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生活口语 8000 句 part 33

My country has a lot of mountains...
Oh, yeah? Where are you from?
I'm from Canada.
I'm come from Canada.
I was born in Canada.
Chicago is my hometown.
How do you like Japan?
What do u think about Japan? --I like it.
It's a good place.
Where have you been in Japan? 去过哪里
Where do you live now? -I live in Tokyo.
Are you here on vacation? *on business 是“因公”,on vacation 是“度假”。
Are you vacationing?
Are you here for a vacation?
Is this a pleasure trip?
Are u here on business or for pleasure?
I'm here on business.
My trip is business related.
I'm on a business trip.
How long have you been in Japan?
I just arrived last week.
About three years.
Are you used to life in Japan? *be used to “习惯”,注意“d”不发音。--No, not yet.
Have you gotten used to life in Japan?
Have you grown accustomed to Japan?
How long will you be in Japan?
How long do you plan to stay?
Until December. /Until next month.
Do you speak Japanese?
Unfortunately, no. 很遗憾,我不会。
Can you speak Japanese?
Are you a Japanese speaker?
A little. /Just a little. /Some.
I can't speak Japanese at all. * all
I know everyday conversational Japanese.
Where did u learn Japanese? --At school.
I learned it on my own.
I learned it by myself.
When's your birthday? --It's May 24th.

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