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Here are examples of how to use some common Excel functions from each category:

1. **Math and Trigonometry Functions**:

- **SUM**: =SUM(A1:A10) – Adds up the values in cells A1 to A10.
- **AVERAGE**: =AVERAGE(B1:B5) – Calculates the average of the values in cells B1 to
- **ROUND**: =ROUND(C1, 2) – Rounds the value in cell C1 to two decimal places.
- **SIN**: =SIN(D1) – Calculates the sine of the angle in cell D1.

2. **Statistical Functions**:
- **COUNT**: =COUNT(E1:E100) – Counts the number of cells with numerical values in
cells E1 to E100.
- **AVERAGEIF**: =AVERAGEIF(F1:F10, “>50”) – Calculates the average of values in
cells F1 to F10 that are greater than 50.
- **STDEV**: =STDEV(G1:G20) – Calculates the standard deviation of the values in cells G1
to G20.

3. **Logical Functions**:
- **IF**: =IF(H1>10, “Yes”, “No”) – Checks if the value in cell H1 is greater than 10 and
returns “Yes” if true, otherwise “No”.
- **AND**: =AND(I1>10, I1<20) – Checks if the value in cell I1 is both greater than 10 and
less than 20.
- **OR**: =OR(J1=”Male”, J1=”Female”) – Checks if the value in cell J1 is either “Male” or

4. **Text Functions**:
- **CONCATENATE**: =CONCATENATE(K1, “ “, K2) – Joins the text in cells K1 and K2
with a space in between.
- **LEFT**: =LEFT(L1, 5) – Returns the first 5 characters from the left of the text in cell L1.
- **FIND**: =FIND(“e”, M1) – Finds the position of the letter “e” within the text in cell M1.
5. **Lookup and Reference Functions**:
- **VLOOKUP**: =VLOOKUP(N1, A1:B10, 2, FALSE) – Searches for the value in cell N1
in column A and returns the corresponding value from column B.
- **INDEX**: =INDEX(O1:O5, 3) – Returns the value from the third row of the range O1:O5.
- **MATCH**: =MATCH(P1, Q1:Q10, 0) – Returns the relative position of the value in cell
P1 within the range Q1:Q10.

6. **Date and Time Functions**:

- **DATE**: =DATE(2024, 3, 7) – Returns the date March 7, 2024.
- **TODAY**: =TODAY() – Returns the current date.
- **YEAR**: =YEAR(R1) – Returns the year from the date in cell R1.

7. **Financial Functions**:
- **PMT**: =PMT(0.05/12, 5*12, 10000) – Calculates the monthly payment for a loan with a
5% annual interest rate, 5-year term, and $10,000 principal.
- **PV**: =PV(0.1, 10, 20000) – Calculates the present value of an investment with a 10%
annual interest rate, 10-year term, and $20,000 future value.

8. **Engineering Functions**:
- **CONVERT**: =CONVERT(S1, “m”, “ft”) – Converts the value in cell S1 from meters to
- **POWER**: =POWER(T1, 3) – Raises the value in cell T1 to the power of 3.

9. **Information Functions**:
- **ISNUMBER**: =ISNUMBER(U1) – Checks if the value in cell U1 is a number.
- **ISTEXT**: =ISTEXT(V1) – Checks if the value in cell V1 is text.
- **CELL**: =CELL(“width”, W1) – Returns the width of the cell W1.
These examples demonstrate how to use various Excel functions to perform calculations, analyze
data, manipulate text, and more. You can customize the function arguments based on your
specific requirements and data.

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