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Part 1

1. Junjun was playing with a ball and Cong thought that if he will snatch the ball, it is wrong and may eventually lead to conflict.
In relation to the theory of Sigmund Freud, what part of the human psyche prevailed?
A. Id C. Super Ego
B. Ego D. Conscience

2. Paulo and LJ are married. LJ found out that her sweetheart Paulo is having an affair with another woman named Yen, their
neighbor. This made LJ furious that she killed Yen and her lover. What is the classification of crime?

A. Crime by Imitation C. Crime by Passion

B. Rational Crime D. Seasonal Crime

3. Donald, a mayoral candidate in Cebu hired people to distribute Php500 to Php 5,000 for each voter in their barangay. The
act he is doing is vote-buying. This is an example of?
A. Instant Crime C. Static Crime
B. Episodic Crime D. Seasonal Crime

4. Who stated that humans are like other animals and that man is an organism having an animalistic behavior that is dependent
on other animals for survival?
A. Charles Darwin C. Sigmund Freud
B. Ernest Hooton D. Edwin Sutherland

5. The term “white collar crime” was coined by

A. Edwin Sutherland
B. Emile Durkheim
C. William Sheldon
D. Rafaelle Garofalo

6. What law repealed RA 6506?

A. RA 11131 C. RA 11313
B. RA 10595 D. RA 10591

7. The study of role or the participation of the victim in the commission of a crime?
A. Victimization C. Victim Investigation
B. Victim blaming D. Victimology

8. An attempt to provide scientific analysis of the causes of crime.

A. Sociology of Law C. Penology
B. Criminal Etiology D. Chiroscopy

9. Characterized by the inability to form social relationship and lack of interest in doing so. The person seems to express
their feelings, they are lacking of social skills, and they are the so called “loners”.
A. Schizoid Personality Disorder
B. Schizotypal Personality Disorder
C. Histrionic Personality
D. Narcissistic Personality Disorder

10. He was the Italian leader of the positivist school of criminology, who was criticized for his methodology and
his attention to the biological characteristics of offenders.

A. Beccaria C. Ferri
B. Lombroso D. Garofalo

11. The mass rights and obligations which parents have in relation to a person and the property of their
children until their emancipation refers to

A. Parental Authority
B. Parental Obligation
C. Parental Responsibility
D. Rights

12. What is the age of Majority?

A. 16 C. 21
B. 15 D. 18

13. It is otherwise known as “The Child and Youth Welfare Code.

A. RA 9344 C. PD 603
B. RA 7610 D. RA 10630

14. The independence of a minor from his or her parents before reaching age of majority.

A. Enlightenment C. Recognizance
B. Emancipation D. Freedom

15. A child deserted by his parents or guardians for three continuous months is called as
A. Neglected Child
B. Abandoned Child
C. Abused Child
D. Dependent Child

16. Teachers, administrators, and babysitters who are viewed as having some temporary parental rights and
obligations are considered
A. In Loco Parentis C. Order of Authority
B. Guardianship D. Parens Patriae

17. Under PD 603, what do we call a person under 18 years of age who committed a crime?
A. Child
B. Youthful Offender
C. Juvenile
D. Child in Conflict with the Law

18. What should the police officers do?

A. He should bring Allan home
B. He should inform the parents of Allan within 8 hours and turn over his custody to LSWDO
C. He should conduct initial investigation
D. He should turn over Allan to his parents within 9 hours

19. After the initial contact of Allan, what should be the next step?
A. Police officers should conduct initial investigation
B. The case should be referred to the prosecutor’s office for preliminary investigation
C. Just let Allan go since he is a minor
D. None of these

20. Provided that Allan acted with discernment, what will happen to him?
A. He will be imprisoned for violating the law
B. He will undergo intervention program
C. He will undergo diversion program
D. He will undergo livelihood program

21. Aklas is a13 year boy and has a high chance of delinquency due to his family problems. Aklas is considered as
A. Child at risk C. Juvenile
B. CICL D. None of these

