Q4 P. Task 5-The Stars and Constellations

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NAME: _________________________________________ GRADE & SECTION___________


Directions: Identify the kind of star pattern or constellation being described in each
________ 1. Consists of five stars that seem to form the letter W.
________ 2 .Known as the little bear.
________ 3. It resembles animal figure Lion
_________4. Shown with three bright star and three fainter stars aligned south of the
belt represent his sword.
_________5. Resembles a big bear.

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not.
____1. A constellation is a group of stars that forms a pattern in the night sky.
____2. Constellations are seen only at night.
____3. Stars serve as guide in determining directions.
____4. The Orion constellation is referred to as the hunter.
____5. There are constellations that can be seen only on certain seasons of the year.
____6. Constellations are important to people.
____7. Orion is one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky.
____8. Cassiopeia, the Queen consists of five stars that forms letter W in the night sky.
____9. Ursa Major resembles an eagle constellation.
____10.Constellations in the sky are seen on different times of the year.
____11.South Star Polaris is found in Ursa Minor.
____12.Radio telescopes are used by astronomers to study objects too far to be seen
by ordinary telescope.
____13.Polaris is also called the North Star.
____14.Big and Little Dipper are constellations seen in February night sky.
____15.North Star Polaris always points to earth’s North Pole.

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