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Rebelsof Space deep

A tabletop adventure game

onall tarbal
rebels of space deep

Rebels of Space Deep

a tabletop adventure game

by Onall Tarbal

rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep

foreword and acknowledgments

Rangers of Shadow Deep (RoSD from now on) is © of his author, Joseph A. McCullough and is necessary to own a
copy of the game to properly use this supplement, as it uses the core rules in that game and Rebels of Space Deep
never could exist after the magnificent rules set he created. I would thank him in advance for giving me permission of
creating this adaptation. All rules remain unchanged with the exceptions listed in the proper section of this game
which may apply in substitution of the original ones. RoSD rules take always precedence unless they were
specifically changed.

I also would thanks to Wookiepedia for its huge help (

These rules are free and subject to the Creative Commons license terms.

Author of picture in the cover Colin McEnroe, used under CC license terms.

To my wife Cristina and my children Iria and Lucas.


This is a fan based product and is just for the fun of the Rangers of Shadow Deep Facebook Community and was made
under of a non profit base and just for the mere fun of their users. This work was made with all the love of a fan and
with high respect for all the creators of this wonderful universe. It is also for the joy of all people like me that may
want to recreate those adventures in their favourite universe.

All characters, creatures, vehicles and lore are property of Lucasfilm® Ltd. A division of the The Walt Disney

Any questions, suggestions and corrections can be directed to my mail:

rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep

• Foreword and acknowledgements ................................................................................. Page 2.
• Disclaimer …..................................................................................................................... Page 2.
• Index................................................................................................................................. Page 2.
• Introduction ….................................................................................................................. Page 7.
• What you need to play …................................................................................................. Page 7.
• Creating a Rebel Hero or a Jedi ….................................................................................... Page 7.
• Heroic Abilities and Force Powers …................................................................................ Page
• Force Powers ................................................................................................................... Page 9.
◦ Sense Powers ….......................................................................................................... Page 9.
◦ Alter Powers …............................................................................................................ Page 9.
◦ Control Powers …...................................................................................................... Page 10.
• Skill List …........................................................................................................................ Page
• Recruitment Points …...................................................................................................... Page 11.
• Weapons, Armour and Equipment …............................................................................. Page 11.
• Basic Equipment List …................................................................................................... Page
• Blast Area Weapons (Optional)...................................................................................... Page 12.
• Basic Rules …................................................................................................................... Page
• The Turn …...................................................................................................................... Page 13.
• The Rebel Hero/Jedi Phase …......................................................................................... Page 13.
• The Enemy/Creature Phase …........................................................................................ Page 13.
• The Companion Phase …................................................................................................ Page 13.
• The Event Phase ….......................................................................................................... Page 13.
• Activation ….................................................................................................................... Page 13.
• Group Activation …......................................................................................................... Page
• Movement …................................................................................................................... Page 14.
• Obstructions …................................................................................................................ Page 14.
• Rough Ground …............................................................................................................. Page 14.
• Movement into Combat ….............................................................................................. Page 14.
• Moving off the table ….................................................................................................... Page
• Jumping …....................................................................................................................... Page 14.
• Falling …........................................................................................................................... Page
• Skill and Stat Rolls …........................................................................................................ Page
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rebels of space deep
• Swimming ….................................................................................................................... Page
• Zero Gravity Environments ….......................................................................................... Page
• Hand to Hand Combat …................................................................................................ Page 14.
• Multiple combats …........................................................................................................ Page 15.
• Critical Hits ….................................................................................................................. Page
• Shooting …...................................................................................................................... Page 15.
• Shooting Modifiers …...................................................................................................... Page

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• Damage …....................................................................................................................... Page 15.

• Poison ….......................................................................................................................... Page 15.
• Disease …........................................................................................................................ Page 15.
• Hunger and Thirst …....................................................................................................... Page 15.
• Using Heroic Abilities and Force Powers ….................................................................... Page
• Using Force Powers …..................................................................................................... Page
• Treasure Tokens …........................................................................................................... Page
• Enemies / Creature Actions …........................................................................................ Page 16.
• Companions …................................................................................................................ Page 16.
• Companions List ….......................................................................................................... Page
◦ Astromech Droid …................................................................................................... Page 16.
◦ Bounty Hunter …....................................................................................................... Page 17.
◦ Clone Troopers …...................................................................................................... Page 17.
▪ Clone Trooper – Regular …................................................................................. Page
▪ Clone Trooper – Veteran …................................................................................. Page 17.
▪ Clone Trooper – Elite …....................................................................................... Page
▪ Clone Trooper – ARC …....................................................................................... Page
▪ Blaze Trooper ….................................................................................................. Page 18.
▪ Jet-pack Trooper …............................................................................................. Page 18.
▪ Clone Fighter Pilot …........................................................................................... Page
◦ Commando …............................................................................................................ Page 19.
◦ Droid …...................................................................................................................... Page 19.
◦ Engineer …................................................................................................................ Page 19.
◦ Gambler …................................................................................................................. Page 20.
◦ Jedi Knight …............................................................................................................. Page
◦ Jedi Padawan …......................................................................................................... Page 21.
◦ Law Enforcer …......................................................................................................... Page 22.
◦ Mercenary …............................................................................................................. Page 22.
◦ Outlaw …................................................................................................................... Page 22.
◦ Pilot …....................................................................................................................... Page 23.
◦ Rebel Recruit …......................................................................................................... Page 23.
◦ Scout …..................................................................................................................... Page 23.
◦ Smuggler …............................................................................................................... Page 23.
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◦ Soldier …................................................................................................................... Page 24.
◦ Soldier – Assault …................................................................................................... Page 24.
◦ Wookiee …................................................................................................................ Page 24.
• The Campaign ….............................................................................................................. Page
• Injury and Death ….......................................................................................................... Page
• Experience and levels ….................................................................................................. Page
• Treasure …....................................................................................................................... Page 26.

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• Credits …......................................................................................................................... Page 25.

• Med Pack …..................................................................................................................... Page
• Weapon or Armour …..................................................................................................... Page 25.
• Special Items................................................................................................................... Page 25.
• Reorganize Companions ….............................................................................................. Page
• Enemy and Creatures Compendium …........................................................................... Page 27.
◦ Assassin Droid …....................................................................................................... Page 27.
◦ Battle Droids ….......................................................................................................... Page 27.
▪ B1 Battle Droids ….............................................................................................. Page 27.
▪ B2 Super Battle Droids ….................................................................................... Page
▪ Commando Droid – V2 Series …......................................................................... Page
▪ Droideka Series Destroyer Droids …................................................................... Page
▪ IG-100 Magnaguard …........................................................................................ Page 28.
▪ Viper Probe Droid …............................................................................................ Page
◦ Bounty Hunters …..................................................................................................... Page 29.
◦ Imperial Troops …..................................................................................................... Page 29.
▪ Imperial Soldier …............................................................................................... Page 29.
▪ Imperial Officer …............................................................................................... Page 30.
▪ ISB Agent …......................................................................................................... Page
▪ Stormtrooper ….................................................................................................. Page 30.
▪ Stormtrooper – NCO …....................................................................................... Page 31.
▪ Scout Troopers …................................................................................................ Page 31.
▪ Snow Troopers …................................................................................................ Page 31.
▪ Death Trooper …................................................................................................. Page 32.
▪ Zero-G Spacetrooper …....................................................................................... Page 32.
◦ Gamorreans …........................................................................................................... Page 32.
◦ Gundarks …............................................................................................................... Page 33.
◦ Inquisitors ….............................................................................................................. Page 33.
◦ Jawas …..................................................................................................................... Page 33.
◦ Nexu …...................................................................................................................... Page 34.
◦ Thugs …..................................................................................................................... Page 34.
◦ Tusken Raider …........................................................................................................ Page
◦ Sith Apprentice …...................................................................................................... Page 35.
◦ Space Pirates …......................................................................................................... Page 35.
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◦ Womp rats …............................................................................................................. Page 35.
• The missions …................................................................................................................ Page
◦ Rebellion Era missions ….......................................................................................... Page 36.
▪ Mission 1: Stolen Plans …................................................................................... Page 36.
• Scenario 1: Where is the droid we are looking for? …................................. Page 37.
• Scenario 2: Imperial Entanglements …........................................................ Page 40.

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rebels of space deep

• Scenario 3: The Jundland Wastes …............................................................. Page 43.

◦ Clone Wars Era missions........................................................................................... Page 47.
▪ Mission 1: Rise of Ryloth.................................................................................... Page 47.
• Scenario 1: Short Negotiations.................................................................... Page 47.
• Scenario 2: Princess in Distress …................................................................ Page
• Scenario 3: The Force of Numbers …........................................................... Page
• Jedi Knight Sheet …......................................................................................................... Page
• Rebel Hero Sheet …......................................................................................................... Page
• Companions Sheet …..................................................................................................... Pages 60.

rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep


In Rebels of Space Deep you can take either the role of a Rebel Hero in the Age of Rebellion in the
Star Wars Universe fighting against the hideous and evil Emperor Palpatine and his Galactic
Empire or a Jedi or Republic Hero in the Clone Wars trying to stop the Separatist menace in the
last days of the Galactic Republic and the following prosecution by the Imperial Inquisition after
Order 66 was issued, providing our Jedi hero was one that survived the slaughter.

You can also be a loyal hero to the Republic or a Jedi in the Rebellion Era but the rules were
developed with this scheme in mind, but of course, this is your game, so play it as you want and

Our heroes get their missions either from the Rebel High Counsel or the Jedi Counsel in a struggle
for justice and freedom in the galaxy.

As we are focus now in the good and Light Side of the Force, I do not want on purpose to
complicate the rules with Dark or Light side of the Force for the moment. In other supplement,
Scum and Villainy of Space Deep, I will develop the same for people who may want to run space
adventures with Imperial Agents whom support the New Galactic Order against the Rebel rabble or
unaligned Fringe characters that have to deal with both Rebel and Imperial forces in order to attain
their mischievous goals. I will also deal with the Dark Side of the Force there.

What you need to play.

You can find a variety of Star Wars figures in the market; first, West End Games had a line of
Grenadier made metal miniatures for his RPG and miniature battle game, followed by Wizards of
the Coast and his miniatures game made of prepainted plastic miniatures that covered a wider range
of miniatures and eras, including the Old Republic and the Clone Wars; now, Fantasy Flight Games
has released their miniature battle rules, Star Wars Legion, and the line of Imperial Assault board
games which have also an awesome source of miniatures to use with Rebels of Space Deep.
Alternative Gaming Miniatures can be found on the internet for scenery and special miniature

All other materials are exactly the same as in RoSD.