22. Julia was taken hostage by Gerald. The hostage taking situation lasted for more than
15 hours. During this time, Julia, remembering her older brother, became sympathetic to the needs of Gerald. This
psychological syndrome is referring to
A. Lima Syndrome
B. Stockholm Syndrome
C. Helsinki Syndrome
D. Normalmstorg Syndrome

23. When a person is afraid of open places, the person has

A. Agoraphobia
B. Algophobia
C. Claustrophobia
D. Astophobia

24. Life instinct is also called

A. Eros
B. Libido
C. Thanatos
D. Romance

25. People who are feebleminded are prone to criminality. They are easily outwitted and manipulated. Feebleminded means
A. Stupid
B. Shy
C. Trusty
D. Timid

26. A sexual disorder characterized by the inability to achieve or maintain erection for successful intercourse
refers to
A. Frigidity
B. Impotency
C. Vaginismus
D. Dispareunia

27. Manny was angry at his girlfriend. He then boxed a nearby tree to vent his frustration. This manifests what
particular defense mechanism?
A. Repression
B. Sublimation
C. Displacement
D. Projection

28. Gino wanted to spend Valentine’s Day with his girlfriend in the evening but he also wanted to spend it with his
other girlfriend. What type of conflict situation is this?
A. Double-approach
B. Approach-avoidance
C. Double-avoidance
D. Multiple approach-avoidance

29. He is known as the “Father of Psychoanalysis”

A. Carl Jung
B. Sigmund Freud
C. Karen Horney
D. Erik Erikson

30. It is referred to as sexual gratification by watching nude woman or man.

A. Exhibitionism
B. Transvestism
C. Voyeurism
D. Fetishism

31. The power and authority of court to review a case is known as.
A. Jurisdiction
B. Concurrent Jurisdiction
C. Original Jurisdiction
D. Appellate Jurisdiction

32. When a case is punishable by 6 years and 1 day and above, it must be filed in the
A. 1st level court
B. 2nd level court
C. 3rd level court
D. 4th level court
33. Iwahig penal colony is established on
A. Nov. 21, 1904
B. June 26, 1865
C. Nov. 16, 1904
D. June 25, 1865

34. Police Lieutenant General Benjamin Oscar was accused of misuse of public funds, his case shall be filed at
B. Sandiganbayan
C. Senate of the Philippines
D. Supreme Court

35. The prime mover of Criminal Justice System is the law enforcement while the last pillar is?
A. Community
B. Court
C. Prosecution
D. Correction

36. A phase of event where the Clerk of Court reads the decision of the judge after hearing of case is known as
A. Recitation
B. Publication
C. Promulgation
D. Announcement

37. The Chairman of Lupong Tagapamayapa

A. Punong Barangay
B. Chosen by the Brgy. Captain
C. Elected members of the Lupon
D. Barangay Kagawad

38. One of the roles of the court is to interpret and apply the laws of the land. This is
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No

39. Which of the following does not belong on the 3 pillars of US Criminal Justice System?
A. Law Enforcement
B. Prosecution
C. Court
D. Corrections

40. The police as an individual refer to one who is tasked to protect life, prevent crimes and apprehend offenders, while the police
as an agency and one that is created under the constitution to
A. Create laws
B. Interpret laws
C. Execute laws
D. All of these

41. The two foundations of science are

A. Tradition and Observation
B. Observation and Logic
C. Logic and Theory
D. Theory and Observation
42. The first step in research is identification of the
A. Data
B. Hypothesis
C. Method
D. Problem

43. The word research is composed of two (2) syllables, re and search. The prefix re means
A. Again C. Prove
B. Once D. Careful
44. Jenny asked the women about their experiences on the violence inflicted to them. What kind of harm do these participants
incur from the study?
A. Physical
B. Social
C. Psychological
D. All of the above

