2.1key Types and Components of A Plumbing Supply - Distribution System

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Romblon State University Subject: Allied 222 – Engineering Utilities 2 (Basic Mechanical Engineering)
Main Campus - Odiongan, Romblon Program: CIVIL ENGINEERING

Key types and Components of a Plumbing Supply/Distribution System

Major Components of Plumbing System:
1. Pipes are the primary component of a plumbing supply system and are used to transport water, gas, and waste
throughout a building. They come in various materials such as copper, PVC, and PEX, and are available in different
sizes and shapes to accommodate different plumbing needs.
2. Valves are used to control the flow of water or gas in a plumbing system. They can be used to shut off or regulate
the flow of water to specific fixtures or appliances, and come in various types such as ball valves, gate valves, and
check valves.
3. Fittings are used to connect and join pipes in a plumbing system. They come in various shapes and sizes, and are
made from materials such as brass, copper, or PVC. Common types of fittings include elbows, tees, couplings, and
4. Faucets are the fixtures that control the flow of water from the plumbing system to sinks, showers, and tubs.
They come in various styles and designs, and are available in different materials such as chrome, stainless steel,
and brass.
5. Pumps are used to move water or waste through a plumbing system. They are commonly used in well systems,
sewage systems, and hot water circulation systems.
6. Water heaters are used to heat water for domestic use. They come in various types such as tankless, electric, and
gas, and are an essential component of a plumbing system for providing hot water to sinks, showers, and

Water Heater
Types of Water Heater:
1. Conventional storage water heaters, these are the most common type of water heaters and are used in
residential and commercial buildings. They consist of an insulated storage tank that holds a specific volume of hot
water. The water is heated and stored until it is needed, and the tank is usually powered by electricity, natural gas,
propane, or oil.
2. Tankless water heaters heat water directly without the use of a storage tank. When a hot water tap is
turned on, cold water travels through a pipe into the unit, where it is heated by a gas burner or electric element.
Tankless water heaters provide a continuous supply of hot water and are more energy-efficient than conventional
storage water heaters.
3. These water heaters use electricity to move heat from one place to another instead of generating heat
directly. They extract heat from the air or ground and transfer it to the water. Heat pump water heaters are more
energy-efficient than conventional electric water heaters and are suitable for moderate to warm climates.
4. Solar water heaters use the sun's energy to heat water. They consist of solar collectors that absorb solar
energy and transfer it to a heat transfer fluid, which then heats the water in a storage tank. Solar water heaters are
environmentally friendly and can significantly reduce energy costs, especially in sunny climates.
5. Condensing water heaters are high-efficiency units that capture and use the heat from the combustion
process that would otherwise be lost in conventional water heaters. They are typically powered by natural gas and
are more energy-efficient than non-condensing water heaters.

Building Plumbing Systems Prepared by: Engr. Bliven U. Garcia, ASEAN Eng.
P a g e | 1 of 4
Romblon State University Subject: Allied 222 – Engineering Utilities 2 (Basic Mechanical Engineering)
Main Campus - Odiongan, Romblon Program: CIVIL ENGINEERING

Some basic properties of fluid flow in a plumbing system:

It ensures that water is delivered at the right flow rate, velocity, and pressure to meet the demands of the building's
occupants while minimizing pressure drop to maintain efficient operation. Understanding and managing these
properties of fluid flow is essential for designing, installing, and maintaining a plumbing system that meets the
building's water supply and distribution needs.

1. Flow rate: Flow rate refers to the volume of fluid that passes through a given point in the plumbing system per unit
of time. It is typically measured in gallons per minute (GPM) or litters per second (L/s). Flow rate is important for
determining the capacity of the plumbing system to deliver water to various fixtures and appliances in the building.

2. Velocity: Velocity refers to the speed at which the fluid flows through the plumbing system. It is typically measured
in feet per second (ft/s) or meters per second (m/s). Velocity is important for understanding how quickly water
moves through the pipes and can impact factors such as pressure and friction within the system.

3. Pressure: Pressure in a plumbing system refers to the force exerted by the fluid on the walls of the pipes. It is
typically measured in pounds per square inch (psi) or kilopascals (kPa). Pressure is essential for ensuring that water is
delivered at the right pressure to fixtures and appliances for proper functionality.

4. Pressure drop: Pressure drop refers to the decrease in pressure as the fluid flows through the plumbing system. It
occurs due to factors such as friction within the pipes, changes in pipe diameter, and elevation changes. Pressure
drop is important to consider for maintaining adequate pressure at various points in the plumbing system.

