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Student Teacher: Monaida U.

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Ethel Theressa O. Alvia
Subject Taught: Science 3
Subject Matter: Object Seen in the Sky during Daytime and Night time
School: Mindanao State University Lanao del Norte Argicultural College (MSU-LNAC)
Date: May 26, 2023
Time: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 3
I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. identify the objects seen in the sky during daytime and night time;
b. classify objects that can be seen in the sky during daytime and night time;
c. realize the importance of objects seen in the sky.
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic: Objects Seen in the Sky during Daytime and Night time
B. Reference(s): SCIENCE Grade 3: Teacher’s Guide (Quarters 1-IV) pp.202-
SCIENCE Grade 3: Page 166-167
C. Materials: Visual aids, PowerPoint Presentation, Pictures, Box, Cartolina
D. Value Integration: Appreciate the things around us
E. Teaching Strategy: Inductive Method

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
Let us have Nawas to lead the prayer. “Bismillahirahmanirahim”
Everybody, please stand. Alhamdulillahi rabbil alameen
Arrahmani Rahim
Malik yawmideen
Iyyakana’budu waiyyaka nasta’een
Ihdina ssiratal mustaqeem
Siratallajina an’amta alayhim
Ghayril magdobi alayhim
Wala alddalleen.
2. Greetings
Good morning, Grade 3 Students! Good morning teacher.

How are you this morning class? We are good teacher.

Okay it’s nice to hear that.

Before we proceed to our lesson, let us know first

our five classroom rules that you need to follow.
1. Listen to your teacher.
2. Sit properly. None, teacher
3. Raise your hand if you want to answer.
4. Do not talk to your seatmates.
5. Respect each other.

3. Checking of Attendance
Do we have absentees today?
Good to hear that you are all present.
None teacher!
Wow, that is good to hear!

4. Collecting and Checking of Assignment

Get your assignment class and pass it forward
without talking and standing.

Are all papers in?

Yes teacher
5. Drill
Okay before we proceed to our new lesson, let us
have first an activity.

I will show a pictures all need to do is to identify

the type of weather depicted in each image.

Did you understand?

Yes teacher

Rainy day, teacher!

What is this class?

Very good!
How about this picture?

Sunny day

This picture also,

Windy day

How about this,

Stormy day
And last what is this picture?
Very good class! Cloudy day
Yes teacher!
6. Review
Now class, based on the pictures what was our
last topic is? Our topic last meeting was all about the
Types of Weather Conditions.
Okay and it is . . .?
Rainy day
Cloudy day
Windy day
Sunny day
Very good! Stormy day

It is important to know different weather

conditions because it will help us know the safe
activities to do.

I am happy that you still remember our previous


7. Motivation
So, before we moved on our next topic, Let us
have first an activity. So, I have here two
pictures. Picture A and B.

Class, Do you want to see a picture? Yes teacher!

Okay! Now I want you to look and observe these
two pictures here;

Now, what object can you see in picture A?

Very good! Picture A: Sun teacher!
What about picture B?
Very good! Picture B: Moon, teacher!

Is it daytime or night time?

Picture A; Daytime teacher!
How about picture B?
Very good! Picture B: Night time teacher!
B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation of the topic
This morning class I will be discuss our new
lesson which is all about “ Objects seen in the sky
during daytime and night time”
Are you ready?
Yes teacher
2. Unlocking Difficulties
But before that let’s unlock first some of the
difficult words that we may encounter as we go
along on our discussion.

1. Object- a thing that you can see and

2. Sky- space over the Earth where the sun,
moon, stars and clouds appear.
3. Night sky- sky appears mostly dark.
4. Day sky- sky appears blue.

1. Discussion
Now class I have here a pictures.

Class do you know what is this?

What is this? Sun teacher

Very good! When can we see it? Daytime or

night time? Daytime teacher

Yes, we can only see it during daytime.

What are the benefits can we get from the sun It gives us energy teacher

Very good! Sun is the source of heat and light

and it gives us energy.