45. This research is non-numerical, descriptive, applies reasoning and uses words. Its aim is to get meaning, feeling and describe
A. Quantitative Research
B. Qualitative Research
C. Criminological Research
D. All of the above

46. Due to hectic schedule, researchers Brain Da group completed the interviews themselves and made up
“observed” respondents’ behaviors. The Brain Da group committed what unethical activities in conducting
A. Brain Damage since their group name is Brain Da
B. Curb stoning
C. Indolence
D. Misfeasance

47. Fishbowl sampling is also known as

A. Simple Random
B. Cluster Sampling
C. Convenient Sampling
D. Snowball Sampling

48. The value that occurs the most frequently in a data set is known as the
A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Range

49. Research in Criminology is important because it

A. Helps students and professionals to ascertain or recognize what works in the Criminal Justice System
B. Provides the basis for the formulation of Criminal Justice policies
C. Equips students of critical thinking and analytical skills
D. All of these

50. Maria Princesa distributed 900 questionnaires but only 400 were returned. Give the percentage of the returned
A. 44.44%
B. 33.33%
C. 50%
D. 25.65%

51. The improper performance of some act, which might lawfully have done?
A. Malfeasance
B. Misfeasance
C. Nonfeasance
D. Neglect of duty
52. PNP Members shall provide services to the public with discrimination to others.
A. True
B. False
C. Confused
D. Doubtful

53. Which from the following is an example of Non- Solicitation of Patronage?

A. PNP member who has been promoted to a higher rank in return to his service of the politician.
B. PNP member who expect promotions, good assignments by the influence of political leaders
C. PNP member who has been promoted for exemplary performance of duty.
D. All of the above

54. The flag is raised in deference to deceased uniformed members of the command.
A. Half-Mass
B. Half-Mast
C. Half-Must
D. Half-Most

55. Known as the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for public officials and employees.
A. R.A. No. 9344
B. R.A. No. 6713
C. R.A. No. 9262
D. P.D. No. 603

56. The binding spirit that enhances teamwork and cooperation in the police organization, extending to the people they serve
manifested by members deep commitment and concern to one another.
A. Camaraderie
B. Loyalty
C. Spiritual beliefs
D. None of these

57. Deficiencies in the CJS can be manifested by the following except;

A. Poor linkage or relationship among the 5 pillars
B. Poor image and credibility of and controversies in law enforcement
C. Widespread indifference or apathy of the community
D. Proper disposition of cases by the prosecution and court

58. Which of the following does not belong to the group?

A. Assassination
B. Sabotage
C. Bombing
D. Prostitution

59. What disciplinary measure, do you think, will most likely produce discontent and grievance?
A. Unusual strictness
B. Inconsistent administration
C. Severity of punishment
D. Impersonal attitude

60. Branch of Criminal Justice System concerned with the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of criminal offenders
A. Law Enforcement
B. Prosecution
C. Court
D. Correction

61. He said that, “Criminology cannot possibly become a science due to lack of universal proposition of crime and scientific
studies of criminal behavior is impossible.”
A. Donald Cressey
B. George L. Wilker
C. Robert Ezra Park
D. Edwin Sutherland

62. Aira, a young and beautiful lady was walking along J.P. Rizal St. when a young man approached her and asked
for direction. Aira observed that the young man is new in the place and he does not know anybody. She then
gave the wrong direction and called Darren, her boyfriend to meet the young man and steal from him. The plan
was successful. The crime is
A. Crime by imitation
B. Acquisitive crime
C. Seasonal crime
D. Irrational crime

63. The approach which states that heredity is the main factor that pushes people to crime. This is
A. Psychiatric approach
B. Biological approach
C. Medical approach
D. Psychoanalytic approach

64. Margaret Ada Juke was considered “the mother of all criminals”. Who conducted the genealogy of her family?
A. Henry H. Goddard
B. Lawrence W. Sherman
C. Richard L. Dugdale
D. Enrico Ferri