Creating a Rebel Hero or a Jedi

The Hero sheet is almost identical but some skills are changed to fit with the futuristic
environment. As in RoSD, you should first imagine your hero, it would be an alien, or a human?
Would be an expert in infiltration or a bold “fire-first-ask-second” type? Would be a scoundrel for
whom the end justify means or a honest law abiding guy or gal?
Same for Jedi characters; is she in the diplomatic corps or in the guardian roles? Print the sheet and
name it.

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rebels of space deep

Rebel Heroes follow the same rules of creation as a Ranger in RoSD, they have the same
characteristics and points. The character sheet is slightly different as some skills were modified to
adapt to the galactic environment. They start with 10 Build Points.

Rebel Hero Stat-Line

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health
6 +2 +1 10 +4 18

Jedi Heroes start with three Force Powers of each Sense, Alter and Control that have to be picked
from the Force Powers list, they also start with a Lightsaber and the following stats:

Jedi Base Stat-Line

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health
6 +3 0 10 +5 18

Jedi starts with 8 Build Points to reflect their commitment with the Force and all years of training to
master them, as the time used in this training were not dedicated to learn other skills and abilities,
they have less options for building their characters.
As in RoSD you can spend up to 3 Build Points to increase your stats for both Rebel Hero and Jedi.

Heroic Abilities and Force Powers

Spells were substituted by Force Powers although Heroic Abilities remain the same. Rebel Heroes
cannot access all Force Powers as they are not fully trained Jedi, but can achieve some sensitiveness
towards the Force, thus, a Rebel Hero can only select powers that are related to the Sense side of
the Force. You can check in the Force Powers list which are related to Sense. Force Powers follow
the same rules as spells in RoSD and require an action to be used.

Heroic Abilities remain unchanged but Halt Undead, that is deleted from the eligible ones.

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rebels of space deep

Force Powers

Force Power are divided in Sense, Alter and Control Powers. Only Jedi characters can choose any
without restrictions from the list. Rebel Heroes can only select Sense Powers for their characters.

Sense Powers

◦ Concentration: Your keen senses were focused and allows to perform any skill or
fighting or shooting at +10.

◦ Premonition: You got a glimpse into the future, so you can react to an enemy action
made in the Enemy/Creature Phase as it were your Phase. You get a bonus action which
can be used either to move or make a combat action. This power must be selected as an
action in your own Rebel Hero/Jedi Phase and is triggered in the next Enemy/Creature
Phase when you choose to.

◦ Telepathy: In your Rebel Hero/Jedi Phase you can spend an action to activate any
companion that is more than 3” away in addition to the up to two companions that are
within 3” of the Rebel Hero/Jedi.

◦ Widen senses: You focus in your five senses to boost their acuteness, so you get a +5
skill bonus in the Perception and Track skills.

Alter Powers

◦ Aid: Any companion within 3” of you can add your bonus to any task he may
perform. For example if your Jedi has Fight +4, a Clone Trooper Companion that is
at 2” and has Fight +2 can add 4 to his Fight stat for a total of Fight +6. Same applies
to any skill.

◦ Fly: You can move this turn your move stat multiplied by 3 ignoring rough
terrain restrictions.

◦ Force invisibility: Using Jedi mind tricks, you disappear from the sight, no one can
attack or engage you in combat this turn, you can use your second action to move
adding your Will Stat to the Move Stat.

◦ Heal: As the Spell in the Rangers of Shadow Deep rules.

◦ Health Transfer: You can subtract any Health points from your Health Stat to give them
to any Companion who is at 3” of your Jedi character.

◦ Jump: You can jump up to 15” high or through and succeed automatically, so no

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Acrobatics Skill Roll required.

◦ Levitate: This power consumes two actions instead of one in your Rebel Hero/Jedi
Phase, so if you have attacked or moved you cannot use it this turn; in the first action
your Jedi soars up to 1' from the ground and uses the second action for landing in the
same spot he or she departed. You can make Perception Skill Rolls (TN8) with a +2
bonus to check what is in the battleground surroundings.

Control Powers

◦ Confusion: You force any Enemy/Creature to bend to your will, suggesting courses of
action in your own interest. Make a combat roll but both use their Will Stat instead of
your Fight or Shooting Stat; the Jedi receives a +5 bonus. If you win the combat, you
control that enemy this turn and can make with him anything that does not suppose a
direct harm to him, her or it, like “Shoot yourself in your head” or “Jump off that cliff”
kind of things. You can move the enemy up to his maximum move or even try to
perform a skill to open a door, saying “these are not the droids you're looking for” or
give you the password needed to enter into the bunker, for example.

◦ Defend: You can use this power as it were an Heroic Ability and react to a Enemy
combat actions that targets a Companion within 3”; you interpose your body between
the Enemy shoot or fight and make the roll with your stats instead of the intended target.

◦ Dissipate Energy: You can block any blaster shooting in the next turn as you have won
all the shooting combats.

◦ Force Resiliency: Any time your Jedi Health Stat drops to 0 or less points,
automatically regain 5 Health Points.

◦ Guard: You use the Force to adopt a defense stance and for the remainder of the turn
you have an Armour Stat of 15 for combat purposes only.

◦ Telekinesis: You can move objects and Enemies that are 6” within your reach to any
direction you wish up to 12” away or close to you. Clues are not eligible for this
purpose. Enemies are subject to be pushed away and fall from heights, or you can
elevate 6” an enemy and let it fall, no roll needed in both cases. See falling rules on
page 38 on the RoSD manual to check the effects of falling.

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rebels of space deep

Skill list

Skills remain unchanged from Rangers of Shadow Deep with two exceptions: substitute Ancient
Lore for Galactic Lore and Read Runes for Technology Operation.

• Galactic Lore: Knowledge of solar systems, hyperspace routes, alien species, local
customs, etc.
• Technology Operation: Operate, program and repair droids, computers and pilot vehicles.

Recruitment Points

Same as in the RoSD rulebook.

Weapons, Armour and


Your Rebel Hero gets the same number of items as a Ranger in RoSD but Jedi only gets a
lightsaber as his Jedi Knight distinctive weapon and can wear armour if he or she wishes, but
nothing more as they are aesthetic in nature. There are no Shields in Rebels of Space Deep.

Set to Stun: Almost all weapons with the exception of Lightsabers, Vibrodaggers and
Flamethrowers can be set to deal non-lethal damage. If you choose to set your weapon to stun and
you win the combat, then the target must do a Will Roll with a Target Number equal to the number
of the damage it will be dealing (d20 Roll minus Armour). In the case of a fail, the target renders
alive but unconscious, falls prone in the same spot it were standing and it is considered out of the
game unless some Rebel Hero, Jedi or Companion spend and action to bring him or her back to
consciousness again, both figures must be in contact to do so.

Basic Equipment List

• Blaster: The favorite missile weapon of the Galaxy. For gaming purposes the maximum
range of a blaster is 24”. Blasters have no damage modifiers, but receive a point blank
bonus of +1 to the Shoot Stat in combat rolls if the target is 6” or less from the attacker,
providing they are not in base to base contact. Blasters cannot be used in Hand to Hand
• Blaster Rifle: Its range is longer than the rifle, so you can target blanks up to 30”. As in the
blaster, it has no damage modifier but has no point blank bonus. Blaster Rifle cannot be used
in Hand to Hand Combat.
• Concussion grenades (optional): These weapons have a 2” blast radius. Any non droid
figure affected by a concussion grenade lost his next activation turn.
• Electro-Staff: Same as staff in RoSD.
• EMP Grenade (Optional): These weapons have a 2” blast radius. Any droid affected by
a electromagnetic pulse grenade lost his next activation turn
• Flamethrower: A weapon designed to set things ablaze projecting a flame in a concentrate

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rebels of space deep

burst of a flammable substance at 3” maximum range. Wining a combat with a flamethrower

means that the target starts burning and the damage is dealt ignoring armour, if the target
survives, the fire is extinguished in the next turn, receiving half the damage taken in the
previous turn. Flamethrowers are limited to three uses per game and counts as two
equipment for buying purposes.
• Grenade (optional): This anti personal weapon has a 2” blast radius.
• Heavy Blaster/Wookiee Crossbow: This is a more powerful version of the blaster but lacks
its long range effectiveness, so it can only be used at a range of 18”, but have +2 to damage
and receive the point blank bonus of +1 to the Shoot Stat in combat rolls if the target is 6” or
less from the attacker, providing they are not in base to base contact. Heavy Blasters and
Wookiee Crosbows cannot be used in Hand to Hand Combat.
• Hand Weapon: There are a variety of hand weapons that can be wielded by your character:
electro whips, force batons, sabres, rapiers... these weapons have no modifiers in combat.
• Heavy armour: Like the ones Storm or Clone troopers wear, as in the RoSD.
• Jet-pack: A portable repulsor the size of a backpack that allows you to make jumps of up to
15” high or through and ignore rough ground. You can only use it once per game. Subject to
make the Acrobatics Skill Test when landing as in the Jumping rule.
• Light armour: Scattered pieces of plastisteel armour, ballistic vests, and the like. Same as
in RoSD.
• Lightsaber: This weapon wielded by a Jedi doubles damage if winning the combat. If the
combat roll is a natural 20, a Critical Hit, then it deals triple damage. A Rebel Hero that
fights with a lightsaber (like Luke Skywalker in Ep. IV and V) adds +5 to the damage, +10
if a Critical Hit; although there is a hindrance: a lightsaber is a difficult and dangerous
weapon for those not trained in its use, any character that is not a Jedi have a -2 negative
bonus to his or her Fight Stat when the character uses it.
• Med-pack: You can heal 3 points of Health and requires one action. Med-packs have
multiple uses, so you can pick this option more than once, but they occupy one slot each.
Characters recover their Med-packs between missions.
• Rope: Same as in RoSD.
• Thermal Detonator (Optional): These weapons have a 3” blast radius and +2 damage.
• Throwing weapons: Like throwing knife in RoSD.
• Two Handed Weapons: Like, Gardeffi Sticks, Force Pikes and Force Halberds. Same
as in RoSD.
• Utility Belt: This have rope and hook, an intercom and macrobinoculars (Perception Skill
+1) but counts as two equipment slots for buying purposes.
• Vibrodagger: Same as Dagger in RoSD.

Blast Area Weapons (BAW) -Optional-

Blast Area Weapons like grenades, concussion grenades, EMP grenades and thermal detonators are
deliberately left out of the game, as they are not part of the original set of RoSD, although they can
be incorporated to this rules as the users may want to use them as an option.

