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Hector Gonzalez


Writing 2

Writing 2: My Writing Journey

Throughout the class writing 2 I have learned multiple things about writing, reading, and

have evolved my own process of writing. This class took me on a journey and helped me learn

more about writing to improve on it. I struggled in writing throughout my life, but this class

helped me sharpen my skills allowing me to improve overall. My writing process has changed in

multiple ways with the new things I have learned. The final project was the final task allowing

me to use all the skills I have learned throughout my journey in writing 2. In this essay I will

share my experience through this class and how it shaped the way I will write in my future


To begin my way of thinking, reading, and writing has evolved and changed throughout

the course of this class. I learned how to read like a writer. The readings provided in class were

helpful in teaching me. The reading “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn was helpful and

it highlighted more things about reading like a writer.1 Reading like a writer is such an important

skill that I now have after taking this class. I now read not only to finish a book but to learn what

the author did while writing. Doing this helped me adopt techniques that some authors used in

their writing. During this class I tried new methods that were mentioned in writing. For example,

free writing was one of the methods I started using more which helped me write better. The

journals and free writes in class sharpened my free writing skills making it more efficient. Free

writing before actual writing is a must for me after taking this class. It allowed me to just come

up with new ideas without having to brainstorm too much. It gave me somewhere to start and
helped me move on to the next part in writing. Improving my thinking process when reading was

also an important skill I gained. The way I write is completely different now than it was at the

start of the class due to changing my thinking process. Techniques and other material that were

taught in this class were essential for my writing.

The material in Writing 2 included genres, translations, and the writing process. Learning

about genres during class showed me that there is more to just writing. Genres are used in

writing to target an audience. The way I learned more about this is by using it in BP and WP1. I

read academic journals and found their genre and targeted audience. WP2 showed me how to

change one genre to another. This was when translation was introduced and taught. I am now

able to translate a genre to another. This allows me to be more creative and target different

audiences. The best way I learned how to utilize these skills were by doing them and applying

them to my writing process. This is what worked for me to learn and memorize the class material

which I will now be able to use throughout my writing in the future. The pacing of the class was

good because I learned step by step on how to use the material in class. Citation is another thing

that was taught in class, and it was one of the things that was hard for me to learn. Using it over

the course of the class I’ve gotten better at using it for my essays. After taking this class my way

of writing has changed.

My personal writing style went from just focusing on the prompt to being more creative.

Translating was one of the big things that showed me how creative you can really be when

writing. Free writing more often was a different way to be more creative that is really useful for

me to have in my skillset. Free writing allows me to write the way I speak and think. This allows

me to become more creative and unique in my writing. I’ve also changed the way I think by

writing for an audience I want to target. I learned new methods by reading like a writer and using
other writers’ technique. Overall writing for me is easier and flows better. I still need to improve

my writing for the future, but this class was a big step in doing this. The portfolio allowed me to

see how my writing has changed throughout the course of this class. I tried improving my essays

to follow the prompt better and I learned more about translating. The feedback given from

previous essays highlighted areas I need to focus on. I changed things from my WPs that made it

sound better and added information that was missing. With the translation of an academic journal

to a children’s short story I made sure the targeted audience can understand the text. The reading

“Literary Genre Translations” by Cirocco Dunlap taught me that you can translate any genre to

another genre.2 Citation was another area that I got feedback on and I corrected it. With the these

I learned and got feedback of I was able to improve on my essays. The things I have learned in

class is perfect for future writing. I know what is best for me on my writing process and I’ve

learned new skills I could use. This class has been very helpful in showing me new ways to keep

on improving the way I write. The class did a good job on pacing, I never felt like it was too

much or too little when taking this course. It was also engaging even when the class lasted till the


In conclusion, my writing journey in writing 2 has shaped how I approach reading,

thinking, and writing. This class has given me useful skills and different views that have

significantly evolved my writing. From learning how to read like a writer to exploring genres and

translation it improved my writing process. My understanding of translation and genre now

allows me to keep audience engagement. Using techniques such as free writing allowed me to be

more creative and unique. The feedback guided me through my essays and helped me improve

on areas I was lacking in. The portfolio helped me make progress in my journey. With my

experience from writing to I am now more confident in my new skills and techniques I have
learn. These skills and techniques will be essential in my future wring. I am ready for future

writing with the new skills I have learned, and I will be applying them in my writing.
Work cited

Bunn, Mike “How to Read Like a Writer”

Dunlap, Cirocco. n.d. “Literary Genre Translations.” McSweeney’s Internet Tendency.

Accessed March 6, 2024.

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