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Sr. Title Date Sign

Write a program to implement CRUD
1 operations on MongoDB. / /2024
Study of MongoDB data model and / /2024
2 working with MongoDB compass.
Working with node :installation of node.js / /2024
3 verify installation environment
variable,using REPL window creating
servers, handling request s generating
Working with node.js routing.And callback
4 function. / /2024
Working with node.js event loop also
5 creating modules in node.js creating user / /2024
defined modules and implementing them
Installation of express-js and developing
6 web application using Express framework / /2024
and handling routing using Express frame
Working with REST API functionality in
7 express.js / /2024
Create a simple HTML “Hello World”
8 Project using Angular Js Framework and / /2024
apply ng-controller, ng-model and
9 Write a program to create and implement
modules and controller in angular.js

10 / /2024

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