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rebels of space deep

To throw a BAW you must perform a Strength Roll TN15 minus your Strength Skill bonus, if you
pass the roll then the BAW hits the target, roll again for damage (note that the Enemy or Creature
does not roll, it is caught in the blast and therefore it is not an opposed roll fight roll) subtracting
the difference of the roll to the Armour value like in a fight roll, if there's no damage as the roll is
less than the Armour stat, the target managed to get out of the blast in the last minute. If the
Strength Roll is failed then determine the direction of the deviation at random like in the move of
Enemies and the difference between the TN and the Roll is the length in inches that the BAW
travels away from the origin (yes, it could be only an inch and you get in the blast radius!) Roll for
damage as above.

BAW blast radius is 4” diameter for grenades and concussion grenades (which only stun, follow
the same rules as for “Set to Stun”). EMP Grenades affect only droids, apply also “Set to Stun”
rules to droids, and 6” diameter for thermal detonators with a +2 damage.

Basic Rules
Same as in

The Turn

Phases are the same as in RoSD but the name has changed a bit:

1. The Rebel Hero/Jedi Phase

2. The Enemy/Creature Phase
3. The Companion Phase
4. The Event Phase

The Rebel Hero/Jedi Phase

Same as the Ranger Phase in

The Enemy/Creature Phase

Same as the Creature Phase in

The Companion Phase

Same as the Companion Phase in RoSD.

The Event Phase

Same as the Event Phase in

Same as in
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Group Activation
Same as in

Same as in

Same as in

Rough Ground
Same as in

Movement into Combat

When engaged in combat with an Enemy/Creature, Rebel Hero and Jedi can use a Force Power
instead of his attack action. Rest remains the same as in RoSD.

Moving off the table

Same as in

Same as in
RoSD. Same as

in RoSD.

Skill and Stat Rolls

Same as in

Same as in

Zero Gravity

In some scenarios that are set in space, occasionally figures may have to enter in a zero gravity
room. This means that they lose foot and are subject to action-reaction gravity forces. To simulate
the absence of gravity all figures have a negative -2 in all Combat and Move rolls unless they
succeed in a Will Roll (TN10).
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Hand to Hand Combat

Same as in

Blaster armed figures engaged in Hand to Hand Combat cannot use them, and must use it's Fight
Stat for Combat, with a penalty of -2 damage if they do not have a hand weapon.

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Multiple combats
Same as in
RoSD. Critical Hits

Same as in RoSD with the exceptions of some Enemies, like Dark Lords of the Sith, deal Critical
Hits. In that case it is indicated in the Bestiary.

In Rebels of Space Deep any figure can shoot twice per activation instead of one, providing it does
not move in his phase.

When a Jedi that wields a lightsaber and wins a shooting combat roll, he or she can return the shot,
or deviate it to any other target he has line of sight, subtract the result of the roll to the Armour
Stat, and make the damage accordingly to the intended target.

Otherwise, the rules remains the same.

Shooting Modifiers
Same as in


Same as in
RoSD. Poison

Same as in
RoSD. Disease

Disease is not a serious condition as it might be in RoSD due to extraordinary medical advances in
the cure of maladies. Med-packs include a full spectrum vaccine shot that destroy any pathogens
that could render a companion or Rebel Hero or Jedi handicapped for the current game or the next
which may follow.

Hunger and Thirst

Same as in

Using Heroic Abilities and Force Powers

Same as in RoSD with some exceptions indicated in the Force Power description.

Using Force Powers

Same as Casting Spells in

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rebels of space deep

Treasure Tokens
Same as in

Enemies / Creature
Same as in
Actions Companions
RoSD. Same as
Companions List
in RoSD.

All companions have at the top of their stats the game eras suitable for the game it is going to be
played, so not all companions are eligible, as their use is restrained for some games. Droids have not
Will Stat as they must always follow their programming, and cannot be affected by mind related
Force Powers, Poison, Disease or Fear.

Astromech Droid

Astromech droids are ubiquitous in the galaxy as they operate and maintain starships, dockyards and
repair workshops. They only can follow its programming and have a very limited skill options. An
astromech droid can only make Rolls in the following skills: Navigation, Perception and Pick Locks.
They are armed with a shocker, a weapon that delivers electric shocks to adjacent targets at -1

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/ Clone Wars

Astromech droid RP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 - 10 - 6 Shocker (-1 Damage),
Technology Operation +5,
Cannot carry Treasure or items.
Limited Skill Rolls

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rebels of space deep


Bounty Hunters are law enforcing corps that chase criminals or other wanted subjects all over the
galaxy. They are trained to fetch their prey and bring them to justice or whomever set a bounty on
them, could it be dead or alive.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/ Clone Wars

Bountyhunter RP 30
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +2 11 +4 12 Heavy Blaster, Utility Belt, Light
Armour, Jet-Pack (+5RP),
+5, Traps +5
Clone Troopers

These clones, fabricated in the cloning facilities of planet Kamino, are the rank and file of the
Army of the Republic in the Galactic Civil War against the Separatist Army. They are used to
specialize in some skills so the hero can pick one skill from the Skill list at +5.
There are many types of clone troopers, depending its experience: Regular with none of few battle
experience, Veteran that are seasoned troops that had seen some action and Elite which are battle
hardened troopers, survivors of many encounters with the enemy.

There are some specialized clone troopers as the Advanced Recon Commando or ARC, Heavy
Weapons Specialist, Jet Pack Troopers, Clone Fighter Pilots and Blaze Troopers armed with
Clone Trooper - Regular
Game Eras: Clone
Clone Trooper - Regular RP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 12 +2 10 Blaster, Utility Belt, Heavy
armour, 1 Skill at +5

Clone Trooper – Veteran

Game Eras: Clone
Clone Trooper - Veteran RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +2 12 +2 12 Blaster Rifle, Utility Belt,
Heavy armour, 1 Skill at +5

rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep

Clone Trooper – Elite

Game Eras: Clone
Clone Trooper - Elite RP 30
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +3 12 +2 14 Heavy Blaster, Utility Belt,
Heavy armour, 2 Skills at +5

ARC Clone Trooper

Game Eras: Clone
Clone Trooper – ARC RP 25
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +2 12 +2 14 Blaster, Utility Belt, Heavy
armour, Stealth +5, Traps +5

Blaze Trooper
Game Eras: Clone
Blaze Trooper RP 25
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +1 12 +2 14 Flamethrower, Utility Belt,
Heavy armour, 1 Skill at +5

Jet Pack Trooper

Game Eras: Clone
Jet Pack Trooper RP 25
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +2 12 +2 12 Blaster, Utility Belt, Heavy
armour, Jet Pack, 1 Skill at +5

Clone Fighter Pilot

Game Eras: Clone

Clone Fighter Pilot RP 10

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +2 11 +2 10 Blaster, Light armour (space
suit), Navigation +5, Technology
Operation +5
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Special forces trained to perform tasks that regular army soldiers cannot even imagine. They used to
infiltrate and spread havoc behind enemy lines, causing as much damage as possible to vital
infrastructures, communication lines and civil or military crucial facilities.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/ Clone Wars

Commando RP 25
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +1 11 +2 12 Blaster, Utility Belt, Stealth
+5, Traps +5.


Droids are as common as sentient beings all over the galaxy. There are literally millions of different
designs and purposes, from diplomatic and protocol droids, to surgery specialists, mining droids,
paramedics, and all imaginable tasks that you may think. Droids are not intended to harm anything,
including other droids; as military droids are prohibited in the Empire after the Clone Wars,
although some have been survived, they are encountered only as Enemies, therefore Droids have
not Fight, Shoot, and Will Stats.

In the Clone Wars droids are also mainly designed for civil purposes and only the Separatist Army
employs Droid Soldiers. As droids are designed and programmed for specific tasks, you can pick
up two skills of your choice to incorporate to his programming with a +5 bonus. Droids can carry
objects and treasure. You can expand their capability as droids survive and gain experience.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Droid RP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 - - 8 - 8 2 Skills at +5


Engineers design, make, repair and improve technology. From awesome Spaceships, to humble
Moist Evaporators, and tiny Comlinks. They are the cement that binds the bricks of galactic
civilization. It is always useful to have some engineers at hand, because you never know when you
will need them.

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Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Engineer RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 10 +1 10 Blaster, Utility Belt, Med-pack,
Pick Locks +5, Technology
Operation +5,
Traps +5

Every gambler knows the secret of surviving, is knowing what to throw away and knowing what to
keep. Money, estate properties, starships, lives... all that is at stake at a sabacc or pazaak tables in
the Outer Rim or in the Core; and there is where the gambler feels at home. He or she have a best
knowledge of the Underworld, where the easy money could be and how to take it. Traveling all
around the gaming tables of the galaxy, he knows a lot of things that can be useful for your cause.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Gambler RP 25
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
7 +1 +1 10 +1 10 Blaster, Vibrodagger, Climb +2,
Perception +2, Pick Lock +2,
+2, Stealth +2
Jedi Knight

Guardians of the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Order shared the fate of the Republic dying with it
when the Empire rose. In the Clone Wars they were generals and diplomatics that tried to preserve
the Galactic Order and win the Civil War; failing to do so they fall over the treacherous schemes of
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, a Sith Lord who looked for the doom of the Jedi Order. In the Age
of Rebellion, Jedi are hidden and prosecuted by the Imperial Inquisition, lead by no less than Darth
Vader himself. You can recruit a Jedi Knight as a companion, but be aware that if you are looking
for getting a low profile, a Jedi Knight will attract undesirable attention to your group; and, at the
end, that could be extremely dangerous.
Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars
Jedi Knight RP 45
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +2 10 +4 14 Lightsaber, One Force Power of
each Sense, Alter and Control
at your choice. Perception +5

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rebels of space deep

Jedi Padawan

The Jedi Order fill its ranks of Force-Sensitive beings all over the galaxy to train them; whom
finished the full training and pass all the tests and trials would become Jedi Knights. These
apprentices are taught in the mysterious ways of the Light Side of the Force, learning how to get
away from the temptations of the Dark Side. Not all Padawans have what it takes and some
although they do not abandon the Jedi order, they never become knights. Other fall into the
temptations of the Dark Side and are expelled from the Order or choose not to continue its training
as it implies some sacrifices that they are not willing to take (like fall in love, have a family or live
aesthetically). Anyway, all Padawans are attached to a Jedi that guide them and assessed when
they are ready to build its lightsaber and thus become a knight; in the meanwhile they use a
lightsaber supplied by the Jedi Order.
Game Eras: Clone Wars
Jedi Padawan RP 25
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +2 10 +4 10 Lightsaber, Two Force Powers
chosen from the Sense, Alter and
Control of your choice.