Always remember class that we should not

exposed our body to the heat of the sun it might
cause a skin cancer and also avoid gazing at the
sun, class because it can damage our eyes.

Did you understand? Yes teacher!

Very good!
Now class, What can you see in the picture class? It is a moon teacher.

Yes it is a moon! When can we see the moon? During night time, teacher!

Very good!

Now class try to close your eyes in just 3 seconds.

Now open your eyes.

What did you observed class as you close your

eyes? It is dark teacher

Now try to imagine class if it is really dark and

you are walking. What will happen to you? We’re going to slipped teacher

Very good class! It might cause an accident.

That’s why moon can help us during night time
class. Why it can help us? It gives light during night time

Right! Moon gives light during night time.

Aside from the sun and the moon, what other

objects can be seen in the sky?

Very good! Star teacher!

We have here a star.

It is a star, when can we see a star? During night time, teacher!

Very good!
Look at this picture? What is this? It is a shooting star teacher!
Very good!

Have you seen a shooting start before? Yes/No teacher!

When can we see it? During night time, teacher!
Yes you are right!

Always remember class that there are stars during

daytime but because of the sun that shines during
daytime starts have no longer given a chance to
be seen during daytime.

And look at this class! What is this? It is a cloud teacher

When can we see the clouds? Daytime teacher!

Very good!
What benefit we can get from the clouds? (pupils will answers may vary)

The benefit we can get from the clouds is that

they can provide shade from the sun.

Am I clear class? Yes teacher

Those pictures that I have shown to you are the

objects that we can see in the sky during daytime
and night time.
But class remember, it has objects at night time
that can be seen during daytime which are; moon
and clouds.

Any clarifications class regarding with our

discussion today? None teacher

Now class, let’s have an activity, I have here a cut

of pictures and pie venn diagram by identifying
the objects seen in the sky during daytime and at
the night time. Also identify what objects that can
be seen both day and night, paste at the center of
pie. But I want a volunteer who will paste on the
board the object seen in the sky.
Pie Venn diagram

Who wants to volunteer? (Pupils will raised their hands)

Very good!
How about the others?
Yes teacher!
Did you understand class? None teacher!
Do you have any questions?

Good to hear!

3. Application
If you don’t have any questions class, I will give
you an activity. But first I will group you into
three groups. Let’s count 1, 2, and 3. The first
group will stay on the right side, then the second
group will stay on the left side, and the third
group will stay in the center.

Is it clear class?

Okay, kindly go now to your respective groups. ( Pupil do as told)

And make a circle.
Group 1:
Which objects can be seen at night, which during
the day, and which during at both times? Check
off the correct boxes.

Group 2:
Match the name of the objects can be seen in the
day time and night sky.

1. Star





Group 3:
Write daytime if the objects seen at night and day
time for objects seen at day and nighttime for
objects seen at night in the space provided.

1. __________

2. __________

3. __________



Are you ready? Yes, teacher

You can now begin! Yes we are ready

4. Generalization
Again, what is the topic that we’ve discussed Objects Seen in the Sky during Daytime
today class?
Very good! and Night time

Do we need these objects in our lives, class?

Why do you say? Yes teacher!
Because without these we cannot live on
Very good! And it is important because it gives earth.
us benefits that can help us to survive in this

By the way, who made these objects?

Very good! The only one God. God made all these objects.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: identify the objects seen that can be seen in the sky during daytime and
night time. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Objects can be seen both day and night.

a. sun b. clouds c. moon

2. It is a source of heat, light and energy.
a. moon b. star c.sun
3. It is the space above us where sun, moon, stars, and clouds been seen?
a. objects b. Sun c. sky
4. A fixed luminous point that spark during at night.
a. clouds b. star c. sun
5. It is the round object that you can often see in the sky during night time.
a. moon b. clouds c. sun

Answer key:

V. Assignment
Go out of the house at night time and look at the sky. List down the objects that you can see.

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