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Lelouch Proofs

All thinking, reasoning, and methodology feats occur within the feat. Most feats speak for


Ep 1-

● Abduction- Was able to figure out the location from darkness and road surface. He was

in a truck. Figures out they were driving on the old subway lines. Used abduction to

figure out they must be heading for an exit somewhere based on that.

Ep 2-

● FRI-Learned how to use a Knightmare instantly.

● Induction-called Shirley to turn on the news and asked her if there was anything on

Shinjuku. She responded with “traffic restrictions.” He induced, “Once they finish

everything off, they’ll release news that favors the military, based on Shirley telling him

that all they’re saying on the news is “traffic restrictions.”

Battle against Clovis- FRI, ALL Strategy, VSI, Formulation speed, Planning

Coverage, Planning Process creativity, and deception.

● He visualized the entire Shinjuku ghetto layout and over 200 men based on radar scans.

● Quickly adapted from chess genius to war strategist in one sitting.

● He used train cargo full of Britannian Knights as a tool of deception and persuasion to

gain the trust of BK. The cargo was not his, to begin with, but he recognized it had

knights in it and that he could use them to deceive/ persuade the BK. He also was able to

lead Kallen to the location of the cargo, thus leading everyone else there.

● Was able to create an entire formational strategy in 10 min. Being able to assign each

squadron a position. At least 56 men, probably more.

● During the battle, gave these commands on the fly

● Used Q1 as a decoy, anticipated the enemy would come in 10 min.

● Anticipated 2 knights reaching “p1’s” position in 23 seconds exactly. Gave the order to

shoot through the wall, to stop them. Happened exactly as planned

● Intercepted transmission and made them change their codes 4 times.

● Took the lead in battle and figured out the only possible 5 options Clovis had. Meaning

he had strategies ready for all 5.

● Creatively used the underground passages to misdirect enemy forces and lead them to the

location LL planned, which was the upper level of where his allies were. He knew that

Clovis would follow the signal he gave. Had the knights underground destroy the upper

level, which took out 45 enemy knights.

● Clovis stated LL was better than even Todo, a military genius. In LL's first battle. We

know it's his first because he stated, “Real battle is different, Isnt it”

EP 3-

● Indirectly manipulated, Fabricated, Deception- Kallen. Kallen suspected LL of being

that voice she heard in Shunjuu, which actually was LL. When she was taking a shower,

he entered the bathroom and brought her a change of clothes because she didn't have any.

She asked him to hand her a purse that contained a knife, she was planning on killing

him, but all of a sudden heard a phone call. LL said that he needed to answer it, he picked

up the phone, and it said it was for Kallen. Kallen grabs the phone and hears a

prerecording of LL. He said, “Glad your still alive Q1,” in a deeper voice. Nullifying the

suspicion that the voice she heard in Shinjuku was Lelouch because Lelouch was right

there with her.

● After, started acting like a normal student around her to confirm her newfound belief.


● Deduction-Was able to deduce that the military was now only going to induct

pure-blooded Britanninas after Suzaku was accused of murdering Clovis.

● Indirect manipultion, interpersonal INT, Fabrication, Brainwashing, Emotional

manaipultion.Had the BK go to the history museum to remind them of the war that

caused Japan's enslavement. Had the Bk board the train. Called Kallen to look out the

window to see the modernized Britannian city that was built on the blood of the Japanese.

A few seconds later told her to look to the left to see the desolate, defeated Japanese city

that the Japanese destroyed. Stated he wanted them to see the destruction that Britannia

caused them. He motivated them, conveyed that he understood them, and did all of that

so they would trust him to save Suzaku from public execution and, in the long term,

appoint him as the official leader. “I can make the impossible possible.”

Public execution of Suzaku. Introduction of Zero. Orange strategy. - ALL Strategy,

ALL planning, Insanity Inudcemnet, scapegoating, Anticipation.

● He completed this entire mission with only two other people he used.

● LL predicted that Jeremiah would stop the execution progress upon seeing the car of

Prince Clovis. Random BK member watching the news that knew about LL’s plan-

“Yeah, but he said that Jeremiah would try to hog all the limelight and make sort of stand

about it.” Predicted Jeramaiahs exact actions from a general deduction of him.

● Had the BK create a fake car that resembled Clovises to throw off the Britannians

● Knew that they were broadcasting the execution on tv and used this chance to show the

world about Zero. Used dramatic, theatrical tactics. Announced that Zero was the one

who killed Clovis.

● Used the fake “poison gas” to hold every person hostage there, from soldiers to countless

Britannnian citizens. There was no poison gas, but the device used was created by

Britannia, and they advertised this device as poison gas when it was really just a holding

chamber for CC. The main point is the Britannian soldiers, most notably Jeremiah, think

it’s poison gas because that’s how the higher-ups of Britannia displayed it. LL used these

perceptions to his advantage. LL- “Yes, Jeremiah, you never saw what was inside this

thing, so you assume it’s poisonous gas”(inner monologue)

● Used the “Orange” strategy to manipulate and deceive everyone about the credibility and

loyalty of Jeremiah. There is no such thing as “Orange.”

Orange strategy- ALL Strategy, ALL planning, Insanity Inudcemnet, scapegoating,

Anticipation, Bluffing, Cohersion, Threats.

1. LL “Careful, you don’t wish the public to learn of “Orange, do you”

2. Used this tactical device to throw everyone off and buy time to get closer to Jer so

that he could use Geass.

3. LL- “If I die, “Orange will go public.”- Further ensuring his safety.

4. He used Geass on Jer to help LL escape. Did this at the perfect time. Which was

right after he announced, “ If I die, Orange will go public”. Jer now does

everything in his power to help LL escape. The perception of the Britannians is

that Jer does not want us to find out about what Orange is because right after LL

announces that quote, Jer, all of a sudden, is helping LL escape.

5. LL understood that the Britanninas were in a state of panic because Clovis had

died, so they would be more inclined to believe in these fabricated tactics and

bluffs. The creation and execution of Orange required insane planning and

predicting. Most of all… It showcases LL's understanding of perception,

deception, and indirect manipulation. “There is no orange. It’s something I made

up, but the more they claim to be comrades of like mind, the easier it is to divide

them with the thorns of suspicion”.

6. He accomplished 5 things with “Orange” 1. Saved Suzaku. 2. Fulfilled his

promise of making the impossible possible. 3. Propleled Britannia into a state of

chaos. 4. Showed the world the ability of Zero. 5. Literally made Jer go insane.

EP-5- Thinking and Reasoning.

● Stated he was going to beat Britannia even without the Geass. The Geass just sped up the


● Was constantly testing out his Geass to gain a high understanding of it. Would use

creative ways to test it.

● VSI-Figured out the exact range of Geass-270 meters

● Induction- that the person being affected by geass had no memory before, during, or

after the use. Abducted that this is because the Geass interferes and damages the brain.

Also figured out that optical objects, such as mirrors, can reflect the Geass signal. CC-

“In a short time, you learned a lot.”


● Showed an incredible about of abstract reasoning and self-awareness when discussing the

cycle of war/hatred, his ideology.

Ep-7 Self awareness, Metacognition, and Refeltive thinking.

● Deduced that CC can’t use Geass because she threatened LL with a gun. He had the

suspicion way before that scene.

● Cornelia admits we can't fight “them”(LL) in a strategic battle

● Cornelia states, “He anticipated my moves,” but his men were too afraid to fight her royal


● Anti feat- Lost to Cornelia but displayed excellent metacognition and self-awareness after

his loss.

