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Social Science
History- Ch-The Revolt of 1857
Lead Notes

Class: VIII No. of pages: 2

Date- 25.11.21

III. Answer in brief.

5. Who were the leaders of the Revolt? Mention the regions they ruled.

Leaders Regions
Nana Saheb Kanpur
Kunwar Singh Bihar
Rani Lakshmibai Jhansi
Hazrat Mahal Lucknow
Bahadur Shah Zafar Delhi.

IV. Answer in detail.

4. Describe the outcome of the Revolt.

• The rise of the nationalism- It was a turning point in the history of India’s freedom struggle. It united
people of all parts of India.

• India was brought directly under the crown- After 1857, the east India Company was abolished as a
governing body, and India was brought under the British Crown.

• Reorganization of the army- The number of British troops was increased greatly. The artillery was
put completely in British hands.

• Queen Victoria’s proclamation- This proclamation had granted unconditional pardon to all rebels
except those who had killed British people.

• Tenancy Acts- the Bengal Tenancy Act of 1859, tried to ensure that any peasant who
could prove that he had occupied this land for 12 years, could not be evicted from the land.

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HOTS: Think and Answer.

Question-Before the revolt of 1857, the British spoke of a time when the Indians would rule themselves. But
after the revolt they said that Indians are unfit to rule. What made them change their mind after the Revolt?

Answer-Following were the reasons which made the British to change their mind after the revolt-

• Lack of unity among the India rulers.

• Lack of a single national leader who could unite the various groups.
• Most of rebels lacked modern weapons. Revolutionaries were fearless but lacked organization and
• Unlike in Europe where the freedom fighters were inspired by modern ideas of democracy, the
people in India still looked up to their rulers and their outdated ideas.
• Unlike France, Indians had no progressive thinking leaders to look up to.

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