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Choose the correct answer by crossing A ,B, C or D !

Read this dialogue to answer questions

Siti : Tomorrow is mom’s birthday.

Rina : Yeah, we should give her a birthday present for her.
Siti : I agree with you. I think we should buy her a new mixer, because the old ones is
Rina : That’s a good idea. So let’s go to the electronic store.

1. Siti and Rina are discussing about …

A. Birthday a broken mixer a present to mom’s birthday going to the electronic store to buy a mixer.

2. Rina expresses her agreement to Siti’s idea by saying …

A. we should give her a birthday present for her. let’s go to the electronic store.
B. that’s a good idea yeah

3. I think we should buy her a new mixer, because the old ones is broken.
The word “her” refers to….
A. Siti B. Rina C. their mother D. Siti and Rina’s parents

Rita : Esti, why do you look gloomy?

Esti : My father hospitalized now. But I can’t go to the hospital to treat him.
Rita : Because of the examination today? But you can visit your father after your
examination, right?
Esti : I know, but I want to see him now. I have bad feeling.
Rita : It would be fine, Esti. Trust me. I hope your father will be better soon.
Esti : I hope so. Thank you.
Rita : Never mind.

4. Rita gives her hope to Esti’s father by saying “… .

A. you can visit your father after your examination, right? I hope your father will be better soon
B. it would be fine, Esti never mind.
5. Why does Esti look unhappy?
A. She had bad feeling. She has finished her exam ination.
B. There is examination, but she can’t do it. Her father was hospitalized, but she can’t treat him now.
Randy : What should we give to Jane on her birthday? Should we give her a new
Rose : I don’t think so. She already had one, right?
Randy : Umm....... What do you think if we buy her a skateboard?
Rose : I agree with you. I think she will be happy to get it.
Randy : Do you think we can go to the shop on Sunday?
Rose : I like your idea. Okay we will look for skateboard on Sunday? Anyway, what
do you think if we ought to go to the shop by driving your car?
Randy : I disagree with you. It will be better if we use public transportation. It will be
faster. I am afraid if
we are trapped on occlusion if we drive my car.
Rose : Alright, I am with you then. See you later.
Randy : See you to
6. Which sentence above expresses about suggestion?
A. I think she already had one, right? What should we give to Jane on her birthday?
B. It will be better if we use public transportation Alright, I am with you then.
7. Okay, we will buy a skateboard on Sunday.
The underlined word has the same meaning with ….
A. purchase repair sell use
8. I suggest you to have your breakfast … you can do your activities well.
A. Although because so that if

Edo : Happy birthday, Tomi. Wow, what a beautiful watch you have! Is that a present?
Tomi : Thanks. Yeah. It‘s a birthday present from my uncle. He bought it in Jakarta.
Edo : Lucky you. I wish I have a watch like that.
Tomi : I hope you will get a watch like this on your next birthday.
9. What does Edo say to express his praise?
A. Wow, what a beautiful watch you have! I wish I have a watch like that.
B. Is that a present? Lucky you!
10. From the dialogue, we can conclude that ….
A. Edo celebrates his birthday Tomi gives his praise to Edo
B. Edo and Tomi are schoolmates Tomi gets warm congratulations from Edo
This text is for questions 6 and 7
Dear uncle Johns,
Congratulations on your promotion. Mom, dad and I are very happy to hear the news
that you will be promoted as Head of Branch Office of your job. I hope you will
achieve more success in the future.

11. Mila’s purpose in sending the card is to….

A. congratulate her uncle on his new promotion B. give warm greeting to her uncle
C. promote her uncle’ success D. get praise from his uncle

12. Based on the text, we know that ….

A. Mila’s father and mother get a new promotion B. They send their card to Mila’s uncle
C. Mila’s uncle praises her to be success D. Mila’s uncle has got a new job

Dear John,
Congratulations on your new book launching. I am so proud to have a brilliant cousin
like you. I hope your book gains a big success. I am waiting for your next book.

13. Why does Aliana congratulate John?

A. John is very smart. He launches his new book.
B. John won writing competition. His book gains a big success.

14. I am so proud to have a brilliant cousin like you.

The similar meaning of the underlined word above is ….
A. Dull stupid intelligent hardworking

15. Give an appropriate expression based on the picture.

A. It’s a nice moment! Happy birthday, dear!
B. Hope you will become a winner. Congratulations on your graduation!

Dani : Hello, Sis? Are you OK?

Siska : I am so fine. I got the first winner in this contest.
Dani : I’m glad to hear that. I hope you’ll be the best in the next contest.
Siska : Thanks. I hope I could get my dreams come true.
Dani : I hope so.

