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(homeo = same; stasis = standing)

•‘Homeostasis’ refers to the maintenance of constant internal environment of the body.(eg. Body temp.)

•The word ‘homeostasis’ was introduced by Harvard Professor, Walter B Cannon in 1930.

• Internal environment in the body is the extracellular fluid (ECF) in which the cells live, which
constantly moves throughout the body.

•ECF includes blood (circulates in the vascular system) and interstitial Fluid
(fluid present in between the cells ).
•ECF contains nutrients, ions and all other substances necessary for the survival of the cells.

•Normal healthy living of large organisms including human beings depends upon the constant
Maintenance of internal environment within the physiological limits. If the internal environment
deviates beyond the set limits, body suffers from malfunction or dysfunction.

• the ultimate goal of an organism is to have a normal healthy living, which is achieved by the
maintenance of internal environment within set limits.
•The respiratory system, blood and kidney help in the regulation of pH. Which is 7.4 ( less- acidosis,
High – alkosis ) (deviation – cell proper not work)
•The skin, respiratory system, digestive system, excretory system, skeletal muscles and nervous
system are involved in maintaining the temperature within normal limits.(37.5°C)(skin- vasodilation vessles)

• Pancreas regulate blood glucose levels with in the release of insulin or glucogen.

• Digestive system and circulatory system play major role in supply of nutrients to cell.

• Respiratory system supply oxygen to body cells and remove carbon dioxide from body.

• Kidney are involved in excretion of waste products.

• Hormones are to be synthesized and released from endocrine glands in appropriate quantities.
• Kidney , skin , salivary gland and GIT tract regulate water and electrolyte balance in the body.( for
osmolarity, deheydrated, over hydration)

• Blood - major part of internal environment must contain required number of normal red
blood cells and plasma for transportation of nutritive substances, respiratory gases, metabolic
and other waste products.

• Central nervous system( brain and spinal cord also) plays an important role in homeostasis.
Sensory system detects ( deviation ) the state of the body or surroundings.

• Autonomic nervous system regulates all the vegetative functions of the body essential for

•Homeostatic mechanism in the body is responsible for maintaining the normalcy of various body systems.

•Whenever there is any change in the body , detectors or sensors detect ( present –skin , nerve) the
deviation and alert the control center (brain, CNS, ANS). The integrating center immediately
sends information to the concerned effectors to either accelerate or inhibit the activity to restore the normalcy.

Components of homeostatic system

Two types of feedback:
1. Negative feedback
2. Positive feedback.
1. Positive feedback - effectors(target gland,organ , area) sends positive feedback signals to the
system in such a way as to increase the intensity. Positive feedback is less common than the
negative feedback.
• One of the positive feedbacks occurs during the blood clotting.
The three stages are:
i. Formation of prothrombin activator
ii. Conversion of prothrombin into thrombin
iii. Conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin.

Positive feedback mechanism – coagulation of blood.

Other processes where positive feedback occurs are milk ejection reflex and parturition and both the
processes involve oxytocin secretion.

Positive feedback mechanism – parturition

Negative feedback – effectors sends negative feedback signals back to the system, in such a way
As to arrest the change or slow or reverse the direction of change to stabilizer its own function. After
receiving a message, effectors send negative feedback signals back to the system. Now, the system
stabilizes its own function and makes an attempt to maintain homeostasis.


Negative feedback mechanism – secretion of thyroxine.

Regulate sodium and water balance

Negative feedback mechanism – maintenance of water balance.

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