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C a r d i o p u l m o n a r y I m a g i n g • Te c h n i c a l I n n ov a t i o n

Hochhegger et al.
Chemical-Shift MRI of Pulmonary Hamartomas

Cardiopulmonary Imaging
Technical Innovation

Chemical-Shift MRI of Pulmonary

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Hamartomas: Initial Experience

Using a Modified Technique to
Assess Nodule Fat
Bruno Hochhegger 1,2 OBJECTIVE. The aim of this study was to show the usefulness of chemical-shift MRI
Edson Marchiori2 in the diagnosis of intranodular fat in seven patients with pulmonary hamartomas and inde-
Daniela Quinto dos Reis1 terminate CT findings.
Arthur Soares Souza, Jr. 3 CONCLUSION. In the setting of chemical-shift MRI, the average nodule signal inten-
Luciana Soares Souza3 sity index of pulmonary hamartomas was 45.3% (SD = 25.5%). The correlation between av-
erage nodule signal intensity and CT attenuation in Hounsfield units was –0.94. Chemical-
Taua Brum1
shift MRI could be an important tool for the detection of fat in pulmonary hamartomas with
Klaus L. Irion 4 inconclusive CT findings.
Hochhegger B, Marchiori E, Quinto dos Reis D,
et al.

ulmonary hamartomas are the Materials and Methods
most common benign tumors of Patients
the lung and the third most fre- After receiving institutional research ethics
quent cause of solitary pulmo- board approval, we identified all patients who had
nary nodules, accounting for approximately undergone thoracic CT for the characterization of
8% of primary lung tumors [1–3]. The radio- pulmonary nodules between January 1 and Au-
logic diagnosis of pulmonary hamartomas is gust 15, 2011, and who had CT findings showing
Keywords: chemical-shift MRI, CT, diagnostic radiology,
lung neoplasm, MRI, pulmonary hamartoma frequently made using CT, especially CT negative densities. All thoracic CT examinations
densitometry. This technique is one of the during this period (n = 1300) were evaluated by
DOI:10.2214/AJR.11.8056 most sensitive methods of eliminating partial two radiologists, one with 15 years of experience
volume averaging for the detection of intra- and the other with 8 years; they performed den-
Received October 10, 2011; accepted after revision
January 10, 2012.
nodular fat, thus providing a highly predic- sity measurements of all nodules larger than 0.7
tive diagnosis of a pulmonary hamartoma [1, cm. From review of the 1300 CT examinations, 15
Chest Radiology Department, Santa Casa de Porto 2]. Nevertheless, when CT shows neither fat nodules were found.
Alegre, Rua 24 de Outubro 925/903, Bairro Moinhos de nor calcifications, the diagnosis of pulmo- Eight of the 15 selected patients were exclud-
Vento, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, 90510-002,
nary hamartomas without invasive means is ed from this study because the CT reports con-
Brazil. Address correspondence to B. Hochhegger
( very difficult [1]. cluded that the lowest nodule attenuation was less
MRI of the lung has shown important than –40 HU in at least 8 pixels, which is consid-
Department of Radiology, Universidade Federal do Rio progress in speed and image quality in recent ered consistent with a hamartoma in our clinical
de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. years and is now appropriate for routine clin- practice and does not necessitate further imaging
São Jose do Rio Preto School of Medicine, Porto Alegre,
ical use. MRI with the chemical-shift tech- [1]. One thoracic radiologist with 8 years of ex-
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. nique can identify intracellular lipids due to perience reviewed the CT and MR images of the
the different resonant frequencies of fat and other seven patients who had undergone chemical-
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation water protons in a given voxel [4]. However, shift MRI. All seven nodules that had indetermi-
Trust, Liverpool, England.
to our knowledge, no report has assessed the nate CT findings were surgically resected and had
WEB use of chemical-shift MRI for the diagnosis pathologic diagnoses of hamartoma.
This is a Web exclusive article. of pulmonary hamartomas.
The aim of this study was to show the use- CT
AJR 2012; 199:W331–W334 fulness of chemical-shift MRI for the diag- Unenhanced CT was performed on a 64-MDCT
nosis of intranodular fat in pulmonary ham- scanner (LightSpeed VCT, GE Healthcare). The CT
artomas and to compare the results of this parameters included a slice collimation of 0.625 mm,
© American Roentgen Ray Society imaging technique with CT findings. interval reconstruction of 0.625 mm, high-quality

