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1. Difficult concepts (list as many as you can)

a. History Revolution in the study of science.

b. Effect of historical study to the next generations.

2. Learning Insights (min. of 3 insights and max of 5.)

a. Before reading the article, I thought that every scientific theory is all about truth.

However, after reading the article, I now learned that there is no such thing
because when there is a truth there is a false hood.

b. Before reading the article, I thought that many names will appear and their
scientific revolutionary.

However, after reading the article, I now think/learned that as the time pass by
there will be change or should we say a revolution over something.

c. Before reading the article, I thought that it scientific that had made up before
cannot be replaced by a new one.

However, after reading the article, I now think/learned that it is possible to

replace or change the old one to new. We know that as the time passes the
perspective before will be different to modern times.

3. Discussion Question (list as many as you can)

a. Discuss why there is a change in terms of scientific theories.

b. Why other scientist/philosophers change the scientific theories of the old ones.

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