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yon Developr 1 (22617) (Work Book) Pg no practical No. 17: Develop a Program to Create an Activity practical Significance » au An activity represents a single screen with a user interface. For example, an email application might wwe one activity that shows a list o have one a ws a list of new emails, another activity to compose an email, and one for reading emails. st) Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) PO2- Discipline knowledge PO 3- Experiments and practice PO 4- Engineering tools practice PO 10- Life-long learning sgt) Competency and Skills “Create simple Android applications” This practical is expected to develop the following skills Create an activity to load all the UI components, 1v) Relevant Course Outcome(s) + Develop rich user Interfaces by using layouts and controls. + Use User Interface components for android application development. WV) Practical Outcomes (Pros) Develop a program to create an activity (Vi) Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s) * Work collaboratively in team * Follow ethical practices Vit) Minimum Theoretical Background An activity is the single screen in android. It is like window or frame of Java. By the help of activity, you can place all your UI components or widgets in a single screen. fan application has more than one activity, then one of them should be marked as the activity that is Presented when the application is launched. As in C, C++ or Java programming language program starts from main () funetion, android system ‘sitiates its program within an Activity starting with a call on onCreate() method. Android Activity ‘lass is the subclass of ContextThemeWrapper class. An activity class loads all the Ul component using the XML file available in res/layout folder of the project. Following statement loads UI components from res/layouv/activity_main.xmlfile: OnSup 6.) On Desdvoylds..Colled...ocecsashocty, on Pausel li Called. udhenrashiust on ResumeQ)ai Called baben....asd ber ASIN. AION (x) Exercise (Use blank space provide for answers or attached more pages if needed) ity using all lifecycles methods to display messzo 1. Write a program to create a HelloWorld Acti using Log.d. (MSBTE-T Scheme-Sem. 6) (22617) pment (22617) 10 (95) Practical No, 18 : Develop a Program to Implement New Activity using Explicit Intent and Implicit Intent. a) Practical Significance Android Intent is the message that is passed be provide tween components such as activities, conten brondeast receivers, services ete. It facilitates communication betiveen diff components nt android (11) Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) PO 1- Basie knowledge: PO 2: Discipline knowledge PO 3- Experiments and practice PO 4- Engineering tools practice (111) Competency and Skills “Create simple Android applications.” ‘This practical is expected to develop the following skills * Create an activity using implicit intent. Create an activity and call another activity using explicit intent. (IV) Relevant Course Outcome(s) Develop rich user Interfaces by using layouts and controls. ‘Use User Interface components for android application development. (V) Practical Outcomes (Pros) Develop a program to implement new activity using explicit intent and implicit intent. (VI) Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s) * Work collaboratively in team * Follow ethical practices (VIZ) Minin um Theoretical Background Android application components can connect to other Android applications, This connection is based on a task description represented by an Intent object. Intents are asynchronous messages which allow application components to request functionality from other Android components. Intents allow you to interact with components from the same applications as well as with components contributed by other applications. For example, an activity ean start an for taking a picture. (Vill) PAROUTCRS reauited (hAditionaly we tio, | Vnetrwmorsl ject _ Specification Quantity Remarks (QS) PrACtIC€) related Questions Nate: Below klven are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must design more such quedione ta enaure the achlecement of identified CO. [Space tor Answer] Bt Dadn Cho pices si) ub Sng. Ay omp Onra 0d Ste) typo Ad. 5 Yelm Cne..pacsus. Te) : vl oA std & sod.) {MSBTEI Scheme-Sem. Mabie Aspicaton Deveicprent 22612 et Fay m to Implement Sensor, Practical No. 22 : Develop a Progra motion, orientation, and vay Practical Significance sid devices have built-in sensors that measure data from these sensors and use it in gp. lows us to get the raw @ Most of the and environmental condition. Android all application (11) Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) PO2- Discipline knowledge POS- Experiments and practice PO4- Engineering tools POS- The engineer and society PO7- Ethics -actical Skills (111) Competency and “Create simple Android applications.” This practical is expected to develop the following skills “Able to get a list of sensors supported by the device. L the use of Sensor Manager class. 2. Able to demons! (1V) Relevant Course Outcome(s) Interpret features of Android operating system. 1 Configure Android environment and development tools. 