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1____-is a human response to a particular situation.

A. Care B. Respect C. promises D. Affection
2.____A feeling of liking and caring for someone or something; feeling of love. A. Affection
B. Care C. Respect
3. Which one is not Basic Characteristics of a Helping Relationship
A .Static B. time limited C .Compassion D .Respectful
4. Which one is not Basic Characteristics of a Helping Relationship
A . Respectful B. time limited C .Compassion D. all
5. we can say it is being sensitive to the pain or suffering of others and a deep desire to alleviate
the suffering.
A .Static B. time limited C .Compassion D .Respectful
6.___ is the ability to sense feelings or concerns of others .
A. Sympathetic B. Empathy C. judge D. Caring:
7. Which one is not Principles of compassionate care
A. Attention B. Acceptance C. Affection D,NONE
8. ____This is related to a person‘s status in a society.
A. Dignity of human being B .Dignity of merit
C. Dignity of moral status D. Dignity of personal identity
9. Which one is not There are four attributes of dignity:
A. Respect B. Beneficence C. Empowerment D. Communication
10 It seeks the reasons why these action or attitudes are either wrong or right.
A, Deontology ethics B. Descriptive ethics C, Normative ethics D. Analytical ethics
11. WHICH one of the following is ethical theories
A. Deontology B.Teleology C, Intuitionism D, ALL
12. An ethical concept of bodily privacy can be derived from respect for autonomy,
A . Bodily privacy B Decisional privacy C Informational privacy D.ALL
13. is distinguished as control over the intimate decisions one makes
A. Bodily privacy B Decisional privacy C Informational privacy D.ALL
14. This type of privacy underlies the notion of confidentiality.
A. Bodily privacy B Decisional privacy C Informational privacy D.ALL
15. is a skill that involves both hearing and interpreting what is said.
A. Conversation skills B.Writing skills C . Listening Skills D. Reading skill
16.Write at list four Elements of compassionate care ? 3ps
17. Write at list four strategies to provide good care for the patient? 3ps

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