● Had half the men of his battle with Clovis, no Kallen, or main BK members, just normal


● Learned a crucial aspect of his future strategy-Setting the conditions. “If the conditions

were equal, then I would have won.” “That’s what I’ll do. I’ll set the conditions myself.”


Hotel hostage rescue strategy- ALL strategy, ALL planning, Fabrication, Guilt Tripping,

Negotiation, Direct Manipultion, Anticipation, Prediction, Deception.

● Many Britannian prisoners were captured by the Japanese Liberation Front (JLB) and

held hostage in this isolated hotel surrounded by water. There was only one bridge that

led to the hotel. Some of the prisoners were LL’s friends from school. The most notable

hostage was Princess Euphy, but the JLB didn't know that at this given time. Cornelia and

her guard were at the scene. Keep in mind Euphy and Cornelia are sisters and very close.

Only Cornelia and her royal guard know Euphy’s a prisoner. LL was watching the news,

and some time had passed. He reasoned that we needed to move soon because Cornelia

would most likely sacrifice the hostages, but then questioned why she hadn’t made a

move then was able to deduce it was because one of the hostages was Euphy, Cornellias

most cherished person. He did this by just listening to the news, and the only information

he knew was that there were hostages and the JLF was keeping them. He deduced this

from the fact that Cornelia had not made a move.

● From this simple deduction, he arrived on the scene with his BK, knowing that Cornelia

would be desperate to save Euphy, even if it meant working with Zero. “If you do what I

predict, I won’t need to use my geass.”

● Directly confronts Cornelia with Knights surrounding him and Cornelia pointing a gun at

him. LL- “ Cornelia, which would you choose, Clovis, who is dead, or Euphimia, who is

alive?” He then sees a look of shock on Cornelia's face and thinks to himself, “ My

suspicion is confirmed. The first task at hand is completed.” That suspicion, of course,

was that he knew Euphy was being held hostage. He used this deduction to manipulate

Cornelia. LL- “It’s within my power to save Euphy for you.” Cornelia agrees and allows

Zero to intervene.

● Also deduced that the JLF would not kill or capture him because they could not resist the

temptation of meeting Zero.

● Anticipated all these events prior “Excellent all the operations preliminary conditions

have been clear” Those conditions were that Cornelia would let LL pass because of his

original deduction and that the JLF would let him pass and allow Zero to meet with them.

He knew all of this would happen.


● He distracted the leader of the JLB while he ordered the BK to plant bombs in the

sensitive areas of the hotel.

● Used geass on the leader, for him to die. Planted it as a suicide.

● Blew up the entire building to make it seem like all the hostages were killed, but in

reality, he was creating a state of emotional distress for the world that was watching on

the news and for Cornelia. It was then revealed that the hosts were safe and sound,

including LL’s friends and the Euphy. Cornelia was frustrated because she couldn't act

against Zero due to the fact that he would take the newly freed prisoners as hostages


● Before the entire plan, he hijacked a news station for this exact moment. Zero introduced

himself and BK as knights of justice. He showcased that the JLF was in the wrong and

that Clovis was in the wrong, implying that he fought for justice.

● Did all of this with 7 other men.

EP-9- Interpersonal

● LL told Kallen after school not to help a Japanese man who was being attacked by 5

Britannian civilians. He abducted that if you intervened, he would never be able to rerun

his businesses.

● After this incident, LL and Kallen converse on the bench about the state of Britannia. LL

says something that upsets Kallen- saying that he “prefers to sit idly by, not getting

involved in these politics”. Kallen gets up and slaps LL. He did this to gauge her

motivation and passion for taking down Britannia.


● Has in-depth- psychological/ overall profiling of all his members. Has an organized

system already.

● Because of his “Hotel scheme,” people are joining the BK rapidly.

● He deduced that the Kniughtmares sent to the BK by Kiyotako were merely a test.

Battle of Narita-Overall Strategy, Planning, Anticipation, VSI, Prediction, Overall

mnaipultion, Charisma, Cohersion, Info control, Mass Manipultion.

● The battle of Narita was a planned attack by Cornelia to take out the JLF. She has an

overwhelming advantage. LL knew this was all going to happen, so he decided to

intervene to showcase to the JLF that he could perform literal miracles.

● Purposely allowed Cornelia to surround him, so his men would have no choice but to

fight. The setting of this battle is on top of a giant mountain.

● I estimated Cornelia had around double the men LL did.

● Everyone was concerned that there would be no way to beat Britannia when surrounded

like this. So, LL used “Conviction bias” to emotionally spur his men. Requested that

someone shoot him if they thought they could pull off this miracle without him.” They

were all so confident in him after this.

● Completely read Cornelias strategy and location. Used the “fake” JLF base to lure her in.

Planned for all this to happen.

● Had the entire battlefield analyzed and planned for. He had each significant point of the

mountain labeled as a “point.” He used “Point 3” in this case.

● Even had specific battle commands for Kallens Knighmare specs. “Kallen use penetrating

electro number 3”. Why is this important to write? Well, it showcases the level of detail

and sheer number of factors that he plans for.


● Used Hydrovole bombs” to induce a landslide that was set on the position of Cornalias

men. The landslide was possible due to the water banks of the interior.

● He predicted the probability and impact of the landslide. The genius scientist Loyd, said

it should be impossible without Rakashatas theory. LL did this all on research. It took out

an entire squadron of Cornelias men.

● The real genius of this landslide was that it would shrink the battlefield and limit

Cornelias options. He also predicted it would limit her reinforcements. He also took out

some soldiers on the JLF, to ensure he had full control of the battle and limit the JLF as

much as possible, so they could see that Zero really can work miracles.

● Implied that he had knowledge of classical strategies, but it’s his mastery of the concepts

that made it impressive. This is his 3rd ever battle.

● He was able to induce insanity to Jeremiah because of the “orange” incident.

● He planned the entire 3-day event out from its exact details. “All the conditions are clear.

It’s now time to invade our opponent's stronghold.”

EP-11- The battle for Narita continued

● Further proving that he planned this entire operation out, to the exact detail- “Kallen

move to planned point, we’ll take out the rest of their line.”

● Lured Cornelia to point 9, to trap her.

● Anti-feat- Saved by CC, because Suzaku chased him down. He was gonna use Geass on

him, if she didn’t come. Nonetheless, he still got confronted by Suzaku.

● Was able to analyze CC's vitals and heal her wound

● Was able to figure out CC’s real name from CC talking about how Snow forgets its name.

He made the connection from that statement to infer she was talking about herself.

Lelouch used a word play right after he repeats her name (muted by the sound of a water

drop) to say that he likes her name, saying: “C.C. I don't know why the snow is white, but

I think white snow is pretty, I don't hate it”.

● Stated he learns from his pride

● Showed incredible introspection and metacognition by relaxing that something was

missing inside himself to take his objective to the next level.

● Won the battle, became a serious threat to Britannia, fulfilled his miracle, and saved the

JLF, indirectly.

EP-12- Deception,

● There was an entire Britannian task force that is trying to find the true identity of Zero,

but LL gave them no ground of evidence.

● Layed out an entire financial budget for the BK

● Indcution-Narrowed down the leader of Kiyoto to 12 possibilities through inductive

reasoning. Was able to induce who it was exactly. Keep in mind this is the largest

political organization in Japan, and no one knows the real face of the leader. He did this

by researching prominent business and political leaders of Japan. Some of the ones he

researched had fake profilings. He was able to induce which ones, narrow them to 12, and

finally pinpoint the exact one.

