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hey guys and welcome back with another

episode so today we are starting with a

21 first of all sorry for not uploading
for I don't know a couple of weeks now I
guess but first I have been sick and
then I renovated my flat so it was
really like a mess and and I know it
usually takes at least ten times as long
as I planned that it would take so yeah
I'm not really finished now but it's
more or less all in order
yeah if everything is finished I also
thought maybe I make a video of my flat
and show you how I live and yeah you can
also learn some German with furniture
and stuff so yeah that's something for
the future right now we are at a 2-1
yeah so we finished sorry a 1 - no I
know a 2-1 yeah we finished a 12 with
the last video and today we start with
Lexie on ions of a 2-1 our topic today
is connectors connectors yeah of torch
connect oven on swati connect oven
variant does here I have like examples
vile is like an English because so it's
the answer of the question why in German
for example but one comes to how it in
asia why are you not coming today then
we have to make a clause which is a
comma hi tarnished comma don't forget to
comma vile ish muted bin and this is
very important right now the work
usually if you have the sentence issued
a bin it would be ich bin noodle if it's
a normal cloth yeah but if it's like a
subordinate clause
yeah like which happens after via then
the verb has to go to the end and this
is very important there are a lot of
like things and German sentence
structure that
quite freely we will come to this in B
level so it will take some time but what
is always fixed and what is always super
important and also sounds quite ugly if
you don't like do it right it's the
position of the world yeah
so it's vile ish media bin alright next
ich bin meter that's normal and then
another example
varoom is two nations here why do we not
eat anything niche is like nothing we
say why eat you nothing
that's how we say it in German again the
main Clause ich esse nations comma and
now the answer to this question via now
because ich Kynan hunger hub because I'm
not hungry
usually we would say ich harbour kind of
hunger so the word person position too
but after vile remember it goes to the
end yeah all right and then we have dust
which is an English that I'm by shmear
each tinker-stinker I think ich denke
does bayerlein eine taller start east
and it's the same like with via this way
marked in red
yeah we also covered like the first
connectors of a1 and we put a link up
here so you have to learn that there are
some connectors where the work goes in
position - like in a normal cloth then
we have connectors where the web goes to
the end and and also an A - we will find
out that there are some connectors where
the work goes and positioned one yeah
so there are three options after we have
a connector so the first ones where the
work goes in position - I will put a
link up here and you can watch it again
yeah all right where was exactly here
normally you would say baylene east
I know polish that yeah the work to be
is in position - but if it's a
subordinate clause you would say the
spell een anatoly's that is all right
good then another example Zack yeah he
says that yeah as act US air heighten
comped he says that he is not coming
today again usually you would say they
are come Titan aged so the workers in
position to but after thus the work goes
to the end yeah
and also what what I always see in class
what is quite tough for students here is
quite easy yeah you have to subject and
to work together in a normal class
so it's ich hab ich bin baleen is a
account and suddenly you might have a
lot of space in between the subject and
the work here like here you still have
to conjugate it yeah air calmed their
lean is ich bin ich harbor so even
though there's a lot of space and
between the subject and the work you
still have to conjugate it yes
don't forget this and here are some
other examples where we use thus which
is means that ich mich - does a hot kiss
doctors ich weiß das ha H Phi M each
does just like I want that he said that
I know that and I'm happy that now if
you want to write some examples in the
comment section
ok so there's a tiny little thing that I
would like to include in this video as
well because sometimes it adds some
confusion for students this is if we use
vial and tasks with modal verbs or word
perfect yeah
so let's have a look at that
so here we have two very simple examples
for model webs I hope you remember what
model webs are you should basically know
that by now
now we have zahlen cannon mission Valen
doofen on mission it's hard to translate
them because in different contexts they
can mean something different yeah but
basically what they mean zahlen is to
shoot cannon is to can or to be able to
mission is to have two volunteers to one
to Dothan is to be allowed to on motion
is to I would like to you know so it's
basically a formal way of I want to have
you in a restaurant you would for
example use this one you would say ich
mich - I in the pizza and not each V
Lynaugh pizza it could be seen as a bit
impolite it's like children talk a bit
okay but that's not the topic for now
yeah it's like a small recap so if we
have a sentence with a model work you
know that the model work goes in
position two and then we have another
work at the end yeah like this H con ein
bisschen guitar - feelin which is I can
play a bit I can play the guitar a bit
and also notice how we write I envision
students usually always make this one
wrong yeah so it's double s and then en
this en so now if we have because now we
have two verbs and sometimes students
are confused okay which work goes at the
end now it's basically very simple
because whatever's in position - if you
put it in like a subordinate clause like
with vile or does it goes at the end so
like I I couldn't find like start now
yeah but it's comma vile ich ein this
year guitar - feelin can write so the
con just goes at the end we have the
same with perfect perfect is passed each
harbour gets done I in a pizza Aki
guessin yeah I have eaten a pizza
again comma via a guest on ina pizza I
guess in harder so again what Sen
position to goes at the end yeah so then
you basically should know everything you
need to know about these two connectors
I hope you liked this video if you
haven't subscribed yet please do so
leave a thumbs up and as always yeah
it's my standard offer I think one one
viewer has used it already is write some
sentences you can write some sentences
with this grammar topic you can do it
with each video that I'm making and yeah
write some examples so that you know
that you got it and I can correct it for
you I have a look yeah that's my final
offer as always yeah I hope you enjoyed
this video I hope you learned something
and I would probably I hope I nothing
like interrupts again I think I will
upload like one video each week from now
alright thanks for tuning in and

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