Calculating the maximum probable flow rate of a building plumbing system involves considering various
factors such as the number of fixtures, types of fixtures, and the expected simultaneous use of water within the
building. The flow rate can be estimated using industry-standard guidelines and formulas. One common approach is
to use the "Hunter's Curve" method, which provides a conservative estimate of the maximum probable flow rate.

The formula for calculating the maximum probable flow rate using the Hunter's Curve method is:

Q = (C * A) / (t + 1)


Q = Maximum probable flow rate (in gallons per minute, GPM)

C = Fixture unit value for the fixtures in the building

A = Area of the building (in square feet)

t = Time interval in hours during which the maximum flow rate is expected

You would need first to determine the fixture unit values for each type of fixture in the building (e.g., sinks, showers,
toilets), the total area of the building, and the expected time interval for maximum water usage.

Building Plumbing Systems Prepared by: Engr. Bliven U. Garcia, ASEAN Eng.
P a g e | 2 of 4
Romblon State University Subject: Allied 222 – Engineering Utilities 2 (Basic Mechanical Engineering)
Main Campus - Odiongan, Romblon Program: CIVIL ENGINEERING

If you have a building with a total fixture unit value of 150, an area of 10,000 square feet, and you expect the
maximum flow rate to occur over a 2-hour time interval, the calculation would be:

Q = (150 * 10000) / (2 + 1)

Q = 1500000 / 3

Q = 500,000 GPM

This calculation would give you an estimate of the maximum probable flow rate for the building plumbing system
under the specified conditions.

It's important to note that this is a simplified example, and actual flow rate calculations for a building plumbing
system should be performed by a qualified plumbing engineer or professional using detailed fixture data and
building-specific factors.

Example problems related to building plumbing systems:

1. Determining Fixture Unit Values:

Calculate the fixture unit values for a building that has 10 lavatory sinks, 5 water closets, and 3 showers. Use
the fixture unit values provided by the plumbing code.

2. Sizing Water Supply Pipes:

Determine the appropriate pipe size for the main water supply line in a building based on the calculated
maximum probable flow rate and the allowable water velocity according to plumbing codes and standards.

3. Pressure Drop Calculation:

Calculate the pressure drop for a water supply line that is 150 feet long and has a flow rate of 10 gallons per
minute. Consider the pipe material, diameter, and fittings used in the system.

4. Hot Water Demand Calculation:

Estimate the maximum hot water demand for a commercial building with a cafeteria, restrooms, and
multiple handwashing sinks. Consider the fixture types, usage patterns, and simultaneous use scenarios.

5. Sizing a Water Heater:

Select an appropriate size for a storage-type water heater to meet the hot water demand of a residential
building with three bathrooms, a kitchen, and a laundry room. Consider factors such as fixture unit values, peak
demand, and recovery rate.

Building Plumbing Systems Prepared by: Engr. Bliven U. Garcia, ASEAN Eng.
P a g e | 3 of 4
Romblon State University Subject: Allied 222 – Engineering Utilities 2 (Basic Mechanical Engineering)
Main Campus - Odiongan, Romblon Program: CIVIL ENGINEERING

1. Determining Fixture Unit Values:

According to plumbing codes, the fixture unit values are:

- Lavatory sink: 1.0 fixture units

- Water closet: 4.0 fixture units

- Shower: 2.0 fixture units

Therefore, the total fixture unit value for the building is:

10 sinks * 1.0 fixture units + 5 water closets * 4.0 fixture units + 3 showers * 2.0 fixture units = 10 + 20 + 6 = 36
fixture units.

2. Sizing Water Supply Pipes:

Based on the calculated maximum probable flow rate and allowable water velocity, a 1.5-inch diameter pipe is
selected for the main water supply line to ensure adequate flow and velocity within the plumbing system.

3. Pressure Drop Calculation:

Using the Darcy-Weisbach equation and considering the pipe material, diameter, and fittings, the pressure drop for
the water supply line is calculated to be 7.2 psi.

4. Hot Water Demand Calculation:

After considering fixture types, usage patterns, and simultaneous use scenarios, the maximum hot water demand for
the commercial building is estimated to be 50 gallons per minute during peak usage.

5. Sizing a Water Heater:

Based on the estimated hot water demand, a 100-gallon storage-type water heater with an appropriate recovery
rate is selected to meet the hot water needs of the residential building.

Building Plumbing Systems Prepared by: Engr. Bliven U. Garcia, ASEAN Eng.
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