16. I hope I could get my dreams come true.

The sentence above expresses about ….
A. Hope praise purpose agreement

Farah : Our earth is getting hotter. It is because of a lot of illegal logging, greenhouse
effect, air pollution by carbon dioxide, and much more.
Risma : I agree with you. Then, what should we do? Do you have any idea?
Farah : I think we must do prohibition to use the vehicles or stop factory activities that
damage the river for a while.
Risma : Umm… I’m not sure I can agree, your ideas are too excessive. It is impossible.
I think we must do reforestation along way and cooperate with many people to
make it happen.
Farah : Ah,,, that’s right. I agree completely. We can get many plants from our

17. Why does Risma disagree to do prohibition to use vehicles? Because it is….
A. impossible and hard to do
B. possible and will be useful for many people
C. very easy to get many plants from our surrounding
D. a lot of illegal logging, greenhouse effect and pollution

18. I think we must do reforestation along way and cooperate with many people to make it happen.
The underlined word above has the same meaning with ….
A. work together work with big spirit make it becomes true avoid to work in cooperation

1. Find the “ON” button on the top of the camera and press it. Wait for it to turn on and load.
2. Adjust setting if necessary. (refer to user-manual)
3. Look into LCD screen on back of camera to aim the camera at whatever your target is. Zoom in or out
if necessary.
4. Find the photo button (always on top right of the camera)
5. Once target is in the screen how you want it, hold the camera still, press and hold in the button until
the camera flashes.
6. View your picture by using the playback button on the back of the camera.
7. Insert your memory card or attack your USB cord to your computer and upload your pictures into your
computer to print or save.

19. The advantage of reading the text is ….

A. we can upload our photos we can insert picture from the camera
B. we know how to use the camera appropriately we know about how to save picture in the laptop
20. Why should we look into LCD screen on back of camera?
A. To aim the camera at whatever your target is. To find the photo button.
B. To view the picture. To get the target.
21. Fill in the blank with the correct word.
We should wait the camera load …. we press the ON button camera.
A. so if that after
22. Complete the sentence with the correct verb.
We … the English lesson for hours.
A. Learn learnt have learnt have been learnt
23. Complete the sentence below.
Asifa … here since ten minutes ago.
A. is was has been have been
24. The girls … the meals for our dinner since 5 p.m
A. Prepare prepared has prepared have prepared

Lasty : Let’s go to the cinema. I have bought two tickets for us.
Rian : What is the movie?
Lasty : The Boss Baby. That’s a comedy. You’ll love it.
Rian : How do you know that I will like the movie?
Lasty : Because I have watched it twice.
Rian : Why do you want to watch it again?
Lasty : Because I want to watch it with you.

25. After having the conversation, Lasty and Rian will…

A. look for the comedy film see the comedy film together
B. try to meet and watch the film together get the tickets to watch the film together
26. From the dialogue above, we can conclude that ….
A. it is the first time for Lasty to see the film Lasty will watch the film twice
B. Rian has not watched the film yet Rian asked Lasty to be with him
27. Rearrange these jumbled sentences into a good procedure.
1. Rinse out the blender thoroughly with more hot water. You should have a perfectly
clean blender with no smoothie, no soap or pureed baby food left to be scrubbed out.
2. Add just a drop of dish soap.
3. Fill your blender pitcher about halfway with hot water from cattle or the tap.
4. Put the blender pitcher back on the base and hold the lid down with a towel. Turn on the blander and let it
run for about 10 seconds.

A. 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 3–2–1–4 4–3–2–1 4–2–1–3

Complete this following text with the best conjunction.

Everybody must eat various kind of food () … be healthy. Each people also need to
take an exercise regularly () … they want to keep their health.

28. A. in order to although so that if

29. A. if so in order to although
30. Arrange the words into a good order.
to avoid – should – to school – the students – earlier – come – being late
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The best arrangement of the jumbled words above is ….
A. 4 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 8 – 6 – 7 4–2–6–3–5–1–7
B. 4–2–4–6–3–1–7 4–2–6–5–3–1–7

31. Arrange the words into a good order.

should – to finish it – hard – take – in order – on time – the course – we
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A. 8.– 1 – 7 – 3 – 5 – 4 – 8 – 2 8–1–4–7–3–5–2–6
B. 8.– 1 – 4 – 3 – 5 – 7 – 8 – 2 8.– 1 – 4 – 3 – 7 – 5 – 2 – 6