65. It explains that people learn to become offenders from their environment. Through interactions with others,
individuals learn the values, attitudes, methods and motives for criminal behavior.
A. Strain Theory
B. Social Learning Theory
C. Differential Association Theory
D. Rational Choice Theory

66. He is considered as the “Father of Victimology”

A. David Abrahamsen
B. Benjamin Mendelsohn
C. Marvin Wolfgang
D. Cesare Lombroso

67. Marilyn, who is a prostitute, is likewise engaged in taking drugs to feel more satisfied. Her acts do not involve
anyone else and do not directly harm others. Therefore, her act is considered as a/an
A. Index crime
B. Crime
C. Victimless crime
D. None of these

68. Jeremy has a compact and muscular built which means she is active, dynamic and assertive with tendency
towards aggression. According to William Sheldon, what kind of body physique is this?
A. Endomorph
B. Mesomorph
C. Ectomorph
D. Picnic

69. Jerry was playing a ball and Denver had the urge to get that ball which drove him to snatch it by any means despite knowing
that it is wrong and may eventually lead to conflict. What part of the human psyche prevailed?
A. Id
B. Ego
C. Super Ego
D. Conscience

70. The exemption of a child who committed an offense includes criminal and civil liability. This statement is incorrect.
A. True
B. False
C. Doubtfully true
D. Doubtfully false
71. The Juvenile justice and Welfare Council is under what Department of the Executive Branch?

72. If the parents, guardians or nearest relatives cannot be located, or if they refuse to take custody, the child may be released to
any of the following except:
A. A duly registered nongovernmental or religious organization;
B. A barangay official or a member of the Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC);
C. A local social welfare and development officer; or, when and where appropriate, the DSWD.
D. A probation officer delegated by DSWD who has jurisdiction over the place where the child resides.

73. The transition stage between childhood and adulthood where the child experiences change in behavior as well as in his/her
physical body is referred to as
A. Childhood
B. Maturity
C. Adolescence
D. Youth

74. Which of the following is not an effect of broken home?

A. Adequate supervision of children
B. Economic and financial burden on a single parent
C. Lack of care and love given to children
D. Early teenage pregnancy of children

75. The intentional act of ignoring parental responsibilities to the detriment of the child is
A. Physical Abuse
B. Neglect
C. Abandonment
D. Irresponsibility

76. Turf in the parlance of gang members refers to

A. Territory where a gang operates
B. Activities of a gang in a certain condition
C. Rituals and practices honored by gang members
D. Forms of discipline imposed to erring members of gang

77. What law suspends the execution of penalty of a CICL?

A. Art. 80 of the Revised Penal Code
B. Republic Act 9344
C. Presidential decree 968
D. Presidential decree 603

78. The principle which requires a process of resolving conflicts with the maximum involvement of the victim, the
offender and the community is called
A. Mediation
B. Informal adjustment
C. Amicable settlement
D. Restorative Justice

79. Curfew violations, truancy, parental disobedience and the like are examples of
A. Victimless crimes
B. Juvenile crimes
C. Status offenses
D. Tort

80. Which of the following is not included in the three (3) Faculties of Man?
A. Will C. Soul
B. Intellect D. Instinct

81. It is anything an individual does that involves self-initiated action and/or reaction to a given situation.
A. Human Being C. Human Behavior
B. Human Rights D. Human Relations
82. It is one of the senses also known as sense of smell.
A. Gustatory C. Visual
B. Cutaneous D. Olfactory

83. A type of hostage taker who suffers from delusion, hallucination, or sets out his own mission, which he himself
does not know.
A. Terrorist
B. Professional criminal
C. Mentally deranged
D. Neurotic

84. Loss of ability to perform simple voluntary acts is called

A. Apraxia
B. Auditory aphasia
C. Alexia
D. Nominal aphasia

85. It is known as an Act Prohibiting the Employment of Children below 15 years of age in public and private
A. Republic Act 7610
B. Republic Act 7658
C. Republic Act 8551
D. Presidential Decree 604