AJR:199, September 2012 W331

Hochhegger et al.

mode, table speed of 7.5 mm/s, 120 kV, and 200 imaging, and diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) slice thickness, 7 mm; 1-mm interslice gap; and
mA. The density measurement was performed sequences. T1-weighted fast spin-echo (TR/TE, 2–3 excitations. In- and opposed-phase MR im-
with a region-of-interest (ROI) tool, and the low- 480/10) and T2-weighted fast spin-echo (3200/85) ages were also obtained in the transverse plane in
est density of a nodule was defined as the lowest sequences were performed, both axial fat-sup- one breath-hold with a 2D spoiled gradient-echo
density that extended for or covered at least 8 con- pressed, with a 35-cm FOV, 5-mm slice thickness sequence with dual-echo acquisition using the fol-
tiguous pixels. with a 2.5-mm gap, and a 128–192 × 128–224 ma- lowing parameters: TR range/first-echo TE range,
trix. DWI was performed in the axial plane using a second-echo TE range, 80–200/4.2–4.6, 2.1–2.3;
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MRI breath-hold single-shot spin-echo echo-planar im- bandwidth, 31.25–62.5 kHz; 1 signal acquired;
MRI was performed on a 1.5-T scanner (HDxT aging acquisition. DWI parameters included a b section thickness, 5 mm; gap, 0 mm; FOV to cov-
Excite, GE Healthcare). The basic MR sequences value of 50 and 600 s/mm2; TR range/TE range, er the nodules, 24–38 cm; matrix, 256 × 160–192;
were transverse T1-weighted imaging, T2-weighted 2800–3500/50–58; matrix, 128–192 × 128–224; and flip angle, 75–90°.


Fig. 1—60-year-old man with colon cancer.
A, Sagittal volume-rendering CT reconstruction shows nodule.
B, Axial CT image shows low-attenuation areas in nodule. This nodule had low attenuation of –33 HU.
C, T1-weighted image shows internal septations.
D and E, T2-weighted (D) and in-phase (E) images show high signal intensity of nodule.
F, Opposed-phase image shows loss of signal in nodule.

W332 AJR:199, September 2012

Chemical-Shift MRI of Pulmonary Hamartomas

One observer with 8 years of experience in tion is good; it shows that the nodule signal water imaging, starting with Dixon’s original
MRI interpretation performed all quantitative intensity index is associated with negative proposal of a simple two-point method [8].
MRI measurements. This observer was unaware densities on CT. No nodule showed restric- To improve the robustness of Dixon’s meth-
of the CT attenuation measurements. ROIs were tion in DWI sequences. od and to address field inhomogeneity, some
placed on each nodule using the largest ellipse investigators have proposed multipoint fat-
possible while avoiding the edges—where T2* Discussion water separation techniques that are quite ef-
The diagnosis of a pulmonary hamartoma fective at separating fat and water signals but
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artifacts could be present. Identical ROIs were

