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Name: Sumalinog, Pretti Mae J.

Subject: EL111
Section: EDE2B Date: Feb. 12, 2024


Executive Order No. 356

It is Renaming the Bureau of Non-Formal Education to Bureau of Alternative Learning

Non-formal Education (NFE) is any organized, systematic educational activity carried outside the
framework of the formal system to provide selected types of learning to a segment of the
population. It is important to note that non-formal education is not substitute for formal learning.
However, it complements the formal education within the process of lifelong learning as an
individual. It helps individual with decision-making and builds self-confidence.

Alternative Learning Skills abbreviated as ALS, is a program by the Department of Education

that seeks to help out-of-school youths, industry-based workers, people with disabilities, former
inmates, rebels, member of cultural minorities, and other people who, for one reason or another,
cannot afford to go through formal schooling.

It was first launched in 1984 under the name of Non-formal Education and was primarily
focused on helping its students acquire technical skills that they can use to earn a living. After
getting its name changed into Alternative Learning Skills in 2004, its focus widened to include
literacy classes that are aimed at eventually granting elementary and high school diplomas to
deserving students who were forced to drop out of primary and secondary school.

Characteristics of Non-Formal Education:

1. Offers flexible courses according to the abilities of the student
2. Enhances practical and technical skills
3. Caters to any age group

How does Alternative Learning Skills work?

1. Students have to attend 10 months of school
2. Students come in on a set time and choose a module to read
3. After several months they will take the Accreditation and Equivalency Test (AET)

Section 1. The Bureau of Non-formal Education is hereby renamed to Bureau of Alternative

Learning System.
Section 2. The Bureau of Alternative Learning System shall have the following functions:
1. Address the learning needs of the marginalized groups of the population would typically
involve implementing policies, programs, or initiatives aimed at providing equitable access to
education, resources, and support for groups who may face barriers or discrimination in accessing
quality education such as low-income communities, ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities, or
other marginalized populations.
2. Coordinate with various agencies for skills development to enhance and ensure continuing
employability, efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in the labor market.

3. Ensure the expansion of access to educational opportunities for citizens of different

interests, capabilities, demographic characteristics and socio-economic origins and status. The
government aims to increase access to education for all individuals, regardless of their interest,
abilities, demographic characteristics, or socio-economic status. This includes implementing
policies that promote equity in education, ensuring that everyone has the chance to pursue
learning and development.
4. Promote certification and accreditation of alternative learning programs both formal and
informal in nature for basic education. This function aims to ensure that both formal and informal
educational programs will receive recognition and validation.

It implies that education shall be accessible to all and that Alternative Learning System for
out-of-school youth shall be implemented. This system includes both non-formal and formal
sources of knowledge and skills. The main focus of this order is emphasized on section 2 also
known as the Bureau of Alternative Learning System. It address the learning needs of the
marginalized groups of the population including the deprived, depressed, and underserved
citizens. It coordinate with various agencies for skills development to enhance and ensure
continuing employability, efficiency, productivity, and competitiveness in the labor market. It ensure
the expansion of access to educational opportunities for citizens of different interests, capabilities,
demographic characteristics and socio-economic origins and status. It also promote certification
and accreditation of alternative learning programs both formal and informal in nature for basic

Section 3. Funds necessary to carry out a provisions of this Executive Order shall be taken from
the present funds available in the Department of Education and shall thereafter be included in the
General Appropriations Act. The funds that needed to implement the provisions of the Executive
order will initially come from the existing funds allocated to the Department of Education. These
funds will be included in the appropriations act for future budge.
Section 4. All orders, issuances, rules and regulations, or parts thereof inconsistent with this
Executive Order are hereby repealed or modified accordingly. it essentially states that any existing
orders, issuances, rules or regulations that conflict with the provisions outlined in the executive
order will be repealed.
Section 5. Executive Order shall take effect fifteen days after its publication in the Official Gazette.
The order will become effective fifteen days after it is officially published in the official gazette. This
provides a timeframe for the implementation of the executive order, allowing for public awareness,
and preparation before it takes effect.

Thus, this order is immensely helpful for those who are deprived from their access to
education since its goal is mainly focused on giving opportunities to all, even those who are out-of-
school adults and youth, in terms of subjecting themselves to the teaching and learning process.
Also, this order includes on how the government should support this system, therefore, all must be
responsible in promoting this system.

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