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ISSN-2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020


Devajit Sarmah, 2Gunendra Chandra Das, 3Manash Pratim Kashyap
Research Scholar, Department of Mathematics Assam down town University, Assam, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics Assam down town University, Assam, India 3Associate
Professor, Department of Statistics, Assam down town University, Assam, India.


Mathematics is a branch of science which deals with numbers , shapes , quantity and structure . Modern
mathematics encourages the understanding of all possible dimensions of mathematics education through
application . The role of ICT into mathematics classroom has intensified in the last two decades . This study
investigates the different roles of ICT that plays in teaching and learning mathematics in the classroom of
secondary level and the functions of the tools in teaching and learning of different branches of mathematics
along with the teachers’ proficiency as a factor and effective use of technology in the mathematics classroom .

KEYWORDS: ICT , mathematics classroom , teaching and learning

Mathematics has always occupied an important position inschool curriculum. Mathematics provides us
inductive and deductive knowledge to enrich our imagination and modes of thinking and even behaviour to
excel in life. The material progress of the present day world is the work of our mathematicians to improve the
quality of life by reducing time , distance and human effect . Prof.Joseph W . Dauhen ,observed that “Nearly
every part of our lives involves mathematics . It has played an essential role in the development of modern
technology – the tools , materials , techniques and sources of power that makes our lives and work easier .”
Mathematics has made a great progress in the recent past and new topics and concepts have been injected in
school mathematics .New mathematical structures are introduced and new approach is adopted to modernize
mathematics teaching for greater utility to young stars . The Education Commission (1964-66) recommended
Mathematics as a compulsory subject for students at school level .Secondary level is an important stage of
school education which serves as a bridge between primary level and higher education . In this stage
Mathematics is considered as a very crucial subject for students . Science and technology are fully dependsupon
Mathematics. Integration of ICT in teaching and learning Mathematics is a great challenges for secondary
students and teachersin this stage . Technology plays an important role in school sector in the process of
empowering the technology into the educational activities.Technology can be considered as most effective way
to increase the knowledge of the students .
Information and Communication Technologies are defined as a diverse set of technological tools and resources
used to communicate, create and manage information. ICT is considered an extended synonym for Information
Technology(IT). Information technology is the study of design , development, implementation, support or
management of computer based information systems particularly , software application and computer hardware .
Communication is the method by which people share their ideas, information, opinions and feelings.
Communication is a goal and a concept that’s being applied to enterprise Information Technology .Actually
communication means an act of imparting new knowledge or transmitting information.

Internet promotes fast communication across geographical barriers and therefore gives students an
opportunity to communicate early in life.ICT is an essential tool in the modern class room which can engage the
students on a number of levels .Classroom teaching and learning process is generally considered as a tri-polar
process where teacher , learner and learning environment possess three major poles . Teachers should become
technologically sound and responsible not only for their learning but also for their students’ learning . Teachers
need to meet the standardsof the curriculum while enhancing students’ creativity, curiosity and motivation.The
report of Gutterman(2009) observes that information communication technology (ICT) can be extremely
powerful enabler in efforts to bring positive and sustainable development to countries around the globe.
Shavinina (2001) states that “Teaching with the chalk board, textbooks, radio/television and film have been used
for educational purpose over the years, none has quite impact on the educational process like computer and


ISSN-2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020

Internet, while television and film has impact on the audiovisual facilities of the users.” He refers that
technology has the capacity to provide higher interactive potential for users to develop their individuals,
intellectual and creative ability. According to National curriculum for education ( 2009)” Information and
communication technology prepare pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other
activities are increasingly transformed to varied and developing technology.” Technology has been touted as
potentially dominant tools for educational change and reform .Digital education makes the students more
effective and efficient than the traditional education system.Digital technology has been changing the way of
learning concepts in school.The traditional chalk and talk method has covered way for more interactive teaching
methods and schools are increasingly adopting digital solution to keep themselves side by side with
technological changes .