● Anticipated that the leader would threaten him and his allies with Knights so that he

would be forced to remove his mask. He had CC pose as Zero, so no one saw who he


● LL was as the scene hidden within an enemy Knightmare, he was able to save CC and his

allies and hold the leader hostage. Had this entire sequence planned. Even having a group

of BK guards the border.

● Induction-every secretive endeavor that the leader engaged in. The leader was a double

spy, had a monopoly on sakuradite, a key factor of the kurirugi regime, and dodged the

downfall of Japan by collaborating with colonials. He also figured out he was one of the

6 leaders of Kiyota, posing as a double agent.

● Convinced the leader to help him by showing him who LL really is. LL and this leader

had a minor past connection.

● Planned this encounter from the moment he became Zero. “Finally, everything is going as

I envisioned.”


● He deduced that Kallen was having second thoughts about going through with what Zero

intended. LL alleviated that concern directly and made Kallen say that she’ll follow him

to the end.

● Induction-In a naval battle against the JLF and Britannia, LL planted explosives

underwater to the exact route that the JLF ship was going. Blew up the ship, secretively,

and blamed the explosion on suicide. He did this to indirectly manipulate the BK into

capturing Cornelia and to throw her off at the same time, using it as a means to attack. He

also blew it up the moment Britannian Knights invaded the ship, crippling even more


● Deitard was absolutely obsessed with what Zero was going to do next, calling him a

genius and chaos incarnate.


EP-14- Abduction, EQ, CPI, Overall thinking.

● Abducted that two people saw him because one took his handgun and shot the other. That

was the reason for the blood near him.

● Abducted 14 possibilities in an instant, from the basis of Mao saying, “Didn’t CC tell you

about me?”

● Abducted that Mao can read minds and has a geass from Shirley's display of guilt. “ I see.

He reads her mind, so it’s easy to control and trick her”.

● Emotionally confronted Shirley and showed high EU and EE. Helped her ease her guilt

by erasing her memories.

EP-15 Anticipation, Induction, Planning, Strategy, FRI, Data analysis, overall thinking,


● Mao planned to take down LL for about a month, maybe even more.

● Anticipated Mao would come for Nunnally.

● LL knew that Mao dreaded being in public spaces because he couldn't turn off his mind

reading, so he was able to induce where Mao would go. An abandoned amusement park.

● He Induced that his Geass could go out of control from Mao's inability to control his.

● The moment he found out Mao was going to an amusement park. He recorded an entire

video message, even predicting the responses of Mao. What makes this so impressive is

that LL only met Mao once.

● Hacked into the system of Clovis land

● Used abduction to predict his thoughts-Pasused at the perfect times and would say

general things like “Your Geass can’t reach me at Tokyo tower; it only has a range of 500

meters”. Mao would then go on, and LL was able to predict when he would need to stop

talking to allow Mao to speak. What makes this realistic is that LL cut off Mao when he

was talking. LL interrupted Mao by disgracing his emotions. It was a perfect statement

that nullified anything Mao would say. It left no room for Mao to ponder if LL is actually

talking on the screen. LL knew that Mao’s biggest weakness was CC, and that he was

doing all of this for her.

● This was the statement that emotionally manipulated Mao- “Mao think, you don't belove

CC is her real name, do you? She never whispers it to anyone, but I know, I know her

true name, she told me.” Mao then got extremely jealous and questioned why CC never

gave him his real name. LL anticipated that Mao would question it. His next statement-”

Do you know why she never told you? Because CC is mine, she belongs to me in every

way. I have gained everything from her, including the parts that you've never seen, all of

them..” This caused Mao to go into an emotional panic and allowed LL to buy enough

time to get the police to shoot him.

● LL arrived at the scene disguised as an officer.

● Mao- “How can it be, you were just in Tokyo tower”. That’s a lie, you were talking to


● LL- “Are you that slow? That was all a recording. Since you read thoughts, it was simple.

You’ve never resorted to cunning”.

● Mao-“ You predicted all my responses?!!”

● LL saves CC.

● LL was bound to go through absolute hell. “The geass, he who uses this power, has his

heart isolated, whether he wants it or not. Thus he plummets to the abyss. But if that man

can climb out of the abyss, he has the soul of a king”.

● Has been managing the BK through a cell-based system and deploying them to go on

secret missions.

LL vs. Mao- Strategy, overall thinking, reasoning, Planning, Anticipation,

Abduction, FSIQ.

● Hacked into the school's code system

● Was able to analyze which type of bomb that was hanging from the ceiling. It was

motion sensitive and had a solenoid inside of it that kept it moving, and any external

force would cause it to go off. He figured all of this out by looking at it. Was able to

figure out how to diffuse it within one minute of looking at it. Keep in mind this a very

complex bomb.

● Mao explained LL's mind. This is the very definition of metacognition “There's a part of

you that a critic always watches your moves. Another part is an observer, observing the

critic, observing you.”

● Thought of seven things at once to try to confuse Mao.

● Gave Suzaku the plan to defeat Mao and then used Geass on himself to forget about the

plan so that Mao couldn’t read his thoughts. He was able to foresee Maos, Suzaku’s, and

his actions through this memory loss plan. LL told Suzaku that when he screams, attack

Mao. So, he predicted that Mao would be able to propel LL to scream. That’s just

absolutely insane anticipation, intra and interpersonal intelligence, metacognition, FRI,

cunning, planning, strategy, and deception.


● The most impressive part of that plan was the fact that he deceived Mao into thinking he

had the upper hand. If Mao found out any aspect of that plan, he would've detonated the

bomb or killed LL on the spot. Since Mao can read a person's innermost thoughts, located

in the subconscious, it was impossible for him to spot any flaws or counters to LL’s plan

because of the memory loss.

● He was able to save Nunnally, not raise any suspicion that Suzaku might've had, and beat

someone who has been studying LL for at least a month and could literally read his mind.

● LL “You believe if you know a person's thoughts, you know everything. That’s why you

narrowed your range and focused all your power on my mind. That was your mistake.”

LL turned Mao’s strength into his downfall.

Todo Rescue Strategy- Induction, ALL planning, Strategy, Overallthinking, Pattern


● Rescued Todo from prison and manipulated him by forcing him to take responsibility for

the miracle he made 7 years ago. He convinced Todo that it was his fault for Japan's

failure after his miracle. Essentially, he is conveying to Todo that he needs to work with

Zero for the sake of his miracle and Japan.

● Was able to perfectly counter and predict Lancelot's exact movement through data

analysis. Then perfectly commanded his men to counter him.

● He recreated Lancelot's movements into 3d figures on his computer from sheer memory,

induction, and information. This is a truly brilliant display of induction and FRI. He

observed Lancelot's movements from previous battles. Induced the patterns, timing of

moves, and even the range of his movements. Then, he was able to make a 3d program

from it. He transformed the visual stimuli of Lancelot's movements into a tangible pattern

and then compartmentalized it into commands and battle orders.

● LL commands- Keep in mind he was doing this all in real-time.

● 1. “All units give him distance.”

● 2. “Its movements follow a predictable pattern, its initial attack is always straight on, it

never faints the first move”.

● 3. “Once you dodge that attack, he immediately moves to avoid your defensive.”

● 4.” Right, the next move he makes is falling back to the rear”.

● 5.” Coordinates X23, and with that check”.

● He completely outplayed Suzaku and could’ve finished him off or killed him, but of

course, it was LL’s best friend, so he couldn't.

EP-19- FRI

● LL was transported to another island and was able to figure out this new island was

similar to the one he was just at due to the vegetation and climate.