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Law Enforcer

Law Enforcers are the planetary law and order agents that watch for the safety of all citizens. They
look for thieves, burglars, scams, smugglers, con artist, murderers, and whatever or whoever
threatens the living of the good peoples in their planets. They use to work close along with the
Imperial or Republic Governments but not always share or like their proceedings...

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Law Enforcer RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +2 11 +2 12 Blaster, Light Armour,
Hand Weapon


Guns for hire are always on demand, mainly in the Outer Rim, where the governing institutions of
the Galaxy does not have enough strength to stop petty wars that are fought in the planetary
surface. Former soldiers or sentients with paramilitary backgrounds, could found a job as security
agents or even as part of small armies for planetary warlords.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Mercenary RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +2 11 +2 12 Blaster, Vibrodagger, Light Armour


They came and take all you got: kill your family, burnt your house, ruined the harvest. Now you
have nothing to lose, and you are looking for revenge. You make ambushes to them and take
whatever you want, whenever you want, because you know some day will find them and make
them pay with interests what they have done. In the mean time, you live dangerously as a

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Outlaw RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +1 10 +1 10 Blaster Rifle, Vibrodagger, Climb
+2, Traps +2, Stealth +2

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Pilots are in great numbers across the galaxy as they are needed to steer the starships from one
system to other travelling through the hyperspace routes and making the galactic civilization
possible. They are not great fighters but often they have to deal with pirates and dock marauders
that may ask for a honest earned pay.
Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars
Pilot RP 15
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 10 +1 10 Blaster, Technology Operation +5

Rebel Recruit

You joined the cause of the Rebellion because you are a freedom fighter, and the ranks of the Rebels
are so thin that they take all what is available.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion

Rebel Recruit RP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +2 10 +0 10 Blaster


Scouts are guides, trackers and explorers that feel more comfortable in the wild that in the
civilization. If you are entering an unknown territory, you better have one of this at your side.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Scout RP 30
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
7 +2 +2 11 +2 12 Blaster Rifle, Vibrodagger,
Light Armour, Tracking +5


Taxes are economy killers, and many entrepreneurs does not feel that their money are well managed
by the Republic Bureaucracy or the Imperial Tax Officers, so they would prefer to hire
some people that can sell directly their products with a wider profit margin. Smugglers are specialist
in doing so, getting a share of the profits. They know what customs officers can be bribed and what
routes should follow to deliver their load unnoticed by planetary governments. If you need one your

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best chance to get one is Nar Shaddaa, the smuggler's moon in Nal Hutta, the Hutt Dominion.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Smuggler RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 10 +1 10 Blaster, Vibrodagger, Traps
+3, Stealth +2


Soldiers are professional fighters in the Galactic Republic, the Empire or the Rebel Armies, trained
to a variety of roles, from assault troopers to crew armoured vehicles. They can be found armed
with a variety of weapons and armours.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Soldier RP 20
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +2 11 +2 12 Blaster Rifle, Light armour, 1 Skill

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Assault Soldier RP 30
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +2 12 +2 12 Heavy Blaster, Utility Belt,
Heavy Armour, 1 Skill +3


Wookiees are tall and furry humanoids native of planet Kashyyyk. They are famous for their
custom of pull people's (and droid's) arms out of their sockets. They are fierce when in anger but
loyal to the death to his friends.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Wookiee RP 35
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +1 10 +3 14 Two Handed Weapon or Wookiee
Crossbow, Strength +5

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rebels of space deep

THE Campaign

Same as in RoSD, but treasury. As the goals of the campaign are not intrinsically materialistic, in
every scenario, could or could not appear some valuable goods, as the strategy towards winning
the war is far more important than credits in your pockets.

This said, some specially difficult scenarios will reward the Rebel Hero/Jedi and his companions
with some useful trappings and tools to overcome the adventures that will come in the future. That
would include master-crafted arms that give Fight or Shoot bonus, superior armour, etc.

Injury and Death

As stated before, science-fiction settings are far more benign than relentless Dark Ages-based
fantasy settings, although magic could replace science, this is less quotidian and available to the
common of mortals. Thus, injuries did less sequels than in Rangers of Shadow Deep.

The powerful organizations that support your adventures will supply you with all you need to
successfully overcome the missions, including what happened in the aftermath, replacing lost limbs
and organs and cures in bacta tanks.

But all this will not go without any peril at all, Grim Reaper still roams over the battlefield and
severe injuries could result in an irreversible and definitive death.

After the game, the player should roll once on the Survival Table for each of his heroes and
companions that was reduced to 0 Health or less. When rolling for the Rebel Hero/Jedi can choose
to add +1 to the result after the die is rolled in the Survival Table. Unless a bad luck result in the
death of the character, all the results apply, but Permanent Injury is treated a bit different. Roll in the
table and results of “Smashed Leg”, “Crushed Arm”, “Lost Fingers” and “Lost Eye” effects will last
until the Hero or Companion reach their next level. At that time, the limb or organ will be replaced
by a cybernetic prosthetic that will cancel the handicaps of such results. Unfortunately, other results
will apply as they are. Note in your character sheet the lost limb or organ, as you can lose that limb
or organ again, in that case, same rule as above applies. You get a replacement when you advance
one level.


Same as in

Both Rebel Hero/Jedi and Companions follow the same rules of experience and level advance and
companion progression.

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Die Roll Treasure
1-6 Credits
7-12 Med-pack
13-16 Weapon or Armour
17-20 Special Item

Same as Gold and Jewels in


The Med-pack substitutes herbs or potions in RoSD.

Weapon or Armour

As we have stated before, in an science-fiction environment there are not magical properties
imbued in weapons and armour so no special effects will generate finding such items. In the
scenario could be found some weapons and armours that could be excellently crafted and give
some kind of bonus, or special effects as negate zero gravity, increase the range of the weapon and
things like these.
Special Items

Special Items substitutes Magic Items, as magic does not exist, although some may think that Force
powers are a kind of magic, but they are not. Jedi (or Sith) Holocrons, relics with special meanings
to lost or actual civilizations, etc. All can be encountered in the scenarios but must be specified as
special items. It is recommended to prepare a list at the beginning of the scenarios and perhaps be
inspired in the magical items to reproduce technologically the same or similar effects.

Reorganize Companions

Same as in RoSD.

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Enemy and Creatures Compendium

Assassin Droid

All these droids are highly illegal, but crime lords and corporations use them to eliminate
obnoxious subjects that interfere with their business. They are tireless, relentless and extremely

Game Eras: Ago of Rebellion /Clone Wars

Assassin Droid XP 6
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +3 12 - 9 Heavy Blaster, Hand Weapon,
Climb +3, Stealth +3, Track
Traps +3
Battle Droids (Clankers)

B1 Battle Droids

Frail in appearance but deadly in vast numbers, these droids form the bulk of the Separatist Army.
Built by Geonosians in the Bactoid Combat Automata factory, they are found everywhere in the
planets in dispute in all over the battlefields of the Galactic Civil War. As they are not completely
autonomous because depend on a central control computer, B1 have no will as all droids and no
skills but Perception at -2.

Game Eras: Clone Wars

B1 Battle Droid XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
4 +0 +0 10 - 3 Blaster, Perception -2

B2 Super Battle Droids

An improved and armoured version of the B1, they are autonomous and not depend on a central
control computer. Their weapons are allocated in their wrists with a built in target computer.
Game Eras: Clone Wars
B2 Super Battle Droid XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
5 +0 +2 14 - 8 Heavy Blaster, Perception -2

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Commando Droid (V2 Series)

Where B1 and B2 droids work well in the front lines, but some operations required the use of a
more specific and surgical precision rather simple brute force. The V2 was a real successful design
to perform such tasks.

Game Eras: Clone Wars

Droid Commando XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +2 11 - 6 Blaster, Climb +5, Stealth +5

Droideka Series Destroyer Droids

This droid is a real nightmare for all whom encounter it in the battlefield, not only by his superb
movement capacity, its awesome fire power and the bronzium armour shell, but the most
impressive is his deflector shield generator which makes it a terrible foe to fight with. You cannot
defeat this deadly machine unless you hit it with a Critical roll. In that case you ignore the armour
and shield generator and deal damage as normal.

Game Eras: Clone Wars

Droideka Destroyer Droid XP 15
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
8 +0 +4 18 - 10 Shield Generator,
Impervious to non Critical

IG-100 Magnaguard

Designed by General Grievous himself, they are the perfect mechanic bodyguards, fighting to the
bitter end to protect their master. Well armoured and trained in hand to hand combat, its power
staff can resist even a fight with a lightsaber.
Game Eras: Clone Wars
Magnaguard XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +0 14 - 10 Two Handed
Weapon, Perception

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Viper Probe Droid

Famous all over the galaxy, these droids are used as sentinels, scouts, vanguard and spies and are
hard nuts to crack. They levitate, have keen sensors, long range arrays and have weapons for self
defense and attack.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion

Viper Probe Droid XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +2 10 - 4 Ignores terrain features.
Blaster. Perception +2

Bounty Hunters

Same as companions, but these are looking for the hero's head!
Game Eras: Ago of Rebellion /Clone Wars

Bounty Hunter XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +2 12 +4 12 Heavy Blaster, Utility Belt,
Jet Pack (+2XP), Heavy
Armour, Armoury +4, Traps
Imperial Troops

Imperial Soldier

The majority of imperial troops are not storm troopers, they are conscientious citizens of the Empire
that have signed to serve their Emperor by maintaining peace and order throughout the galaxy.
They are usually found on duty in garrisons on worlds that are already pacified and maintain
military bases; in the Imperial Navy can be found as marines.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion

Imperial Soldier XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +1 11 +2 10 Rifle Blaster, Light Armour

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rebels of space deep

Imperial Officer

Imperial officers were individuals, predominantly human, who held a position of authority and
responsibility in the military forces, and some civilian elements, of the Galactic Empire. When the
Empire succeeded the Republic after the end of the Clone Wars, some were tasked with leading the
stormtroopers, while others command all other troops.
Game Eras: Age of Rebellion
Imperial Officer XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 10 +3 10 Blaster, Leadership +5

ISB Agent

The Imperial Security Bureau(ISB), is a law enforcement and intelligence agency of the
Galactic Empire that is in charge with matters of state security and ensuring the loyalty of
citizens to the Empire. It is led by ISB High Command.
Game Eras: Age of Rebellion
ISB Agent XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +2 12 +3 12 Blaster, Utility Belt, Heavy
Armour, Climb +3,
+3, Stealth +3, Swim +3

