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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Agpalo St. Brgy. Rizal San Marcelino, Zambales

First Periodical Examination

S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: _____________________________________________ Date: _______

Grade and Section: _________________________________ Score: ______
DIRECTIONS: Write APPROVED if the statement is true and if not, write DISAPPROVED
and identify the word that made the statement false. Write your answer in the space provided.

______________1. Luzon lowland folksongs have a very distinctive Spanish influence.

______________2. Folksongs are generally taught in schools.
______________3. Sitsiritsit is a Tagalog folksong.
______________4. An example of a Kapampangan folk song is Sarung Banggi.
______________5. The composers and lyricists of folk songs are usually unknown.
______________6. Naraniag a Bulan is an example of an Ilocano folk song.
7. Folk songs are mostly short and complicated.
8. Key signatures in folk songs do not change.
9. Folk songs are based on the community‟s livelihood, tradition and culture.
______________7. Folk songs are mostly short and complicated.
______________8. Key signatures in folk songs do not change.
______________9. Folk songs are based on the community’s livelihood, tradition and
______________10. Atin Cu Pung Singsing is an example of a Bicolano folk song.
______________11. Sarung Banggi is a folk song from Batangas.
______________12. Pamulinawen is a folksong with a triple meter.
______________13. Folksongs are usually sung in the dialect of the people of its place
of origin.
______________14. Pamulinawen and Manang Biday are both Tagalog folksongs.

DIRECTION: Read carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

15. It is a principle of art that gives sense to the painting which feels stable and feels right.
A. Balance C. Pattern
B. Contrast D. Rhythm
16. It is the uniform repetition of any of the elements of art.
A. Balance C. Emphasis
B. Contrast D. Pattern
17. It is an element of art that adds interest and reality to an artwork.
A. Color C. Line
B. Form D. Shape
18. It is an element of art that is described as a mark drawn use by tool like pencil, pen or
A. Contrast C. Pattern
B. Line D. Rhythm
19. It is an element of art that is also called as 2 Dimensional?
A. Shape C. Texture
B. Space D. Value

20. Considered as the “Intramuros of the North”, retained the Spanish colonial
architectural influence and popularly known as Calle Crisologo. Where is this place
A. Benguet C. Pangasinan
B. Kalinga D. Vigan
21. A smooth – weaved mats made form buri or raffia leaves is called ______.
A. Bolinao Mats C. Ginaspala Wane
B. Basey Mats D. Labba

22. A hand weaving technique of the Ilocanos that uses traditional looms
A. Burnay C. Inabel
B. Bolinao Mats D. Labba
23 She is known as the last “mambabatok” or the Kalinga tattooist.
A. Apo Whang-Od C. Impo
B. Appala D. Taga Ukit

DIRECTION: Read carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

24. Which physical fitness activity tests the Cardiovascular Endurance?

A. Body Mass Index C. Sit-and-Reach
B. Shuttle Run D. Three-Minute-Step Test
25. What Health-Related fitness component does Zipper test and sit-andreach improve?
A. Flexibility C. Endurance
B. Strength D. Body Composition
26. Your goal is to improve your cardiovascular endurance. What will be the best activity to
achieve your goal?
A. Improve your score in Zipper Test.
B. Loss weight to achieve normal BMI.
C. Do jog regularly.
D. Perform longer basic planks.
27. Which physical fitness activity tests the flexibility of the shoulder girdle?
A. Body Mass Index C. Sit-and-Reach
B. Shuttle Run D. Zipper Test
28. If you are in a normal category, what will be your Body Mass Index?
A. 32.0 and above C. 18.5 - 24.9
B. 25.0 – 29.9 D. Below 18.5

DIRECTION: Read carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

29. Which of the following help an individual in promoting and developing emotional
A. Praising and praying C. Handling stress in positive ways
B. Studying and learning D. Eating and drinking healthy food
30. Leonard is a loner. He is always at the side; he never wants to join any of the school
activity. What is the health dimension being neglected by Leonard?
A. Emotional C. Social
B. Mental D. Physical
31. What health dimension being developed if an adolescent can think and reason out?
A. Emotional C. Social
B. Mental D. Physical

32. Rowena jogs every morning. How can she achieve holistic health while she is improving
her physical health?
A. Avoiding friends and be alone all the time.
B. Meeting friends and have fun talking with them.
C. Bring a pet while jogging and never mind who’s around.
D. Using headphones while listening to music while jogging.

33. What will you do to promote physical health?

A. Enjoy listening to music.
B. Attend party with friends.
C. Have enough rest and sleep.
D. Meeting with friends and have fun with them.

34. Menard is a loner, he always at the side, he never wants to join any of the school
activity. What is the health dimension being neglected by Menard?
A. Emotional C. Social
B. Mental D. Physical

35. Maria jogs every morning; how can she achieve holistic health while she is improving
her physical health?
A. Avoiding friends and be alone all the time.
B. Meeting friends and have fun talking with them.
C. Bring a pet while jogging and never mind who’s around.
D. Using headphones while listening to music while jogging.

DIRECTION: Match the wellness/health habits in COLUMN A with their corresponding

dimensions in COLUMN B. Write the letter of your answer in the space


_____36. Meditate A. Environmental

_____37. Walking B. Spiritual

_____38. Love Yourself C. Physical

_____39. Clean Air D. Emotional

_____40. Read Books E. Social

F. Mental


Subject Teacher

Checked by: Romeo L. Gordo Jr.

Academic School Vice President

Checked by: Vic Noel Arcala

Academic Coordinator
Approved by: ALLEN B. CABADING

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