rarely. Since majority of the individuals fast food often, we can say that
majority of KFC customers/target audience also eat fast food often. It would be
appropriate for KFC to conduct market research and figure out how many orders they get
per day and which it is the most compared to the other days. which hour of the day too.
For example, many people eat out during the weekends and mostly during the night . This
will help them to plan how many orders they are going to give out per certain day etc.

Do you prefer heavy, hearty foods or light, fresh foods?

- According to this pie chart, 60% of 20 participants prefer heavy, hearty foods whereas
40% enjoy light and fresh Since the number of participants that enjoy both varieties food
is almost even, It would be appropriate for KFC to conduct market research and figure
out how many orders they get per day and which it is the most compared to the other
days. which hour of the day too. For example, many people eat out during the weekends
and mostly during the night . This will help them to plan how many orders they are going
to give out per certain day etc.

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