Clone troopers that survived the Galactic Civil War continued their duty in the new Imperial Army,
although not all troopers are clones, as the Empire opened the access to levies in all planets of the
galaxy, they still have a specific weight in the army, because they are genetically loyal to the
Emperor. They form the vanguard of the Imperial Army in all battlefields and are ubiquitous all
over the planets where the Empire wants to make feel its presence. Feared and respected, no one
wants to mess with them, as consequences could be lethal.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion

Stormtroopers XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 12 +2 8 Heavy Blaster, Utility
Belt, Heavy Armour, 1
Skill at +5

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Stormtrooper – NCO

Petty officers that lead the stormtroopers in battle, they report to an Imperial officer. They are easily
identified in the battlefield as they wear a colour-coded shoulder pad.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion

Stormtrooper - NCO XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 12 +2 8 Heavy Blaster, Utility Belt,
Heavy Armour, 1 Skill at
Leadership +3
Scout Troopers

Scout troopers are the eyes and ears on the battlefield for the Imperial Army, the combination of
high mobility and dedicated scouting tactics, make the scout troopers a real elite within the army.
Game Eras: Age of Rebellion
Scout Trooper XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
7 +1 +1 11 +2 10 Blaster, Utility Belt, Light
Armour, Survival +3, Track
Snow Troopers

Snow Troopers are Stormtroopers specially trained for resist below zero temperatures and arctic
planetary climates.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion

Snow Troopers XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 12 +2 10 Heavy Blaster, Utility
Belt, Heavy Armour,
Survival +5

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Death Troopers

Death troopers are an elite variant of the storm troopers designed for stealth, espionage and
lethality. Operating under Imperial Intelligence, they served as protective details and bodyguards
for significant Imperial Officers, Governors and Moffs, as well as special-assignment commandos.
They wear blacksuits of body armour and specialized helmets with vocal scramblers, micro-
motion sensors, and heads-up displays with data on enemy and friendly positions on the
Game Eras: Age of Rebellion
Death Trooper XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +2 12 +3 12 Rifle Blaster, Utility
Belt, Heavy Armour,
Climb +3, Stealth +3

Zero-G Spacetroopers

Spacetroopers are among storm troopers elite, trained to operate the bulky but powerful zero
gravity stormtrooper armour. Their training focuses on starship assaults and boarding vessels in
order to disable a ship's vital systems or neutralize its crew.
Game Eras: Age of Rebellion
Zero-G Space trooper XP 5
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +3 +2 12 +3 12 Heavy Blaster, Utility Belt,
Heavy Armour, Climb +3,
Does not suffer zero G

These green-skinned porcine-like humanoids from planet Gamorr have a tribal structure leaded by a
warlord and a clan matron, they are fierce and brutal and a favorite troop choice for crime lords and
mercenary companies all over the galaxy.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Gamorrean Fighter XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
5 +2 +0 11 +0 12 Hand Weapon, Light Armour

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Gundarks are large, fearsome predatory animals from Vanqor. Gundarks had 16 claws and have a
keen hearing.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Gundarks XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
8 +5 +0 9 +0 14 Animal.


The Order of Inquisitors is an organization of Force-Sensitive agents who worked for the Galactic
Empire. Members of the Inquisitorius, they are known as Imperial Inquisitors or Inquisitors, and
sometimes even Jedi hunters. They are tasked with hunting down the remaining Jedi who have
survived Order 66 at the end of the Clone Wars.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion

Inquisitor XP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +0 11 +3 14 Lightsaber, Light Armour, 2
Force Powers of Alter
and/or Control.


Small scavengers native of planet Tatooine, they take any piece of technology scrap they can repair
and re-sell, and never miss an opportunity of doing so. They live in large mobile communities in
huge vehicles called Jawa Crawlers.
Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars
Jawas XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
4 +0 +0 8 +0 3 Blaster, Technology Operation

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Nexu are agile predators with four red eyes and sharp quills. They have infrared vision and were
4.51 meters long. Typically 0.94 meters tall, nexu posses sharp teeth and claws, as well as long tails.
It's light build allowed it to remain highly agile and difficult to hit, but also meant that it is easily
hurt or even killed if struck with enough force; a single kick is enough to stun a nexu and cause
significant pain.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Nexu XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
8 +3 - 12 +0 2 Animal, Perception +3,
Agile (+2 Armour)


Members of street gangs and never-do-wells. The typical scum that populates the low life of the
Galaxy and can be found everywhere in spaceport slums and in the underworld.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Thugs XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +0 10 +0 8 Hand Weapon

Tusken Raider

Tusken Raiders, less formally referred to as Sand People or simply as Tuskens, are a culture of
nomadic, primitive sentient indigenous to Tatooine; they are often hostile to local settlers. They use
masks to retain moisture and wear heavy clothes that are equal to light armour, they fight with
unique “gardeffii sticks” that in the game are treated as a two handed weapon. Some use Tusken
Cyclers that are equal to Blaster Rifles.
Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars
Tusken Raider XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +2 +0 11 +0 10 Two Handed Weapon
or Blaster Rifle

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Sith Apprentice

A Sith apprentice is a Force-sensitive individual trained by a Sith Master to use the Dark Side of
the Force.

Game Eras: Clone Wars

Sith Apprentice XP 10
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +4 +0 11 +3 14 Lightsaber, 3 Force Powers.

Space Pirates

Piracy is still a lucrative business in the vast dimensions of space, and a lucky crew can get rich
enough to retire before they can be captured, prosecuted and executed. Fortunately few get that
chance and most of them end their pirate careers jettisoned through an air lock. Space pirates use
to have a variety of hand weapons and blasters, so you may decide which have what when you use
them in your scenarios. They also are accustomed to fight in zero G, so they have a +2 bonus to the
TN in absence of gravity.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Space Pirates XP 3
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +1 +1 10 +2 10 One weapon of your choice.
+2 Bonus to Zero Gravity
Womp Rats

Large rodents, 2 meters size long, 3 if we include the tail that roam all around planet Tatooine, and a
real pest to the moisture farmers. They form packs of up to 20 individuals and once they bite, they
cannot let its prey go, due to their extremely long incisive teeth.

Game Eras: Age of Rebellion/Clone Wars

Womp Rat XP 2
Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +0 6 +0 1 Animal.

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rebels of space deep

The Missions

There are only two missions in this booklet that serves to introduce the game to the newcomers. I
encourage you to create your own missions and campaigns and share with the community of
players that can enjoy your creations. I am working myself in a campaign, but still are far from
complete. I shall share it with all of you when finished.

Rebellion era missions

Mission 1: Stolen plans

It is a dark time for freedom in the galaxy, the evil Galactic Empire is closing its grasp on more
and more planetary systems. The ISB is getting more and more experience and expanding his net
of informers. Only the Outer Rim planets are still out of reach of the Empire, at least for the
moment. This freedom of movement is an advantage for the High Rebel Counsel as they use the
Outer Rim as a secure channel where the Rebellion makes its movements to achieve victory
against the Empire.

In this case, plans of Imperial intelligence, vital for the Rebellion, are hidden into the memory
banks of an astromech droid. They contain the informant names of all ISB agents in the galaxy, so
the importance to recover them intact is maximal. Our Hero is dispatched to recover them and
bring to the intelligence branch of the Rebellion to be analyzed.

But ISB is very aware of this leak of information and have followed the lead of the Astromech
droid and its owner to an arid planet with two suns. They have sent an agent to recover the data
and delete all evidences, being that droids, sentients or places, that this leak has ever happened.


For this mission you will likely need the following miniatures:

• 4+ Jawas
• 4 + Tusken Raiders
• 2 + Womp Rats
• 1 Astromech droid
• 1 Assasin Droid
• 1 ISB Agent
• 1 Viper Probe Droid
• 1 Imperial Officer
• 1 Stormtrooper NCO
• 6 + Stormtroopers
• 3 + Aliens Innocent Bystanders

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Scenario 1 : Where is the droid we are looking for?

Tatooine. A scrap junkyard seemed the perfect hideout for the rebel agent who drove the R5 unit
where the plans are into, and programmed the astromech droid to give the data to whomever gives
the password “Twin Suns” to it. The junkyard is placed at the outskirts of Mos Eisley. There is
only one problem: the agent forgot to tell where exactly the droid is hidden, so you must search
all around the junk piles with the hope that you find it before anyone notice suspicious
movements of a group of sentients that seemed very all way of the line.

The junkyard is also home of a pack of womp rats and are not fond of intruders and can attack
anybody who enters its territory without further warning.

Jawas who roam around the junkyard also will consider that the droid could be a nice extra
source of income, needless to say, they will not love competition.

Moreover, the agent of the ISB are very aware of the operation and have sent a detachment of
stormtroopers to deal with the rebel scum.


This scenario should be played on a 3' x 3' table. The Rebel Hero and companions should all be
placed 3” of any table edge. Scattered all along the table should be 8 to 12 piles of scrap junk, no
pile should be closer 6” to the other, but in a way that every table quarter must have at least one or
two piles of junk, all piles should be 6” away of any table edge as well. You can fill the gaps
between the piles with broken crates, discarded furniture and similar wastes.

Six clue markers should be placed on the table in the piles of junk. Determine the pile randomly,
but no more than two clues per quarter of the table. Place three Womp Rats in the piles that have
clues, at random, there can be two or more rats in the same pile. Randomly place four Jawas in the
piles, one in each quarter of the table that are not occupied by Womp rats.


Before the scenario begins, choose one figure to make a Perception Roll (TN 12). If successful, you
can move 6” towards any pile of junk, as you think you have seen a shine in a pile that could be the
droid you're looking for.

Whenever a hero moves into contact with a clue marker, end its action immediately and roll on the
Clue Marker Table below. Once this roll is made, remove the clue marker from the table. If all
clues were discovered but one and the droid was not among them, then do not roll in the table for
the last clue and place the astromech droid in the place that the clue is on the table.

If the droid is found in the first of second clue, then draw two cards in the Event Phase where the

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droid was discovered, but remember, only do this if the droid is discovered in the first or second
clue markers, if not, draw only one card in the Event Phase. Each result on the Clue Marker
Table can only be obtained once in the scenario. Re-roll any duplicate results.

There is no Target point in this scenario.

This scenario ends ends after eight turns have been played and the heroes have the plans OR the
Rebel Heroes with the plans, leave the table at the opposite table edge they had entered, before the
end of turn eight. Any other result will lead to the recover of the intelligence information from the
Empire and all the heroes incarcerated and sold as slaves to a Hutt crime lord.

