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&) Lyceum Alpinum Zuoz Regulations Promotion in the Matura Section ‘These regulations describe the conditions for the promotion of students int the subsequent {rade in the schools Matuta Section and forthe Matura examinations They are based on the Matuta Accreditation Regulation OMAV, SR.413.11), the Cantonal Middle School Law (@R 425.000) and the Regulations fr Gyminasien in the Canton of Grisons (Gym, BR 425.050). 1 General conditions 1. Grades Whole or half rads are awarded for attainment. 6 isthe highest, 1 the lowest grade. Grades below 4 represent an insufficient evel of attainment When a grade below 4is recorded, an additional comment about work ethic is entered. This is ‘expressed using the terms “good”, *not always good" or "unsatisfactory". These terms ae not used for students in thei final yar. Inthe case of subjects wich have no bearing on promotion, teachers are not abliged to award srades. The school management sues in-house directives on the awarding of grades. The terms "good", “not always satisfactory" o “unsatisfactory” ae used to describe ordertiness and conduct, An entry bya single teacher fs sufiient to result in the remark "not always Satisfactory; a majority decision bythe clas conference i equied forthe remark unsatisfactory" tobe recorded. 1.2 Grade conference ‘The grade conference decides on students definite promotion, or on demotion toa lower grade ‘or exclusion from the school on the grounds of inadequate attainment, Ina grade conference, the right to vote shelby all teachers who teach the students under iscussion in subjects which are relevant to promotion. The Head of School or Deputy Head also has the right to vote, 4.3 Semester and Mid-Semester Reports Each year, students receive two Semester Reports, which contain information on thet writen and ‘verbal attainment as wel exon thelr work ethic, ordeviness and conduct there cause for foncem about a students level of atalnment, the fst Report wl cary the adaltional remark "Promotion tik IMid-Semeste Reports convey information about the level of attainment a given point inte, about conduct, work etic and patcipation inthe classroom. They have no influence on official decisions affecting pomtion.. 11.4 Provisional admission ‘Students from outside the canton who have been provisionally admitted, must st the internal ‘examination for admission within te semesters oftheir entry tothe eum Alpinum. Sete 200 5 2 Promotion 2.1 Subjects relevant to promotion Subjects which ae relevant to promotion atthe Gymnaslum are foundation subjects, specialist and supplementary subjects. Futher promotion subjects are Spot, Introduction to Economics ‘and Law, Information Technology as wel as Latin in those school years in which the subject is ‘aught [nthe 2" Semester Repor in the 6” grade, the Matura Essay/Project grade counts as an ‘ditional promotion grade. 2.2 Promotion grades ‘The srades inthe 1” and 2 Semester Reports (whale and half grades) are used asthe basis for Calculating the promotion grade. The promotion grade for each subject Is calculated as the (unrounded) average grade in the fst and second Semester Repo. 2.3 Conditions for promation Promotion is achieved If 2) The sum ofall grade points below grade 4 when doubled, doesnot exceed the sum of all rade points above & 1b) There are no more than four grades in promotion subjects below grade & inthe 2% Semester Report (in 1* and 2" grades: three grades under 4) ©) Theres no promotion grade below 2.5. Promoted students who have continued ther studies for one year at an equivalent Gymnasium abroad, are readmitted provisionally to thie former grade on thelr retun, They can remain in the grade provided they full the coneitions fra definite promation in their next Repor. 2.4 Admission Inthe course ofa seh year ‘The Amt fr Hahere Bildung decides on admissions during the current school year and regulates, among other things, the procedure regarding the promotion decision by means ofan official, ‘order both for pupils from outside the canton and for pupils from Graubunden. 25 Repetition ‘Students who fll ice to full promotion conditions before the final grade haveto leave the school. the final grade may be repested once 3 The Matura examinations 3.1 Admission {As arule, admission to examinations requies attendance ata Gymnasium inthe Canton of Grisons for atleast two years prior tothe Matuta examinations and or promotion a sufiient level of attainment inthe final grade. The 6 grade cannot be completed as an exchange year. 3.2 Matura essay/project Students have to complete individually or as members ofa group, a Maturaessay/ projec, ‘hich i independenty written or annotated. The work must be orally presented. The work has to comply withthe requirements ofthe Matura Accreditation Regulations Sete 300 5 23.3 Matura subjects The following