Rational-Theist Edited

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Names: Angelica G.

Amandy | Camille Albao

BSEd Values Education 4H SSP101a

"Rational Theistic Belief Without Proof"

The critique readings of "Rational Theistic Belief Without Proof" by John

Hick explores the concept of religious belief that is rational even without
concrete proof. Hick argues that faith can be rational through trust, not just
through events or evidence that can be explained by science. Fact is a truth
that can be proven. On the other hand evidence is something that is told by
someone. It has to be accepted only on belief. And for the believer the
testimonial evidences of principle on rational belief invoked that even we
cannot see God as long as we have the relationship of love, experiences and
trust to him that what makes it real. He emphasizes the importance of valuing
faith even without confirmed evidence, as it can lead to a deeper
understanding and respect for different religious perspectives, promoting a
more harmonious coexistence of varied beliefs

We are not required to interact consciously with the spiritual environment.

Indeed, it is a truism of many contemporary Theology that God does not force
an awareness of himself on humans, but allows us free to know him by an
uncompelled response of faith. This would always apply to rational theistic
belief, which is founded on reasonable, significant, and intellectually appealing
experiences, insights, and arguments. While these experiences and
arguments may not give convincing proof, they can nevertheless act as a
strong foundation for prudent faith. This belief without proof leads to "trust"
that people, whether individuals or groups, have a dogmatic feeling of all-or-
nothing faith in and commitment to God.

In our opinion, Hick's concept allows people to have faith despite the lack
of concrete evidence. This is an important contribution to religious thought
and demonstrates respect for different belief systems. However, not everyone
may accept the idea that faith can be rational without concrete evidence, so it
remains a national debate among people with different perspectives. Also we
agree with John Hick's rational theistic belief without proof. We believe that
faith in God can be rational even without concrete evidence. Through rational
theistic belief, we can understand and feel the presence of God in our lives
without needing scientific or empirical proof.

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