Clue Marker Table

Die Clue
1-2 R5-D9 beeps and clicks when you approach. One small door at his front opens and a
shocker is ejected with an electric arc running through it, threatening and whistling
something that sounds as “Password” to you. You give the password and then the droid
follows you as one of your companions. Check the companions list for its stats. Before
you go, one disc is ejected from its slot. Give the hero who found it a treasure marker to
mark that he or she has the plans now. As long as the droid survives you can use it as a
companion for free. It costs no RP.

3-6 Womp Rat. Replace the clue marker with a womp rat, it makes a spring leap from the pile
and is in combat with the figure that moved into contact with the clue marker.
7-9 Mastercraft Weapon. Treat the clue marker as you found one exceptional Blaster pistol,
which will add +1 to your shoot roll.
10-12 What is that noise? You hear something strange. Make an immediate Perception Roll
(TN6) to see if you can determine its nature.
13-15 Medpack. You find a fully operational med-pack. You can use it for this scenario or save
it for the next ones.
16-18 Disgusting thing. While searching in the junk pile you touch something awful, your
hand or appendix is now full of a disgusting, bad smelling green slime. Make a Health
Roll (TN10) or be poisoned until treated with a med-pack.
19-20 Reactor leak. You find an old starship reactor with a leak. Make a Health Roll (TN15) or
get 3 damage.

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Event Cards
Card Number Event
Jawas, place four additional jawas, one in each quarter of the table in the nearest
Red Ace
junk pile of that quarter, counting form the edge.
Womp Rats. Place two additional Womp Rats on the table on any junk pile of the
Red 2
table at random.
Assasin Droid! One Assasin Droid was discarded as waste in a pile of junk, its
battery depleted, but it's autorepair routine finally ended and now is reactivated.
Red 3 It's final mission programme: Kill'em all! As it is not a fully operational assassin
droid it has the following stats: Move 4 Fight +0 Shoot +0 Armour 11 Health 4 It
has no weapons, but he wields a plaststeel pipe that makes -1 damage.
Stormtroopers. Place 3 stormtroppers 6” from the centre point of a random table
Red 4
Stormtroopers on the run. Place 2 Stormtroppers and a Stormtrooper NCO 9” in
Red 5
from the centre point of a random table edge.
ISB Agent. Place one ISB Agent 6” close to the nearest hero in a table edge.
Red 6
If there is a draw in the nearest hero, choose it randomly.
Junk Pile Collapse. One random junk pile collapses due to the search the heroes
Red 7
were doing. Any figure within 2” of the pile, suffers an immediate +4 attack.
Utinni! Jawas have discovered the droid the heroes are looking for. Substitute one
of the remaining clues, at random, with R5-D9. They had rendered it immobile
with an ion gun, and implanted a restrainer. Some jawas are gathering around.
move all the jawas on the table to the pile along the droid, if there are not any
jawas left on the table, place three jawas on that pile. One hero can buy the droid
Red 8 without fighting, buying the droid to the jawas, providing any hero does not attack
them in the meantime and goes contact base-to-base with one of the jawas; if he
successfully rolls a Leadership Roll TN14, then the droid is now property of the
heroes. If he or she fails, they must fight the jawas. A hero must spend an action
removing the restraining bolt with a Technology Operation Skill roll (TN6) to free

Low morale. If any hero figure was hit in a previous phase this turn, the Rebel
Hero must make a Leadership Roll TN12. If has not succeeded, the Companion
Red 9
with the lowest Will Stat loses his next action; in case that several companions
share the lowest Will Stat, all of them lose their next action.

Outcome and experience

Assuming the rebel hero has survived and retrieved the plans, proceed to Scenario 2. All figures that

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survived regain their full Health. The Rebel Hero gain experience points for the following

• +3 XP for each Stormtrooper killed.

• +2 XP for each Womp rat or Jawa killed.
• + 5 XP if you kill the assassin droid.
• + 5 XP if you kill the ISB Agent.
• + 15 XP if R5-D9 is discovered and gives the plans to the characters.
• + 15 XP if R5-D9 survives for the next encounter.
• + 6 XP for each clue marker uncovered.
• + 12 XP if the Heroes make a deal with the jawas.
• + 6 XP if the nature of the noise is successfully determined.

Scenario 2: Imperial Entanglements

You managed to get the plans, but the Empire is still at your heels. You rush to stardock 96 where
your starship awaits to abandon this dusty planet once and for all and join the Rebel Fleet at the
gathering point. Every minute counts and you trust you will lost the bucketheads in the narrow
streets of Mos Eisley, while you head directly to the spaceport. Unfortunately, a stormtrooper
detachment lead by a NCO is setting an ambush, as all of them know your intentions and they are
determined to stop you by all means.


This scenario should be played in a 2,5' x 2,5' table. You'll need 6 to 8 buildings. Place the first one
in the centre of the table and the rest of the buildings around this first building, but never 6” afar
one of another and all of them 6” away of any table edge. (Take the picture below as a guide, but
you can design a different configuration of your own, if your wish).

The streets and alleys are plenty of rubbish cans, crates and alien neighbours. Put 3 alien bystanders
near three different random buildings.

The Heroes enter 3” within the table edge as indicated in the map.

Seven stormtrooper leaded by a Stormtrooper NCO enters the opposite edge of the heroes, 6” from
the edge of the table.

Target point is the building in the middle of the board.

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Special Rules

The game lasts 8 turns. Skip the Event Phase on even turns, so there will be an Event Phase on
turns 1, 3, 5, and 7. The heroes must leave alive to the opposite edge of the table before the end of
that turn; if they do, it is considered that they reached Stardock 96 sound and safe. If they do not,
then the Empire has recover the files and you and your companions are now in the way to the spice
mines of Kessel as slaves.

You can enter any building but they are all locked, you have to make a Pick Locks Roll or Strength
Roll TN15 to open the door and get into it.

There are no clues in this scenario, just Events.

Stormtroopers consider all figures that are not other Stormtroopers as Rebel scum, and thus,
eligible targets for shooting. This, of course include all alien bystanders that roam around the
neighbourhood. All Stormtroopers will always shoot the nearest figure, be it a hero or an innocent
alien bystander.

In the Companion Phase you can move any alien bystander into cover and out of the arc of fire of
the evil Empire troopers, only one bystander per player and activation. So no bystander can be
moved more that once in every turn. The most you save, the greater the experience you got in the

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Event Cards
Card Number Event
Alien Bystander. Place one Alien Bystander outside and 4” away of a random
Red Ace building in a random side (roll 1d4 to determine the side of the building it is next
Alien Bystander. Place one Alien Bystander outside and 4” away of a random
Red 2 building in a random side (roll 1d4 to determine the side of the building it is next
Two Alien Bystanders. Place two Alien Bystanders outside and 4” away of a
Red 3 random building in a random side (roll 1d4 to determine the side of the building it
is next to).
Stormtroopers. Place 2 Stormtroopers armed with blaster rifles in the entry point
Red 4
of the stormtroopers edge
Stormtroopers on the run. Place 2 Stormtroopers and a Stormtrooper NCO 9”
Red 5
from the centre point of a random table edge.
Two Alien Bystanders. Place two Alien Bystanders outside and 4” away of a
Red 6 random building in a random side (roll 1d4 to determine the side of the building it
is next to).

Outcome and experience

Assuming the rebel hero has survived, proceed to Scenario 3. All figures that survived regain their
full Health. The Rebel Hero gain experience points for the following experience:

• +3 XP for each stormtrooper and stormtrooper NCO killed.

• + 5 XP for every alien neighbour that survives to the end of the scenario.
• + 15 XP for exiting the table before the end of the scenario.

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rebels of space deep

Scenario 3: The Jundland Wastes

As soon as you take off from Mos Eisley's spaceport, your sensors detected some fast points
approaching. Only Tie Fighters can be that fast. They open fire when they are at range. Their
accuracy is awesome. You cannot reach orbit as the evasive manoeuvres are driving you along the
planet surface. Shields are dangerously low. Next hit would be the last. It was. You barely
managed to stabilize the ship, but you are losing altitude too fast. The last words you remembered
to say were: "Everybody prepare for a crash landing!" .

Thanks to the Force, all of you survived, a bit battered and some bruises, but nothing serious. You
and your crew make a quick damage evaluation. This bird never going to fly again. So, you get out
and check where the heck are you.

All you see around is a desert that natives called the Jundland Wastes.

You hope that your distress call has been attended by a friendly ear, but you better do not rely too
much on it , as far as you know you are left at your own devices. Suddenly, you see several moving
forms closing up. At least they don't wear the white armour of the Imperial stormtroopers, but they
definitely wear masks, sand brown robes and strange two handed sticks. They seem hostile.

Set up

Table is 3'x3' scattered with rocks, small dune mounds, and perhaps a couple of evaporators. The
hero 's starship is a smoky wreck of a shrink of a hull and twisted bulkheads. It should occupy one
quarter of the table at random. Put your Rebel Hero and companions beside the wreck in any side
they want to.

A file of Tusken Raiders is approaching the wreckage, put 4 sand people armed with two handed
weapons in the opposite table edge where the starship is and within 6" of the centre of that edge.
This will be the Tusken entry table edge. Put also 2 womp rats near a random determined rock or

This is a classic do or die scenario. Hordes of Tuskens, Imperial forces and other desert perils will
come along and you have to survive until the relief force comes by.

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Special rules

The game ends after 10 turns.

At the beginning of the game, make a Technology Operation Roll TN 15 to check if the Rebel
Corellian class corvette that was going to rendezvous you, heard your distress call. If you're
success, then the game last 8 turns, if not, then the duration of the game will be 10 turns. At the
end of the last turn, whichever it is, the corvette comes to the rescue and saves the day for our
heroes, providing any has survived.

At the beginning of the scenario the same Tie fighter squadron that took down the ship flies over
the wreckage searching for survivors. Your Rebel Hero or any of his companions must do a Stealth
Roll TN12 for not being detected. If they fail, then Event cards are draw every turn. A success
means that Event cards will be draw every even turn, so you'll draw Event cards only on turns
2,4,6,8 and 10.

Target point of the scenario is the wrecked starship.

There are no clues in this scenario.

Event Cards
Card Number Event
Tusken Cycler. Place one Tusken armed with a blaster rifle 3" in their table
Red Ace edge that others Tusken entered.

Tusken Cycler. Place one Tusken armed with a blaster rifle 3" in their table
Red 2 edge that others Tusken entered.

Tusken Raiders. Place one Tusken armed with a Gardeffi stick enters 6” in
Red 3 their table edge.

