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This resource is provided for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.

If you require medical advice, you should contact a suitably qualified


Vegan Food Groups

professional. You should not rely on the material included within this resource and Twinkl does not accept any responsibility if you do.
Starchy foods such as potatoes,
Fruit and Vegetables bread, rice, pasta and cereals should
These are good sources of vitamins
make up just over a third of the
and minerals and fibre. Aim to eat
food you eat. These are important
5 portions a day! Choose from fresh,
for giving us energy. Choose higher-
frozen, tinned, dried or juiced. Fruit
fibre, wholegrain varieties, such as
juice and/or smoothies should be
wholewheat pasta and brown rice,
limited to no more than a combined
or simply leave skins on potatoes.
total of 150ml per day.

Vitamin and
Mineral Checklist

Vitamin D
Vitamin B12

Food and Drinks High

in Fat and/or Sugar
Eat less often and in small
amounts. Read the labels and
choose foods lower in fat,
salt and sugars.

Oil and Spreads

Choose unsaturated oils and spreads and
use in small amounts. Eat sparingly.

Omega-3 Fat Proteins Foods Rich in Calcium

Proteins are very important for helping These are a source of calcium, which is important for
Walnuts us grow and build muscles. Eat a variety strong teeth and bones. Eat at least two portions daily.
of protein-rich plant foods (such as Plant-based fortified milks, soya yoghurt alternative
Ground linseeds/flaxseeds lentils, tofu or plant-based mince) and visit
and calcium-set tofu are examples. Choose lower fat and
include them in most meals. lower sugar options.
The Vegan Food Guide applies to children over five and adults. This poster provides an overall general
guide to a balanced diet that does not include animal products.

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