According to UNESCO (2002) ,“ICT is a scientific ,technological and engineering discipline and
management technique used in handling information , its application and association with social ,economic and
cultural matters”.Teachers has key role in the whole process whereas in case of ICT based education, various
ICT tools are supplemented to make the teaching –learning process effective .ICT has the potential to remove
the barriers that are causing the problem of low rate of education in any country.The Yashpal Committee Report
(1993) on learning without burden noted that “ inadequate programs of teacher preparation lead to unsatisfactory
quality of learning in school .Globally educational system are under great pressure to adopt innovative
methodologies and to integrate new ICT in the teaching and learning process to prepare students with the
knowledge and skills they need in the 21st century.


Technology offers many benefits to enhance education. Most importantly, technology integration has the
potential to increase students’ motivation (Anderson, 2000) and definitely a great way to reach diversity in
learning styles. Technology improves the basic concepts of students in learning Mathematics and enhances the
level of understanding and attainment in other subjects. It also provides both the resources and the pedagogical
framework for enabling pupils to become effective independent learners. Digital materials make the students
very interesting in the classroom. Computer animations actively engage students in learning process.
Technology has a power to make the teaching easy by using audio- visual presentation and projector.
Technology makes collaboration more effective. Student and teachers can access information at any time. There
is a common misconception that ICT-based education is about teaching student computer skills . ICT-based
education is about using computer and technology as tools to enrich learning in Mathematics.

Fig 1: Successful ICT in Mathematics classroom

ICT is widespread and essential to play a meaningful role in changing and modernizing educational system as
well as the way of learning .It is a part of many aspects of our daily lives . It is believed that ICT can empower
both teacher and learners . ICT not only transform teaching but also the learning process . ICT provides the
learners an opportunity to develop creativity , communication skills and other thinking skills . Beyond the
classroom wall a fully learning environment is needed in whichstudents , teachers , administrators and parents
can easily communicate and collaborate with each other to share the secure information . By integrating ICT
into the classroom ,students have the ability to learn more effectively , collaborate with each other and explore
more ideas with others .


ISSN-2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020

Fig 2: Impact of ICT in Teaching and Learning


Technology provides additional opportunities for learners to see and interact with mathematical concept .
Students can explore and make discoveries with games, simulation and digital tools. Technology use in
classroom in today in world is believed to have a positive impact of students success and their attitudes towards
lessons .In technology implement classes ,interactive student involvement in the learning process in fostered and
learning becomes more fun and more attractive for the students (Smaldino,Russell,Heinich&Molenda,2005) .
Baek,Jung and Kim (2008).Pointed out that “technology is an efficient cognitive tool and instructional
media”.They also suggested ,”technology can be helpful in classroom setting by encouraging ,inquiry ,helping
communication , constructing teaching products and assisting students self expression”(P.1).It in undeniable that
technology has a great impact on every aspect of modern life. As Turkmen (2006) stated, children today need
the learning media now available to become engaged in the learning process.Becta(2003) summarised the key
benefits – ICT promotes greater collaboration among students and encourages communication and the sharing
of knowledge . ICT given rapid and accurate feedback to students and this contributes towards positive
motivation .With the help of technology , teacher can extend his or her role beyond the classroom .Students may
ask any question to the teachers via e-mails and receive answers to their questions without talking in front of
large group . Students may collaborate with other students in understanding of the course content via e-mail.
Figure-3 reveals how a student could be enriched with various quality components for future direction towards
high-tech world .


Fig 3: Students engagement through educational technology


ISSN-2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020


Teachers plays a vital role in the success of any program at the school. If the teachers are not fully comfortable
and confident with the new approach to teaching, then there will be a limited impact on the teaching- learning
process. Teachers has to be developed their mind set to integrate the latest technology in the Mathematics
classroom teaching. Teachers should also know the right attitude and values, besides being proficient in skills
related to teaching. Teacher is responsible for creating the warm environment in the class .He prepares the
learning opportunities that helps the students in using the lessons of communication technology.Consequently ,
it is crucial that all the teachers should be prepared to provide their students with these opportunities. Teachers
training programme helps the teachers to acquire the basic skills and competencies to become a good teacher .
ICT acts as the gateway to acquire more information which helps the teacher to become update .