86. A Behavior pattern where an individual return to a state of form adjustment and attempt to experience them
again in memory.
A. Anger
B. Regression
C. Phobia
D. Frustration

87. How do you classify a family or home condition where death, or separation, or desertion occurred?
A. Broken home
B. Family migration
C. Family disintegration
D. None of the above

88. An act committed or omitted in violation of the Revised Penal Code?

A. Offense
B. Misdemeanor
C. Felony
D. Crime

89. This refers to the excessive concern of one’s state of health.

A. Hypochondriasis
B. Hysteria
C. Psychogenic pain disorder
D. Neurasthenia

90. Actus Reus means

A. Guilty mind
B. Guilty act
C. Guilty feelings
D. Guilty beyond reasonable doubt

91. The power and authority of court to hear and decide a case for the very first time is called
A. Exclusive Jurisdiction C. Concurrent Jurisdiction
B. Jurisdiction D. Original Jurisdiction

92. Judges supervise prosecutors and defense attorneys doing preliminary hearings and trials to ensure that the rules of the court
are violated. This statement is
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No

93. What is the date of enactment of Act No. 3815 also known as The Revised Penal Code?
A. January 1, 1930
B. December 8, 1932
C. January 1, 1932
D. December 8, 1930

94. An act committed or omitted in violation of law forbidding or commanding it.

A. Felony
B. Misdemeanor
C. Offense
D. Crime

95. The body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon that includes within its scope the process of making laws, of
breaking laws, and of reacting toward the breaking of laws.
A. Crime Causation
B. Criminogenesis
C. Criminology
D. None of these

96. According to Adolphe Quetelet, crimes against property increase during

A. Summer
B. Night time
C. Winter
D. Day time

97. The “cradle of human personality”

A. Community
B. Home
C. Church
D. School

98. Is the Chairman of Lupong Tagapamayapa and the Chairman of Pangkat Tagapagkasundo the same person?
A. True
B. False
C. Yes
D. No

99. Which of the following is the correct order of the Four (4) Ps of Crisis Management?
A. Predict – Prevent – Perform – Prepare
B. Prepare – Predict – Perform – Prevent
C. Predict – Prevent – Prepare – Perform
D. Prepare – Perform – Prevent – Predict

100. As a general rule, police officers are not permitted or allowed to engage in any other business or calling.
A. Bribery
B. Moonlighting
C. Neglect of duty
D. Misconduct

Part 2

1. PRO 12 has a quota of 300 Patrolman/woman. Out of 500 applicants, only 150 qualified. Who among the following group
of applicants may be given preference in the waiver program to fill in the remaining slots?

A. BS Criminology undergrads
B. Over age
C. Below 1.57 females and 1.63 males
D. Underweight or Overheight
2. An agency of the government that confirms quota allocation for PNP personnel recruitment, selection, and appointment

A. PNP Recruitment and Selection Service

C. Civil Service Commission

3. Daniel, Enrique, James are conducting surveillance upon Alden who is on board a Hyundai Accent White. In the course
of operation, the three identified a Honda Civic White to be the company of Alden. What do you call the person on board
the Honda Civic White?

A. Surveillant
B. Decoy
C. Rabbit
D. Convoy

4. Who grants the waivers for PNP Applicants?

B. Civil Service Commission
C. PNP chief

5. The organizational structure of the PNP

A. Line C. Staff
B. Line and Staff D. Functional
6. The procedure intended to be used in situations and outlined as guide and by men in the field operations, such as
reporting, dispatching, raids.

A. Headquarter Procedures
B. Field Procedures
C. Standard Operating Procedure
D. Time Plans

7. The term of office of the Chief PNP

A. Not exceeding for 3 years

B. Not exceeding for 4 years
C. Not exceeding for 5 years
D. Not exceeding for 6 years

8. NAPOLCOM exercises what power over the PNP

A. Operational Supervision and Control

B. Administration Supervision and Operational Control
C. Administrative Control and Operational Supervision

9. PCpl Taran Tado committed a violation, and the CPNP ordered that he must be placed under restrictitve custody and
summarily dismissed from service. To where can he appeal his case?