subjects are essential for success inthe Matura (MAY At 9) > Fist Language (6 or > Second National Language (6, For) > Third Language (©) > Mathematics > Biology > chemistry > Physies > Histo > Geography > Visual or Music > Specialist Subject (SPF) > Supplementary Subject EF) > MaturaEssay/Project 3.4 Examination subjects \Wettn and oral examinations are taken in Fist Language, Second National Language, Mathematics, Specialist Subject (SPF and Supplementary Subject (A 3.5 Calulation ofthe Matura gr Explanation of symbols and rounding of odd numbers: MM aatura grade rounded to shat E Grade orclas wrk ~ Average of Semestr Report fr the previous yearin which the subject was ‘aught (ves quarter, halo whole grades) SP _iten examination Duration: hs); grade rounded oa quart, ahalfor whole grades SPEF ten examination (uration: 2s) grade rounded toa quater, ahalforwhole grades ImP oral examination Duration: 15 mins}; rade eunded ta halo whole grades Mature subject Wien Oral exam Matura grade (WM) Fist E PWNS ae Second National language E PP UNE PrP Mathematics E mW E WaPo hie anguage . n-e Biology E =e Chemisty e =e Pres E NE History e WWE See von 5 Geography E =e Vewlatormaie_—E ME Spedast subject E 2a NTE km Supplementary Subject meinenaM mP N= €; graded according to shoal atra ssay aura ssa regulations). 3.6 Passing grades and criteria Performance inthe Matura Subjects is expressed in whole or half grades. 6s the highest, 1 the lowest grade. Grades below 4 represent insuficen level of performance ‘The Maturais deemed “passed” under the folowing conditions: ‘The Matura is deemed passed if inthe thirteen Matura subjects > the sum of all grade points below grade 4 when doubled, doesnot exceed the sum of all sgrade points above 4 (double compensation): > there are no more than four grades below 4 Two attempts are allowed to obtain a Matura Candidates who do not pass the examination are allowed to enter the examinations fora second timeat the end ofthe folowing school year The grade forthe Matera Essay is carried forward upon the candidate's request tothe school ‘management. 3.7 Supervision The Department of Education primarily appoints experts nthe subjects to supervise the examinations. The expers reserve the right to issue directives in matters relating tothe examinations. They evaluate the written tasks assigned and participate in the oral examinations ‘and the final examinations conference 3.8 Support material ‘Support materials permitted inthe examinations are the monolingual dictionaries introduced in classroom studies, tables of formulae and electronic pocket calculators, Bilingual dictionaries, ‘may be used for text production fthey have been in use in class for at least one semester prot {othe saminatinn (oficial oder of 28 October 2014) Candidates wl be informed ofthe permitted support material before the examinations. The use of unauthorized materials as well as any instanceof dishonesty will result in exclusion ftom the examinations. Components ofthe examination which have already been completed, vill not be evaluated and the examination willbe deemed to have been fled This condition i to be made known to candidates, using this wording, before the examination. 3.10 Adverse circumstances Students who cannot paticipate in the Matura examinations due to unforeseen circumstances such illness or accldent have ta inform the schoal office (Schulsekretariat) immediately and salts von 5 submit a medical certificate, Failure todo this wil elt in the examination beng classed as “not passed”. The school reserves the right to obtain a second opinion fom the school's medical advisor. The Amt fur Hohere Bildung (Offic for Higher Education) decides upon are {ake ofthe examination in question 4 Legal procedures ‘Allcomplaints wil be examined by the legal service ofthe Deparment of Education. Tis concems decisions about failure inthe cantonal admissions examination, non promotion, refusal of admission othe final examinations, lure inthe final examinations. Decsions regarding the Admission procedure acerdingto the schoo intemal regulation: After exhausting the choo's internal appeal procedure, decisions on failed written examinations and te failed admission procedure may be appealed tothe Administrative Court within ten days ef. At. 48 AufnahmeV] 4.2 Right ofappeat ‘An appeal canbe submitted tothe Department of Education, Culture and Environment within 10 {ays of notation, The written appeal must contain the proposal and rif ustifeation, The {decision being challenged and the evidence, insofar as its avalabe othe pay appealing, eto be enclosed wit the submission, 4.3 Inception of regulations This regulation comes int force on 1 August 2021 and replaces ll previous version. 22, 1 August 2021 Forthe school management Beat Sommer Head of School Deputy Head of Schoo!

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