● Lelouch was able to gather people from all types of ideologies to follow him.

● Was able to adapt when encountering Suzaku quickly. Used his sister Euphy as a hostage

tool and negotiated a trade.

● Was able to pilot a new advanced KM to escape quickly. Was able to figure out the

multiple systems within it, in about 30 seconds.

EP-20- Abduction and Anticipation

● Deduced a Japanese minister was the puppet of the Chinese Federation simply because he

collaborated with them for an attack. Created his strategy off this conclusion.

● Britannia controlled ⅓ of the world. LL was winning battles against them.

● Purposely waited for Suzaku to be on the verge of defeat, then came in to save him.

● Saw through Britiannia's entire plan. Abducted that because they only sent one pilot

(Suzaku), he was meant to disrupt the main force, and even if he failed, they could move

right in. Was able to abduct that it was Schneizel’s strategy due to the nature and method

of the plan. Simply because they sent one pilot, he figured out the entire purpose and who

was behind the plan.

● Was able to anticipate that Suzaku would work together with him for this battle

● Zero was the only one that entered the battle to help Suzaku. He did this to avoid a

full-on battle with Britannia.

● He helped Suzaku because he wanted the world to know that Zerp doesn't choose sides.

He fights for justice, even if that means taking out a Japanese minister who is corrupt.

● “Brilliant tactics”

EP-21-School festival-fluff

● Stated that he thought through every detail of a specially administered area for Japan

● Puts into perspective his insane adaptability. He has to go from being a leader, military

general, and savior of Japan, in policy, justice, and ambition, to an ordinary student, vice

president of a school, and caring brother, all while hiding his identities.

EP-22- FRI

● Created a needle gun made from ceramic and bamboo that is undetectable by metal


● He had the Bk positioned outside of detection in case nothing went wrong.


EP-23- FRI, Fabrication, Deception, Mass manipulation.

● Was able to kill Euphy, the first girl he ever loved.

● He completely turned this situation into a complete defeat for Britannia.

● He quickly managed his emotions and adapted to going back to Zero.

● He was able to deceive the Japanese people into thinking that Zero was the one that saved

them, and he was able to devise an elaborate and compelling speech that fully won over

the Japanese people.

● Was able to alleviate all his guilt and use Euphys name as a mass manipulation tool.

● He created the United States of Japan, a new nation, by using the Euphy situation. He did

all this on that day.

EP-24- FRI, Planning, Strategy, Anticipation, overall tactics.

● He planted the destruction of the Tokyo settlement on the same night that Euphy did her


● Completely purged the entire settlement before the battle even won, guaranteeing his

victory. Showed incredible understanding- “A layered structure that’s meant to be

earthquake resistant, but if you demolish all the floor sections simultaneously, you find

anything to be more fragile.” LL about Cornelia's strategy- “By lining up with the city's

perimeter to engage the BK’s, you sealed your fate”. He saw through her strategy and

made the perfect counter.

● The BK was confirmed to have a little over 10k men during this battle. Cornelia,

naturally, had much more than this number. We know this because earlier, it was stated by

a Britannian officer that the BK’s number has increased to 10k.


● He showcased an extremely high level of thinking in this video. I have to use a video

because of how quick, successive, and contextualized it is.

● Calculates that the enemy forces would not scatter themselves when waiting for


● LL, posing as Zero, took the student council and Nunnally as a hostage in order to use

Suzakus' emotions He knew that Suzaku couldn't go all out if he had them as hostages.

The impressive part of this is that LL dearly loves everyone there yet anticipated that no

harm would come to them due to Suzakus' emotions.

● Was able to trap Suzaku once again. Suzaku- ‘Zero, you deceive the people who trust you

to the very end”.

● Once again could have killed Suzaku, but chooses not too. The important thing to

consider is that he outsmarted Britannia and Suzaku here to be in the position in the first


● Was treating this entire battle, which was his largest so far, casually.

● Anticipated his fight with Cornelia, so he used geass on Dalton, her right-hand man, to

attack her. This happened right after Euphy, so he prepared this 8 - 10 hour in advance.

● Then immediately killed Dalton.

EP-27- ALL strategy, Planning, FRI, Overall Deception.

● The current situation was stated to be hopeless. It was also stated that the BK’s numbers

were small.

● After he took out the head of security that was watching him, he read the journal about

LL’s daily life and some other information. He was then confronted by a Britannian

soldier who just thought LL was Zero. LL figured this out because the soldier wasn’t

cautious, and he also confirmed those reports to be true because one of those reports was

the “Calarsis forces don’t know about LL”. He then induced he could use the journal.

● Incredible FRI- see video.

● Predicted Claris would make his appearance soon.

● Gaslighted Kallen to trust him again by affirming her autonomy in following Zero.

● Britannia reinforcements came, and a BK soldier stated, “There's no possible way can

beat this many, no chance!”

● Calaris surrounded the entire building from all sides and even above. LL induced that

because he didn’t provide me with any escape routes, he’ll win. The only escape route

that Calaris provided was swarmed with his force and more platoons of soldiers. He was

instantly seeing through Calaris’s strategy and coming up with one of his own. LL also

stated that Calaris is certain he’ll win. LL plans to use that overconfidence against him.

● LL told Urabae- “If you believe that your disposable, you’ll never beat the Britannians”.

He said this because he knew that Kallen was listening, and he wanted to prove further

that he was not using the people that trusted him.

● Since all exits were covered and impossible to break through, LL the top half of the

building to destroy Calaris and his main fleet. He did this by getting a full scope of the

building and having his men plant bombs in the areas that would perfectly cause the

building to fall in one way. He crushed his enemies, escaped, and used the fact that

Caalris gave away his position. Calaris’s strategy was to lure LL in as the one escape

route that was provided for him. LL exploited that exact strategy.

● Easily defeated Calaris, who had at least triple the men.

● He reintroduced himself as Zero, giving hope to all the Japanese and striking fear in


● Kallen- “He was able to kill the viceroy and provide our escape route.”

● Jing Kei- “Such cunning audacity is impressive.”

● Used the Chinese federations base as a hideout.

EP-28- All Deception, Tactics, All planning, ALL forms of Manipultion.

● Anticipated that Rolo would come to the Chinese hideout, so escaped to school and made

sure Viletta saw him, confirming that he was not Zero. LL calls Rolo to ask where he is,

and to see if he’s safe. This throws off Rolo because LL is speaking on the news as we

speak, but it was just CC dressed up as Zero with a prerecorded speech. Rolo is confused

because he’s under the assumption LL got his memories back (which he did),and then

Viletta takes the phone from LL, confirming to Rolo that LL is here at school and

indirectly confirming he’s not Zero. Remember, the Empoeer also sent Villeta to watch

LL, and she works with Rolo to watch and make sure LL never gets his memories back.

Naturally, getting confirmation from your co-leader, that knows everything that you do, is

reassurance. LL used all of this to deceive Rolo and Viletta. Planned this the moment he


● Had to act like his memories were still gone.

● “LL has shown no changes. There are 180 cameras all over campus, as well as 48

undercover observers.” Including his ‘brother” Rolo and Viletta.


● Viletta- “Survelince is perfect. He has no opportunity to use his Geass. It would be odd if

he got his memories back and returned to the school”.

● LL is masterfully deceiving everyone, under these circumstances, even under perfect

surveillance, and being watched by 48 undercover observers. The observers are the

people watching his every move.

● LL also has to replicate the same behavior and daily activities he’s been doing when he

loses his memory.

