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Mons. Vicente Zazpe 2790 – S 3000 CXJ Santa Fe – Tel.: (0342) 4582288 - 4594061
Javier de la Rosa 597 – S 3004 AZI – Tel.: (0342) 4601395 – 4191395 –

2nd YEAR Score:

A: %
Term Exam – July 2022
B: %
Name and surname: ____________________________________________________
C: %
D: %
A.1. Listen to a radio programme and choose the correct answer. There is an example
(0). ________

0. The programme is about a tour to Gl: %

a. the Buckingham Palace
b. the Kensington Palace
1. The tour includes
a. the nineteen State Rooms in the Palace
b. all of the rooms except the bathrooms
2. The speaker, Finley, says that the State Rooms have
a. a few nice objects
b. a lot of nice of objects
3. His favourite thing on the tour is
a. a famous painting
b. an old staircase
4. The rooms for special occasions are
a. a Music Room and three Drawing Rooms
b. the Ball Room and a Picture Gallery
5. Today the Palace often serves dinner for a lot of people in
a. the Music Room
b. the Ball Room
6. The Throne Room is
a. where the Queen takes photographs
b. for official ceremonies
7. A photographer took a photo of Prince William in the Throne Room just after
a. he got married
b. he finished university
8. You can also visit the gardens
a. when the weather is nice
b. paying a little more money
9. In the gardens, one of the Kings of England used to
a. play tennis
b. plant trees and flowers
10. At the end of your visit, you can
a. swim in the lake
b. drink some tea

0. a 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

AACI Santa Fe 1 2nd YEAR – Term Exam July 2022


B.1. Read the article and choose the best answer A, B or C. There is an example (0).

Meals in England – a guide for visitors

Meals and snacks

Breakfast, lunch and dinner are the three main meals. A lot of workers have a 10-
minute break in the morning (one name for them is ‘elevenses’) when they stop
work to enjoy a cup of tea (or coffee) with a biscuit. They have a similar break for a
drink and a snack in the afternoon. Many hotels and restaurants in England serve ‘afternoon tea’ between 2-
5 pm. This is a light meal of tea, sandwiches and cakes and it’s very popular with shoppers and tourists.


A traditional full English breakfast is what many hotels serve to guests. It includes egg, bacon, sausage,
beans, mushrooms, tomatoes and toast, with tea or coffee and it contains around 1,000 calories (women
need 2,000 calories a day, and men need around 2,500). However, most people start their working day with
a piece of toast or some cereal- some don’t have anything at all.


Lunch is between midday and 1.30 pm, and in England people are more likely to have a smaller meal in the
middle of the day. For example, a sandwich or a packet of crisps, or a takeaway, which they can eat at their
desks. They often work while they eat. If it’s someone’s birthday, a group of people who work together might
go to a restaurant or a pub for lunch.


Dinner (also called ‘supper’ in the south of the country and ‘tea’ in the north) is the biggest meal of the day
and we have between 6 and 8 pm. In the past, the traditional evening meal was ‘meat and two veg
(vegetables)’ then a pudding, and, on Fridays, a lot of people ate fish. Today, many families eat a traditional
dinner on Sundays, but during the rest of the week we like to cook lots of different things, including food from
other countries. Indian food is now more popular in England than food and chips. Around two million of us go
to Indian restaurants every week!

0. The guide is for ___C____ .

A. English people visiting other countries
B. hotel owners
C. visitors from other countries
1. People stop work in the middle of ________ for ‘elevenses’.
A. the day
B. the morning
C. the afternoon
2. You eat cake ________ .
A. before breakfast
B. in the afternoon
C. before bed
3. There are around ________ calories in a full English breakfast.
A. 1,000
B. 2,000
C. 2,500
4. Most workers have ________ for breakfast.
A. a traditional breakfast
B. nothing at all
C. toast or cereal

AACI Santa Fe 2 2nd YEAR – Term Exam July 2022

5. People often have lunch ________ . a takeaway
B. in a restaurant
C. at work
6. In the past, many people ate fish at the _________ .
A. beginning of the week
B. end of the week
C. weekend
B.2. Read the text again and underline the correct answer. There is an example.
0. People have three / five main meals a day.
1. ‘Elevenses’ is a small snack / big meal.
2. A lot of hotels in England serve / don’t serve big breakfasts nowadays.
3. There aren’t any vegetables / isn’t any cereal in a full English breakfast.
4. People sometimes don’t stop work to eat their lunch / dinner.
5. Pubs are open / closed in the middle of the day.
6. People in the south of England supper at midday / in the evening.
7. You have ‘pudding’ at the beginning / end of a meal.
8. Fish and chips are more / less popular now than they were in the past.
9. 2,000,000 eat in Indian / English restaurants every week.