drawn on in- and opposed-phase MR images us- using CT is heavily dependent on the pres- that double or triple scanning time. Therefore,
ing the copy-and-paste functions of the worksta- ence of detectable fat within the lesion. How- signal-to-noise ratio–efficient acquisition and
tion. A similar method was used to measure the ever, investigators have estimated that only processing are required to warrant the extra
signal intensity of the longissimus dorsi muscle approximately 60% of hamartomas contain scanning time [9]. There has also been inter-
while avoiding any artifact or subcutaneous fat. significant fat deposits that are visible on CT est in using multiecho sequences to reduce
The muscle was used instead of the spleen be- [1]. Characteristic CT findings of hamarto- the total scanning time required for acquiring
cause one of our patients had undergone a sple- mas are a lesion that is 2.5 cm in diameter multiple time points [10]. Multiecho acquisi-
nectomy and another had hemosiderosis. or smaller, has a smooth edge, and has fo- tions can also improve spatial registration of
The percentage of signal intensity decrease was cal areas of fat (–40 to –120 HU in at least 8 the acquired images.
calculated using the nodule signal intensity index voxels) or areas of calcification (> 175 HU) Almost 60% of pulmonary hamartomas
(nodule lipid index): alternating with areas of fat in the lesion [1]. contain fat, and this structural characteristic
MRI can identify intracellular lipid be- has been used as a safe criterion of benignity.
[(SIIP − SIOP) / SIIP] × 100,
cause the resonant frequencies of fat and wa- In previous studies, investigators have used
where SIIP and SIOP are the signal intensities of the ter protons in a given voxel are different [4, chemical-shift imaging to study pulmonary
nodule measured on in- and opposed-phase imag- 6]. Because fat protons precess at a lower nodules [11], although, to our knowledge,
es, respectively [5]. An index value of more than frequency than do water protons, they cancel this study is the first to use chemical-shift
17% was considered consistent with a lipid-rich each other out during out-of-phase breath- MRI in the detection of fat in pulmonary
lesion in a study of adrenal lesions [5]; we also hold gradient-echo MRI [5, 7]. This phe- hamartomas. Our data suggest that chemi-
used 17% as a cutoff in our study. nomenon results in loss of signal intensity on cal-shift MRI could be an important tool to
Microsoft Excel 2000 software was used for out-of-phase imaging in comparison with in- use to detect fat in pulmonary hamartomas
data collection and to calculate correlations. All phase imaging. Previous reports have shown with inconclusive CT findings.
statistical analyses were performed using SPSS an inverse linear relationship between the Our study also indicated that hamartomas
software (version 13.0, SPSS) for Microsoft Win- percentage of lipid-rich cells and the relative show intermediate signaling on T1-weight-
dows, with p < 0.05 considered to indicate a sig- change in signal intensity on chemical-shift ed sequences, high signal intensity on T2-
nificant difference. MRI [4]. Chemical-shift MRI has become a weighted sequences, and no signal restriction
popular technique for the diagnosis of adre- on DWI sequences. Three of the seven nod-
Results nal adenomas [4]. ules contained septations with signal inten-
All seven cases (five men and two wom- Fat-water separation is an important capa- sities lower than those of the main tumor on
en; age range, 48–65 years) were diagnosed bility of chemical-shift imaging. A general T2-weighted sequences. All of these findings
pathologically as hamartomas. No case had spectroscopic imaging approach is certainly have been reported previously [12].
characteristic calcifications, and all lesions possible but can become very time-consum- Our study has some limitations. First, the
showed internal fat on histopathologic analy- ing for the desired spatial coverage and reso- number of cases was small and further analy-
sis. The average diameter of the lesions was lution. Many methods that take advantage of sis is necessary to confirm the data. Second, we
1.52 cm (SD = 0.56 cm). All lesions had lob- the prior information were developed over the studied only hamartomas with inconclusive CT
ulated margins and showed no pulmonary past 2 decades to deal exclusively with fat and findings, so the findings are not applicable to
parenchymal infiltration.
On CT (Figs. 1A and 1B), no case showed TABLE 1: CT and MRI Characteristics of Pulmonary Nodules Confirmed
calcium attenuation and the average lowest to Be Hamartomas at Pathology
density was –21.4 HU (SD = 9.6 HU) (Table 1).
Nodule Ratio of Lesion–Paraspinal Muscle
All cases showed intermediate signaling
(i.e., lower than fat and higher than spinal Case Lowest Lipid Signal on Diffusion-
muscle) on T1-weighted MRI sequences. On No. Diameter (cm) Attenuation (HU) Index (%) T2 Signal T1 Signal Weighted Imaging
T2-weighted sequences, all lesions showed 1 2.5 −8 26 5.2 1.0 No restriction
high intensity signals and three had internal 2 1.5 −33 75 4.1 0.5 No restriction
septations. The ratio of lesions to paraspinal
3 0.9 −16 27 3.9 0.9 No restriction
muscle exceeded 3 in all cases. In the set-
ting of chemical-shift MRI (Figs. 1C–1F), 4 1.3 −25 40 3.1 1.0 No restriction
the average nodule signal intensity index was 5 0.8 −35 80 3.5 0.5 No restriction
45.3% (SD = 25.5%) (Table 1). The correla- 6 2.1 −11 24 4.5 0.9 No restriction
tion between average nodule signal intensity
7 1.6 −22 35 3.5 0.8 No restriction
and CT attenuation was –0.94. This correla-

AJR:199, September 2012 W333

Hochhegger et al.

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