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生活口语 8000 句 part 34

Do you know his background?
I know very little about him.
I work for a computer company.
I'm a government employee.
I'm self-employed.
I work for ABC Company.
Which department do u work for? -Sales.
How long have you been doing that job?
For 10 years.
Where is your company? --In Shinjuku.
Where is your company located?
How long does it take you to commute? *commute “上班,上学”
About one hour. /Around one hour.
It takes about one hour. /About an hour.
How do you get to work?
I ride the subway. /I take the subway.
I'm changing jobs. /I'm job hunting now.
I'm looking for work now.
I'm retiring next year.
I'm out of work now.
I don't have a job now.
I'm not working right now.
I'm unemployed.

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