C.1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences. There is an example (0).
0. I think we should make __________ lasagne today.
a. much b. a c. An
1. This is a terrible restaurant. The food is ____________
a. Lovely b. interesting c. disgusting
2. The bus ____________ saw us running and waited for us
a. Player b. Driver c. Reporter
3. We’re watching a really ____________ film. I think I might fall asleep.
a. boring b. exciting c. strange
4. Sally couldn’t find us in the house because we ____________ at home.
a. wasn’t b. couldn’t c. weren’t
5. Skiing can be dangerous because you might break a ____________ .
a. Bone b. Throat c. cought
6. Anna never talks to me. She’s ____________ .
a. intolerant b. unfriendly c. inaccurate
7. Are you a good ____________ ? I love being in the pool.
a. Runner b. rider c. Swimmer
8. I can’t go swimming with you. I ____________ a lot of homework for tomorrow.
a. Have to do b. Should do c. do
9. I’m really sorry that I ____________ help.
a. Couldn’t b. wasn’t c. could
10. Oscar is looking at some __________ in the shopping centre
a. Purchases b. Bargains c. Debt

AACI Santa Fe 3 2nd YEAR – Term Exam July 2022

C.2 Complete the text with the words in the box. There is an example (0)

more expensive - don’t have - shorter - more convenient - The largest -

food - cheapest - many - online - quicker - better

Tesco is 0 the largest supermarket in the UK that also offers 1

__________ shopping. Some people order their 2 _________
online because it’s 3____________ than going shopping in the
store. They 4 __________ time to shop or just think that shopping
online is 5____________ and 6____________ than driving to and
shopping in a supermarket. There are 7 _________ advantages to
online food shopping, such as spending a 8____________ time
shopping and not standing in queues. But some people say that
shopping online can be 9____________ because you can’t buy
the very 10____________ in-store bargains online.



-Contextualise writing tasks, but keep the rubric short and to the point.
- Use the syllabus as reference for text types included.


1st Year 40/50
2nd Year 50/60
3rd Year 70
4th Year 70/80
5th Year 100
6th Years 100/120

3rd Juniors 60
4th Juniors 80
5th Juniors 100

Adults 1 60
Adults 2 60/70
Adults 3 70/80
Adults 4 100
Adults 5 100/120
AACI Santa Fe 4 2nd YEAR – Term Exam July 2022
2nd YEAR – Term Exam July 2022
Mark Scheme, Key and Sources
Units to be tested:


A. 1. Listen to a radio programme and choose the correct answer. (10 marks)
Source: adapted from Solutions Elementary 3rd Edition- Workbook- Cumulative review 5- Page 116- Track 2.27
1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.a 10.b
Source: adapted from English File Elementary 3rd Edition – File test unit 9
B.1. Read the article and choose the best answer A, B or C. (6 marks)
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. B
B.2. Read the text again and underline the correct answer. (9 marks)
1. small snack
2. serve
3. isn’t any cereal
4. lunch
5. open
6. in the evening
7. at the end
8. less
9. Indian

C. USE OF ENGLISH (… m = 25%)

AACI Santa Fe 5 2nd YEAR – Term Exam July 2022
C.1. ... (… m)

C.2. ... (… m)

C.3. ... (… m)

D.WRITING (10 m= 25%)

D.1. … (10m)

Mark Scheme guidelines

Examples of detailed Mark Schemes for tasks which require production on the part of the students
(either in the Listening or Reading or Use of English components):

 Spelling must be correct for students to be awarded 1 point.

 Recognisable spellings (“atractions” for “attractions”, for example) will carry ½ point.
 The absence of the plural form in item 3 will carry ½ point.
 If students write “has” instead of “have” in item 4, they will get ½ point (In a transformations task, for
example, if suitable).
 The absence of the plural form in item 3 will not affect the mark / For the students to get a full mark, the
word must fit the sentence grammatically.
 For the students to get the full mark, they must write the prefixes / suffixes correctly.

Another possibility is to state the marks to be awarded in case of mistakes alongside the item in the
Mark Scheme:
4- were arrested by (was arrested by → ½ point)
1- attractions (atraction → ½ point)
2- unemployed (inemployed or any other wrong prefix: 0 points)

Notes: These are, of course, just examples. Teachers should try to anticipate the students’ answers and
agree on the most suitable way to design the Mark Scheme taking into account the construct or language
specifications they are assessing.

AACI Santa Fe 6 2nd YEAR – Term Exam July 2022

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