● Their job is to watch LL 24/7, and he’s skilfully deceiving all of them.

● Abducted that the probability is high that Charles has his sister Nunally.

● LL-“I have to plan all my moves carefully. I’ll start by tricking all the people watching

me. Rolo, why don’t I start by subduing him”.

● Perfectly relinquished Rolos' question- Rolo- “ Hey, how did you manage too escape?

Our military had Babel Tower completely surrounded.” LL-” What are you talking about,

Rolo? Do you want to know how I got away from the military, or did you mean to say,

terrorists? I was able to escape through a corridor, but there was no cell phone reception,

so I couldn't call you”. This was genius because Rolo only saw LL being confronted by

the BKs, not Britannian soldiers. LL knew that he had to speak from the perspective of

what Rolo last saw from LL. When LL said, “Don’t you mean terrorists, it further proves

to Rolo that LL had no idea what was happening.

Mall Deception plan-

1. Asked Shirley, the girl who’s in love with him, to go to the mall to purchase a gift

for President Milly.


2. Anticipated that the student council, agents, and the special Lelouch task force

would follow him. Also knew they would have access to the cameras in the mall.

3. Induced this information, LL- “They specifically set up a trap in Babel Tower,

which means my enemy isn’t the settlements viceregal government. While I can’t

for certain who’s watching me, the system itself that they’re using has its flaws.”

He discovers they’re using the same trap they did when LL went to Babel Tower

to play chess. What makes this induction so impressive is that when the trap

occurred when he lost his memories, meaning he had to think that the Britannian

special forces followed him, had a trap set, and were ready for him. He used

induced this exact thinking after he got his memories back and planned the rest of

the operation on the basis they would use the same trap again, which is exactly

what happened. Remember, they don’t think that LL is Zero, so LL has to operate

under that assumption. He then was able to induce the flaws of that system.

4. He then went to a cell phone shop in the mall. He was pretending to sign

paperwork for new cell service. He uses Geass on the worker and orders him to

hit the terrorist alarm at an exact time. At the time, we didn’t know why and what

LL said to the worker, but it was vital for his plan that the worker pushed the

terrorist alarm. When he used the Geass, he did it very subtly. He smiled and

acted like it was a part of some sort of conversation because he knew he had to act

for the camera.

5. He then proceeded to tell Sherley that the student council was following them

and used Sherley to help him, indirectly, without her knowledge of what was

actually going on. I will explain what he told Sherley soon. Still, as LL and

Sherley walked into the store, one of the many observers that were trailing LL

communicated with Villeta, who was watching LL from a control room, and

Viellta sent 3 more observers to cover the rear of the place. In contrast, the

original observer covers the front. I’m highlighting this because they have an

enormous amount of people watching and analyzing his every move.

6. The plan he said to Sherley- LL walked into the shop and entered the changing

room. This is what he stated to Sherley. LL- “Okay, all I want you to do is pretend

I'm in here for a while. I will sneak out of the store and surprise the Prez and the

others.” He intended to deceive the task force following him, but he brilliantly

used Sherley and the fact that the student council was following him.

7. He changes his clothes entirely and puts on a disguise. He calls the mall security

and tells them that the BK’s have planted a bomb in the mall, and we will

detonate it if our demands have not been met. The security only told the

employees, so the customers would not panic, but the employees were still

shaken. He then sneaks out of the changing room through the other changing

room and uses the commotion that the phone call has caused to escape the store

undetected. The cunning tactic was that there was no bomb. He focused their

attention on being concerned for the bomb as a way to escape the agents. Keep in

mind Sherley is still planted right outside the changing room, so her location

hones in the cameras and the main control room.

8. As LL walks out of the mall, one of the observers starts following him. LL states,

“ All tasks at hand have been cleared, except for the alarm”. Remember the

cellphone employee that LL used the Geass on? It’s his turn to play his part now.

LL gave the man the exact time in which to press the alarm, which indicates that

the BK’s are here, to everyone in the mall. LL started counting down in his head

because he had planned the exact time for this to happen.

9. The alarm was now pushed, and the observers lost sight of LL due to all the

customers rushing, panicking, and running out of the store. LL- “Hahahah, and

that's just one easy way to cause panic”.

10. Rolo checks the changing room to see if LL is there, but LL is long gone. This is

the wild part of this entire plan. LL knew that everyone in the control room would

go look for Zero and CC because that was what the entire trap in the Tower of

Babel and this mall one was for. So, everyone from the control room evacuated

because there would be no reason to stay; after all, LL is at the mall,CC might

arrive, and the BK’s have a bomb planted there (They don’t). LL also anticipated

that Rolo would go to the control room, so he beat him to the location.

11. LL also used Geass on one of the observers following him. He had him distract

Viletta and the special forces so that no one would interfere or return to the

control room.

12. He deceived the observers, the mall cameras, security, the special Zero force that

watched his every move from the control room, and Viletta. He indirectly

manipulated Rolo, who is a trained assassin. Just so he could be alone with Rolo,

without anyone watching his every move 24/7. Insane.

EP-29- Perception, FRI, Emotional mnaioultion, Direct manipultion, Deception, ALL

planning, VSI, ALL strategy, Anticipation, Tactics, Cunning.


● Induced that Rolo couldn't actually stop time but instead only alter someone's perception

of time. LL did this by keeping count of the seconds in his head when Rolo arrived. He

confirmed his theory was true by looking at a real-time clock and realized that the count

in his head was out of sync with the actual real-time clock. Concluding that Rolo can’t

actually stop time, but only someone's perception of it.

● Then proceed to manipulate him logically-emotionally. Brought up the reasons why he

couldn't kill LL. 1. Being if he kills LL, they will never get CC. 2. The second being

Rolo’s future. He will never have a future if he kills LL, because he will always be on the

hunt for CC, never finding his true purpose. Furthermore, LL lies to Rolo, saying I can

give you CC. He then used the appeal to emotion and stated, “Don’t worry I would never

lie, to you at least.” Knowing that Rolo loves him as a big brother, even if Rolo denies it.

He uses this emotional connection to confirm the belief of his words.

Rolo-White Knight Strategy/Plan

The Context

● Was in an impossible situation. Gilford challenged Zero to a 1v1 duel (in Knighmares)

for the lives of his most trusted and competent members. It was another public execution,

so the site was surrounded, and fighting would be futile. LL had 24 hours to create a plan.

Not only did he have to save his comrades, but he also had to do it alone, and he had to

deceive, manipulate, or misdirect Rolo somehow because LL promised him CC, and if

Rolo didn’t get CC, he would kill LL. Remember, Rolo can control someone's perception

of time, so escaping would be futile. In summary, LL has too

1. Defeat Gilford, one of the best duelists, in a 1v1.


2. Somehow escape the Britannian army that’s encircling him.

3. Even if he beast Gilford and escapes the army (Which is literally impossible), he has to

free the prisoners.

4. While doing all this, he has to somehow dissuade Rolo from killing him because LL

promised Rolo CC, and of course, that is not an option.

The strategy-

1. LL arrives at the scene, and Gilford is ready with his mighty lance. LL chooses a riot

shield as his weapon of choice. This will be crucial for his strategy.

2. LL uses brilliant and abstract wordplay to buy time for his strategy. “Steadfast justice

or greater evil?”

3. Gillford charges, and LL initiates his strategy. It turns out that LL was able to use

Geass on the people who were controlling the platform the duel was taking place in. The

man in the control room pressed the button, and the platform tilted 90 or so degrees.

