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Task 1: Viết mail (120 từ)
❖ Dạng 1: Thư trang trọng
Lệnh thư: Dear sir,
Chào hỏi: How are you doing? I hope you are doing great. I have just received your email.
Thank you very much for your last letter.
Lý do viết thư:
I am writing this letter in response to the questions you raised in your email. (Trả lời câu hỏi)
I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with the service I received at one of your restaurants
last week. (Phàn nàn về một vấn đề nào đó)
Để hỏi thông tin I am writing this letter to inquire/ ask about …

Để thông báo I am writing this letter to inform you that …

Để yêu cầu hỗ trợ I am writing this letter to ask for your help in …

Để xin phép I am writing this letter to ask if I could …

Để cung cấp thông tin I am writing this letter to provide you with the information you requested …

Để xin lỗi I am writing this letter to apologize for V_ing …

Các vấn đề khác I am writing this letter with regards to …

Câu kết thư: I hope this information can help you. If you require any further information, please
do not hesitate to contact me for more information. Thank you in advance for your
consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Chào cuối thư: Yours faithfully.
❖ Dạng 2: Thư thân mật
Lệnh thư: Dear …,
Chào hỏi: How are things? How have your family been? Many thanks for your last letter. It
was great to hear from you again. I’m sorry I haven't written for such a long time. I have been
busy studying to pass the VSTEP exam. I hope you and your family are well.
Mở đầu:
1. Referring to news
● Great news about.....
(Tin tuyệt vời về…)
● Glad to hear that......
(Rất vui khi nghe rằng… )
● Sorry to hear about......
(Rất tiếc khi nghe rằng…)

2. Giving news
● I thought you might be interested to hear about / know that......
(Tôi nghĩ bạn sẽ rất thích thú khi nghe/biết về...)
3. Apologies
● I’m writing to apologize for missing (your party) but I’m afraid I was with flu/ I was busy with my
new job
(Tôi viết thư để xin lỗi về việc quên đi buổi tiệc của bạn nhưng tôi e rằng tôi đã bị ốm/ tôi quá bận với
công việc mới của mình)

4. Invitations
● I’m/ we’re having a party on Friday 19th and I/ we hope you’ll be able to come.
● Would you like to come/ go to see … with me at the weekend?
● Could you let me / us know if you can come / you’d like to join us?
● Thank you very much for the invitation. I’d love to come.

5. Requests
● I’m writing to ask for your help / you (if you could do me) a favor
(Tôi viết thư để nhờ sự giúp đỡ của bạn / nếu bạn có thể làm cho tôi một việc?)

6. Making suggestions and recommendations

● I’m sure you will enjoy (......doing sth). If you like, we can......
(Tôi chắc rằng bạn sẽ thưởng thức....Nếu bạn thích chúng ta có thể...)
● Do visit....../ don’t forget to......
(Hãy ghé thăm.../Đừng quên... )

Trả lời nội dung câu hỏi:

Câu kết thư: Anyway, I must go and get on with my work. Give my love to your family. We
must try and meet up soon. I’m looking forward to seeing you again. See you soon.
Chào cuối thư: Best wishes.
Task 2: Viết luận (250 từ) (Phần này câu màu nào tương ứng với dạng màu đó
❖ Dạng 1: Discussion/ agree - disagree
(Vd: chữ màu xanh lá tương ứng với dạng discussion)
Over the past few years, (topic) has become a broad issue to the general public. Some people
believe that, (quan diem 1/ quan diem). However, others think that (quan diem 2). In my
opinion, I agree that (quan diem lua chon)/ and I agree with this opinion. The discussion below
are several reasons supporting my perspective.

cach 1 dong
First and foremost, people should recognize that (quan diem lua chon/ quan diem). A very
important point to consider is that (li do 1). This means that (giai thich 1). To illustrate this
point, I would like to mention that (vd 1). Another point I would like to make is that (li do 2).
This is because of the fact that (giai thich 2). For example, (vd 2)
On the other hand, there are several arguments in support of the idea that (quan diem 2)/
against the statement that (quan diem). In fact, people have this opinion because (li do). This
means that (giai thich). This can be shown by the example that (vd)

cach 1 dong
In conclusion, there are two sides to everything, and this situation is not an exception. The
(topic) has become a crucial part of our life. Therefore, efficient use of (topic) should be
promoted, however, its misuse should be condemned. People should have further consideration
on this issue.
❖ Dạng 2: Advantages and disadvantages
Over the past few years, (chu de) has become a broad issue to the general public. Some people
believe that (quan diem) has many advantages. However, others think that it could also have
some negative effects. In my opinion, its cons could never overshadow its pros. Discussed
below are several benefits as well as drawbacks of this issue.

cach 1 dong
First and foremost, people should recognize that there are many advantages of (quan diem). A
very important point to consider is that (thuan loi 1). This means that (giai thich 1). To
illustrate this point, I would like to mention that (vd1). Another point I would like to make is
that (thuan loi 2). This is because of the fact that (giai thich 2). For example, (vd2).
On the other hand, in addition to the important advantages of this problem, it has some
disadvantages. In fact, people have this opinion because (kho khan). This means that (giai
thich). This can be shown by the example that (vd).

cach 1 dong
In conclusion, there are two sides to everything, and this situation is not an exception. The (chu
de) has become a crucial part of our life. Therefore, efficient use of (chu de) should be
promoted, however, its misuse should be condemned. People should have further consideration
on this issue
❖ Dạng 3: Causes - Effects/ Causes - Solutions
Over the past few years, (chu de) has become a broad issue to the general public. Although
noticeable, the impact of this issue has not been realized by many residents. Discusses below
are several causes as well as effects/ solutions of this issue.

cach 1 dong
First and foremost, people should recognize that there are several many reasons supporting the
idea that (quan diem). A very important point to consider is that (nguyen nhan 1). This means
that (li do 1). To illustrate this point, I would like to mention that (vd1). Another point I would
like to make is that (nguyen nhan 2). This is because of the fact that (li do 2). For example,
There are many serious effects of this issue. One primary effect would be that (hau qua 1). In
addition, (hau qua 2)
In order to resolve such problems, people should take some concerted measures. One primary
solution would be that (giai phap 1). In addition, (giai phap 2). However, education is the main
way to tackle this issue. People need to be aware of the effects so that they can avoid this

cach 1 dong
In conclusion, there are two sides to everything, and this situation is not an exception. The (chu
de) has become a crucial part of our life. Therefore, efficient use of (chu de) should be
promoted, however, its misuse should be condemned. People should have further consideration
on this issue.

Task 1:
Hello, I will talk about …..
Now, I will talk about…
Task 2:
My situation is (Đọc lại situation, thay thế “you” thành “I”, “your” thành “my”)
In my opinion, (option 1) is the best option because of the following reasons.
Firstly, (Option 1) is good and suitable.
Besides, it is convenient and useful.
There are several reasons why I don't choose other options.
I don’t think (option 2) is a good choice, because it’s not useful.
Moreover, it is inconvenient.
Although (option 3) sounds good, I don’t choose it because it is uncomfortable.
To sum up, if I were in that situation, I would choose (option 1) due to the above reasons.
Task 3:
Some people believe that (de bai). In my opinion, it is true to say so because of the following
Firstly, I would say that it (1)
Secondly, It is true that it (2)
Another important point is that it (3)
To sum up, (de bai)
Now I will answer follow - up questions:

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