A. Regional Appellate Board

B. National Appellate Board
C. Napolcom
D. Court of Appeals

10. Which of the following is not true about patrol?

A. It is the backbone of the police department

B. Largest unit and can be eliminated
C. Essence of police operation
D. Operational heart of the department
11. Major Dela Cruz retired from the police service due to permanent physical disability incurred during police operation. What
will happen to his retirement benefits?

A. Receive 20% of base pay if 20 years of active service

B. No retirement benefits due to disability
C. Receive 80% of his salary
D. Receive 50% base pay if 20 years active service

12. If the offense is punishable for a period of not exceeding 30 days but not less than 16 days, the citizen’s complaint shall
be filed where?

A. Chief of Police
B. Mayor’s
D. Chief PNP

13. Upon arrival at the assigned beat, the patrol officer must immediately report to the?

A. Desk Officer
B. Unit Supervisor
C. Field Supervisor
D. Sector Supervisor

14. Highly qualified police applicants such as engineers, nurses, and graduates of forensic science can enter the police
service through:

A. Commissioned entry level

B. Inspectorship
C. Commissionship
D. Lateral entry

15. He made a significant contribution in the field of Criminal Justice in United States and was regarded as the “Father of
Modern Law Enforcement”

A. Robert Peel
B. John Fielding
C. Henry Fielding
D. August Vollmer

16. The presence of a uniformed patrol officer destroys the desire and the _____ to commit crime.

A. Opportunity
B. Intention
C. Need
D. Capability

17. Is the process of developing methods or procedures or an arrangement of parts, intended to facilitate the accomplishment
of an objective.
A. Management
B. Planning
C. Functioning
D. Budgeting
18. In a disaster control operation, there is a need to establish a _____ where any means of communication shall be ensured

A. Command post
B. Safehouse
C. Operation post
D. Communications center

19. Police Corporal Jacinto reached the time in grade and possessed all the mandatory requirements and all other tests for
promotion, what kind of promotion shall be given to him?

A. Promotion by Virtue of Position

B. Meritorious Promotion
C. Regular Promotion
D. Promotion
20. Refers to the distinctive physical device of metal and ribbon which constitute the tangible evidence of award

A. Ribbons
B. Awards
C. Decorations
D. Medal

21. Imports an act of cruelty, severity, unlawful extraction, domination, or excessive use of authority

A. Misconduct
B. Incompetence
C. Nonfeasance
D. Oppression

22. Police BGen Montes is the regional director of PRO12, of all his workloads, he managed to supervise and control
effectively his subordinates under his command

A. Delegation of Authority
B. Chain of Command
C. Unity of Command
D. Span of Control

23. It is providing the competent men to the job and choosing the right personnel for the prescribed job. Selecting and
processing good and well trained personnel
A. Directing C. Controlling
B. Organizing D. Staffing

24. Graduates of Philippine National Police Academy has a rank of what upon entering the PNP

A. Police Captain
B. Police 2nd Lieutenant
C. Police Lieutenant
D. Police inspector

25. Informers that are low and unreliable of value, mainly spreading false information to the enemy

A. Common spies
B. Spies of consequences
C. Double Spies
D. Mercenary Informant

26. Police BGen Bautista whose retirement is next week shall retire with the rank of Police Lieutenant General for the purpose
of retirement pay.

A. True
B. False
C. Most likely True
D. Impossible

27. A method of apprehending criminal by shouting to call the attention of male residents to assemble and arrest the suspect.

A. Hue and Cry

B. Tun Policing
C. Kin Policing
D. Trial by Ordeal

28. A strategy in patrol which employs police officers in their police uniform and marked police automobiles

A. Low Visibility
B. High Visibility
C. Decoy Patrol
D. Convoy Patrol

29. A strategy in patrol which employs police officers in civilian attire

A. Low Visibility
B. High Visibility
C. Decoy Patrol
D. Convoy Patrol
30. A method of patrol used in high crime areas, establishments, and crowdy places.