2 (¥) Practical Outcome (PrOs) Develop a program to implement sensors. (V1) Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s) 1, Work collaboratively in team 2, — Follow ethical Practices. (VII) Minimum Theoretical Background ‘The android platform supports three broad categories of sensors. Motion Sensors, Environmental sensors, Position sensors. Some of the sensors are hardware based and some are software-based fentas S (camera object = nulls,» aaject = CAMTA.OPEN(): ethods: startActivityForResult In te can take extra Bundle of nt intent, j aa options with strtActivityFromChild acti ye it! when your activity is child of any ari Intent int startActivit er activity, rs “is FromChilavActivity child, Int a same as above, but it ean take Ghemavalies thine os xtra vi rea 4. startActivityFromFragmentiFra, ‘alues in the shape of bundle with it activity from the fragment you are on 5, __ startActivil a It not only launch hes the activity from the fragment, but ean take extra values with it fent, int requestCode) It launch urently inside, yi Resources required (Additional) .stCode, Bundle options) It work it fragment, Intent intent, int requestCode)It launches yFromFragment (Fragment fragment, Intent intent, intrequestCode, Bundle options) T Gr. No. : Instrument/Object Specification | Quantity Remarks 1 oe enabled smartphone /| 2GB RAM 1 Data cable is mandatory ‘Android version supporting emulator for emulators ‘ (x) Practical related Questions Note: Below given are few sample questions for reference. Teachers must questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO. 1 List all the methods related to camera class. 2, _ Explain the method that is used to detect the face, design more such Mobile Application Development (226 ot BOOK) Panay Practical No. 24: Develop a Program for Providing Bluetooth Connectivity (1) Practical Significance h is a way to send or receive data between tito different devices. Android platform inclujs they Bluet support for the Bluetooth framework that allows a device to wirelessly exchange data wir Bluetooth devices, (11) Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) PO2- Discipline knowledge POS- Experiments and practice PO4- Engineering tools. PO7- Ethics (III) Competency and Practical Skills “Create simple Android applications.” This practical is expected to develop the following skills, Able to communicate with Bluetooth hardware. / Able to integrate Bluetooth in any application. 2. (IV) Relevant Course Outcome(s) Configure Android environment and development tools. z 2. Develop rich user Interfaces by using layouts and controls. 3. Use User Interface components for android application development. V) Practical Outcome (PrOs) Develop a program for Bluetooth. VI) Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s) 1. Work collaboratively in team. 2. — Follow ethical Practices. /II)Minimum Theoretical Background luetooth. Create an object of this given below. pactical Significance Task is an abstract clas: ¢ backgrot S provid vund and ‘ded by Android which gives us the liberty to perform keep the U1 he UI thread light thus making the application more geievant Program Outcomes (Pos) po2- Discipline knowledge POS. Experiments and practice competency and Practical Skills nple Android appli ions.” “Creat ris practical is expected to develop the following skill |. Able to develop the application using the Asye Rik: 3 Able to keep the GUI light for heavy database applications. gelevant Course Outcome(s) | Configure Android environment and development tools. 2, Develop rich user Interfaces by using layouts and controls. 3, Create Android application using database practical Outcome (PrOs) Demonstrate Async task using SQLite. relevant Affective Domain related Outcomes 1. Work collaboratively in team 2. Follow ethical Practices. Minimum Theoretical Background Android application runs on @ single thread when-launched. Due to this single thread model tasks that take longer time to fetch the vesponse can make the application non- responsive. To avoid this, we use android AsyncTask to perform the heavy tasks in background on a dedicated thread and pessing the results back to the UI thread. Hence use of AsyneTask in android application keeps the UI thread responsive at all times. 5 ) Resources required (Additional) Remarks ‘Data cable is mandatory for emulators fication | Quantity " 6) (22617) i eer one LET | (IX) Practical related Questions Note: Below given are fiw sample questions for reference. Teavhers must design mor, meh questions to ensure the achievement of identified CO. 1. List the basic methods used in an android AsyneTaskelass. 2. Differentiate between AgyneTask andServices, 3. Name the method used, ifa process takes a long time to do its work? {Space for Answer]. Ql). Be yncfast class...methads.£. Tes aah : d. 1) Ao“Ln Bask gravnd. 00 Pes Eres. Practical No. 28 : Cr, Have to Validate User and Password i: ate Login Application Where you Will Name and Password Till the Username 'S not Validated, Login Button Should Remain Disabled, (2) Practical Significance? This day Login and Regist are programming, we work login or registration to a co1 tion form in Android are part of every application out there. So, when we with many registration forms, Forms can be very different from a simple mplex ordering form for any application. {i1) Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) PO1- Basic knowledge PO2- Discipline knowledge POS- Experiments and practice PO7- Ethics III) Competency and Practical Skills “Create simple Android applications,” This practical is expected to develop the following skills 1. Able to develop various registration forms. 2. Able to develop the application with various kinds of validations. 'V) Relevant Course Outcome(s) 4 1. Configure Android environment and development tools. 2. Develop rich user Interfaces by using layouts and controls. 3. Use User Interface components for android application development. ‘) Practical Outcome (PrOs) Create sample application’ with login module. (Check usernante and password) On successful login, Change Text View “Login Successful”. And on login fail, alert user using Toast “Login fail”. 1) Relevant Affective Domain Related Outcome(s) 1. Work collaboratively in team 2. Follow ethical Practices. II) Minimum Theoretical Background With registration, how you can check data that the user has entered with simple validation. ith regist a sa : Validation can chee marie entered all the required de

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