Viper Probe Droid. The imperial forces did not trust in their pilots capacity of
reconnaissance and sent a probe droid to be sure the rebel group perished in the
crash landing. Place a Viper Probe Droid in the centre of one of the three quarters
Red 4 that are not occupied by the crashed starship. The probe has to make a Perception
Roll TN12. If succeeded, it detects our heroes. In the next Enemy Phase, a
squadron of Tie Bombers will make an attack at +4 to every figure on the table. If
not succeeded, repeat the Perception Roll every Enemy Phase with identical result

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when successful. If it's already a Viper Probe Droid in the table, do not place it,
as there will be only one Viper Probe Droid in the scenario, but the Perception
Roll attempt has a TN 8.

Womp rats. Place 3 womp rats in a quarter at random that is not occupied by the
Red 5 spaceship 6" from the table edge.

Viper Probe Droid. The imperial forces did not trust in their pilots capacity of
reconnaissance and sent a probe droid to be sure the rebel group perished in the
crash landing. Place a Viper Probe Droid in the centre of one of the three quarters
that are not occupied by the crashed starship. The probe has to make a Perception
Roll TN12. If succeeded, it detects our heroes. In the next Enemy Phase, a
Red 6 squadron of Tie Bombers will make an attack at +4 to every figure on the table. If
not succeeded, repeat the Perception Roll every Enemy Phase with identical result
when successful. If it's already a Viper Probe Droid in the table, do not place it, as
there will be only one Viper Probe Droid in the scenario, but the Perception Roll
attempt has a TN 8.

Viper Probe Droid. The imperial forces did not trust in their pilots capacity of
reconnaissance and sent a probe droid to be sure the rebel group perished in the
crash landing. Place a Viper Probe Droid in the centre of one of the three quarters
that are not occupied by the crashed starship. The probe has to make a Perception
Roll TN12. If succeeded, it detects our heroes. In the next Enemy Phase, a
Red 7 squadron of Tie Bombers will make an attack at +4 to every figure on the table. If
not succeeded, repeat the Perception Roll every Enemy Phase with identical result
when successful. If it's already a Viper Probe Droid in the table, do not place it, as
there will be only one Viper Probe Droid in the scenario, but the Perception Roll
attempt has a TN 8.

Womp rats. Place 3 womp rats in a table quarter at random that is not occupied by
Red 8 the spaceship 6" from the table edge.

Tusken Raiders. Place one Tusken armed with a Gardeffi stick enters 6” in
Red 9
their table edge.
Tusken Cycler. Place one Tusken armed with a blaster rifle 3" in the table edge
Red 10 that other Tusken entered.

Tusken Cycler. Place one Tusken armed with a blaster rifle 3" in the table edge
Red Jack that other Tusken entered.

Red Queen Womp rats. Place 3 womp rats in a table quarter at random that is not occupy by

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the spaceship 6" from the table edge.

Krayt Dragon howl. All Tuskens on the table must make a Leadership Roll TN8
or move all his movement trying to get off the table. Since this event was revealed
all Tuskens must be made the Leadership Roll every Enemy Phase until they
Red King succeed, resuming their attack on the Heroes or leave the table. If any Tusken
were engaged in combat when this event is revealed, they disengage and move
out immediately to the nearest table edge.

Outcome and experience

Assuming the rebel hero has survived, proceed to Scenario 3. All figures that survived regain their
full Health. The Rebel Hero gain experience points for the following experience:

• +2 XP for each Womp rat killed.

• + 3 XP for each Tusken Raider killed.
• +3 XP for destroying the Viper Probe Droid.
• +15 XP if the distress call was heard and the game only last 8 turns.
• +15 XP for surviving the Tie Bomber attack.

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rebels of space deep

clone wars missions


• +6 B1 Battle Droid
• +4 B2 Super Battle Droid
• +2 Twi'lek Repuplican Loyalists
• 1 Twi'lek Princess (Hera Syndulla)
• +2 Twi'lek Separatist Sympathizers
• 1 Nexu
• +2 IG-100 Magnaguards
• 1 Astromech Droid
• +4 Clone Troopers

Mission 1: Rise of Ryloth

Count Dooku was behind several coup attempts in order to topple the people's government of
Ryloth and install a puppet government that plied to accept the demands of the Confederacy of
Independent Systems, as he failed with politics, he decided to wage war on the planet. The
Separatist Droid Army invaded Ryloth and the government asked for help to the Republic which
sent a Clone Army lead by several Jedi knights and Padawans to repel the invasion. Our Jedi
Heroes were sent to the capital of Ryloth, Lessu, to make a truce and negotiate the exit of both
Separatist and Clone Armies to avoid innocent civilian bloodshed. Count Dooku agreed to meet
with the Jedi delegation, but his master, Darth Sidious, ordered his apprentice, Darth Tyrannus, to
betray the confidence that the Jedi Counsel still had on the former Jedi Master and attack the
delegation, eliminating as much Jedi as they can.

Scenario 1: Short

“You are with your companions on the way to the capital of Ryloth, Lessu, when suddenly your
ATT hovership is attacked with unusual violence by Droid Fighters, all Clone Trooper crew gave
his life trying to avoid the crash of the ship; fortunately you and your companions managed to
get out of the destroyed vehicle alive. You can see Lessu afar, so you headed to the capital
walking with extreme caution as clankers could appear anytime. You inform Master Windu of the
attack and he asks you to continue to Lessu; he has ordered you to ignore the attack, saying
nothing of it, but the Jedi Counsel. Windu wants to check Dooku's goodwill to negotiate, if your
group reaches Lessu sound and safe, then the attack was just an anecdote or an accident, but if
your group is attacked again in the way of the capital, then there will be no doubt that the truce it
is just another foul attempt of the Separatist Army to retain its hold on the planet with no
intentions of abandon it at all. Then, the Republic Army will fall over Ryloth with all its power in
order to retake the planet.”

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Set up

This scenario should be played on a 3'x3' table and it represents the area that surrounds Lessu, with
some cave entrances to Twi'lek communities that live around the capital. Place 1-3 of these caves
entrances in the table (or buildings if you do not have caves). At least 14” apart one of the other,
starting from one table edge at random, the caves must be also 6” away of any table edge; rest of the
table should have other terrain elements as trees, rocks and shrubs scattered all over the surface as
you see fit. The Jedi Hero and his companions start in one table edge at random and must exit the
opposite. Place three clue counters on the table, if there are three buildings/caves put one clue
beside each cave/building; if there are less than three cave/buildings, put one in every one you have
and the rest in the centre of the table. In the diagram below you can see a suggested set up, but you
can make your own if you want.

Special Rules

This game will last 8 turns. The clues lead to some information to understand the political position
of the different factions of Ryloth or what the Separatist are scheming for the planet.

Whenever a hero moves into contact with a clue marker, end its action immediately and roll on the
Clue Marker Table below. Once this roll is made, remove the clue marker from the table. Each
result on the Clue Marker Table can only be obtained once in the scenario. Re-roll any duplicate

Target Point of this scenario is the centre of the table.

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Clue Marker Table

Die Clue
1-4 You find proof that the Confederacy of Independent Systems is establishing a large
droid reclamation facility if you pass a Perception Roll TN8.
5-9 Ryll stash. You find a stash of this addictive spice. Make a Galactic Lore Roll TN8,
if successful, you see some Huttese words written on them. A new Galactic Lore
Roll of TN10 and you decipher the words as “Property of Jabba”.
9-12 You discover that this particular cave/building is home of Republic supporters, make a
Leadership Roll TN10. If successful you are given indications to enter Lessu without
being noticed. If the clue was not in a cave, you find a med-pack.
13-16 Several Factions of Twi'leks are fighting each other, some aligned to the Confederacy
of Independent Systems and some others remain loyal to the Republic.
17-20 A resistance movement is now fighting actively against the droid invasion. Make a
Leadership Roll TN12 to know the name of the leader. If successful you hear first time
the name of General Cham Syndulla.

Event Cards
Card Number Event
Red Ace Clank Attack! Place a B2 Super Battle Droid in a randomly determined table
edge. Move it 6” towards the Target Point.
Red 2 Clank Attack! Place 4 B1 Battle Droid in a randomly determined table edge.
Move them 6” towards the Target Point.
Red 3 Twi'lek Separatist Sympathizers. A couple of Twi'lek that are aligned with the
Separatist faction treacherously attacks you. Place them in hand to hand combat
to the nearest hero of a Twi'lek cave. If there is a draw, decide randomly.
Red 4 Twi'lek Republic Loyalists. They join your group as companions. Treat them as
Rebel Recruits, but armed with hand weapons instead of blasters. They join the
nearest hero of a Twi'lek cave. If there is a draw, decide randomly.
Red 5 The Force will be with you...always! Retrieve one Force power that have
been already used by the Jedi or their companions.
Red 6 Clone Fighters pass! A Squadron of V-19 Torrent Starfighters make an attack to
protect the Jedi and his companions. Make a +4 roll attack to all enemies in the
battlefield. Apply damage as usual.
Red 7 Clankers all around! Put 1 B1 Battle Droid and one B2 Super Battle Droid in
each table edge and move them 6” towards the Target Point.
Red 8 Let the Force be our guide. Move any clue on the table 6” in any direction the

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players want. If there are no clues left on the table, then make an extra movement
with one companion of any player's choice.
Red 9 Clankers all around! Place 1 B1 Battle Droid and one B2 Super Battle Droid in
each table edge and move them 6” towards the Target Point.

Outcome and experience

Assuming the Jedi hero has survived and reached Lessu, proceed to Scenario 2. All figures that
survived regain their full Health. The Jedi Hero gain experience points for the following experience:

• +5 XP for each B2 super battle droid destroyed.

• +2 XP for each B1 battle droid destroyed or Twi'lek Separatist Sympathizer killed.
• + 6 XP for each clue marker uncovered.
• +6 XP for each success rolls in the clues that require it so.

Scenario 2: Princess in Distress

It is now clear that the Separatist only wanted to gain time and have not any intentions of negotiate
leaving Ryloth or avoid innocent bloodshed. Mace Windu himself is leading now an army of clones
to free Ryloth from the clutches of Wat Tambor, of the Techno Union, self proclaimed Emir of

General Cham Syndulla has decided to confront openly the invaders and lead a Resistance
movement loyal to the rightful government of Ryloth and to the Galactic Republic. Unfortunately,
his daughter, Hera Syndulla, is being held captive by the Confederacy forces as leverage for ending
the uprising.

