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º EP


Subject: English
Teacher: Gabriela Bravo Almonacid
Student: ______________________________
STUDY: verb: “TO BE”

 Affirmative (+)


I am ’m
You are ’re
He – She -It is ’s from Argentina.
We in the kitchen.
You are ’re

 Negative (-)


I am not ’m not
You are not aren’t
He- She - It is not isn’t from Argentina.
We in the kitchen.
You are not aren’t

 Questions (?)

Am I
Are you Mexican?
Is she – he - it in the garden?
Are we at home?

To make questions with “to be” we put the verb in front of the subject. Example:
(+) Joe is from America.
(?) Is Joe from America?

1) Add the correct forms of “be”.

a. I ……….. 20 and I ……….. a student. My father ……….. from Brazil. My mother ……….. (not) from Brazil. She
……….. from Ireland. Her parents ……….. from Dublin. Paul and Simon ……….. my brothers. They ……….. both
teachers. Simon ……….. 23 and Paul ……….. 25.
b. Paola and Federico ……….. from Naples. Naples is in the south of Italy. Paola ……….. a photographer and Federico
……….. a dentist.
c. I ……….. a teacher. This is my husband, Tom. We ……….. from Scotland.
2) Sally is on holiday in Greece. She meets Linda in a cafè. Add a form of “be” to their conversation.

Sally: Hi, I ……….. Sally.

Linda: Pleased to meet you. I’m Linda. ……….. you on holiday?

Sally: Yes, I am. It ……….. a beautiful town, and it is sunny here! But I ……….. sad because it ……….. my last day.

Linda: Oh! Where ……….. you from, Sally?

Sally: Dublin. It ……….. a nice town in Ireland, but it ………….. (not) very sunny. What about you?

Linda: I’m from Buenos Aires. It’s the capital of Argentina. I’m here with my boyfriend, and this ……….. our first day,

so we ……….. happy!


 Affirmative (+)


I / We / You / They have ’ve got a secret.
got a date.
He / She / It has ’s got short hair.

 Negative (-)


I / We / You / They have not haven’t got a car.
got an umbrella.
He / She / It has not hasn’t got blue eyes.

 Questions (?)
Have I / we / you / they got a sister?
got a good job?
Has he / she / it got a pet?

 Short answers

I / we / you /they have. I / we / you /they haven’t.

Yes, he/ she / it has. No, he/ she / it hasn’t.
1) Complete the sentences with a form of have got. Use short forms.

1) Fill in the blanks with have, has, haven’t or hasn’t.

a) _____________ you got brown hair?

b) My mum _____________ got blue eyes. Her eyes are green.

c) ____________ your sister got blue eyes?

d) Has Jenny got any brothers? No, she_____________.

e) ___________ John got any cousins? I think so.

f) ___________ you got a cat? No I haven’t.


We use the Present Simple for permanent or habitual actions.


Long form Short form

I work. I do not work. I don’t work. Do I work?

You work. You do not work. You don’t work. Do you work?
He – she – it works. He – she – it does not work. He – she – it doesn’t work. Does he – she – it work?

We work. We do not work. We don’t work. Do we work?

You work. You do not work. You don’t work. Do you work?
They work. They do not work. They don’t work. Do they work?

Spelling (third person singular):

Verbs ending in -ss, -ch, -o or –sh → -es after Verbs ending in consonant + y → -ies after
he/she/it he/she/it

I watch → he watches I study → he studies

you do → she does they fly → she flies
we wash → he washes we carry → he carries
BUT I play → He plays

1) Choose the correct words.

a) A: Do / Does you like / likes Maths?

B: Yes, I do / does.

b) A: Do / Does your best friend like / likes Maths?

B: No, she don’t / doesn’t. She like / likes English

c) A: Where do / does you live?

B: I live / lives in Brighton.

d) Mary don’t / doesn’t like sport.

e) We watch / watches soaps on TV but we don’t watch the news.

f. A: Do / Does they wear trainers?

B: Yes, they do / does.

2) Read the joke. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present simple.

A man ........................ (see) a sign outside a house. The sign........................ (say): ‘Buy My Talking Dog.’
The man ........................ (knock) on the door. A woman ........................ (show) him the dog and then
she........................ (leave) the room.
The man asks the dog: ‘.................... you really .................... (talk)?’ The dog says: ‘Oh yes. In fact I ........................
(speak) four languages. Sometimes the President ........................ (use) me as a spy. I sit in rooms and I listen. The people
from the other countries never think that a dog can understand!’
The man ........................ (run) back to the woman. ‘How much do you want for the dog?’
‘But I ............................................... (not understand)! Why only £20? That dog is fantastic!’
‘Because,’ the woman says, ‘the dog’s a liar. It ..................................... (not speak) four languages – it
only ........................ (speak) English.

3) Read about Carmen Salandras. Complete the text with the correct verb forms

We use the Present Continuous for temporary actions.


Long form Short form Long form Short form

I am working. I’m working. I am not working. I’m not working. Am I working?

You are working. You’re working. You are not working. You aren’t working. Are you working?
He-she-it is working. He-she-it’s working. He-she-it is not working. He-she-it isn’t working. Is he-she-it working?
We are working. We’re working. We are not working. We aren’t working. Are we working?
You are working. You’re working. You are not working. You aren’t working. Are you working?
They are working. They’re working. They are not working. They aren’t working. Are they working?
1) Write the continuous form of the verbs below:

1) Look at the pictures and complete the sentences about the people. What are they doing?
3) Complete the text. Use the present continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

 Now put the correct names by the letters in the picture.

 Complete these questions and answers.


1) Match the two parts of the sentences.

2) Complete the dialogues with the correct forms of the verbs. Use the present simple or present

1. Sophie: Hi, Luke, What ………….. you ..................................... (do)?

Luke: I ..................................... (watch) TV.

Sophie: ………….. you ..................................... (always / watch) TV in the evening?

Luke: No, I don’t. I ..................................... (usually / watch) TV at weekends.

2. Mum: Where’s Seb?

Dad: He’s in his room. He ..................................... (do) his homework.

Mum: But he ..................................... (always /go swimming) on Fridays.

Dad: Not today.

3. Emma: Listen! Kevin ..................................... (play) the drums.

Sophie: He’s good. What about you? Do you ..................................... (play) the drums, too?

Emma: No, I don’t. I ..................................... (play) the guitar.

3) Peter is talking on the phone to her sister about his son. Add the verbs in brackets in the present
simple or continuous.

Tina: What’s he doing now?

Peter: He’s ..opening.. (open) the back door and he …………………….… (walk) into the garden.

Tina: So what?

Peter: Well, he …………………… (wear) pyjamas and he …………………… (sing) something. And it’s


Tina: Oh, dear, he is in love again!

Peter: I think so. Normally he …………………… (come) back from work, and he …………………… (have)

his dinner. Then he …………………… (watch) TV, and he …………………… (go) to bed at 10 p.m.

Tina: And now?

Peter: He …………………… (not eat) at all. And look, he …………………… (dance)!

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