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Lynch (2018) coined the term " media " that refers to all electronic or digital means and

print or artistic visuals used to transmit message ls through reading, seeing, hearing, or
changing and playing with.

Media Literacy Concepts

1. It is the ability to critically assess the accuracy and validity of information transmitted by the mass
media and produce information through various forms.

2. Also known as Media Education, it is the ability to realize that all kinds of media show a
representation of reality.

3. It is the process 9f accessing, decoding, evaluating, analyzing, and creating both print and electronic

4. It depicts experience of reading texts and designing hypertext made possible through technology.

5. It pertains to understanding how to use today's technology, how to operate equipment, use various
softwares and explore the Internet.

6. Builds the understanding of the role media in society, as well as the essential skills of inquiry and self-
expression necessary for democratize citizens.

7. It represents response to the complexity of the ever changing electronic environment and
communication channels.

8. Critical evaluation of media requires the ability to analyze and disseminate various features to others.

9. It is about teaching criticalmefia management strategies, including ICTs in schools and learning

10. Includes the ability to perform effective internet searches, awareness and respect intellectual
property and copyright law and the ability to identify truth from fake news.

Roles of Media Literacy

1. Learn to think critically

2. Become a smart consumer of products and information

3. Recognize point of view

4. Create media responsibly
5. Identify the role of media in our culture
6. Understand the author's goal

Social Media - describes websites to connect people and inlove user-generated content, which is
the hallmark of social media site and sometimes called Web 2.0.

Types of Social Media Websites

1. Social Media News Websites - entails users to submit links to Web content like articles,podcast,

2. Social Media Networking Websites - depicts ability to upload a personal profile that usually
connect with other people such as LinkedIn and facebook.

3. Social Media Photo and Video Sharing - it allows users to upload photos through Facebook,
Instagram,and Pinterest while video through YouTube.
4. Microblogging and Blogging websites - sometimescalled " presenceapps", these services let users post
very short messages, like blogging, and easily keep up with what their friends are posting.

5. Social Media Review Websites - it shows how social reviews can make or break a company or an
organization, such as Amaz9n and eBay.

Media and Information Literacy (MIL)

- is a combination or knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices required to access, analyze,
evaluate, use, produce, and communicate information and knowledge in creative, legal and ethical ways
that respect human rights.

UNESCO defines it as the the set of competencies to search, critically evaluate, use and contribute
information and media content wisely ;

✓ the knowledge of one's rights online;

✓ refraining from cyber bullying;

✓ understanding related ethical issues;

✓ engaging with media and ICTs to promote equality, free expression, intercultural/interreligious
dialog, peace, etc.

Aspect of MIL
Reineck and Lublinski (205)

MIL is the optimal outcome of media, information and communication technology (ICT) education
along three aspects: technical skills, critical attitudes and facts about media and ICT.

Baacke (1996) included compositional skills in his media competence model that involves creating new
kinds of media content, encouraging self-determination, and increasing individual's chances for

Moeller (2009) summarized the facets of MIL from the user perspective, emphasizing media consumers
in identifying news and understanding media's role in reshaping the global issues.

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