A. Foot Patrol
B. Automobile Patrol
C. Canine Patrol
D. Helicopter Patrol

31. A method of patrol used in monitoring the general situation viewed from above.

A. Horse Patrol
B. Canine Patrol
C. Helicopter Patrol
D. Marine Patrol

32. In Shire- Rieve System, England was divided into how many military districts?

A. 50
B. 55
C. 88
D. 80

33. Intelligence developed by government departments concerning the execution of the mission and responsibilities

A. Police Intelligence
B. Military Intelligence
C. Departmental Intelligence
D. National Intelligence

34. Police Intelligence essential in criminal activities, crime prevention, and arrest.

A. Criminal Intelligence
B. Internal Security Intelligence
C. Police Intelligence
D. Military Intelligence

35. He said that “one spy in the right place is worth 20,000 men in the field”

A. Napoleon Bonaparte
B. Napoleon Hill
C. George Washington
D. Akbar

36. Military term for Casing

A. Recconaissance
B. Reconnaissance
C. Reconaisance
D. Reconnaisance

37. RA 6975 is known as the DILG Act of 1990. RA 8551 amended certain provisions related to PNP. What law amended the
certain provisions related to BFP and BJMP?

A. RA 9810
B. RA 9708
C. RA 9263
D. RA 8553

38. What is the essence of Police Function?

A. Crime Prevention
B. Crime Detection
C. Investigation
D. Patrol

39. The mot expensive method of patrol

A. Helicopter Patrol
B. Marine Patrol
C. Human Patrol
D. Foot Patro

40. In patrol system, police officers render 24 hours of duty with a prescribed division of how many shifts?
A. 12
B. 8
C. 3
D. 2

41. What is not a specialized patrol method?

A. Foot Patrol
B. Canine Patrol
C. Marine Patrol
D. Helicopter Patrol

42. Acquiring of information from a person without his knowledge or suspicion.

A. Ilicitation C. Elicitation
B. Elicitasion D. Elecitation
43. Acquiring of information through intercepting telephone conversation.
A. Bugging
B. Wire tapping
C. Recording
D. Phone tapping

44. The most dangerous of all assignment, the agent will join the enemy’s organization.
A. Subersive
B. Subcontinental
C. Rebellion
D. Subversive

45. Science of codes and ciphers.

A. Cryptography
B. Crypto Analysis
C. Crypting
D. Cryptotic

46. Expert who is highly skilled in converting clear forms to unintelligible forms.
A. Cryptographer
B. Crypto analyst
C. Cryptomaniac
D. Crypto Sketcher

47. As a patrol officer, what is the top priority if a citizen calls for an assistance?
A. Secure the area
B. Apprehend the culprit
C. Aid the injured
D. Call for assistance

48. Organized by Henry Fielding, a magistrate in London

A. Bowstreet Runners
B. Bobbies
C. Robbies
D. Metropolitan

49. Largest police force in the world

A. Boston Police
D. Metropolitan
50. The first people who utilized dogs for patrolling.
A. Egyptians
B. Chinese
C. English
D. Filipinos

51. A patrol strategy which employs bait or distracter in order to catch culprits.
A. High visibility Patrol
B. Low Visibility Patrol
C. Bait Patrol
D. Decoy Patrol

52. Day to day or year round activities of a police is a part of what type of plan?
A. Tactical Plan
B. Operational Plan
C. Extra Departmental Plan
D. Reactive Plan

53. A suited patrol method for evacuation, rapid transport, search and rescue.
A. Horse Patrol
B. Foot Patrol
C. Air Patrol
D. Automobile Patrol

54. Courage that is clearly distinguished above others in the performance of one’s duty.
A. Conspicious
B. Conscious
C. Conspicuous
D. Conscience

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