4. All of the Britannian nightmares started slipping off the platform. Remember that riot

shield LL chose? He used it as a “skateboard” to glide down the wall safely and protect

himself from firepower that would come beneath him.

5. He quickly ordered the small platoon of BK members led by Kallen to save the

chained-up comrades.

6. With Kallen busy saving the prisoners, here came Rolo in his Vincent (Knightmare).

He of course, chases after LL, to kill him. Rolo- “Lelouch, you were lying to me from the


7. This is where the genius strategy and planning truly take place. LL anticipated that

Rolo would come after him, so he purposely chose the escape route. Rolo started chasing,

and he used his time and power to catch up. All of a sudden a Britannian sniper from the

distance shoots at Rolo. LL pivots launches his Knightmare in front of Rolo, and takes

the bullet for him, saving Rolo and nearly destroying his own Knightmare.

8. This was planned from the beginning. LL used Geass on the sniper beforehand to shoot

Rolo at that given timeframe. He did this, so he could indirectly and emotionally

manipulate Rolo into thinking that he actually does love him, and most importantly, LL

displayed being a big brother. Rolo- “Why did you save me?” LL- “Because your my

little brother, and the memories we spent together were real”. Then LL tied the

conversation back to the original promise he gave Rolo, one day prior. LL-” I made a

promise you a future, and your future is with me”. Remember that Rolo is a trained,

cold-blooded assassin who has never felt such emotions before.

9. Rolo was in a daze of emotion, and then all of a sudden in the middle of battle, LL

calls Rolo on his cell phone. Let me explain, LL and Rolo are directly near each other but

they're in nightmares. LL's communication server became damaged, so they couldn't talk

through that. Anyways, LL calls Rolo, and he tells him, “Bad news, Viletta is on the

phone with me. I’m gonna merge the calls”. Viletta thinks that LL and Rolo are at a

movie together, and since Rolo is directly with LL, there would be no reason to bring

cameras and other observers into the movie.

10. LL merges the calls and LL in the heat of battle. Rolo was in a state of shock, so LL

stepped in and masterfully deceived Viletta with his brilliant acting.

Viletta- “ Rolo, where did you go?”

LL- Come on Ms Viletta, we can at least go to the bathroom without you having to

worry”. So what were you calling about?”


Viletta- About the Chinese Counciate of course (The place where LL and Rolo were

actually at).

LL- “Oh yeah, it looks like a real mess down there. I’ll keep my little brother out of

danger. “Of course, a place where people are being killed is no place for a boy like Rolo.

11. LL- Completed all the steps that were mentioned above + gained the favor of Rolo to

use as a pawn, and once again deceived everyone. The rescue mission was a complete


12. I should also mention he gained all his data on Rolo through indicative reasoning.

EP-300 Deception and Methods

● Suzaku came back to school to observe Lelouch.

● LL's deception was so good that Viletta confirmed that LL's memories had not returned.

Even the entire force that was sent to monitor LL 24/7 disbanded.

● LL found out that Viletta had a relationship with Ougi, and he used that information to

blackmail her. Completely turning her to his side. He’s now able to move around freely.

EP-31-Acting, Strategy.

● Suzaku put LL on the phone with Nunnally to gauge if LL got his memories back.

Lelouch was able to keep his composure and act like he didn’t know who Nunally was.

● Was able to devise a brilliant strategy in aerial combat. None of the BK’s KM could fly,

so LL used smoke to distract the enemy general, and Zero’s main forces were able to land

on top of the enemy's ariel ships. LL “You took the bait, commander. I figured you would

concentrate your airpower on the smoke, it was the obvious response.

EP-32- FRI, VSI, Strategy, cunning, tactics, manipultion.


● LL exemplified amazing FRI and strategy here. The BK’s were underwater in 1

submarine and being attacked by over 15 battleships.

● LL finds them. He’s on top of a cliff overseeing the sea. He’s directing them with just a

map. He orders them to launch all their torpedos and remaining ammunition straight

ahead, even if there are no enemies. He told them to set the Torpedos to detonate in 40

seconds and keep that info in mind.

● He did this to give away their position and have the enemy focus their fire at that point of


● The torpedoes detonated at the perfect time, right by an area that produces methane

hydrate, which produces intense air, and in this case, produced massive bubbles that sank

all the enemy ships. LL could do all this by giving away his position and luring the

enemy to follow.

● Throws off everyone and accepts Nunally conditions of the special zone. Bros scheming


EP-33- Mass manipulation, Planning, Strategy.

● Created a brilliant strategy that involved exiling himself “Zero”. He was able to

persuade the Knights of the Round to agree to his conditions. Made them believe that

Zero betrayed the Japanese people.

● Was able to gather 1 million Japanese people and coordinate a plan with them.

● The Britannians were ready for LL to make a move. Instead, the Japanese people all used

a large quantity of smoke and changed into “Zero” costumes.


● LL was able to use the law against them logically. Since they agreed to exile Zero, Zero

must be exiled. In this case, 1 million Japanese people were exiled because they all wore

Zero’s attire.

● The creativity is unmatched here. He figured out a way to move 1 million people

completely unscathed and legally. Furthermore, the timing was perfect since he

performed the strategy at a time when they could not stop it from happening.

● LL also understood that the Britannians would have no problem killing everyone there.

So, he assured his and everyone’s escape by banking on the fact that Suzaku would never

give the order due to his Japanese lineage, and maybe more importantly, he wouldn't want

a repeat of what happened with his beloved Euphy. LL knew this would be vital to his

plan. Suzaku- “His whole plan was based on one prediction, that I would give the order to

allow everyone to leave,.”

EP-34- Psychoanalysis, cold reading.

● Completely psychoanalyzed Dietard. LL- “On the contrary, he’s easy to read. He wants to

turn Zero into a symbol of God. Going from there, you can predict what kind of actions

he’ll take.”

● Reasoned that if he takes down Yu Long, he’ll clear a lot of conditions to help beat

Britannia. The important thing here is that he has conditions set in the first place.

● Deduced that Schneizel was behind this arranged marriage.

● Kidnapped the empress, stopping her wedding with the Britanian prince. It was a cunning

tactic that was the cornerstone of his next plan.

Ep-35 Overall tactics, Deception, manipulation, Planning, Strategy.


● Had Todo ready to himself while he kidnapped the bride. Nearly captured Schneizel, he

would have, if it wasn’t for Suzaku's God-like movements.

● LL understood the young princess would be upset about her being kidnapped, so he had

her friend, Kaguya, provide emotional support.

● The BK were being chased by the Chinese federation because they wanted the princess

back. LL proceeded to move along with the kidnapped princess. They’re currently using

a truck for transportation. Suddenly they reach a dead end in the form of a broken bridge.

There was no way to move forward, and the Chinese Eunuches started chuckling,

indicating that they had trapped LL. LL planned for this, he knew that there was going to

be a broken-down bridge with no way to pass, and he knew that the Enuechs would grow

confident. He used the variables and set up an ambush, using the broken-down bridge

(the valley underneath it), and the outside mountainous areas. LL- “HAHA, they fell for

it, just like I thought they would.”

● Another genius aspect of this strategy is that LL guaranteed his safety by being in the

same truck as the princess. He knew their objective was to get her back, so they logically

could not shoot to destroy the vehicle she was in.