32. What benefit do we get after reading this text?

A. We can use this product completely The readers may buy this product easily
B. We can get detailed information of the product. The readers may give any suggestions to the
33. The children will like to consume this product because….
A. it is cherry flavoured it will relieve runny nose it is kind of liquid medication it will make
them sleep easily
34. Alcohol free.
What does it mean?
A. The product didn’t consist of alcohol. The product use alcohol inside
B. It does not need alcohol to use It may consume with alcohol

35. After reading the text, we know that ....

A. it does not contain fruits it can be used to be our breakfast
B. it has no nutrition inside the product the product may be consumed by all people
36. The product is good for our health and it belongs to ….
A. healthy food junk food fresh food fast food
37. When is the best time to consume it?
A. before we eat our meal in the morning in the afternoon at night

How to Make Crispy Fried Chicken CRISPY FRIED CHICKEN

a kilogram of chicken.
1 teaspoon of coriander
the extract water of lime
half teaspoon of white pepper
2 eggs (take the white part)
1 cm ginger and galangal
500 ml of vegetable oil
4 cloves of garlic`
1 cm ginger and galangal
4 candlenuts
1 teaspoon of baking soda
1. First, coat the chicken with the extract water of lime.
2. Second, puree all of the seasoning and stir-fry them.
3. Third, add the chicken into the pan and give some salt. Mix the season with chicken well. Give a little water and let the
seasoning be absorbed by the chicken. Cook it until the water runs out.
4. Fourth, take a place (a big bowl) to mix the flour with the seasoning (teaspoon of coriander, half teaspoon of white
pepper, 1 cm ginger and galangal, salt, 1 teaspoon of baking soda).
5. Fifth, then, dip the chicken into the white part of the eggs and coat it with the flour. Do this step for 3 or 4 times to make
the chicken covered by the thick flour.
6. Sixth, prepare the frying pan. Heat the oil. When the oil becomes hot, put the chicken into it.
7. Seventh, cook the chicken until the colour is brown.
8. Eighth, drain the fried chicken on tissue in order the oil is absorbed by it.
9. Finally, the crispy fried chicken is ready to serve.
Source :, 16, 2022. At 10.55 a.m.

38. What does the text mostly tell us about?

A. The way of how to keep crispy fried chicken The step of how to save crispy fried chicken
B. The instruction on how to make crispy fried chicken. The preparation on how to prepare crispy fried
39. What should we do after we heat the oil?
A. Dip the chicken into the white part of the eggs and coat it with the flour.
B. Cook the chicken until the colour is brown.
C. Cook it until the water runs out.
D. Put the chicken into it.
40. How long should we cook the chicken?
A. Until it becomes thick. When the flour is thinner.
B. Until the colour turns into brown. When the oil is absorb on a tissue.
Read this text then state these following sentences “True or False “
Dear Febriana,
Congratulations on your achievement to get the scholarship to study in London. I
hope that you will not forget our memories in our school. I am so proud of you.

41. a. Ririn gets warm congratulation from her friend.

b. Frebriana will continue her study in London.

Based on this text, state True or False for no 42 a and 42 b.

Adam : Do you have any idea for our school anniversary celebration?
Salma : How about holding a wall magazine competition?
Adam : I think that will be interesting.
Salma : Yes. Each class must send a team.
Adam : There will be fifteen teams then.
Salma : You’re right. They must present the best wall magazine that they can make.
Adam : Wow! I can imagine how exciting that is.
Salma : I agree with you.
Adam : Well, who will be the juries and what will the winners receive?
Salma : What if we ask the school to provide the prize, and the Bahasa Indonensia and Art
teachers to be the juries?
Adam : Yeah. We should try it.
42. a. “I think that will be interesting.”
The sentence above expresses about agreement.
b. “How about holding a wall magazine competition?”
It means that Salma gives suggestion on having a wall magazine competition.

Based on this text, state True or False for number 43 a and 43 b.

43. a. The text gives information about the nutrition inside the product.
b. By reading the text, the readers will know how to consume it.

Read this text and state True or False the sentences no 44a and 44b below.

How to make es Teller

 150 gr sugar
 2 pandan leaves
 50 ml water
 400 gr ripe avocado, cut into 1 cm cube
 3 scoops of young coconut meat, scraped out Crushed ice
 Condensed milk
1. Combine sugar, pandan leaves and watering small saucepan.
2. Heat for few minutes until sugar dissolves.
3. Cool syrup
44. a . To make the syrup, we should combine sugar, pandan leaves and water then heat them.
b. We must serve Es Teller after the iced dissolves.

State these following sentences True or False based on Present Perfect Tense pattern.
45. a. Mr. and Mrs. Adam have moved to this city for about two years.
b. This boy has made a nice decision on the graduation day for an hour.


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