Consent Form-Afan Oromo-Final

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Users of the Schedule General Children , Children and Youth Service The Givers At They Don't

Want Responsibility Guca Promise It's the one The story

Name The project ______________________ No. The project _____________________

Name The child User __________________No. The child Use _________________

The registration this is the child yours The Commission Development The Church the palace the
christ schedule development each other galaxy infants , children and adolescents in the 1990s
when the participate / ttu threat on reach they can be understand or the dangers listing the
more than even mood in this way the danger if the child yours on due at responsibility of yours
being his as understand and that you took it is notice . The child user / tuu of the program
became / became now age by law sat reached / delivered will his / her current level age of the
self by him / her giving away can / can as to the family , as the developer law effectively , as
relative nearby , man nursing laatu becoming develop the there are spot they descended by
viewing this record signing the agreement have However even but , the user age by law sat on
role his / her will of the self by his / her give status his/ her age enable the on if due or if
delivered on this record of the self by his / her signing the agreement is can / can During in this
case the word " My child the user say as as it has become is considered That's what for the ,
Guca the company , employees to the organization , partners and supporters accountability
from free makes this while don't paragraphs before signing gucha or in this document there are
in the manner they read it or as to be readable they did it since understanding the after as
signed by the is be asked The document regarding the thing for you don't the income if he lived
or immediately question which even if you have to have as for you light are made to ask for is
you can

I open this form sign the signatures the points below are the following I confirm my
understanding :

1. Need the developer law effective or the caretaker which even request while and don't
the requirement to sign this form power have .
2. My child company development above above the ground name beaten up of by
Compassion International ( hereinafter “ Compassion ” . of called ) the financial
assistance to be made schedule infants , children and adolescents also programs and
service providers others upon as participate in the has allowed

3. The installation Development and assistance the church the palace the christ under the
hood projects development children and young people the church under there are in
the 1990s the programs conducted by the of as education , treatment health , care
health , first disease prevent , to in the field exit or and the like environment of the
project outside the box the services given and activities made , helpers with exchanges
letter done , wal exchange of views photos and information about development the
child my coat , we visit by the helpers for my child be , activities others which even of for
my child benefits as I understand that it includes

4. The movements which in particular man experience as the can , activities development
projects my child in the 1990s participate in the or movements the program in there are
when the perform , injuries or the dangers don't don’t think about it experience can .
Disadvantages and risks on this program ga'u they can be injuries physical , disease or
death become can.Information individual my own give , my will except my name is use ,
or pretense , lack of money , information destruction , mystery information health for
each other division,harm honor and reputation good on reach , violated freedom
personal , fraud including accidents and injuries of others in live as I understand that
they can

5. The Commission Development the church the palace christ and Compassion , me and
my child from these dangers prevent of they enable the policies and guidelines if they
have a smile even or of have a smile if became even threat but whole leaving it
completely as don't I understand that it is impossible

6. Compassion is the source The Commission Development the church the palace christ
and projects under him for the stay for various aids work development to work with the
supports as give , it but his responsibility of the self for his own sake the employees his
must their when the they went out action for the performance of the except The
installation Development and assistance the church the palace the christ at
responsibility none of these as don't I understand that we do not have

7. My child in this program when the participate in the the danger suddenly if on due staff
and vol- unteers of the program aid try it out threat suddenly for my child are made
upon as for the decisions has allowed Staff and vol- unteers of the program similar acts
when the judged , righteousness and spirit in a good way stirred up my child and about
for my child as I understand what they did

8. At this event participation in the on my child and me threat or injuries delivery of the I
know , and I accept.Also , issues above above the ground mentioned so it is accepted
according to the current law The installation Development and assistance the church the
palace the christ upon question charges that I don't we offered agreed to

9. The child my or I program Compassion is the source supported by the in the 1990s
attend our from of arose , or mood by any means cause in this way each other with the
hold at responsibility coming they can be which even from the again happened to face
in the first place free has made it

10. The above above , issues at responsibility from free made , the Compassionate with
together relationships have and the supporters of the Compassion ( for example my
country in the 1990s attended by the staff office Compassionate or the party spot
advantage or friends his world wrappers and the like ) and employees ( employees
employed , volun- teers , persons name By compassion were made on others etc. ) on to
include the they which is at liabilities and claims from free being they are at agreed to

11. Obligations above above the ground I loved these mentions yoon at entered , the injury
or the danger the child my on due yaa became it was said that to with evil of done if
became , a person destruction created upon rights by law my accusation of is expected
However even except the sentence man or company the crime created upon except
man or company of others upon don't present .
12. Document or on this form yoon signing the agreement refused policies Compassionate
the question Sponsorship of my child answer as don't we got it doing as I understand
that I can.The child my the program in the 1990s attend as to be able to gallery / unit
upon signing the agreement as from me I understand the existing Accordingly in this
way similarly my will now gave this back yoon raised , the policy compassionate the help
of the the child for my own the program in the 1990s are made as at don't we continued
doing as I understand that I can

13. At this point increase , Commission Development The Church the palace christ and
Compassion invent my child of became work and the wisdom of the former became it
turns around his Compassion is the source or service compassionately mood related
sab- communication by the community or advertisement of the self for his own sake or
parents others as at for the users passed on the as give the right gave him Rights this is
the work improvement of the or as the important as it has become aim required for that
reason word changed the the father work of this the child my become his if described , if
explanation bates as at they use it is additional . Just like the known as the The
Commission Development The Church the palace christ and Compassion publication
before the person concerned concerned with authorizing the as have a smile of
understand if be , circumstances one one in the 1990s but in doing so they are from
don't expected.Work to be published supposed or published there are to stop the my
objection yoon sounded , the Commission Development The Church the palace christ
and Compassion work stop this printing of don't we were able to if although they are my
objection but thought straightforwardly as for me I know they understand And I was ,
the child my regarding this matter charges of don't we offered I certify that

14. The points above above the ground one of these described each of them in the manner I
understood of for me hingalin even as for me to be explained I asked , on this form my
will in full signed the
Way sign my now above below the table signed by , family or the developer law effective or the
care of the near become my and the name by the child on those issues / this form for the raised
my will I will prove to give

Family / Foster law effective Fedha Use it

/ Caregiver recent ( Age 18 and up up of Name The computer written _________

became / became ) Sign / Sign Fingerprint _____________ Date

Name complete __________________

Signs / Signs Fingerprint _____________

Date _____________________________

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