● LL plan was prolonged because of Xingke.. Known as a master strategist and ace pilot,

who even has the same tactical mind as LL, and even displayed that he would have done

the same thing as him, in the context of this strategy, on top of India spontaneously being

split on who they should support, half of them started supporting LL and the other half

China. Furthermore, Kallen got captured because someone forgot to change or recharge

her energy filler, and the Chinese federation was able to bring in their main forces on top

of Xingke’s. He then had an extremely difficult decision to make… Does he go against


all odds to save one pilot, Kallen, or does he withdraw? LL, of course, chose the former,

which was reassuring to Kallen and the BK’s.

● This quote by LL exemplifies his understanding of strategy. LL- “Assume crane

formation. We’ll show Xingke the difference between strategy and tactics.” He

wonderfully improvised his strategy and quickly read the situation. LL- “ BK’s prepare

for battle! The terrain offers little cover, and there's no geographic advantage. So, the

Chinese federation battle plan will be… To break through the center!”. LL was able to

read what the CF was going to do, based on these new adjusting circumstances. He

analyzed the weaknesses and strengths of his and the opponents and reasoned that they

would attack the center in a short period of time. Great FRI.

● 4 total geass uses so far in R2, so 18 total at this point.

● Completely surprised Xingke byt deploying all his men at once.. This may seem

“normal”, but in the context of this war, it is insane. He threw off Xingke’s strategy with

this and was able to surround the main force that attacked the center.

● LL lowered the water levels of the bank of the waterway before the battle. Xingke

intended to use the high water level to trap the BK’s. It’s absolutely insane that he saw

this coming and planned for it.

● LL withdrew to the Chinese Mausoleum.

● LL- “ I need to strive for victory even if it’s a hopeless situation.” I find his resilience to

be impressive here.

EP-36- FRI, Strategy, Planning, Deception, manipulation.

● At the current moment, it’s a stalemate. LL needs to think of something fast.


● Britannia and the CF intend to destroy Zero and the empress, but Xingke’s sole reason for

living is because of the empress. At the moment, Xingke if facing off against the CF and


● LL comes up with a thoroughly ingenious plan.

Xingke/Chinese Federtation Counter Stratgy

1. The situation looked dire for LL, the Empress, and the Bk’s

2. 3. They started firing at the Empress, and Xingke stepped in, covering the Empress from

a barrage of firepower. Xingke states, “ Someone do it! I don’t care who! But, please,

someone save her!! This is when LL pulls out the trump card he’s been saving.

3. LL anticipated that Xingke would help protect the Empress and indirectly protect LL, he

waited for the perfect opportunity when Xingke could not protect her anymore, the point

where Xingke would plead for someone to help. Right after that desperate plea by

Xingke, LL makes his move and states. “Very well, I understand. Wish is granted.”

4. LL finally makes his move and deploys the Gawain, the most potent defensive KM, and

its blast potency is one of the highest. Essentially, it’s his most valuable asset. He could

have deployed it earlier against the battle with Xingke, but decided to save it, for the

more dire of circumstances.

5. LL used this KM to protect everyone from the CF and Britannian forces. While shooting

out a powerful reflective device, then shooting that device to project an even wider/more

potent blast that hits everything in the vicinity.

6. Xingke- “You think your KM can turn the tide of this battle?” LL- “Not at all, the tide of

war is determined by strategy not tactics”.


7. Realizing that the situation was hopeless, the CF was going to destroy the Empress and

the Bk’s. The Chinese Federation has no use for the Empress anymore, LL figured out

what they were trying to kill the Empress and blamed it on the BK’s.

8. LL video calls the CF. Brilliantly uses his linguistic ability to bait the high Eunechs into

stating how superior they are to China. Even getting them to admit how they see the

people of China as ants, how they used the empress, and overall displaying how selfish

they are. LL is one of the best I’ve personally seen at using the overconfidence and

arrogance of the enemy against them. LL-” Thanks to the empress, the high Eunechs are

firmly cast as the villains”.

9. LL had this entire video broadcast to China. Caused all the citizens to riot, gained

reinforcements, and most brilliantly, it caused the Britanian reinforcements, led by

Schnizeil, to withdraw because it would be a horrendous look on Britannia if they

supported these newly discovered villains. Making LL’s strategy a complete success.

10. LL deploys his ground forces. Schnezeil withdraws. LL anticipates this, of course..

Stating- “Yes, brother, I thought this was what you would do.”

11. He was able to kill the CF Eunuchs, make Xingke an ally, and escape an impossible

situation once again.

● LL- “The human heart is the source of all power”. High EU here.


● Thought of 18 hypothetical outcomes of dating Shirley

EP-38- Abduction, Strategy.

● Has a detailed point system profile of each central BK member. He measures intelligence,

combat ability, charisma, and loyalty.


● Set up an elaborate strategy to stop Jeramaiah, a Geass user, that negates Geass's powers.

● Abducted that Jeramaoh used Sakuradite(Sakuradite is a unique material)…. From Rolo’s

phone call. Rolo must have told LL that Jer beat the skilled assassin maid, Syakko.

Through that confrontation, LL abducted that Jeremiah must have been using Sakuradite

within his body to beat her.

● Used a gephion disturber to halt Jeramaoh, paralyzing him.

● LL then explained he could bring Tokyo to a standstill with this.

EP-39- EQ

● Showed insane acting, and EM… Rolo killed Shirley, one of LL’s lovers? Best friend?

Someone intensely close to LL. LL puts on an act and even praises Rolo right after LL

grieves her death.

● Even proceeds to manipulate Rolo, to fully trust him afterward.

● VV Deception Strategy- Deception, planning, mentality, strategy.

1. LL declared war on VV and the Geass order. He was able to pinpoint their exact


2. LL videocalls VV and tells him he’s coming for him and will exterminate all Geass

orders. The video shows that LL is in his room at Ashford Academy, so VV has nothing

to worry about. He states we can just switch locations.

3. LL was already in the vicinity of VV. He just needed to get on the video call to hijack

the exact location. LL succeeds in doing that.

4. It turns out that LL used a replica of his room to deceive VV of the conception that LL

was in Ashford. In reality, LL was already in the general vicinity. Catching VV by


● LL ruthlessly slayed all the researchers, workers, and Geass users.

● LL even made Rolo kill the children he grew up with.

● Planted a bomb on Rolo, and he planned to kill him on this mission.

● Outsmarted an immortal.

EP-40- FRI and VSI

● Great FRI and VSI- Came up with a quick way to use Geass on the emperor without

directly looking into his eyes. He used a contraption that spread out micro mirrors and

was able to use geass at the perfect time, at the exact position the geass ray would make

contact with the emperor's eyes.

● Somehow figured out the system known as the “Thought Elevator.” LL- “I see it now.

This realm of existence is itself interfering with the thought.”

● Escaped the prison and saved CC.

EP-41- Charisma

● Convinced world representatives to join the United Federation of Nations. 47 total

nations. (UNF)

● Turned a small terrorist organization into a world power.

● Showed amazing metacognition and thinking of outcomes.


Suzaku-Indirect/emotional manipulation, strategy, All planning.

1.LL calls Suzaku asking for forgiveness and for him to protect Nunnally. Suzaku

currently holds an intense hatred toward LL. Suzaku agreed to his terms, but only if LL

met with him at the Kurugi shrine alone.


2. Sometime after the phone call, we see LL in an abandoned warehouse, and we see him

use geass on Gilford. Gilford is exceptionally loyal to Cornelia, so he would do anything

for her. LL acts as if he has information on Cornelia to bait him to come to that location.

He used geass on him. The command is essential for this strategy. The command-

“Whenever I assume this hand position, act as if I’m Cornelia.”

