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Love Exist

Kael-gay in the story
Jake-straight man that fall in love with a gay
Kish, Kath, Kyla- the gossipers
At school and on the street/road

Narrator: Kael and Jake are friends, Jake is a real man and Kael
is a man with a woman's heart, he is kind and a good person, one
day while walking they saw a woman who was very beautiful, tall
white and looked gorgeous, at first glance Jake was immediately
Jake: ”Wow, she's beautiful.”
Kael: “Huh, what did you say?”
Jake: “I said beautiful.”
Kael: “What?”
Jake: “The woman is beautiful, she looks like a goddess, she's
beautiful isn't she?”

Narrator: Kael thought that jake was looking at him, they were
only 8 years old and kael already likes jake now that they are 16
years old, jake is becoming more matured and handsome so he
cannot control his feeling to jake.
Kael: “I wish it was me, I'm here Jake, I'm beautiful in
different way I hope you know that I like you.” (Kael said to
Jake: ”Hey, are you okay, you look tired, maybe you're just
Kael: “Let’s eat.”
Jake: ”Are you okay? Do you want something?”
Narrator: They finished eating and went home right away, it was
late night and while alone in the room kael was dumbfounded while
thinking how to tell jake that he likes him

(after a week at school)

Jake: “hi kael, did you eat, are you okay? you seem to be quiet,
I miss you, we didn't see each other the other day, you were too
Kael: “I'm fine, what about you?”
Jake: “Hey kael, hey, pay attention to me, we haven't been
together for a few days.”
Kael: “Well we have nothing to talk about.”
Jake: “Are you mad at me? did I do something wrong?”
Kael: “Nothing.”
Jake: "Since we ate last time, you've been like that, maybe
you're jealous of that girl." (Jake joked)
Kael: "Yes!" (shouted)
Jake: “What? Seriously.”
Kael: “Nothing.”
Jake: “Are you really jealous?”
Kael: “Yes, I like you, I like you jake, but I know you will
never like someone like me because I'm not a beautiful girl, I am
just a boy your best friend.” (cried)
Jake: “I like you too, I have feelings for you too kael, were
best friend and from the first place I know that you’re not
Kael: “Huh”
Jake: “I love you, you know I miss you so much.”
Kael: “Really? I miss you.”
(and suddenly jake grabbed Kael’s hand saying miss you and he
kissed him)
Jake: “Can I court you kael? can I?”
Kael: “What are you talking about?” (shocked)
Jake: “I like you and I want to court you.”
Kael: “I don't know what to say, can you wait for me to think
about that?”
Jake: “Of course, I’ll wait for you.”
Narrator: While jake is courting kael there are gossips around
them, they experience discrimination about their relationship and
judge because of the love they chose.
Kish: “Those people are crazy.”
Kath: “Yes, your right.”
Kyla: “They are not compatible; they cannot make children because
they have same gender.”
Kael: "What are you gossiping about, you guys have nothing to do
with your life? Your such little b*tch." (shouted)
Kyla: “Did I say something wrong? Everybody knows that man and
man cannot be together, you’re crazy.”
Kael: “Really!”
Narrator: And the gossipers run away, a few minutes later Jake
saw Kael on the street
Jake: “Are you okay? did something happen? Your face is red.”
Kael: “I’m okay, the gossipers are talking about us in the
corner, it's annoying”
Jake: “let them, maybe they are perfect or they cannot smell
their stench” (Jake joked to Kael and both laugh)
Narrator: After a few months their relationship become strong,
although it was difficult for them that many people were looking
and some people were talking behind about the life they chose,
relationship was still continued and no one can stop the love
they have from each other.
Kael: “Thank you jake.”
Jake: “For what?”
Kael: “Thank you for accepting my whole personality and my
gender, thankyou because you're always here in my side every time
I feel down and tired, sometimes I hate myself, I hate everything
about me but your still here supporting and loving me from who I
am, thank you and I love you.” (smiled)
Jake: “You don't have to say that, I am here because I want to
and you are special from different things, I love you more.”

As a person we have the right to choose the things that makes us

happy, we all deserve genuine love and freedom. To make life
better we need someone who will love us from who or what we are,
some people may destroy your image or laugh at you but the only
one you need to do is that be who you really want to be, give
respect, care and love to others, let all be equal from right to
the left and top to the bottom because we are unique in different
ways and things.

Julie Mae

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