Geo Notes

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Lead Notes
Geography- Ch-4-Agricultur
Class X
No of pages: 3 Date-29.09.23

Q-Explain the technical and institutional reforms made by the government to increase the agricultural
• Ans-Abolition of Zamindari system.
• Consolidation of small land holdings into a large one where mechanization is possible.
• Introduction of insurance to provide security against failure of crops.
• Opening of rural banks and cooperatives to provide credit to the farmers at a low interest.
• Special weather bulletin and agricultural programs are introduced for farmers.
• Minimum Support Price to prevent exploitation of farmers by the middle men and the speculators.
• Green Revolution- HYV seeds, use of machines and fertilizers.
• Setting up of Agricultural universities, veterinary services and animal breeding centres.

Q-Enumerate the characteristics of plantation Farming.

• Ans-It is a single crop farming practised on a large area.
• Crops are mainly grown for the market.
• It is both capital and labour intensive.
• It has an interface of agriculture and industry.
• Developed network of transport and communication connecting the plantation processing industries and
markets play an important role in the development of plantations.
Q-Enumerate the characteristics of Subsistence Farming.
• It is grown in small field area.
• People use primitive tools like Dao, Hoe and digging sticks.
• Scattered landholdings.
• Farmers do not use fertilizers and HYV seeds.
• Lack of irrigation and electricity facilities.
Q-Describe the characteristics of Slash and Burn Agriculture
• Forests are cleared and trees are burnt to make the land available for cultivation.
• Once the patch of land is used for the production of crops, the soil fertility decreases, and the farmer
shifts and clears a fresh patch of land.
• In this kind, productivity is low because the farmer doesn’t use manures, fertilisers or other modern
• Primitive tools like hoe, dao and digging sticks are used.
• The farmer and his family members are engaged in the field for all types of farming works.
Q-‘Agriculture and Industry are complementary to each other.’ Justify.
• Ans-Agro-based industries in India have given a major boost to agriculture by raising its productivity.
• Industry has contributed to agriculture by using the implements like irrigation pumps, fertilizers,
pesticides, plastic and PVC pipes etc.

• Thus, development, competitiveness and manufacturing industries has not only assisted agriculturists in
increasing their productivity but also made production process very efficient.
• In the present-day world of globalisation, industry needs to be more efficient and competitive.
• Today, we are not only self-sufficient in agriculture but are able to compete with other farmers in the
Q. Differentiate between wheat and rice.

Wheat Rice
It’s a rabi and a temperate crop. It’s a kharif and a tropical crop.
It requires cool growing season and bright sunshine It requires more than 25⁰ temp.
at the time of ripening.
Rainfall-50-75 cms. Rainfall -above 100 cms.
Well drained fertile soil. Fertile alluvial soil with a clayey layer above.
The major wheat producing states are Punjab, The major wheat producing states are West Bengal,
Haryana and Uttar Pradesh Odisha and Kerala

Crops & the physical conditions for their growth

Two important beverage crops of India (Tea [Introduced by the British] and Coffee)
• Soil-Well drained soil
• Labour-Cheap, abundant, and skilled labour.
• Areas- Assam, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu & Keral
• Temperature- 20 to 30⁰ C
• Rainfall- 150 to 200 cms.

• Soil-Rich, well drained, loamy soil
• Labour-Cheap labour is essential.
• Areas- Hills around Nilgitris, Karnataka,Tamil Nadu & Kerala
• Temperature- 15 to 28⁰ C
• Rainfall- 150 to 200 cms.

• Temperature- 21 to 27⁰ C
• Climate- Hot & humid climate.
• Rainfall- 75 to 100 cms.
• Major producing States-Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu.
• Temperature- Above 25⁰ C
• Climate- Moist & humid climate.
• Rainfall- Above 200 cms.
• Major producing States-Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu

Maize (Food & Fodder Crop)
• Temperature- 21 to 27⁰ C
• Soil- Well drained Old alluvial.
• 140 frost free days.
• Major producing States-Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh
• Temperature- High Temperature
• Climate-Bright sun shine for its growth.
• Rainfall- Low rainfall for irrigation.
• Soil-Black & alluvial
• 210 Frost free days.
• Major producing States-Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu
Jute (Golden Fibre)
• Temperature- High temperature is required during growing time.
• Soil- Well drained fertile soil in the flood plains.
• Major producing States-West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Odisha

Rice & Wheat

Already given in the distinguish question


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