3. LL arrives at the shrine alone and sees Suzaku alone. Suzaku pours out his emotions of

hatred towards LL. Suzaku asks LL why he ordered Euphy to kill all the Japanese. LL

replies with “to motivate my men and to make sure the BK’s wouldn’t collapse.” This

highlights the fantastic EQ, awareness, and planning of LL. LL obviously didn’t use

Geass on Euphy for those reasons, it was an accident, but LL knew that Suzaku would

never believe that, so he didn’t even bother explaining the truth.

4. LL gets on his knees and begs Suzaku to save Nunally. Suzaku continues to abuse LL.

5. Suddenly, we see a Britannian force shoot at LL. The conditions of the meetup was for

both parties to come alone. Suzaku had yet to learn a Britannian force would follow him.

Suzaku had nothing to do with it.

6. Suzaku is in disbelief that this happened. While LL acts like Suzaku was the one who

sold him out, even crying because of this. However, LL anticipated all of this.

7. The force that followed Suzaku was led by Gilford, the man LL used Geass on


8. LL strikes the pose, and Gilford starts perceiving LL as Cornelia. He frees LL and

escapes safely.

9. LL anticipated all of this… The brilliance of this plan comes from this- LL knew that

Britannia was going to capture him without Suzaku's consent or knowledge, so he used

this and created a situation where Suzaku would feel intense guilt and remorse for

“betraying” LL. Suzaku thinks that LL thinks that Suzaku planned to capture him. LL, of

course, knew this and could emotionally and indirectly manipulate Suzaku. He did this so

Suzaku would join his side in the future and guaranteed that Suzaku would protect

Nunnally. After all, Suzaku needs to atone for this betrayal.

10. LL also shows excellent cold reading, psychoanalysis, and EQ, because he could

figure out that Gilford would save him if he looked like Cornelia. LL understood their

relationship from sheer battle.

● Shows up to the Tokyo settlement, where the BK’s are losing. He uses that Gephion

distributor he planned ages ago to completely shut off all the power and energy of Tokyo,

including the enemy's power. He then ordered the BKs to come out and take advantage.

This was all planned beforehand. Even having a plan ready for Rollo to capture Nunnally.

The amount of planning in this entire episode is fantastic. He also had Xingke and his

force distract the Knight of one's force while the BK’s take out the Tokyo settlement, a

brilliant display of diversion.

EP-43- Planning.

● Covered all the objectives

● “Priority item 3,” AKA Nunally. It just shows how in-depth his planning is, by the fact

that he has “Priority items.”

● LL would have won the entire battle and war if it wasn't for Suzaku’s Geass inscription of

living. He was about to die but then fired the Fleijia, which the BK’s had no idea about.

Remember, Suzaku was never planning to use it in the first place.

● The battle ends up a draw.


EP-45- Induction

● Amazing induction. LL was able to induce the location of the Empower. LL- “The

Emporer was headed for area 11, but he never showed up to the Tokyo Settlement. This

means he had another objective. His path could have taken him to Shikina Island, no the

ruins of Kamene Island”. Was able to predict where the Emporer was from the sheer

observation that the Emporer did not land in Tokyo.

● LL- “I’m gambling that I can kill an immortal who never ages and is immune to geass”.

Just goes to show what he was up against.

● Figured out a solution to take down the emperor, an immortal being. He locked himself

and himself in an eternal prison using explosives. He was willing to be locked in for the

rest of his life.

EP-46- Overall Reasoning and Thinking.

● Insane abstract thinking here. Please watch the episode.

● Abducted that CC would arrive at the thought elevator realm with her memories back

because it was necessary for the plan.

● Figured out that he could use his Geass on God itself. He was able to reach such a

pinnacle of power that he could do it successfully.

● Killed his parents

Zero Requiem- All planning, ALL Strategy, Deception, Overall manipultion,

Anticipation, all FSIQ, methods, Tactics.

● The Zero Requiem plan has officially begun. LL preps for one month.

● Everything that happens from this point is known as the Zero Requiem.


● LL assumes the throne. Revealing to the world that he has killed Charles. At this point,

it’s only him, CC, and Suzaku.

● Grants Suzaku Knight of Zero- reveals to the world that Suzaku is LL’s right hand.

● Uses his buffed form of Geass to force the royal family and the Britnnian soldiers to obey

him. This is his most prevalent use of geass. Essentially, attaining an army to fight the

United Nations, the BK’s, and Schneizel with his Fleija.

● Destroys the mausoleum of the emperors to erase the history of Britannia.

● Induces that he must act before Scheizel does.

● Suzaku kills the Knight of One. LL planned for it to be broadcasted worldwide so they

knew how powerful they were and to get into the UNF, the assembly of countries that he

started. LL- “This is proof of my power.”

● Deceives the UNF that he follows the UNF rules and does not bring anybody.

● He then demands to do the meeting at Ashford Academy. He later on holds everyone

there, hostage.

● Puts on an act with Kallen.

● The UNF planned anti-geass precautions. LL knew this, and it didn’t matter. He held

them hostage, through Suzaku.

● Used the UNF meeting and the school site as a decoy so that he could bring in his army.

Brilliant deception and strategy.

● LL convinces everyone that he’s the enemy of the world.


● Predicted that Nina would escape with Rolo, even anticipating the exact route he would

take. He captured Nina because he knew he needed her to stop the Fleija.

● LL knew where the base of the Fleijas would be.

● Was able to get over his emotional ties and biggest weakness-Nunnaly. He even lies to

her for the sake of his plan. Saying he would kill her with no regret.

● Held all the UNF leaders as hostages, ensuring Schneizel would not use the Fleija on LL.

The BK’s would never support Schneizel if he did. Great defense measure.

● Schneizel stated that he never lost to LL.

● Excellent strategy, FRI, and adaptability here against Schneizel.

● LL was going up against 5 of the top 6 pilots. Kallen, who is equal to Suzaku, Xingke,

Todo, Tristan, and Mordred. While LL only had Suzaku. Insane.

● LL was controlling around 10k men. Insane strategy capacity.

● Ideally deployed, the use of sukarudite on Mt. Fuji as a trap.

● Assessed that he was in a disadvantageous position by one move. Understood that he

only had one gamble left and that it “relied on Schneizels heart”.

● Xingke was able to invade LL’s main ship, the Avalon. LL planned for such a specific

and challenging measure. LL- “Holding out this long was good enough. Land the ship in

the Pacific and processed with plan Uptae Aletheah. An advanced escape plan that gets

everyone out safely.

● Fleijia feat- One of the highest CPI and FRI I’ve ever witnessed. Matched the Fleija,

something beyond a supercomputer composition by a composition by plugging in

environmental data. Had to execute everything in 19 seconds, which is before detonation,

and still had time to command Suzaku for the next step.

● Figured out Schneizels location-through abduction.

● One of the most remarkable anticipation feats of all time- Anticipated an entire

conversation with Schneziel, verbatim, to buy time. Perfect pauses, responses, critical

thinking, FRI, interpersonal, psychoanalysis, abstract thinking. Pre-recorded the entire


● Used geass to control Schneziel. At no point did LL use Geass in his process to capture

him. The entire plan and strategy were created by LL’s mind. Used Schneziels lack of

fear against him.

● LL fully overcomes Nunnaly by using geas on her. His biggest weakness which caused so

many of his poor decisions, was nullified.

● Obey me world speech- Fully deceiving the world that he’s a tyrant, corrupt ruler.

● 2 months later. Has Zero, the symbol of hope killed the Demon Lelouch. Providing

salvation to the world, reestablishing Zero, and fulfilling the Zero Requiem.

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