“You finally met General Syndulla. He is worried about his daughter and ask for help to the Jedi
Order to free her. She is being held in a villa in Lessu's underground caves. The guard is doubled
and nobody can even approach the villa without being arrested or, what is worse, shot at. An old
service tunnel, that is now out of order due to the collapse of part of the ceiling, could be the best
chance of rescuing Syndulla's daughter. A skilled Jedi can open a pass through the rubble with his
or her lightsaber and get into the villa unnoticed. Stealth and not violence will be keys to the
success of the mission”.


The table has the shape of an inverted T, like in the diagram below. Short room is 1'x1' while the
large room is twice the size, 2'x2'.

Put a trap door in the floor in the middle of the rightmost wall of the 2'x2' room. This will be the

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entrance of the service tunnel.

A Nexu is guarding the entrance of both the inner and outside doors, put it in a random corner. B2
Super Battle Droids are guarding the main entrance with the order of shoot at everyone that is not
authorized to be there. So put them outside the blast doors as indicated in the diagram.

A couple of Magnaguards are inside the room, in front of the doors as shown in the diagram. Hera
Syndulla is in an stasis force field cage, which can be deactivated through the control console in the
top right corner of the room.

Put a clue near the console. This is the only clue in the scenario, whenever a hero moves into
contact with a clue marker, end its action immediately and read the table below.

Clue Marker Table

Die Roll Result
- C1-10P. An old astromech droid is near the console with a restraining bolt, any
hero that removes the restrainer passing a Technology Roll TN6 will add the
astromech droid as a companion, he or she will move it in his companion phase.

Special Rules

Skip the Event Phase for this game until it is triggered by certain events described below.

Both blast doors and doors are closed, to open them, any hero can spend an action in touch base-
to-base with the door. The door simply opens, no roll required.

At the beginning of the scenario any Jedi has to make a Stealth Skill roll TN9. If successful his or
her group has reached silently the entrance to the room where the Nexu is. A fail means that the
Nexu has heard noise around that point and came to investigate, so when the Jedi with the
initiative opens the door, he or she receives a surprise attack with +4.

Otherwise, the Nexu will attack immediately as soon as the group enters the room. To enter the
room the heroes has only half their movement, as it is supposed that they spent the other half
passing through the trap door.

If the Nexu is killed in the round it is engaged by the group, the presence of the heroes will remain

If the battle with the Nexu last two or more rounds, then the B2 Super Battle Droid detects the
intruders and then triggers the Event Phase for this game. They open the blast doors and shoot at
the nearest target, then they move half their movement and enter the room.

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When any hero opens the door that gives way to the room were Hera Syndulla is held captive he or
she has to face two Magnaguards that custody her behind the door; again, if they managed to
destroy the droids in the first turn, they can free the girl unnoticed. Otherwise, the Event Phase of
the turn is triggered.

Any hero can spend one action to deactivate the force field through its control console, if he or she
passes a Technology Knowledge Roll TN10, if he or she fails, the force field is shut down, but an
alarm is activated, triggering the Event Phase, if was not triggered before. The player whom
deactivated the force field will add Hera Syndulla as companion.

“Chopper” will first try to deactivate the stasis force field, if it is still active: he will do so without
triggering the alarm, no roll required, as it is very keen dealing with technology; then it moves
beside Hera and remains there all the time, so the player whom controls C1-10P also controls Hera
and vice versa. They cannot be more than 2” away from each other at anytime. If Hera is targeted by
any enemy, “Chopper” will protect her with its body, so all the shots will be received by the droid
instead of Hera.

Target Point for this scenario is the force field cage.

If the characters had luck enough they can slip pass the scenario without the Event Phase being
triggered. Scenario ends after eight turns. Note the turn where the Event Phase is triggered (if any)
as it is important for experience count.

When the Event Phase is triggered, both blast door and door opens automatically.

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rebels of space deep

Event Cards
Card Number Event
Red Ace Clank Attack! Place a B2 Super Battle Droid in the threshold of the blast
door. Move it 6” towards the Target Point.
Red 2 Clank Attack! Place 4 B1 Battle Droid in the threshold of the blast door. Move it
6” towards the Target Point.
Red 3 Magnaguard reinforcements! Place 2 Magnaguards in the threshold of the blast
door. Move it 6” towards the Target Point.
Red 4 Twi'lek Resistance Reinforcements. Two Twi'lek Resistance Soldiers armed
with blasters followed you through the tunnel. They have the following stats:
Mov 6 Fight +1 Shoot +1 Armour 10 Will +2 Health 8. They appear in the trap
door and move 6”. Choose at random a player or decide whom may add them
to their companions.
Red 5 The Force will be with you...always! Retrieve one Force power that have
been already used by the Jedi or their companions.
Red 6 Clankers all around! Place 2 B1 Battle Droid and one B2 Super Battle Droid in
the blast doors threshold.
Red 7 Alarms blaring all around! A squad of 4 B1 Battle droid and 2 B2 Super Battle
droid are dispatched to check what is going on. Put them in the threshold of the
blast door.
Red 8 Unleash the Nexu! Place one Nexu in the threshold of the blast doors.

Outcome and Experience

Assuming the Jedi hero and Hera Syndulla had survived proceed to the next scenario. All figures
that survived regain their full Health. The Jedi Hero gain experience points for the following

• +5 XP for every turn without Event Phase.

• +2 XP for killing a Nexu.
• +5 XP for each B2 super battle droid destroyed.
• +2 XP for each B1 battle droid destroyed.
• +5 XP for each Magnaguard destroyed.
• +40 XP for rescuing Hera Syndulla, providing she survives at the end of the eighth turn.
• +10 XP for retrieving C1-10P.
• +10 XP if C1-10P survives at the end of the game.

rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep

Scenario 3: The Force of


As part of the forces under command of Master Windu, you face the final fate of Ryloth as it is.
Surrounded by overwhelming forces of combat droids, you make the final effort to achieve victory.
Only the decisive intervention of the Resistance can turn the tide of the battle. You are designated
as liaisons with Cham Syndulla's loyalist troops and desperately seek him to tell where and when
they have to attack to save the day.

“Enemy forces are all around. The siege of Lessu is in a critical point. You have to contact the
Resistance right now or all be lost. They are awaiting you to lead them into battle. But they only
trust in you. You have to found them amidst the chaos of the battlefield. All depends on you. But
you have the Force on your side, it will guide you and it is a powerful ally”.

Set up

This scenario is played on a 2'x2' table. It represents the narrow streets of Lessu, at the point where
the Separatist Army has made a breakthrough in his siege. Place 3 B1 Battle Droids and 1 B2 Super
Battle Droid in each of opposite table edges. Place the heroes and his companions in the middle, no
more than 2” away from each other. Place only one clue marker 12” away the centre of the table in
a random direction. This is where the Ryloth Resistance liaison is.

Scattered all around the table are debris of buildings and craters where the blaster cannons had hit
the ground, place as much of them as you see fit. Debris are obstructions and offer heavy cover.
Craters are rough ground for movement purposes and give light cover.

Special Rules

This scenario lasts until all Battle Droids on the table are destroyed or 10 turns had been played,
whichever comes first. If any heroes survives at the end of turn 10 means that General Cham
Syndulla and Jedi Master Mace Windu defeated Wat Tambor, thus the Separatist surrender, Ryloth
is free and the Republic wins a very important battle in the Clone Wars. If no one survives, the
Separatist defeat the Republic Army and Ryloth joins their lot.

Every player has an additional Clone Trooper Veteran companion for this scenario. Get the Clone
Trooper Veteran stats in the Companion section and add him to your companion list.

Whenever a hero moves into contact with the clue marker, its action ends immediately. He or she
has made contact with the Resistance. Make a Leadership Skill roll TN12 to make the Ryloth forces
join you into battle. A failure means that they are still rallying the troops and therefore not ready to
enter the battle this turn, you have to wait until next turn and repeat the roll with a TN10. The
difficulty with be decreasing by 2 in case of failure until you succeed; when the roll is successful a
Twi'lek Resistance member joins every companion on the table. Put one Twi'lek figure next to every
friendly figure on the table. They have the following stats:

rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep

Twi'lek Resistance Member

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Notes
6 +0 +1 10 +1 10 Blaster, Vibrodagger, Climb
+2, Traps +2, Stealth +2

Event Cards
Card Event
Red Ace Place 2 B1 Battle Droid and one B2 Super Battle Droid in the middle of a
random table edge.
Red 2 Place 4 B1 Battle Droid in the middle of a random table edge.
Red 3 Place 2 B1 Battle Droid and one B2 Super Battle Droid in the middle of a
random table edge.
Red 4 Place 2 B1 Battle Droid and one B2 Super Battle Droid in the middle of a
random table edge.
Red 5 The Force will be with you...always! Retrieve one Force power that have
been already used by the Jedi or their companions.
Red 6 Place 2 B1 Battle Droid in the middle of a random table edge.
Red 7 Place one B2 Super Battle Droid in the middle of a random table edge.
Red 8 Separatist Artillery! Make a +2 attack to all figures on the table. Friend and
foe alike.
Red 9 T'wilek Ion guns defence! Make a Will Stat roll for every droid on the table
(consider it 0 for this purpose) TN 12. All droids which failed the roll will
not activate in the next Enemy/Monster turn.
Red 10 Place 4 B1 Battle Droid and 2 B2 Super Battle Droid in the middle of a
random table edge.

rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep

Outcome and experience

Assuming the Jedi hero has survived, you win the battle of Ryloth. All figures that survived regain
their full Health. The Jedi Hero gain experience points for the following experience:

• +5 XP for each B2 super battle droid destroyed.

• +2 XP for each B1 battle droid destroyed.
• +10 XP for every Twi'lek Resistance Member that survived the scenario.
• +10 XP for every Clone Trooper that survived the scenario.
• +20 XP for making the Twi'lek Resistance join the battle.

jedi knight sheet

Jedi Knight Level Experience

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Current Recruitment


Heroic abilities and force powers skills


galactic lore




Sense navigation

alter perception

control pick lock


items stealth



rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep





rebel hero sheet

Rebel hero Level Experience

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Current Recruitment


Heroic abilities and force powers skills


galactic lore






pick lock


items stealth



rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep





companion type

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Current Rp


items and skills Progression points

companion type

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Current Rp


items and skills Progression points

rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep

companion Type

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Current Rp


items and skills Progression points

companion type

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Current Rp


items and skills Progression points

companion type

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Current Rp


items and skills Progression points

companion Type

rebels of space deep
rebels of space deep

Move Fight Shoot Armour Will Health Current Rp


items and skills Progression points

rebels of space deep

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