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Jigu Katsande, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe

Abstract (643 words) 500 needed

The context of resource scarcity poses unique challenges to ECE practitioners and hinders the
provision of high-quality educational experiences for young children. Early childhood education
(ECE) plays a crucial role in laying the foundation for children's holistic development and future
success. However, resource-scarce communities, such as those found in Zimbabwe, often face
significant challenges in providing high-quality ECE experiences due to limited access to
resources, infrastructure, and professional support. This study explores the role of professional
associations in enhancing the quality of early childhood education (ECE) in resource-scarce
communities of Zimbabwe. Professional associations have the potential to address these
challenges by fostering collaboration, promoting evidence-based practices, and providing
ongoing support and professional development opportunities. This research investigated the
ways in which professional associations contribute to enhancing ECE quality in resource-scarce
communities, as well as the effectiveness of participatory methodologies in engaging
practitioners in this process. Specifically, the study sought to establish how professional
associations in Zimbabwe promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among ECE
practitioners to enhance ECE quality in resource-scarce communities, examine the perceptions
and experiences of ECE practitioners regarding the effectiveness and impact of professional
associations on ECE quality improvement, assess how professional associations, in their
endeavor to advocate for policy changes, collaborate with other stakeholders, such as
government agencies, NGOs, and community organizations, to enhance ECE quality and to
determine potential areas for improvement to enhance contribution to ECE quality improvement.
By utilizing qualitative participatory methodologies, such as focus group discussions,
participatory workshops, participatory reflection and feedback sessions, peer learning circles and
participatory observations, the researcher generated data through actively involving ECE
practitioners in the research process. Purposively, 20 ECE teachers working in resource-scarce
communities of Zimbabwe who are members of professional associations, 5 professional
association representatives, 5 ECE Program Administrators at district level, 5 District schools
Inspectors and 5 education advocacy groups representatives formed the sample of the study. The
results of the study show that professional associations in Zimbabwe have implemented various
initiatives to promote collaboration and knowledge sharing among ECE practitioners in these
resource-scarce communities. These initiatives, among others, include regular networking
events, professional development workshops, online forums, and mentorship programs. These
opportunities can enhance the knowledge and skills of ECE practitioners, enabling them to stay
updated with current research, best practices, and innovative approaches. This, in turn, positively
influences ECE practices, curriculum development, and pedagogical approaches. Professional
associations advocated for policies that support high-quality ECE. They represented the
collective voice of ECE practitioners and advocated for adequate resources, supportive policies,
and improved working conditions. By influencing policy decisions, professional associations
created an enabling environment for the development and implementation of evidence-based
practices, curriculum frameworks, and pedagogical approaches that enhance ECE quality. Thus,
these findings shed light on the benefits, challenges, and best practices of professional
associations in resource-scarce contexts and provided insights into strategies for improving ECE
quality and professionalization. In light of the findings, professional associations should expand
and diversify professional development opportunities, ensuring they are accessible to ECE
practitioners in resource-scarce communities throughout Zimbabwe. This may involve offering
online training modules, webinars, and workshops that are affordable, flexible, and tailored to
the specific needs and challenges faced by practitioners in these communities. In order to foster
partnership with other stakeholders, professional associations strengthen partnerships with
government agencies, NGOs, and community organizations. This could involve establishing
formal channels of communication and collaboration, engaging in joint initiatives, and
leveraging resources and expertise to address ECE quality improvement in resource-scarce
communities. These partnerships can contribute to advocacy efforts, policy changes, and
resource mobilization to support ECE practitioners and programs. These recommendations may
contribute to informing policy and practice in Zimbabwe leading to the enhancement of ECE
quality and the overall well-being of young children in these settings.

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