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Ex. 9
1. to pinch - d) to grip a person's flesh tightly and sharply between finger and thumb
2. to prevent - e) to keep something from happening
3. to choke - f) have severe difficulty in breathing because of an obstructed throat or a
lack of air
4. wound - b) an injury to living tissue caused by a cut, blow, or other impact
5. to collapse - c) suddenly fall down
6. blister - a) a small bubble on the skin caused by burning
1. Looking for a nice barbeque site, you find that one of your friends has collapsed on
the ground. Do you ...?
a) put your jacket over him to keep him warm
b) check if he is breathing
c) run off to find someone else to help
2. Collecting the wood for a fire, one of your friends cuts him with a knife. A cut is
bleeding badly. Do you ...?
a) press on the wound
b) cover the wound
c) wash the wound under running water
3. Having made a fire, one of your friends accidentally picks up a very hot piece of
wood and burns her hand. It hurts a lot, and she has blisters on her skin. Do you ...?
a) pour cold water on the hand and then cover it with a plastic bag
b) cover the burn with sunscreen
c) break the blisters and put on antiseptic cream
4. While you are waiting for the meat to get ready, you’ve decided to play football.
One of your friends awkwardly falls and you think he may have broken his leg. Do
you ...?
a) try to move his leg into a straight position
b) make sure the leg is supported to prevent unnecessary movement
c) put a bandage on the leg where you think the break is
5. Watching the game, one of your friends has got overexcited and suddenly starts
having a nosebleed. Do you ...?
a) get some ice from the freezer and put it on his nose
b) get some toilet paper, tell him to put it in his nose, and suggest that he go to the
doctor to check his blood pressure
c) tell him to pinch the soft part of his nose for five minutes
6. Eating the tasty meat at the barbeque, one of your friends suddenly chokes. Do you
a) hit him on the back
b) lean him backwards
c) lie him on his side
swallowed - took food or drink into the stomach through the mouth and throat
stuck - fixed in position so that movement is impossible
pulled - used force to move something towards oneself
gave her a hug - put arms around someone and hold them closely to express affection
pushed - exerted force on something to move it away
ignorance - lack of knowledge or information about something
1. Fortunately, I have never had to give first aid.
2. No
3. I am quite knowledgeable about first aid. I know what to do in case of burns, heat
and sunstroke, lightning or electric shock, drowning, and poisoning. Also, during my
school years, I took a tactical medicine course where we studied techniques for
removing the wounded from the danger zone, providing assistance under fire,
providing first aid in the tactical zone, assessing the victim's condition using the
MARCH algorithm, stopping life-threatening bleeding, restoring and ensuring airway
patency, penetrating chest wounds, providing first aid in case of fractures, applying
splints, providing first aid in case of burns and penetrating eye wounds, what
hypothermia is and how to act, and how to act in case of traumatic brain injury.

4. a) First of all, you should

 Examine the bite site,

 Wash the bite site to wash away dirt and venom residues.
 Remove the sting. You can remove the sting with tweezers, a needle or a pin
 You can disinfect the sting with one of the following antiseptics:
o peroxide
o ammonia solution
o iodine
o brilliant green
o alcohol
o chlorhexidine;
o Furatsilin solution;
o ordinary soap.
 Use anti-allergic medications. The wound should be treated with
antihistamine/antiseptic ointment or antiseptic cream, and in case of edema,
take an antiallergic drug

The main cause of loss of consciousness is a sudden lack of blood flow to the brain
under the influence of nervous and emotional excitement, fear, pain, lack of fresh air,
1. In case of unconsciousness, the victim should be placed on his or her back with the
head below the level of the legs (15-20 cm) to improve cerebral circulation.
2. Free the neck and chest from clothing, provide fresh air, pat the cheeks, pour cold
water on the face and chest, and give the victim a sniff of ammonia.
3. When the victim regains consciousness, give him/her hot tea or coffee, 20-30 drops
of valerian tincture.
4. If the victim starts to breathe with wheezing or does not breathe at all, first of all,
you need to think about the fall of the tongue. It is necessary to move the person to a
stable lateral position to avoid the tongue from falling. This will allow blood, mucus
and vomit to flow out of the wounded person's mouth without blocking the airway.
Next, ask passersby to call an ambulance.
1. If the person is conscious and less than a few hours have passed since the
medication was taken, give them plenty of plain water until the vomiting reflex
2. After vomiting, take a sorbent according to the instructions. For example,
activated charcoal should be taken with water.

!!! In case of unconsciousness, do not induce vomiting. !!!

3. Place the person in a recovery (side) position, observe them, and call an

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