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Foundations of Curriculum (5-minute reports)

A. Philosophical Foundations (14 reporters)

1. Idealism
2. Realism
3. Essentialism
4. Existentialism
5. Progressivism
6. Perennialism
7. Pragmatism

Content for each philosophical foundation:

 Aim of Education
 Focus or Emphasis of Education
 Teaching Methods
 Role of the Teacher or School

B. Sociological Foundations

1. Societal Norms (1 reporter)

2. Social Change (3 reporters)

C. Psychological Foundations (6 reporters)

1. Behaviorism
2. Constructivism
3. Cognitivism

Content for each psychological foundation:

 Major Theories
 Implications to Curriculum

D. Historical Foundations (7 reporters)

1. Franklin Bobbit
2. Werret Charters
3. William Kilpatrick
4. Harold Rugg
5. Hollis Caswell
6. Ralph Tyler
7. Hilda Taba

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