In the new technology era ,the role of teacher has to be changed from instructor to constructor , Facilator , coach
and creator of learning situation .Many educational institution have limited resources for buying books ,
stationary , furniture and other classroom materials . Teacher also lack adequate qualification and training to
engage their students’ in learning . But now , the pace of technological revolution and emergence of a
knowledge society has changed the traditional role of teacher .In present scenario , teachers need to help their
students in how to learn , how to grow in future , how to develop study skills , how to examine , evaluate and
how to access information .Teacher s will need to be adapt new technology in teaching on the mathematics
classroom . A teacher will be able to integrate the use of ICT into teaching efficiently if he has acquired various
competencies like creativity , flexibility , logistic skills , skills for project work , administrative and
organizational skills and collaborating skills .National Council of Teacher Education(NCTE) in 2000 decided ,
“Information and communication Technology should be made as a compulsory part of B.Ed courses . The
integration of ICT into teacher preparation programme is first and fore most creating an environment for
students’ activities and sustainablelearning experience . Now education is based on child centric . So the teacher
should prepare to cope up with different technology for using them in the classroom for making teaching
learning interested .In the modern world of ICT , there is decentralization of knowledge source . Technology is
only a tool and it must be utilized only to remove the barriers and challenges in the existing system . ICT
provides opportunities to complement on the job training and continuing education for teacher in a convenient
and flexible manner . ICT is beneficial for teachers which makes easier to plane and prepare lesson and design
materials for students.Teacher can enhance their professional image by using ICT .

Fig 3: Teachers pedagogical content knowledge


ISSN-2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020


ICTs are potentially dominant tool for extending educational opportunities for secondary students in
Mathematics classroom . It is a new paradigm of teaching-learning process . There are various ICT tools
available which can be utilized for the knowledge creation in the modern world . Tools include Radio , T.V ,
Internet , Mobile phone ,calculator , computer, laptop , tablets , data projector , printer , scanner , e-mail and
many other hardware and software applications . These devices can be used in imparting education and training
for teachers and students . Use of radio for pedagogical practices has been very popular in the past but now
students’ of secondary level usecalculator , computer , laptop and data projector for learning during class time .
For online classes they uses laptop and cell phones at any places .These tools of technology typically serve to do
and learn mathematics .Geometry pad is another mathematical tool which helps the student in learning
geometry. This tool also helps the students’ in the presentation of geometrical construction , taking
measurement and drawing different geometric shapes in an easy manner

There are various technologies that can be introduced in the mathematics classroom to prepare the current
generations of secondary students’ to improve the effectiveness of education . Some of them are mention in the
following :

