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Sponsorship Concept
Program Lead
Program Start: Jan. 2023 Program End: Dec. 2023
Budget Planned Budget Spent
Official Name of the club:
● Udayana RS and GIS
Official Abbreviation of the club:
● URGis
Facebook Profile URL (if present):

Twitter Profile URL (if present):

Instagram Profile URL (if present):

LinkedIn Profile URL (if present):

Web Page/Blog URL (if present):

Other Links:

Club Logo

Geographic Scope
● Region : Bali
● Country : Indonesia
● City/Municipality : Badung

Udayana Remote Sensing and GIS is the first organization at Udayana University engaged in remote sensing
and GIS under supervised by Environmental Research Center of Udayana University. The activities we do focus
on spatial project based learning from data acquisition and analysis of disaster vulnerability on the Bali Island.
Along with the development of spatial data regarding RS & GIS in Indonesia, research studies related to
utilized remote sensing data has also increased. URGIS oversees activities in data processing carried out by
students in order to create competent resources in the field of remote sensing and GIS. Through the
sponsorship funds received, it is hoped that it can assist in provisioning to increasing the capacity of students
in it and the results of studies in research can be further distributed to the government and the community.

Aspiration & Sustainability
The output of this activity over the next 3 - 5 years is to improve the availability of access and the quality of
disaster vulnerability data, especially those related to modeling of population density data. The data is then
expected to be utilized for improve the assessment quality in disaster risk map region of Bali and another area
in Indonesia. It also expected to be published regarding disaster hazard map that shows disaster-prone areas
which are always up-to-date. Through channeled sponsor funds, it will be easier for our organization to reach
the idea in every project that has been formed, especially to speed up the process of data processing
especially in taking data to the field. The allocation of sponsor funds also can be used to make internal and
external meetings regarding improving technical data processing more advanced in projects related to data

Idea Description
Environmental conditions in Indonesia, which are vulnerable to various natural disasters, are the main idea for
ongoing research being carried out, especially in mapping disaster vulnerability in each region. Our movement
in this organization is to be carried out to solve problems between humans and the environment. One of our
expected activities that can realize through the fund of sponsorship is utilizing OSM data to verify sentinel 2A
data for mapping the percentage of buildings and population density. Population density data is needed by the
government as input data to formulate disaster vulnerability for each region in Bali Island. This data will be
utilized by the local government for making a disaster risk map and also to support the sustainability project.

Inclusive Approach
This organization is open to all students within the scope of Udayana University guided by the Environmental
Research Center of Udayana University. URGIS are formed to develop student capacity, educate, and also
facilitate students who are incorporated to work on spatial-based data processing in every project. Every
member has qualifications based on terms and conditions to support work in remote sensing and GIS. The
qualifications of each member are expected to increase as the activities in carrying out the study progress
both in data processing and field data collection to support research studies.

Activity Summary
Activity Title Year Month

Analysis of Social and Physical Vulnerability to Natural 2022-2023 September

Digitizing Paddy Field Plots on the Bali Island 2022-2023 Desember

activities can range from: Mapathons, seminars/webinars, trainings given, trainings received, operational costs for the club or similar

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