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Nonolive Gaming Official Streamer Salary Policy

*Attention: The policy will apply starting from July 1st, 2021 for Streamers.

Each month, provided that Streamer is not in breach of Streamer’s Contract concluded
between Streamer and Nonolive/Company, Streamer shall be entitled to receive his/her
Monthly Salary as follows:
Streamer’s Monthly Salary = Basic Salary + Diamond Share

A. Basic Salary:
a. For normal Streamer:
Streamer will collect 5 Point for each minutes of Total View Time, 20 Points for each Gift
Diamond received. All Points collected by a Streamer within a calendar month will be
accumulated to determine the Rank Placement of the Streamer and Streamer’s Basic Salary
will be determined by the Streamer’s Rank Placement for that calendar month in accordance
with the following chart:
Rank Placement Basic Salary (USD )
No. 1 - No. 5 500$
No. 6 - No. 15 200$
No. 16 - No. 30 150$
No. 31 - No. 50 100$
No. 51 - No. 150 50$

* Streamer shall achieve at least 150,000 Points in each month, if Streamer achieve less than
150,000 Points and/or Streamer rank after No.150, Streamer will not receive any Basic Salary
for that calendar month.

b. For Fixed Salary Streamer:

If Streamer may receive blue verification and apply to Company/Nonolive to become Fixed
Salary Streamer provided that Streamer achieve the following condition in a month:
a) Streamer’s Average number of Unique visitors is more than 3,500 visitors, and
b) Streamer receive 350,000 Gift Diamonds.
Fixed Salary Streamer is entitled for the amount of Basic Salary set under the Streamer
Contract concluded between Streamer and Nonolive/Company provided that Streamer is not
in breach of Streamer Contract. However, Company may cancel Streamer’s blue verification
and fixed Basic Salary upon Company’s valuation of Streamer’s performance on Nonolive at
Company’s sole discretion.

B. Diamond Share

Gift Diamond Received by Streamer in a calendar Diamond Share

<10,000 1 diamond = 0.00136 USD
>=10,000, <500,00 1 diamond = 0.003 USD
>=500,000 1 diamond = 0.004 USD

Streamer can withdraw Gift Diamonds in Streamer’s Nonolive Account to cash value at the
default exchange rate of Nonolive, the remaining Diamond Share will be remitted to
Streamer along with Streamer’s Monthly Salary on or before the Payday provided that
Streamer is not in breach of the Contract and fulfill all requirements set under the Contract.

C. Definitions:
a) Nono Day(s) 1 (One) Nono Day means a 24 hours period started from 4am (local time)
in a day until 4am on the next day(local time).
b) Monthly Valid Days (MVD) means the total Valid Days accumulated from the first
calendar day until the last calendar day of a calendar month. 1 (One) Valid Day means
a Nono Day that Streamer live stream more than 2 hours on Nonolive.
c) Monthly Valid Hours (MVH) means the total valid live hours of the Valid Days
accumulated from the first natural day until the last natural day of a natural month.
The maximum valid live hour in a Nono Day is 5 hours. If Streamer live stream for
more than 5 hours in a Nono Day, the extra live hours will not be calculated into MVH.
d) Gift Diamond(s) shall be referred to the Nonolive Diamonds Streamer received as
virtual gifts during live streaming on Nonolive.
e) Total View Time: means the total hours accumulated by the time all Nonolive users
watching Streamer’s live stream on Nonolive each nature month.
*Streamers are suggested to provide a fixed live stream schedule to Nonolive and
shall not live stream between 2am - 5am every day.

D. Remark

a. Each month, Streamer shall achieve at least 80 MVH and 22 MVD as Streamer’s live
stream requirement, otherwise Streamer will not receive any Basic Salary for that
b. On and only for the first month during the Contract Period, if Streamer’s first live stream
date is not on the first day of that calendar month, Streamer’s Basic Salary for that
calendar month will be deducted as follows:
Streamer’s Basic Salary = the Streamer’s actual Valid Day / 22 * Basic Salary
*For example, if Streamer ‘s first live stream date is 15th of a calendar month, Streamer
finally achieve 11 Valid Day and Streamer’s Points rank No.1 in that month,
Streamer’s Basic Salary shall be:11 /22 * USD 500 = USD 250.
c. Streamer shall start live streaming on Nonolive once the Streamer Contract has been
concluded by both parties, otherwise Streamer purple verification to show Streamer is an
official Streamer will be canceled s automatically.
d. Shall any of the following occurs, Company reserve the right to take remedy measures
including but not limited to: send warning notice to Streamer; ban Streamer’s Nonolive
account for a certain period; suspend a certain percentage of all payments, either due or
undue, that should be paid to Streamer by Company; deduct USD 30 from Streamer’s
Monthly Salary for the first two times of violation; deduct all payments to Streamer for
three times of violation or more; terminate the Streamer Contract and so on at Company’s
sole discretion by sending a Notice to Streamer’s email address and such notice shall be
deemed well delivered to Streamer by the time Company send out the email.
a) Streamer breach any of the Streamer Contract or other related documents;
b) Streamer violate any relevant laws, regulations, or policies;
c) Streamer provide false personal information;
d) Streamer upload and/or broadcast illegal or offensive content, including but not
limited to sexual/pornographic contents, verbal abuse, personal attack, insults,
slander, discrimination, contents that may infringe any third party’s legitimate rights;
e) Streamer fail to keep Streamer’s face the camera and microphone during the full
course of the live streaming period;
f) Streamer breach the exclusive clause, including but not limited to live stream on
and/or cooperate with other Competing Platform in any manner, unless authorized by
Company in written;
e. Streamer is forbidden to use streamlabs or any other similar website to receive donations
outside Company/Nonolive. If such is detected by Company, Company may, at Company’s
sole discretion, deduct Streamer’s Monthly Salary for that calendar month to zero, and/or
block Streamer’s live streaming room for 7 days, and/or take other actions which is
deemed to be reasonable and necessary against Streamer.

E. Payment
Streamer’s Monthly Salary will be paid by Company to Streamer on or before the 15th
working day of the following month.

F. Additional Notes
a. Company reserve all rights to modify this Policy at any time, and the latest policy will
become applicable, valid and effective immediately once published.
b. All rights under Contracts and Laws are fully reserved by Company/Nonolive.

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