 Visualisation :During the last 30 years , Mathematics actively has become more experimental and
more visual. Computer is a unique tool that has a potential of enhancing both visual and experimental
features . The visual medium is widely used as instrumental resource as students can learn from
viewing and interacting with video and television.
 Technology of interactive whiteboards , which have the capabilities of connecting immediately to
the internet so students and teacher can access information immediately . By connecting the white
boards to laptop , computer and projector , teacher can also convert freehand writing on the white board
into texts and then print it for students.
 Vocational training tools :Such as Computer Based Training (CBT), Computer Aided Design
(CAD),Power Point Presentation (PPT) etc .In the recent years , the use of power point in Mathematics
classroom has significantly increased globally ( Corner & Wong,2004; Bartsch&Cobers,2003). With
the help of power point presentation secondary students’ makes himself more comfortable to present
any topics of Mathematics in hierarchical fashion with graphics. Secondary students preferred power
point over transparencies and likes the slides with large font sizes and easy to view colour contrasts.
 Multimedia :Development in computers , communication , electronic and other multimedia tools
provide a wide range of information . The animation packages to teach various subjects, speech ,
music, multimedia networks ,image enhancements ,etc., create virtual realities and experience and
learners , which is helpful in making learning a more useful and joyfull experience .
 Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) :VLE is a set of teaching and learning tools designed to
enhance a students’ learning experience by including computers and Internet in the learning process
.Instead of going classroom ,teachers and students communicate at a time through an electronic
media such as e-mails ,web conferencing or video conferencing .
 Digital equipments :The digital equipments like cameras , scanners can be used for
information.Digital photographs and recording can be used for electronic and virtual field trips ,
science experiments and demonstration .
 E-Learning :e-learning which refers to the electronic learning promotes innovative strategy in
teaching methods with information of diversified learning environment . E- learning provides materials
and resources such as digital images , sound files , video and online courses. The use of e-learning does
not constitute an enhancement of the quality of teaching and learning , but it is a potential enabler for
such enhancement .
 M-Learning : Mobile learning is termed as m-learning which is enabled by the use of portable
computing devices such as PDA’s , smart phones and Tablet PC’s communicating over
wirelessnetworks . It provides new opportunities for interaction with each other through Short
messaging service (SMS) , downloading the course content where lessons are provided in bit-sized
format .
 E-Journals : There are so many e-journalsavailable on the internet . Students and teachers can easily
access these online journals as an integral component of their learning materials to update their
knowledge .


ISSN-2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020

 Digital Library : Digital library contain programs that the learners may read and download to their
personal computer . Digital library includes e-books ,interactive CDs and teaching tools .


 GeoGebra is a dynamic mathematical software specially designed for the students’ of Mathematics .
This tool merges with algebra , graphs , geometry , spreadsheet , statistics and analysis is an easy to use

 Microsoft Mathematics is open-source software developed by Microsoft . It is a significant tool used by

secondary students’ who are struggling with mathematics problem . It solves most complicated
problem quickly in an easy manner .

 Secondary students’ occasionally use a computer algebra system(CAS)(e.g, Maplesoft, 2005) for
different projects within their courses. By integrating CAS in the mathematics classroom students are
more successful in their lessons. This software easily motivates the students and they spend more time
preparing for the class .

 Dynamic Geometry Software (DGS) :It is a certain type of software which is predominantly used for
construction and analysis of tasks and problems elementary geometry ( Stra Ber,2002)


There are excessive benefits from the using of technology in the classroom instruction. The benefits of this
technological feature in classroom instruction are summarisedbelow .
 Improves efficiency both in teaching and learning
 Increase motivation .
 Paves way for personality development .
 Enables self-paced learning .
 Paves way for personality development .
 Enables self-paced learning .
 Active-participation of students .
 Provides access to wide range of up-to-date learning materials .
 Enriches learning through a combination of audio , video , images , text and animation .
 Enhances learning through interaction and collaboration .
 Provides a platform that engages students.


There are some challenges in ICT implementation in secondary schools effectively which are mentioned below:

 High cost of acquiring , installing ,operating and maintaining ICTs

 Insufficient funds allocated towards ICT implementation in both private and government sector
 Poor internet connectivity mostly in rural areas
 Inadequate power supply in mostly rural areas
 Insufficient trained teachers
 Integration of ICT into curriculum.

ICT is an important tool in the modern educational system . So its proper functioning to enhance the teaching
and learning process is very essential . Careful advanced planning and preparation is required for successful
technology integration in the mathematics class room . For improving teaching-learning process , performance
and academic achievement ICT need to be promoted in the school . Teachers have to be equipped with the skills
and abilities from time to time handle the latest technology which makes a strong impact on students’ learning .
Adequate infrastructure facilities and conclusive atmosphere are outcome for effective learning and retention of
what is learnt . A minority of teachers are still not confident in the using of technology and require further


ISSN-2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 11, 2020

training . School should send their mathematics teachers to seminar and workshop in order to update their
knowledge .

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